package main import ( "context" "encoding/json" "path" "reflect" "sort" "" "" "" "" "" ) var cmdDiff = &cobra.Command{ Use: "diff [flags] snapshot-ID snapshot-ID", Short: "Show differences between two snapshots", Long: ` The "diff" command shows differences from the first to the second snapshot. The first characters in each line display what has happened to a particular file or directory: * + The item was added * - The item was removed * U The metadata (access mode, timestamps, ...) for the item was updated * M The file's content was modified * T The type was changed, e.g. a file was made a symlink EXIT STATUS =========== Exit status is 0 if the command was successful, and non-zero if there was any error. `, DisableAutoGenTag: true, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { return runDiff(globalCtx(), diffOptions, globalOptions, args) }, } // DiffOptions collects all options for the diff command. type DiffOptions struct { ShowMetadata bool } var diffOptions DiffOptions func init() { cmdRoot.AddCommand(cmdDiff) f := cmdDiff.Flags() f.BoolVar(&diffOptions.ShowMetadata, "metadata", false, "print changes in metadata") } func loadSnapshot(ctx context.Context, be restic.Lister, repo restic.Repository, desc string) (*restic.Snapshot, error) { id, err := restic.FindSnapshot(ctx, be, desc) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Fatal(err.Error()) } return restic.LoadSnapshot(ctx, repo, id) } // Comparer collects all things needed to compare two snapshots. type Comparer struct { repo restic.Repository opts DiffOptions printChange func(change *Change) } type Change struct { MessageType string `json:"message_type"` // "change" Path string `json:"path"` Modifier string `json:"modifier"` } func NewChange(path string, mode string) *Change { return &Change{MessageType: "change", Path: path, Modifier: mode} } // DiffStat collects stats for all types of items. type DiffStat struct { Files int `json:"files"` Dirs int `json:"dirs"` Others int `json:"others"` DataBlobs int `json:"data_blobs"` TreeBlobs int `json:"tree_blobs"` Bytes uint64 `json:"bytes"` } // Add adds stats information for node to s. func (s *DiffStat) Add(node *restic.Node) { if node == nil { return } switch node.Type { case "file": s.Files++ case "dir": s.Dirs++ default: s.Others++ } } // addBlobs adds the blobs of node to s. func addBlobs(bs restic.BlobSet, node *restic.Node) { if node == nil { return } switch node.Type { case "file": for _, blob := range node.Content { h := restic.BlobHandle{ ID: blob, Type: restic.DataBlob, } bs.Insert(h) } case "dir": h := restic.BlobHandle{ ID: *node.Subtree, Type: restic.TreeBlob, } bs.Insert(h) } } type DiffStatsContainer struct { MessageType string `json:"message_type"` // "statistics" SourceSnapshot string `json:"source_snapshot"` TargetSnapshot string `json:"target_snapshot"` ChangedFiles int `json:"changed_files"` Added DiffStat `json:"added"` Removed DiffStat `json:"removed"` BlobsBefore, BlobsAfter, BlobsCommon restic.BlobSet `json:"-"` } // updateBlobs updates the blob counters in the stats struct. func updateBlobs(repo restic.Repository, blobs restic.BlobSet, stats *DiffStat) { for h := range blobs { switch h.Type { case restic.DataBlob: stats.DataBlobs++ case restic.TreeBlob: stats.TreeBlobs++ } size, found := repo.LookupBlobSize(h.ID, h.Type) if !found { Warnf("unable to find blob size for %v\n", h) continue } stats.Bytes += uint64(size) } } func (c *Comparer) printDir(ctx context.Context, mode string, stats *DiffStat, blobs restic.BlobSet, prefix string, id restic.ID) error { debug.Log("print %v tree %v", mode, id) tree, err := restic.LoadTree(ctx, c.repo, id) if err != nil { return err } for _, node := range tree.Nodes { name := path.Join(prefix, node.Name) if node.Type == "dir" { name += "/" } c.printChange(NewChange(name, mode)) stats.Add(node) addBlobs(blobs, node) if node.Type == "dir" { err := c.printDir(ctx, mode, stats, blobs, name, *node.Subtree) if err != nil { Warnf("error: %v\n", err) } } } return nil } func (c *Comparer) collectDir(ctx context.Context, blobs restic.BlobSet, id restic.ID) error { debug.Log("print tree %v", id) tree, err := restic.LoadTree(ctx, c.repo, id) if err != nil { return err } for _, node := range tree.Nodes { addBlobs(blobs, node) if node.Type == "dir" { err := c.collectDir(ctx, blobs, *node.Subtree) if err != nil { Warnf("error: %v\n", err) } } } return nil } func uniqueNodeNames(tree1, tree2 *restic.Tree) (tree1Nodes, tree2Nodes map[string]*restic.Node, uniqueNames []string) { names := make(map[string]struct{}) tree1Nodes = make(map[string]*restic.Node) for _, node := range tree1.Nodes { tree1Nodes[node.Name] = node names[node.Name] = struct{}{} } tree2Nodes = make(map[string]*restic.Node) for _, node := range tree2.Nodes { tree2Nodes[node.Name] = node names[node.Name] = struct{}{} } uniqueNames = make([]string, 0, len(names)) for name := range names { uniqueNames = append(uniqueNames, name) } sort.Strings(uniqueNames) return tree1Nodes, tree2Nodes, uniqueNames } func (c *Comparer) diffTree(ctx context.Context, stats *DiffStatsContainer, prefix string, id1, id2 restic.ID) error { debug.Log("diffing %v to %v", id1, id2) tree1, err := restic.LoadTree(ctx, c.repo, id1) if err != nil { return err } tree2, err := restic.LoadTree(ctx, c.repo, id2) if err != nil { return err } tree1Nodes, tree2Nodes, names := uniqueNodeNames(tree1, tree2) for _, name := range names { node1, t1 := tree1Nodes[name] node2, t2 := tree2Nodes[name] addBlobs(stats.BlobsBefore, node1) addBlobs(stats.BlobsAfter, node2) switch { case t1 && t2: name := path.Join(prefix, name) mod := "" if node1.Type != node2.Type { mod += "T" } if node2.Type == "dir" { name += "/" } if node1.Type == "file" && node2.Type == "file" && !reflect.DeepEqual(node1.Content, node2.Content) { mod += "M" stats.ChangedFiles++ } else if c.opts.ShowMetadata && !node1.Equals(*node2) { mod += "U" } if mod != "" { c.printChange(NewChange(name, mod)) } if node1.Type == "dir" && node2.Type == "dir" { var err error if (*node1.Subtree).Equal(*node2.Subtree) { err = c.collectDir(ctx, stats.BlobsCommon, *node1.Subtree) } else { err = c.diffTree(ctx, stats, name, *node1.Subtree, *node2.Subtree) } if err != nil { Warnf("error: %v\n", err) } } case t1 && !t2: prefix := path.Join(prefix, name) if node1.Type == "dir" { prefix += "/" } c.printChange(NewChange(prefix, "-")) stats.Removed.Add(node1) if node1.Type == "dir" { err := c.printDir(ctx, "-", &stats.Removed, stats.BlobsBefore, prefix, *node1.Subtree) if err != nil { Warnf("error: %v\n", err) } } case !t1 && t2: prefix := path.Join(prefix, name) if node2.Type == "dir" { prefix += "/" } c.printChange(NewChange(prefix, "+")) stats.Added.Add(node2) if node2.Type == "dir" { err := c.printDir(ctx, "+", &stats.Added, stats.BlobsAfter, prefix, *node2.Subtree) if err != nil { Warnf("error: %v\n", err) } } } } return nil } func runDiff(ctx context.Context, opts DiffOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, args []string) error { if len(args) != 2 { return errors.Fatalf("specify two snapshot IDs") } repo, err := OpenRepository(ctx, gopts) if err != nil { return err } if !gopts.NoLock { var lock *restic.Lock lock, ctx, err = lockRepo(ctx, repo) defer unlockRepo(lock) if err != nil { return err } } // cache snapshots listing be, err := backend.MemorizeList(ctx, repo.Backend(), restic.SnapshotFile) if err != nil { return err } sn1, err := loadSnapshot(ctx, be, repo, args[0]) if err != nil { return err } sn2, err := loadSnapshot(ctx, be, repo, args[1]) if err != nil { return err } if !gopts.JSON { Verbosef("comparing snapshot %v to %v:\n\n", sn1.ID().Str(), sn2.ID().Str()) } if err = repo.LoadIndex(ctx); err != nil { return err } if sn1.Tree == nil { return errors.Errorf("snapshot %v has nil tree", sn1.ID().Str()) } if sn2.Tree == nil { return errors.Errorf("snapshot %v has nil tree", sn2.ID().Str()) } c := &Comparer{ repo: repo, opts: diffOptions, printChange: func(change *Change) { Printf("%-5s%v\n", change.Modifier, change.Path) }, } if gopts.JSON { enc := json.NewEncoder(gopts.stdout) c.printChange = func(change *Change) { err := enc.Encode(change) if err != nil { Warnf("JSON encode failed: %v\n", err) } } } if gopts.Quiet { c.printChange = func(change *Change) {} } stats := &DiffStatsContainer{ MessageType: "statistics", SourceSnapshot: args[0], TargetSnapshot: args[1], BlobsBefore: restic.NewBlobSet(), BlobsAfter: restic.NewBlobSet(), BlobsCommon: restic.NewBlobSet(), } stats.BlobsBefore.Insert(restic.BlobHandle{Type: restic.TreeBlob, ID: *sn1.Tree}) stats.BlobsAfter.Insert(restic.BlobHandle{Type: restic.TreeBlob, ID: *sn2.Tree}) err = c.diffTree(ctx, stats, "/", *sn1.Tree, *sn2.Tree) if err != nil { return err } both := stats.BlobsBefore.Intersect(stats.BlobsAfter) updateBlobs(repo, stats.BlobsBefore.Sub(both).Sub(stats.BlobsCommon), &stats.Removed) updateBlobs(repo, stats.BlobsAfter.Sub(both).Sub(stats.BlobsCommon), &stats.Added) if gopts.JSON { err := json.NewEncoder(gopts.stdout).Encode(stats) if err != nil { Warnf("JSON encode failed: %v\n", err) } } else { Printf("\n") Printf("Files: %5d new, %5d removed, %5d changed\n", stats.Added.Files, stats.Removed.Files, stats.ChangedFiles) Printf("Dirs: %5d new, %5d removed\n", stats.Added.Dirs, stats.Removed.Dirs) Printf("Others: %5d new, %5d removed\n", stats.Added.Others, stats.Removed.Others) Printf("Data Blobs: %5d new, %5d removed\n", stats.Added.DataBlobs, stats.Removed.DataBlobs) Printf("Tree Blobs: %5d new, %5d removed\n", stats.Added.TreeBlobs, stats.Removed.TreeBlobs) Printf(" Added: %-5s\n", formatBytes(uint64(stats.Added.Bytes))) Printf(" Removed: %-5s\n", formatBytes(uint64(stats.Removed.Bytes))) } return nil }