Updated Create a simple app (markdown)

NotPike 2022-01-08 21:52:27 -05:00
parent 4629478015
commit d814ce786c

@ -713,8 +713,8 @@ The code bellow is an example OOK TX application using [`TransmitterModel`](http
void NewAppView::start_tx(std::string& message) // Message input as "101101"
size_t bitstream_length = make_bitstream(message); // Function from encoders.hpp. Sets message to
// TX data pointer via...
size_t bitstream_length = make_bitstream(message); // Function from encoders.hpp. Encodes then
// sets message to TX data pointer via...
// uint8_t * bitstream = shared_memory.bb_data.data;
// on line 34 of encoders.cpp and returns length.