Changelog for restic 0.9.5 (2019-04-23)

The following sections list the changes in restic 0.9.5 relevant to
restic users. The changes are ordered by importance.


 * Fix #2135: Return error when no bytes could be read from stdin
 * Fix #2181: Don't cancel timeout after 30 seconds for self-update
 * Fix #2203: Fix reading passwords from stdin
 * Fix #2224: Don't abort the find command when a tree can't be loaded
 * Enh #1895: Add case insensitive include & exclude options
 * Enh #1937: Support streaming JSON output for backup
 * Enh #2155: Add Openstack application credential auth for Swift
 * Enh #2184: Add --json support to forget command
 * Enh #2037: Add group-by option to snapshots command
 * Enh #2124: Ability to dump folders to tar via stdout
 * Enh #2139: Return error if no bytes could be read for `backup --stdin`
 * Enh #2205: Add --ignore-inode option to backup cmd
 * Enh #2220: Add config option to set S3 storage class


 * Bugfix #2135: Return error when no bytes could be read from stdin

   We assume that users reading backup data from stdin want to know when no data could be read, so now
   restic returns an error when `backup --stdin` is called but no bytes could be read. Usually,
   this means that an earlier command in a pipe has failed. The documentation was amended and now
   recommends setting the `pipefail` option (`set -o pipefail`).

 * Bugfix #2181: Don't cancel timeout after 30 seconds for self-update

 * Bugfix #2203: Fix reading passwords from stdin

   Passwords for the `init`, `key add`, and `key passwd` commands can now be read from
   non-terminal stdin.

 * Bugfix #2224: Don't abort the find command when a tree can't be loaded

   Change the find command so that missing trees don't result in a crash. Instead, the error is
   logged to the debug log, and the tree ID is displayed along with the snapshot it belongs to. This
   makes it possible to recover repositories that are missing trees by forgetting the snapshots
   they are used in.

 * Enhancement #1895: Add case insensitive include & exclude options

   The backup and restore commands now have --iexclude and --iinclude flags as case insensitive
   variants of --exclude and --include.

 * Enhancement #1937: Support streaming JSON output for backup

   We've added support for getting machine-readable status output during backup, just pass the
   flag `--json` for `restic backup` and restic will output a stream of JSON objects which contain
   the current progress.

 * Enhancement #2155: Add Openstack application credential auth for Swift

   Since Openstack Queens Identity (auth V3) service supports an application credential auth
   method. It allows to create a technical account with the limited roles. This commit adds an
   application credential authentication method for the Swift backend.

 * Enhancement #2184: Add --json support to forget command

   The forget command now supports the --json argument, outputting the information about what is
   (or would-be) kept and removed from the repository.

 * Enhancement #2037: Add group-by option to snapshots command

   We have added an option to group the output of the snapshots command, similar to the output of the
   forget command. The option has been called "--group-by" and accepts any combination of the
   values "host", "paths" and "tags", separated by commas. Default behavior (not specifying
   --group-by) has not been changed. We have added support of the grouping to the JSON output.

 * Enhancement #2124: Ability to dump folders to tar via stdout

   We've added the ability to dump whole folders to stdout via the `dump` command. Restic now
   requires at least Go 1.10 due to a limitation of the standard library for Go <= 1.9.

 * Enhancement #2139: Return error if no bytes could be read for `backup --stdin`

   When restic is used to backup the output of a program, like `mysqldump | restic backup --stdin`,
   it now returns an error if no bytes could be read at all. This catches the failure case when
   `mysqldump` failed for some reason and did not output any data to stdout.

 * Enhancement #2205: Add --ignore-inode option to backup cmd

   This option handles backup of virtual filesystems that do not keep fixed inodes for files, like
   Fuse-based, pCloud, etc. Ignoring inode changes allows to consider the file as unchanged if
   last modification date and size are unchanged.

 * Enhancement #2220: Add config option to set S3 storage class

   The `` option can be passed to restic (using `-o`) to specify the storage
   class to be used for S3 objects created by restic.

   The storage class is passed as-is to S3, so it needs to be understood by the API. On AWS, it can be
   `REDUCED_REDUNDANCY`. If unspecified, the default storage class is used (`STANDARD` on

   You can mix storage classes in the same bucket, and the setting isn't stored in the restic
   repository, so be sure to specify it with each command that writes to S3.

Changelog for restic 0.9.4 (2019-01-06)

The following sections list the changes in restic 0.9.4 relevant to
restic users. The changes are ordered by importance.


 * Fix #1989: Google Cloud Storage: Respect bandwidth limit
 * Fix #2040: Add host name filter shorthand flag for `stats` command
 * Fix #2068: Correctly return error loading data
 * Fix #2095: Consistently use local time for snapshots times
 * Enh #1605: Concurrent restore
 * Enh #2089: Increase granularity of the "keep within" retention policy
 * Enh #2097: Add key hinting
 * Enh #2017: Mount: Enforce FUSE Unix permissions with allow-other
 * Enh #2070: Make all commands display timestamps in local time
 * Enh #2085: Allow --files-from to be specified multiple times
 * Enh #2094: Run command to get password


 * Bugfix #1989: Google Cloud Storage: Respect bandwidth limit

   The GCS backend did not respect the bandwidth limit configured, a previous commit
   accidentally removed support for it.

 * Bugfix #2040: Add host name filter shorthand flag for `stats` command

   The default value for `--host` flag was set to 'H' (the shorthand version of the flag), this
   caused the lookup for the latest snapshot to fail.

   Add shorthand flag `-H` for `--host` (with empty default so if these flags are not specified the
   latest snapshot will not filter by host name).

   Also add shorthand `-H` for `backup` command.

 * Bugfix #2068: Correctly return error loading data

   In one case during `prune` and `check`, an error loading data from the backend is not returned
   properly. This is now corrected.

 * Bugfix #2095: Consistently use local time for snapshots times

   By default snapshots created with restic backup were set to local time, but when the --time flag
   was used the provided timestamp was parsed as UTC. With this change all snapshots times are set
   to local time.

 * Enhancement #1605: Concurrent restore

   This change significantly improves restore performance, especially when using
   high-latency remote repositories like B2.

   The implementation now uses several concurrent threads to download and process multiple
   remote files concurrently. To further reduce restore time, each remote file is downloaded
   using a single repository request.

 * Enhancement #2089: Increase granularity of the "keep within" retention policy

   The `keep-within` option of the `forget` command now accepts time ranges with an hourly
   granularity. For example, running `restic forget --keep-within 3d12h` will keep all the
   snapshots made within three days and twelve hours from the time of the latest snapshot.

 * Enhancement #2097: Add key hinting

   Added a new option `--key-hint` and corresponding environment variable `RESTIC_KEY_HINT`.
   The key hint is a key ID to try decrypting first, before other keys in the repository.

   This change will benefit repositories with many keys; if the correct key hint is supplied then
   restic only needs to check one key. If the key hint is incorrect (the key does not exist, or the
   password is incorrect) then restic will check all keys, as usual.

 * Enhancement #2017: Mount: Enforce FUSE Unix permissions with allow-other

   The fuse mount (`restic mount`) now lets the kernel check the permissions of the files within
   snapshots (this is done through the `DefaultPermissions` FUSE option) when the option
   `--allow-other` is specified.

   To restore the old behavior, we've added the `--no-default-permissions` option. This allows
   all users that have access to the mount point to access all files within the snapshots.

 * Enhancement #2070: Make all commands display timestamps in local time

   Restic used to drop the timezone information from displayed timestamps, it now converts
   timestamps to local time before printing them so the times can be easily compared to.

 * Enhancement #2085: Allow --files-from to be specified multiple times

   Before, restic took only the last file specified with `--files-from` into account, this is now

 * Enhancement #2094: Run command to get password

   We've added the `--password-command` option which allows specifying a command that restic
   runs every time the password for the repository is needed, so it can be integrated with a
   password manager or keyring. The option can also be set via the environment variable

Changelog for restic 0.9.3 (2018-10-13)

The following sections list the changes in restic 0.9.3 relevant to
restic users. The changes are ordered by importance.


 * Fix #1935: Remove truncated files from cache
 * Fix #1978: Do not return an error when the scanner is slower than backup
 * Enh #1766: Restore: suppress lchown errors when not running as root
 * Enh #1909: Reject files/dirs by name first
 * Enh #1940: Add directory filter to ls command
 * Enh #1967: Use `--host` everywhere
 * Enh #2028: Display size of cache directories
 * Enh #1777: Improve the `find` command
 * Enh #1876: Display reason why forget keeps snapshots
 * Enh #1891: Accept glob in paths loaded via --files-from
 * Enh #1920: Vendor dependencies with Go 1.11 Modules
 * Enh #1949: Add new command `self-update`
 * Enh #1953: Ls: Add JSON output support for restic ls cmd
 * Enh #1962: Stream JSON output for ls command


 * Bugfix #1935: Remove truncated files from cache

   When a file in the local cache is truncated, and restic tries to access data beyond the end of the
   (cached) file, it used to return an error "EOF". This is now fixed, such truncated files are
   removed and the data is fetched directly from the backend.

 * Bugfix #1978: Do not return an error when the scanner is slower than backup

   When restic makes a backup, there's a background task called "scanner" which collects
   information on how many files and directories are to be saved, in order to display progress
   information to the user. When the backup finishes faster than the scanner, it is aborted
   because the result is not needed any more. This logic contained a bug, where quitting the
   scanner process was treated as an error, and caused restic to print an unhelpful error message
   ("context canceled").

 * Enhancement #1766: Restore: suppress lchown errors when not running as root

   Like "cp" and "rsync" do, restic now only reports errors for changing the ownership of files
   during restore if it is run as root, on non-Windows operating systems. On Windows, the error
   is reported as usual.

 * Enhancement #1909: Reject files/dirs by name first

   The current scanner/archiver code had an architectural limitation: it always ran the
   `lstat()` system call on all files and directories before a decision to include/exclude the
   file/dir was made. This lead to a lot of unnecessary system calls for items that could have been
   rejected by their name or path only.

   We've changed the archiver/scanner implementation so that it now first rejects by name/path,
   and only runs the system call on the remaining items. This reduces the number of `lstat()`
   system calls a lot (depending on the exclude settings).

 * Enhancement #1940: Add directory filter to ls command

   The ls command can now be filtered by directories, so that only files in the given directories
   will be shown. If the --recursive flag is specified, then ls will traverse subfolders and list
   their files as well.

   It used to be possible to specify multiple snapshots, but that has been replaced by only one
   snapshot and the possibility of specifying multiple directories.

   Specifying directories constrains the walk, which can significantly speed up the listing.

 * Enhancement #1967: Use `--host` everywhere

   We now use the flag `--host` for all commands which need a host name, using `--hostname` (e.g.
   for `restic backup`) still works, but will print a deprecation warning. Also, add the short
   option `-H` where possible.

 * Enhancement #2028: Display size of cache directories

   The `cache` command now by default shows the size of the individual cache directories. It can be
   disabled with `--no-size`.

 * Enhancement #1777: Improve the `find` command

   We've updated the `find` command to support multiple patterns.

   `restic find` is now able to list the snapshots containing a specific tree or blob, or even the
   snapshots that contain blobs belonging to a given pack. A list of IDs can be given, as long as they
   all have the same type.

   The command `find` can also display the pack IDs the blobs belong to, if the `--show-pack-id`
   flag is provided.

 * Enhancement #1876: Display reason why forget keeps snapshots

   We've added a column to the list of snapshots `forget` keeps which details the reasons to keep a
   particuliar snapshot. This makes debugging policies for forget much easier. Please remember
   to always try things out with `--dry-run`!

 * Enhancement #1891: Accept glob in paths loaded via --files-from

   Before that, behaviour was different if paths were appended to command line or from a file,
   because wild card characters were expanded by shell if appended to command line, but not
   expanded if loaded from file.

 * Enhancement #1920: Vendor dependencies with Go 1.11 Modules

   Until now, we've used `dep` for managing dependencies, we've now switch to using Go modules.
   For users this does not change much, only if you want to compile restic without downloading
   anything with Go 1.11, then you need to run: `go build -mod=vendor build.go`

 * Enhancement #1949: Add new command `self-update`

   We have added a new command called `self-update` which downloads the latest released version
   of restic from GitHub and replaces the current binary with it. It does not rely on any external
   program (so it'll work everywhere), but still verifies the GPG signature using the embedded
   GPG public key.

   By default, the `self-update` command is hidden behind the `selfupdate` built tag, which is
   only set when restic is built using `build.go` (including official releases). The reason for
   this is that downstream distributions will then not include the command by default, so users
   are encouraged to use the platform-specific distribution mechanism.

 * Enhancement #1953: Ls: Add JSON output support for restic ls cmd

   We've implemented listing files in the repository with JSON as output, just pass `--json` as an
   option to `restic ls`. This makes the output of the command machine readable.

 * Enhancement #1962: Stream JSON output for ls command

   The `ls` command now supports JSON output with the global `--json` flag, and this change
   streams out JSON messages one object at a time rather than en entire array buffered in memory
   before encoding. The advantage is it allows large listings to be handled efficiently.

   Two message types are printed: snapshots and nodes. A snapshot object will precede node
   objects which belong to that snapshot. The `struct_type` field can be used to determine which
   kind of message an object is.

Changelog for restic 0.9.2 (2018-08-06)

The following sections list the changes in restic 0.9.2 relevant to
restic users. The changes are ordered by importance.


 * Fix #1854: Allow saving files/dirs on different fs with `--one-file-system`
 * Fix #1870: Fix restore with --include
 * Fix #1880: Use `--cache-dir` argument for `check` command
 * Fix #1893: Return error when exclude file cannot be read
 * Fix #1861: Fix case-insensitive search with restic find
 * Enh #1906: Add support for B2 application keys
 * Enh #874: Add stats command to get information about a repository
 * Enh #1772: Add restore --verify to verify restored file content
 * Enh #1853: Add JSON output support to `restic key list`
 * Enh #1477: S3 backend: accept AWS_SESSION_TOKEN
 * Enh #1901: Update the Backblaze B2 library


 * Bugfix #1854: Allow saving files/dirs on different fs with `--one-file-system`

   Restic now allows saving files/dirs on a different file system in a subdir correctly even when
   `--one-file-system` is specified.

   The first thing the restic archiver code does is to build a tree of the target
   files/directories. If it detects that a parent directory is already included (e.g. `restic
   backup /foo /foo/bar/baz`), it'll ignore the latter argument.

   Without `--one-file-system`, that's perfectly valid: If `/foo` is to be archived, it will
   include `/foo/bar/baz`. But with `--one-file-system`, `/foo/bar/baz` may reside on a
   different file system, so it won't be included with `/foo`.

 * Bugfix #1870: Fix restore with --include

   We fixed a bug which prevented restic to restore files with an include filter.

 * Bugfix #1880: Use `--cache-dir` argument for `check` command

   `check` command now uses a temporary sub-directory of the specified directory if set using the
   `--cache-dir` argument. If not set, the cache directory is created in the default temporary
   directory as before. In either case a temporary cache is used to ensure the actual repository is
   checked (rather than a local copy).

   The `--cache-dir` argument was not used by the `check` command, instead a cache directory was
   created in the temporary directory.

 * Bugfix #1893: Return error when exclude file cannot be read

   A bug was found: when multiple exclude files were passed to restic and one of them could not be
   read, an error was printed and restic continued, ignoring even the existing exclude files.
   Now, an error message is printed and restic aborts when an exclude file cannot be read.

 * Bugfix #1861: Fix case-insensitive search with restic find

   We've fixed the behavior for `restic find -i PATTERN`, which was broken in v0.9.1.

 * Enhancement #1906: Add support for B2 application keys

   Restic can now use so-called "application keys" which can be created in the B2 dashboard and
   were only introduced recently. In contrast to the "master key", such keys can be restricted to a
   specific bucket and/or path.

 * Enhancement #874: Add stats command to get information about a repository

 * Enhancement #1772: Add restore --verify to verify restored file content

   Restore will print error message if restored file content does not match expected SHA256

 * Enhancement #1853: Add JSON output support to `restic key list`

   This PR enables users to get the output of `restic key list` in JSON in addition to the existing
   table format.

 * Enhancement #1477: S3 backend: accept AWS_SESSION_TOKEN

   Before, it was not possible to use s3 backend with AWS temporary security credentials(with
   AWS_SESSION_TOKEN). This change gives higher priority to credentials.EnvAWS credentials

 * Enhancement #1901: Update the Backblaze B2 library

   We've updated the library we're using for accessing the Backblaze B2 service to 0.5.0 to
   include support for upcoming so-called "application keys". With this feature, you can create
   access credentials for B2 which are restricted to e.g. a single bucket or even a sub-directory
   of a bucket.

Changelog for restic 0.9.1 (2018-06-10)

The following sections list the changes in restic 0.9.1 relevant to
restic users. The changes are ordered by importance.


 * Fix #1801: Add limiting bandwidth to the rclone backend
 * Fix #1822: Allow uploading large files to MS Azure
 * Fix #1825: Correct `find` to not skip snapshots
 * Fix #1833: Fix caching files on error
 * Fix #1834: Resolve deadlock


 * Bugfix #1801: Add limiting bandwidth to the rclone backend

   The rclone backend did not respect `--limit-upload` or `--limit-download`. Oftentimes it's
   not necessary to use this, as the limiting in rclone itself should be used because it gives much
   better results, but in case a remote instance of rclone is used (e.g. called via ssh), it is still
   relevant to limit the bandwidth from restic to rclone.

 * Bugfix #1822: Allow uploading large files to MS Azure

   Sometimes, restic creates files to be uploaded to the repository which are quite large, e.g.
   when saving directories with many entries or very large files. The MS Azure API does not allow
   uploading files larger that 256MiB directly, rather restic needs to upload them in blocks of
   100MiB. This is now implemented.

 * Bugfix #1825: Correct `find` to not skip snapshots

   Under certain circumstances, the `find` command was found to skip snapshots containing
   directories with files to look for when the directories haven't been modified at all, and were
   already printed as part of a different snapshot. This is now corrected.

   In addition, we've switched to our own matching/pattern implementation, so now things like
   `restic find "/home/user/foo/**/main.go"` are possible.

 * Bugfix #1833: Fix caching files on error

   During `check` it may happen that different threads access the same file in the backend, which
   is then downloaded into the cache only once. When that fails, only the thread which is
   responsible for downloading the file signals the correct error. The other threads just assume
   that the file has been downloaded successfully and then get an error when they try to access the
   cached file.

 * Bugfix #1834: Resolve deadlock

   When the "scanning" process restic runs to find out how much data there is does not finish before
   the backup itself is done, restic stops doing anything. This is resolved now.

Changelog for restic 0.9.0 (2018-05-21)

The following sections list the changes in restic 0.9.0 relevant to
restic users. The changes are ordered by importance.


 * Fix #1608: Respect time stamp for new backup when reading from stdin
 * Fix #1652: Ignore/remove invalid lock files
 * Fix #1730: Ignore sockets for restore
 * Fix #1684: Fix backend tests for rest-server
 * Fix #1745: Correctly parse the argument to --tls-client-cert
 * Enh #1433: Support UTF-16 encoding and process Byte Order Mark
 * Enh #1561: Allow using rclone to access other services
 * Enh #1665: Improve cache handling for `restic check`
 * Enh #1721: Add `cache` command to list cache dirs
 * Enh #1758: Allow saving OneDrive folders in Windows
 * Enh #549: Rework archiver code
 * Enh #1552: Use Google Application Default credentials
 * Enh #1477: Accept AWS_SESSION_TOKEN for the s3 backend
 * Enh #1648: Ignore AWS permission denied error when creating a repository
 * Enh #1649: Add illumos/Solaris support
 * Enh #1709: Improve messages `restic check` prints
 * Enh #827: Add --new-password-file flag for non-interactive password changes
 * Enh #1735: Allow keeping a time range of snaphots
 * Enh #1782: Use default AWS credentials chain for S3 backend


 * Bugfix #1608: Respect time stamp for new backup when reading from stdin

   When reading backups from stdin (via `restic backup --stdin`), restic now uses the time stamp
   for the new backup passed in `--time`.

 * Bugfix #1652: Ignore/remove invalid lock files

   This corrects a bug introduced recently: When an invalid lock file in the repo is encountered
   (e.g. if the file is empty), the code used to ignore that, but now returns the error. Now, invalid
   files are ignored for the normal lock check, and removed when `restic unlock --remove-all` is

 * Bugfix #1730: Ignore sockets for restore

   We've received a report and correct the behavior in which the restore code aborted restoring a
   directory when a socket was encountered. Unix domain socket files cannot be restored (they are
   created on the fly once a process starts listening). The error handling was corrected, and in
   addition we're now ignoring sockets during restore.

 * Bugfix #1684: Fix backend tests for rest-server

   The REST server for restic now requires an explicit parameter (`--no-auth`) if no
   authentication should be allowed. This is fixed in the tests.

 * Bugfix #1745: Correctly parse the argument to --tls-client-cert

   Previously, the --tls-client-cert method attempt to read ARGV[1] (hardcoded) instead of the
   argument that was passed to it. This has been corrected.

 * Enhancement #1433: Support UTF-16 encoding and process Byte Order Mark

   On Windows, text editors commonly leave a Byte Order Mark at the beginning of the file to define
   which encoding is used (oftentimes UTF-16). We've added code to support processing the BOMs in
   text files, like the exclude files, the password file and the file passed via `--files-from`.
   This does not apply to any file being saved in a backup, those are not touched and archived as they

 * Enhancement #1561: Allow using rclone to access other services

   We've added the ability to use rclone to store backup data on all backends that it supports. This
   was done in collaboration with Nick, the author of rclone. You can now use it to first configure a
   service, then restic manages the rest (starting and stopping rclone). For details, please see
   the manual.

 * Enhancement #1665: Improve cache handling for `restic check`

   For safety reasons, restic does not use a local metadata cache for the `restic check` command,
   so that data is loaded from the repository and restic can check it's in good condition. When the
   cache is disabled, restic will fetch each tiny blob needed for checking the integrity using a
   separate backend request. For non-local backends, that will take a long time, and depending on
   the backend (e.g. B2) may also be much more expensive.

   This PR adds a few commits which will change the behavior as follows:

   * When `restic check` is called without any additional parameters, it will build a new cache in a
   temporary directory, which is removed at the end of the check. This way, we'll get readahead for
   metadata files (so restic will fetch the whole file when the first blob from the file is
   requested), but all data is freshly fetched from the storage backend. This is the default
   behavior and will work for almost all users.

   * When `restic check` is called with `--with-cache`, the default on-disc cache is used. This
   behavior hasn't changed since the cache was introduced.

   * When `--no-cache` is specified, restic falls back to the old behavior, and read all tiny blobs
   in separate requests.

 * Enhancement #1721: Add `cache` command to list cache dirs

   The command `cache` was added, it allows listing restic's cache directoriers together with
   the last usage. It also allows removing old cache dirs without having to access a repo, via
   `restic cache --cleanup`

 * Enhancement #1758: Allow saving OneDrive folders in Windows

   Restic now contains a bugfix to two libraries, which allows saving OneDrive folders in
   Windows. In order to use the newer versions of the libraries, the minimal version required to
   compile restic is now Go 1.9.

 * Enhancement #549: Rework archiver code

   The core archiver code and the complementary code for the `backup` command was rewritten
   completely. This resolves very annoying issues such as 549. The first backup with this release
   of restic will likely result in all files being re-read locally, so it will take a lot longer. The
   next backup after that will be fast again.

   Basically, with the old code, restic took the last path component of each to-be-saved file or
   directory as the top-level file/directory within the snapshot. This meant that when called as
   `restic backup /home/user/foo`, the snapshot would contain the files in the directory
   `/home/user/foo` as `/foo`.

   This is not the case any more with the new archiver code. Now, restic works very similar to what
   `tar` does: When restic is called with an absolute path to save, then it'll preserve the
   directory structure within the snapshot. For the example above, the snapshot would contain
   the files in the directory within `/home/user/foo` in the snapshot. For relative
   directories, it only preserves the relative path components. So `restic backup user/foo`
   will save the files as `/user/foo` in the snapshot.

   While we were at it, the status display and notification system was completely rewritten. By
   default, restic now shows which files are currently read (unless `--quiet` is specified) in a
   multi-line status display.

   The `backup` command also gained a new option: `--verbose`. It can be specified once (which
   prints a bit more detail what restic is doing) or twice (which prints a line for each
   file/directory restic encountered, together with some statistics).

   Another issue that was resolved is the new code only reads two files at most. The old code would
   read way too many files in parallel, thereby slowing down the backup process on spinning discs a

 * Enhancement #1552: Use Google Application Default credentials

   Google provide libraries to generate appropriate credentials with various fallback
   sources. This change uses the library to generate our GCS client, which allows us to make use of
   these extra methods.

   This should be backward compatible with previous restic behaviour while adding the
   additional capabilities to auth from Google's internal metadata endpoints. For users
   running restic in GCP this can make authentication far easier than it was before.

 * Enhancement #1477: Accept AWS_SESSION_TOKEN for the s3 backend

   Before, it was not possible to use s3 backend with AWS temporary security credentials(with
   AWS_SESSION_TOKEN). This change gives higher priority to credentials.EnvAWS credentials

 * Enhancement #1648: Ignore AWS permission denied error when creating a repository

   It's not possible to use s3 backend scoped to a subdirectory(with specific permissions).
   Restic doesn't try to create repository in a subdirectory, when 'bucket exists' of parent
   directory check fails due to permission issues.

 * Enhancement #1649: Add illumos/Solaris support

 * Enhancement #1709: Improve messages `restic check` prints

   Some messages `restic check` prints are not really errors, so from now on restic does not treat
   them as errors any more and exits cleanly.

 * Enhancement #827: Add --new-password-file flag for non-interactive password changes

   This makes it possible to change a repository password without being prompted.

 * Enhancement #1735: Allow keeping a time range of snaphots

   We've added the `--keep-within` option to the `forget` command. It instructs restic to keep
   all snapshots within the given duration since the newest snapshot. For example, running
   `restic forget --keep-within 5m7d` will keep all snapshots which have been made in the five
   months and seven days since the latest snapshot.

 * Enhancement #1782: Use default AWS credentials chain for S3 backend

   Adds support for file credentials to the S3 backend (e.g. ~/.aws/credentials), and reorders
   the credentials chain for the S3 backend to match AWS's standard, which is static credentials,
   env vars, credentials file, and finally remote.

Changelog for restic 0.8.3 (2018-02-26)

The following sections list the changes in restic 0.8.3 relevant to
restic users. The changes are ordered by importance.


 * Fix #1633: Fixed unexpected 'pack file cannot be listed' error
 * Fix #1641: Ignore files with invalid names in the repo
 * Fix #1638: Handle errors listing files in the backend
 * Enh #1497: Add --read-data-subset flag to check command
 * Enh #1560: Retry all repository file download errors
 * Enh #1623: Don't check for presence of files in the backend before writing
 * Enh #1634: Upgrade B2 client library, reduce HTTP requests


 * Bugfix #1633: Fixed unexpected 'pack file cannot be listed' error

   Due to a regression introduced in 0.8.2, the `rebuild-index` and `prune` commands failed to
   read pack files with size of 587, 588, 589 or 590 bytes.

 * Bugfix #1641: Ignore files with invalid names in the repo

   The release 0.8.2 introduced a bug: when restic encounters files in the repo which do not have a
   valid name, it tries to load a file with a name of lots of zeroes instead of ignoring it. This is now
   resolved, invalid file names are just ignored.

 * Bugfix #1638: Handle errors listing files in the backend

   A user reported in the forum that restic completes a backup although a concurrent `prune`
   operation was running. A few error messages were printed, but the backup was attempted and
   completed successfully. No error code was returned.

   This should not happen: The repository is exclusively locked during `prune`, so when `restic
   backup` is run in parallel, it should abort and return an error code instead.

   It was found that the bug was in the code introduced only recently, which retries a List()
   operation on the backend should that fail. It is now corrected.

 * Enhancement #1497: Add --read-data-subset flag to check command

   This change introduces ability to check integrity of a subset of repository data packs. This
   can be used to spread integrity check of larger repositories over a period of time.

 * Enhancement #1560: Retry all repository file download errors

   Restic will now retry failed downloads, similar to other operations.

 * Enhancement #1623: Don't check for presence of files in the backend before writing

   Before, all backend implementations were required to return an error if the file that is to be
   written already exists in the backend. For most backends, that means making a request (e.g. via
   HTTP) and returning an error when the file already exists.

   This is not accurate, the file could have been created between the HTTP request testing for it,
   and when writing starts, so we've relaxed this requeriment, which saves one additional HTTP
   request per newly added file.

 * Enhancement #1634: Upgrade B2 client library, reduce HTTP requests

   We've upgraded the B2 client library restic uses to access BackBlaze B2. This reduces the
   number of HTTP requests needed to upload a new file from two to one, which should improve
   throughput to B2.

Changelog for restic 0.8.2 (2018-02-17)

The following sections list the changes in restic 0.8.2 relevant to
restic users. The changes are ordered by importance.


 * Fix #1506: Limit bandwith at the http.RoundTripper for HTTP based backends
 * Fix #1512: Restore directory permissions as the last step
 * Fix #1528: Correctly create missing subdirs in data/
 * Fix #1590: Strip spaces for lines read via --files-from
 * Fix #1589: Complete intermediate index upload
 * Fix #1594: Google Cloud Storage: Use generic HTTP transport
 * Fix #1595: Backup: Remove bandwidth display
 * Enh #1522: Add support for TLS client certificate authentication
 * Enh #1541: Reduce number of remote requests during repository check
 * Enh #1567: Reduce number of backend requests for rebuild-index and prune
 * Enh #1507: Only reload snapshots once per minute for fuse mount
 * Enh #1538: Reduce memory allocations for querying the index
 * Enh #1549: Speed up querying across indices and scanning existing files
 * Enh #1554: Fuse/mount: Correctly handle EOF, add template option
 * Enh #1564: Don't terminate ssh on SIGINT
 * Enh #1579: Retry Backend.List() in case of errors
 * Enh #1584: Limit index file size


 * Bugfix #1506: Limit bandwith at the http.RoundTripper for HTTP based backends

 * Bugfix #1512: Restore directory permissions as the last step

   This change allows restoring into directories that were not writable during backup. Before,
   restic created the directory, set the read-only mode and then failed to create files in the
   directory. This change now restores the directory (with its permissions) as the very last

 * Bugfix #1528: Correctly create missing subdirs in data/

 * Bugfix #1590: Strip spaces for lines read via --files-from

   Leading and trailing spaces in lines read via `--files-from` are now stripped, so it behaves
   the same as with lines read via `--exclude-file`.

 * Bugfix #1589: Complete intermediate index upload

   After a user posted a comprehensive report of what he observed, we were able to find a bug and
   correct it: During backup, restic uploads so-called "intermediate" index files. When the
   backup finishes during a transfer of such an intermediate index, the upload is cancelled, but
   the backup is finished without an error. This leads to an inconsistent state, where the
   snapshot references data that is contained in the repo, but is not referenced in any index.

   The situation can be resolved by building a new index with `rebuild-index`, but looks very
   confusing at first. Since all the data got uploaded to the repo successfully, there was no risk
   of data loss, just minor inconvenience for our users.

 * Bugfix #1594: Google Cloud Storage: Use generic HTTP transport

   It was discovered that the Google Cloud Storage backend did not use the generic HTTP transport,
   so things such as bandwidth limiting with `--limit-upload` did not work. This is resolved now.

 * Bugfix #1595: Backup: Remove bandwidth display

   This commit removes the bandwidth displayed during backup process. It is misleading and
   seldomly correct, because it's neither the "read bandwidth" (only for the very first backup)
   nor the "upload bandwidth". Many users are confused about (and rightly so), c.f. #1581, #1033,

   We'll eventually replace this display with something more relevant when the new archiver code
   is ready.

 * Enhancement #1522: Add support for TLS client certificate authentication

   Support has been added for using a TLS client certificate for authentication to HTTP based
   backend. A file containing the PEM encoded private key and certificate can be set using the
   `--tls-client-cert` option.

 * Enhancement #1541: Reduce number of remote requests during repository check

   This change eliminates redundant remote repository calls and significantly improves
   repository check time.

 * Enhancement #1567: Reduce number of backend requests for rebuild-index and prune

   We've found a way to reduce then number of backend requests for the `rebuild-index` and `prune`
   operations. This significantly speeds up the operations for high-latency backends.

 * Enhancement #1507: Only reload snapshots once per minute for fuse mount

 * Enhancement #1538: Reduce memory allocations for querying the index

   This change reduces the internal memory allocations when the index data structures in memory
   are queried if a blob (part of a file) already exists in the repo. It should speed up backup a bit,
   and maybe even reduce RAM usage.

 * Enhancement #1549: Speed up querying across indices and scanning existing files

   This change increases the whenever a blob (part of a file) is searched for in a restic
   repository. This will reduce cpu usage some when backing up files already backed up by restic.
   Cpu usage is further decreased when scanning files.

 * Enhancement #1554: Fuse/mount: Correctly handle EOF, add template option

   We've added the `--snapshot-template` string, which can be used to specify a template for a
   snapshot directory. In addition, accessing data after the end of a file via the fuse mount is now
   handled correctly.

 * Enhancement #1564: Don't terminate ssh on SIGINT

   We've reworked the code which runs the `ssh` login for the sftp backend so that it can prompt for a
   password (if needed) but does not exit when the user presses CTRL+C (SIGINT) e.g. during
   backup. This allows restic to properly shut down when it receives SIGINT and remove the lock
   file from the repo, afterwards exiting the `ssh` process.

 * Enhancement #1579: Retry Backend.List() in case of errors

 * Enhancement #1584: Limit index file size

   Before, restic would create a single new index file on `prune` or `rebuild-index`, this may
   lead to memory problems when this huge index is created and loaded again. We're now limiting the
   size of the index file, and split newly created index files into several smaller ones. This
   allows restic to be more memory-efficient.

Changelog for restic 0.8.1 (2017-12-27)

The following sections list the changes in restic 0.8.1 relevant to
restic users. The changes are ordered by importance.


 * Fix #1457: Improve s3 backend with DigitalOcean Spaces
 * Fix #1454: Correct cache dir location for Windows and Darwin
 * Fix #1459: Disable handling SIGPIPE
 * Chg #1452: Do not save atime by default
 * Enh #1436: Add code to detect old cache directories
 * Enh #1439: Improve cancellation logic
 * Enh #11: Add the `diff` command


 * Bugfix #1457: Improve s3 backend with DigitalOcean Spaces

 * Bugfix #1454: Correct cache dir location for Windows and Darwin

   The cache directory on Windows and Darwin was not correct, instead the directory `.cache` was

 * Bugfix #1459: Disable handling SIGPIPE

   We've disabled handling SIGPIPE again. Turns out, writing to broken TCP connections also
   raised SIGPIPE, so restic exits on the first write to a broken connection. Instead, restic
   should retry the request.

 * Change #1452: Do not save atime by default

   By default, the access time for files and dirs is not saved any more. It is not possible to
   reliably disable updating the access time during a backup, so for the next backup the access
   time is different again. This means a lot of metadata is saved. If you want to save the access time
   anyway, pass `--with-atime` to the `backup` command.

 * Enhancement #1436: Add code to detect old cache directories

   We've added code to detect old cache directories of repositories that haven't been used in a
   long time, restic now prints a note when it detects that such dirs exist. Also, the option
   `--cleanup-cache` was added to automatically remove such directories. That's not a problem
   because the cache will be rebuild once a repo is accessed again.

 * Enhancement #1439: Improve cancellation logic

   The cancellation logic was improved, restic can now shut down cleanly when requested to do so
   (e.g. via ctrl+c).

 * Enhancement #11: Add the `diff` command

   The command `diff` was added, it allows comparing two snapshots and listing all differences.

Changelog for restic 0.8.0 (2017-11-26)

The following sections list the changes in restic 0.8.0 relevant to
restic users. The changes are ordered by importance.


 * Sec #1445: Prevent writing outside the target directory during restore
 * Fix #1256: Re-enable workaround for S3 backend
 * Fix #1291: Reuse backend TCP connections to BackBlaze B2
 * Fix #1317: Run prune when `forget --prune` is called with just snapshot IDs
 * Fix #1437: Remove implicit path `/restic` for the s3 backend
 * Enh #1102: Add subdirectory `ids` to fuse mount
 * Enh #1114: Add `--cacert` to specify TLS certificates to check against
 * Enh #1216: Add upload/download limiting
 * Enh #1271: Cache results for excludes for `backup`
 * Enh #1274: Add `generate` command, replaces `manpage` and `autocomplete`
 * Enh #1367: Allow comments in files read from via `--file-from`
 * Enh #448: Sftp backend prompts for password
 * Enh #510: Add `dump` command
 * Enh #1040: Add local metadata cache
 * Enh #1249: Add `latest` symlink in fuse mount
 * Enh #1269: Add `--compact` to `forget` command
 * Enh #1281: Google Cloud Storage backend needs less permissions
 * Enh #1319: Make `check` print `no errors found` explicitly
 * Enh #1353: Retry failed backend requests


 * Security #1445: Prevent writing outside the target directory during restore

   A vulnerability was found in the restic restorer, which allowed attackers in special
   circumstances to restore files to a location outside of the target directory. Due to the
   circumstances we estimate this to be a low-risk vulnerability, but urge all users to upgrade to
   the latest version of restic.

   Exploiting the vulnerability requires a Linux/Unix system which saves backups via restic and
   a Windows systems which restores files from the repo. In addition, the attackers need to be able
   to create create files with arbitrary names which are then saved to the restic repo. For
   example, by creating a file named "..\test.txt" (which is a perfectly legal filename on Linux)
   and restoring a snapshot containing this file on Windows, it would be written to the parent of
   the target directory.

   We'd like to thank Tyler Spivey for reporting this responsibly!

 * Bugfix #1256: Re-enable workaround for S3 backend

   We've re-enabled a workaround for `minio-go` (the library we're using to access s3 backends),
   this reduces memory usage.

 * Bugfix #1291: Reuse backend TCP connections to BackBlaze B2

   A bug was discovered in the library we're using to access Backblaze, it now reuses already
   established TCP connections which should be a lot faster and not cause network failures any

 * Bugfix #1317: Run prune when `forget --prune` is called with just snapshot IDs

   A bug in the `forget` command caused `prune` not to be run when `--prune` was specified without a
   policy, e.g. when only snapshot IDs that should be forgotten are listed manually.

 * Bugfix #1437: Remove implicit path `/restic` for the s3 backend

   The s3 backend used the subdir `restic` within a bucket if no explicit path after the bucket name
   was specified. Since this version, restic does not use this default path any more. If you
   created a repo on s3 in a bucket without specifying a path within the bucket, you need to add
   `/restic` at the end of the repository specification to access your repo:

 * Enhancement #1102: Add subdirectory `ids` to fuse mount

   The fuse mount now has an `ids` subdirectory which contains the snapshots below their (short)

 * Enhancement #1114: Add `--cacert` to specify TLS certificates to check against

   We've added the `--cacert` option which can be used to pass one (or more) CA certificates to
   restic. These are used in addition to the system CA certificates to verify HTTPS certificates
   (e.g. for the REST backend).

 * Enhancement #1216: Add upload/download limiting

   We've added support for rate limiting through `--limit-upload` and `--limit-download`

 * Enhancement #1271: Cache results for excludes for `backup`

   The `backup` command now caches the result of excludes for a directory.

 * Enhancement #1274: Add `generate` command, replaces `manpage` and `autocomplete`

   The `generate` command has been added, which replaces the now removed commands `manpage` and
   `autocomplete`. This release of restic contains the most recent manpages in `doc/man` and the
   auto-completion files for bash and zsh in `doc/` and

 * Enhancement #1367: Allow comments in files read from via `--file-from`

   When the list of files/dirs to be saved is read from a file with `--files-from`, comment lines
   (starting with `#`) are now ignored.

 * Enhancement #448: Sftp backend prompts for password

   The sftp backend now prompts for the password if a password is necessary for login.

 * Enhancement #510: Add `dump` command

   We've added the `dump` command which prints a file from a snapshot to stdout. This can e.g. be
   used to restore files read with `backup --stdin`.

 * Enhancement #1040: Add local metadata cache

   We've added a local cache for metadata so that restic doesn't need to load all metadata
   (snapshots, indexes, ...) from the repo each time it starts. By default the cache is active, but
   there's a new global option `--no-cache` that can be used to disable the cache. By deafult, the
   cache a standard cache folder for the OS, which can be overridden with `--cache-dir`. The cache
   will automatically populate, indexes and snapshots are saved as they are loaded. Cache
   directories for repos that haven't been used recently can automatically be removed by restic
   with the `--cleanup-cache` option.

   A related change was to by default create pack files in the repo that contain either data or
   metadata, not both mixed together. This allows easy caching of only the metadata files. The
   next run of `restic prune` will untangle mixed files automatically.

 * Enhancement #1249: Add `latest` symlink in fuse mount

   The directory structure in the fuse mount now exposes a symlink `latest` which points to the
   latest snapshot in that particular directory.

 * Enhancement #1269: Add `--compact` to `forget` command

   The option `--compact` was added to the `forget` command to provide the same compact view as the
   `snapshots` command.

 * Enhancement #1281: Google Cloud Storage backend needs less permissions

   The Google Cloud Storage backend no longer requires the service account to have the
   `storage.buckets.get` permission ("Storage Admin" role) in `restic init` if the bucket
   already exists.

 * Enhancement #1319: Make `check` print `no errors found` explicitly

   The `check` command now explicetly prints `No errors were found` when no errors could be found.

 * Enhancement #1353: Retry failed backend requests

Changelog for restic 0.7.3 (2017-09-20)

The following sections list the changes in restic 0.7.3 relevant to
restic users. The changes are ordered by importance.


 * Fix #1246: List all files stored in Google Cloud Storage


 * Bugfix #1246: List all files stored in Google Cloud Storage

   For large backups stored in Google Cloud Storage, the `prune` command fails because listing
   only returns the first 1000 files. This has been corrected, no data is lost in the process. In
   addition, a plausibility check was added to `prune`.

Changelog for restic 0.7.2 (2017-09-13)

The following sections list the changes in restic 0.7.2 relevant to
restic users. The changes are ordered by importance.


 * Fix #1167: Do not create a local repo unless `init` is used
 * Fix #1164: Make the `key remove` command behave as documented
 * Fix #1191: Make sure to write profiling files on interrupt
 * Enh #1132: Make `key` command always prompt for a password
 * Enh #1179: Resolve name conflicts, append a counter
 * Enh #1218: Add `--compact` to `snapshots` command
 * Enh #317: Add `--exclude-caches` and `--exclude-if-present`
 * Enh #697: Automatically generate man pages for all restic commands
 * Enh #1044: Improve `restore`, do not traverse/load excluded directories
 * Enh #1061: Add Dockerfile and official Docker image
 * Enh #1126: Use the standard Go git repository layout, use `dep` for vendoring
 * Enh #1134: Add support for storing backups on Google Cloud Storage
 * Enh #1144: Properly report errors when reading files with exclude patterns
 * Enh #1149: Add support for storing backups on Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
 * Enh #1196: Add `--group-by` to `forget` command for flexible grouping
 * Enh #1203: Print stats on all BSD systems when SIGINFO (ctrl+t) is received
 * Enh #1205: Allow specifying time/date for a backup with `--time`


 * Bugfix #1167: Do not create a local repo unless `init` is used

   When a restic command other than `init` is used with a local repository and the repository
   directory does not exist, restic creates the directory structure. That's an error, only the
   `init` command should create the dir.

 * Bugfix #1164: Make the `key remove` command behave as documented

 * Bugfix #1191: Make sure to write profiling files on interrupt

   Since a few releases restic had the ability to write profiling files for memory and CPU usage
   when `debug` is enabled. It was discovered that when restic is interrupted (ctrl+c is
   pressed), the proper shutdown hook is not run. This is now corrected.

 * Enhancement #1132: Make `key` command always prompt for a password

   The `key` command now prompts for a password even if the original password to access a repo has
   been specified via the `RESTIC_PASSWORD` environment variable or a password file.

 * Enhancement #1179: Resolve name conflicts, append a counter

 * Enhancement #1218: Add `--compact` to `snapshots` command

   The option `--compact` was added to the `snapshots` command to get a better overview of the
   snapshots in a repo. It limits each snapshot to a single line.

 * Enhancement #317: Add `--exclude-caches` and `--exclude-if-present`

   A new option `--exclude-caches` was added that allows excluding cache directories (that are
   tagged as such). This is a special case of a more generic option `--exclude-if-present` which
   excludes a directory if a file with a specific name (and contents) is present.

 * Enhancement #697: Automatically generate man pages for all restic commands

 * Enhancement #1044: Improve `restore`, do not traverse/load excluded directories

 * Enhancement #1061: Add Dockerfile and official Docker image

 * Enhancement #1126: Use the standard Go git repository layout, use `dep` for vendoring

   The git repository layout was changed to resemble the layout typically used in Go projects,
   we're not using `gb` for building restic any more and vendoring the dependencies is now taken
   care of by `dep`.

 * Enhancement #1134: Add support for storing backups on Google Cloud Storage

 * Enhancement #1144: Properly report errors when reading files with exclude patterns

 * Enhancement #1149: Add support for storing backups on Microsoft Azure Blob Storage

   The library we're using to access the service requires Go 1.8, so restic now needs at least Go

 * Enhancement #1196: Add `--group-by` to `forget` command for flexible grouping

 * Enhancement #1203: Print stats on all BSD systems when SIGINFO (ctrl+t) is received

 * Enhancement #1205: Allow specifying time/date for a backup with `--time`

Changelog for restic 0.7.1 (2017-07-22)

The following sections list the changes in restic 0.7.1 relevant to
restic users. The changes are ordered by importance.


 * Fix #1115: Fix `prune`, only include existing files in indexes
 * Enh #1055: Create subdirs below `data/` for local/sftp backends
 * Enh #1067: Allow loading credentials for s3 from IAM
 * Enh #1073: Add `migrate` cmd to migrate from `s3legacy` to `default` layout
 * Enh #1081: Clarify semantic for `--tasg` for the `forget` command
 * Enh #1080: Ignore chmod() errors on filesystems which do not support it
 * Enh #1082: Print stats on SIGINFO on Darwin and FreeBSD (ctrl+t)


 * Bugfix #1115: Fix `prune`, only include existing files in indexes

   A bug was found (and corrected) in the index rebuilding after prune, which led to indexes which
   include blobs that were not present in the repo any more. There were already checks in place
   which detected this situation and aborted with an error message. A new run of either `prune` or
   `rebuild-index` corrected the index files. This is now fixed and a test has been added to detect

 * Enhancement #1055: Create subdirs below `data/` for local/sftp backends

   The local and sftp backends now create the subdirs below `data/` on open/init. This way, restic
   makes sure that they always exist. This is connected to an issue for the sftp server.

 * Enhancement #1067: Allow loading credentials for s3 from IAM

   When no S3 credentials are specified in the environment variables, restic now tries to load
   credentials from an IAM instance profile when the s3 backend is used.

 * Enhancement #1073: Add `migrate` cmd to migrate from `s3legacy` to `default` layout

   The `migrate` command for changing the `s3legacy` layout to the `default` layout for s3
   backends has been improved: It can now be restarted with `restic migrate --force s3_layout`
   and automatically retries operations on error.

 * Enhancement #1081: Clarify semantic for `--tasg` for the `forget` command

 * Enhancement #1080: Ignore chmod() errors on filesystems which do not support it

 * Enhancement #1082: Print stats on SIGINFO on Darwin and FreeBSD (ctrl+t)

Changelog for restic 0.7.0 (2017-07-01)

The following sections list the changes in restic 0.7.0 relevant to
restic users. The changes are ordered by importance.


 * Fix #1013: Switch back to using the high-level minio-go API for s3
 * Fix #965: Switch to `default` repo layout for the s3 backend
 * Enh #1021: Detect invalid backend name and print error
 * Enh #1029: Remove invalid pack files when `prune` is run
 * Enh #512: Add Backblaze B2 backend
 * Enh #636: Add dirs `tags` and `hosts` to fuse mount
 * Enh #989: Improve performance of the `find` command
 * Enh #975: Add new backend for OpenStack Swift
 * Enh #998: Improve performance of the fuse mount


 * Bugfix #1013: Switch back to using the high-level minio-go API for s3

   For the s3 backend we're back to using the high-level API the s3 client library for uploading
   data, a few users reported dropped connections (which the library will automatically retry

 * Bugfix #965: Switch to `default` repo layout for the s3 backend

   The default layout for the s3 backend is now `default` (instead of `s3legacy`). Also, there's a
   new `migrate` command to convert an existing repo, it can be run like this: `restic migrate

 * Enhancement #1021: Detect invalid backend name and print error

   Restic now tries to detect when an invalid/unknown backend is used and returns an error

 * Enhancement #1029: Remove invalid pack files when `prune` is run

   The `prune` command has been improved and will now remove invalid pack files, for example files
   that have not been uploaded completely because a backup was interrupted.

 * Enhancement #512: Add Backblaze B2 backend

 * Enhancement #636: Add dirs `tags` and `hosts` to fuse mount

   The fuse mount now has two more directories: `tags` contains a subdir for each tag, which in turn
   contains only the snapshots that have this tag. The subdir `hosts` contains a subdir for each
   host that has a snapshot, and the subdir contains the snapshots for that host.

 * Enhancement #989: Improve performance of the `find` command

   Improved performance for the `find` command: Restic recognizes paths it has already checked
   for the files in question, so the number of backend requests is reduced a lot.

 * Enhancement #975: Add new backend for OpenStack Swift

 * Enhancement #998: Improve performance of the fuse mount

   Listing directories which contain large files now is significantly faster.

Changelog for restic 0.6.1 (2017-06-01)

The following sections list the changes in restic 0.6.1 relevant to
restic users. The changes are ordered by importance.


 * Enh #985: Allow multiple parallel idle HTTP connections
 * Enh #981: Remove temporary path from binary in `build.go`
 * Enh #974: Remove regular status reports


 * Enhancement #985: Allow multiple parallel idle HTTP connections

   Backends based on HTTP now allow several idle connections in parallel. This is especially
   important for the REST backend, which (when used with a local server) may create a lot
   connections and exhaust available ports quickly.

 * Enhancement #981: Remove temporary path from binary in `build.go`

   The `build.go` now strips the temporary directory used for compilation from the binary. This
   is the first step in enabling reproducible builds.

 * Enhancement #974: Remove regular status reports

   Regular status report: We've removed the status report that was printed every 10 seconds when
   restic is run non-interactively. You can still force reporting the current status by sending a
   `USR1` signal to the process.

Changelog for restic 0.6.0 (2017-05-29)

The following sections list the changes in restic 0.6.0 relevant to
restic users. The changes are ordered by importance.


 * Enh #957: Make `forget` consistent
 * Enh #966: Unify repository layout for all backends
 * Enh #962: Improve memory and runtime for the s3 backend


 * Enhancement #957: Make `forget` consistent

   The `forget` command was corrected to be more consistent in which snapshots are to be
   forgotten. It is possible that the new code removes more snapshots than before, so please
   review what would be deleted by using the `--dry-run` option.

 * Enhancement #966: Unify repository layout for all backends

   Up to now the s3 backend used a special repository layout. We've decided to unify the repository
   layout and implemented the default layout also for the s3 backend. For creating a new
   repository on s3 with the default layout, use `restic -o s3.layout=default init`. For further
   commands the option is not necessary any more, restic will automatically detect the correct
   layout to use. A future version will switch to the default layout for new repositories.

 * Enhancement #962: Improve memory and runtime for the s3 backend

   We've updated the library used for accessing s3, switched to using a lower level API and added
   caching for some requests. This lead to a decrease in memory usage and a great speedup. In
   addition, we added benchmark functions for all backends, so we can track improvements over
   time. The Continuous Integration test service we're using (Travis) now runs the s3 backend
   tests not only against a Minio server, but also against the Amazon s3 live service, so we should
   be notified of any regressions much sooner.