2024-08-31 18:20:01 +02:00

651 lines
16 KiB

package main
import (
var cmdFind = &cobra.Command{
Use: "find [flags] PATTERN...",
Short: "Find a file, a directory or restic IDs",
Long: `
The "find" command searches for files or directories in snapshots stored in the
It can also be used to search for restic blobs or trees for troubleshooting.`,
Example: `restic find config.json
restic find --json "*.yml" "*.json"
restic find --json --blob 420f620f b46ebe8a ddd38656
restic find --show-pack-id --blob 420f620f
restic find --tree 577c2bc9 f81f2e22 a62827a9
restic find --pack 025c1d06
Exit status is 0 if the command was successful.
Exit status is 1 if there was any error.
Exit status is 10 if the repository does not exist.
Exit status is 11 if the repository is already locked.
Exit status is 12 if the password is incorrect.
GroupID: cmdGroupDefault,
DisableAutoGenTag: true,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return runFind(cmd.Context(), findOptions, globalOptions, args)
// FindOptions bundles all options for the find command.
type FindOptions struct {
Oldest string
Newest string
Snapshots []string
BlobID, TreeID bool
PackID, ShowPackID bool
CaseInsensitive bool
ListLong bool
HumanReadable bool
var findOptions FindOptions
func init() {
f := cmdFind.Flags()
f.StringVarP(&findOptions.Oldest, "oldest", "O", "", "oldest modification date/time")
f.StringVarP(&findOptions.Newest, "newest", "N", "", "newest modification date/time")
f.StringArrayVarP(&findOptions.Snapshots, "snapshot", "s", nil, "snapshot `id` to search in (can be given multiple times)")
f.BoolVar(&findOptions.BlobID, "blob", false, "pattern is a blob-ID")
f.BoolVar(&findOptions.TreeID, "tree", false, "pattern is a tree-ID")
f.BoolVar(&findOptions.PackID, "pack", false, "pattern is a pack-ID")
f.BoolVar(&findOptions.ShowPackID, "show-pack-id", false, "display the pack-ID the blobs belong to (with --blob or --tree)")
f.BoolVarP(&findOptions.CaseInsensitive, "ignore-case", "i", false, "ignore case for pattern")
f.BoolVarP(&findOptions.ListLong, "long", "l", false, "use a long listing format showing size and mode")
f.BoolVar(&findOptions.HumanReadable, "human-readable", false, "print sizes in human readable format")
initMultiSnapshotFilter(f, &findOptions.SnapshotFilter, true)
type findPattern struct {
oldest, newest time.Time
pattern []string
ignoreCase bool
var timeFormats = []string{
"2006-01-02 15:04",
"2006-01-02 15:04:05",
"2006-01-02 15:04:05 -0700",
"2006-01-02 15:04:05 MST",
"02.01.2006 15:04",
"02.01.2006 15:04:05",
"02.01.2006 15:04:05 -0700",
"02.01.2006 15:04:05 MST",
"Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006",
func parseTime(str string) (time.Time, error) {
for _, fmt := range timeFormats {
if t, err := time.ParseInLocation(fmt, str, time.Local); err == nil {
return t, nil
return time.Time{}, errors.Fatalf("unable to parse time: %q", str)
type statefulOutput struct {
ListLong bool
HumanReadable bool
JSON bool
inuse bool
newsn *restic.Snapshot
oldsn *restic.Snapshot
hits int
func (s *statefulOutput) PrintPatternJSON(path string, node *restic.Node) {
type findNode restic.Node
b, err := json.Marshal(struct {
// Add these attributes
Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`
Permissions string `json:"permissions,omitempty"`
// Make the following attributes disappear
Name byte `json:"name,omitempty"`
ExtendedAttributes byte `json:"extended_attributes,omitempty"`
GenericAttributes byte `json:"generic_attributes,omitempty"`
Device byte `json:"device,omitempty"`
Content byte `json:"content,omitempty"`
Subtree byte `json:"subtree,omitempty"`
Path: path,
Permissions: node.Mode.String(),
findNode: (*findNode)(node),
if err != nil {
Warnf("Marshall failed: %v\n", err)
if !s.inuse {
s.inuse = true
if s.newsn != s.oldsn {
if s.oldsn != nil {
Printf("],\"hits\":%d,\"snapshot\":%q},", s.hits, s.oldsn.ID())
s.oldsn = s.newsn
s.hits = 0
if s.hits > 0 {
func (s *statefulOutput) PrintPatternNormal(path string, node *restic.Node) {
if s.newsn != s.oldsn {
if s.oldsn != nil {
s.oldsn = s.newsn
Verbosef("Found matching entries in snapshot %s from %s\n", s.oldsn.ID().Str(), s.oldsn.Time.Local().Format(TimeFormat))
Println(formatNode(path, node, s.ListLong, s.HumanReadable))
func (s *statefulOutput) PrintPattern(path string, node *restic.Node) {
if s.JSON {
s.PrintPatternJSON(path, node)
} else {
s.PrintPatternNormal(path, node)
func (s *statefulOutput) PrintObjectJSON(kind, id, nodepath, treeID string, sn *restic.Snapshot) {
b, err := json.Marshal(struct {
// Add these attributes
ObjectType string `json:"object_type"`
ID string `json:"id"`
Path string `json:"path"`
ParentTree string `json:"parent_tree,omitempty"`
SnapshotID string `json:"snapshot"`
Time time.Time `json:"time,omitempty"`
ObjectType: kind,
ID: id,
Path: nodepath,
SnapshotID: sn.ID().String(),
ParentTree: treeID,
Time: sn.Time,
if err != nil {
Warnf("Marshall failed: %v\n", err)
if !s.inuse {
s.inuse = true
if s.hits > 0 {
func (s *statefulOutput) PrintObjectNormal(kind, id, nodepath, treeID string, sn *restic.Snapshot) {
Printf("Found %s %s\n", kind, id)
if kind == "blob" {
Printf(" ... in file %s\n", nodepath)
Printf(" (tree %s)\n", treeID)
} else {
Printf(" ... path %s\n", nodepath)
Printf(" ... in snapshot %s (%s)\n", sn.ID().Str(), sn.Time.Local().Format(TimeFormat))
func (s *statefulOutput) PrintObject(kind, id, nodepath, treeID string, sn *restic.Snapshot) {
if s.JSON {
s.PrintObjectJSON(kind, id, nodepath, treeID, sn)
} else {
s.PrintObjectNormal(kind, id, nodepath, treeID, sn)
func (s *statefulOutput) Finish() {
if s.JSON {
// do some finishing up
if s.oldsn != nil {
Printf("],\"hits\":%d,\"snapshot\":%q}", s.hits, s.oldsn.ID())
if s.inuse {
} else {
// Finder bundles information needed to find a file or directory.
type Finder struct {
repo restic.Repository
pat findPattern
out statefulOutput
blobIDs map[string]struct{}
treeIDs map[string]struct{}
itemsFound int
func (f *Finder) findInSnapshot(ctx context.Context, sn *restic.Snapshot) error {
debug.Log("searching in snapshot %s\n for entries within [%s %s]", sn.ID(), f.pat.oldest, f.pat.newest)
if sn.Tree == nil {
return errors.Errorf("snapshot %v has no tree", sn.ID().Str())
f.out.newsn = sn
return walker.Walk(ctx, f.repo, *sn.Tree, walker.WalkVisitor{ProcessNode: func(parentTreeID restic.ID, nodepath string, node *restic.Node, err error) error {
if err != nil {
debug.Log("Error loading tree %v: %v", parentTreeID, err)
Printf("Unable to load tree %s\n ... which belongs to snapshot %s\n", parentTreeID, sn.ID())
return walker.ErrSkipNode
if node == nil {
return nil
normalizedNodepath := nodepath
if f.pat.ignoreCase {
normalizedNodepath = strings.ToLower(nodepath)
var foundMatch bool
for _, pat := range f.pat.pattern {
found, err := filter.Match(pat, normalizedNodepath)
if err != nil {
return err
if found {
foundMatch = true
var errIfNoMatch error
if node.Type == restic.NodeTypeDir {
var childMayMatch bool
for _, pat := range f.pat.pattern {
mayMatch, err := filter.ChildMatch(pat, normalizedNodepath)
if err != nil {
return err
if mayMatch {
childMayMatch = true
if !childMayMatch {
errIfNoMatch = walker.ErrSkipNode
if !foundMatch {
return errIfNoMatch
if !f.pat.oldest.IsZero() && node.ModTime.Before(f.pat.oldest) {
debug.Log(" ModTime is older than %s\n", f.pat.oldest)
return errIfNoMatch
if !f.pat.newest.IsZero() && node.ModTime.After(f.pat.newest) {
debug.Log(" ModTime is newer than %s\n", f.pat.newest)
return errIfNoMatch
debug.Log(" found match\n")
f.out.PrintPattern(nodepath, node)
return nil
func (f *Finder) findIDs(ctx context.Context, sn *restic.Snapshot) error {
debug.Log("searching IDs in snapshot %s", sn.ID())
if sn.Tree == nil {
return errors.Errorf("snapshot %v has no tree", sn.ID().Str())
f.out.newsn = sn
return walker.Walk(ctx, f.repo, *sn.Tree, walker.WalkVisitor{ProcessNode: func(parentTreeID restic.ID, nodepath string, node *restic.Node, err error) error {
if err != nil {
debug.Log("Error loading tree %v: %v", parentTreeID, err)
Printf("Unable to load tree %s\n ... which belongs to snapshot %s\n", parentTreeID, sn.ID())
return walker.ErrSkipNode
if node == nil {
return nil
if node.Type == restic.NodeTypeDir && f.treeIDs != nil {
treeID := node.Subtree
found := false
if _, ok := f.treeIDs[treeID.Str()]; ok {
found = true
} else if _, ok := f.treeIDs[treeID.String()]; ok {
found = true
if found {
f.out.PrintObject("tree", treeID.String(), nodepath, "", sn)
// Terminate if we have found all trees (and we are not
// looking for blobs)
if f.itemsFound >= len(f.treeIDs) && f.blobIDs == nil {
// Return an error to terminate the Walk
return errors.New("OK")
if node.Type == restic.NodeTypeFile && f.blobIDs != nil {
for _, id := range node.Content {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
idStr := id.String()
if _, ok := f.blobIDs[idStr]; !ok {
// Look for short ID form
if _, ok := f.blobIDs[id.Str()]; !ok {
// Replace the short ID with the long one
f.blobIDs[idStr] = struct{}{}
delete(f.blobIDs, id.Str())
f.out.PrintObject("blob", idStr, nodepath, parentTreeID.String(), sn)
return nil
var errAllPacksFound = errors.New("all packs found")
// packsToBlobs converts the list of pack IDs to a list of blob IDs that
// belong to those packs.
func (f *Finder) packsToBlobs(ctx context.Context, packs []string) error {
packIDs := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, p := range packs {
packIDs[p] = struct{}{}
if f.blobIDs == nil {
f.blobIDs = make(map[string]struct{})
debug.Log("Looking for packs...")
err := f.repo.List(ctx, restic.PackFile, func(id restic.ID, size int64) error {
idStr := id.String()
if _, ok := packIDs[idStr]; !ok {
// Look for short ID form
if _, ok := packIDs[id.Str()]; !ok {
return nil
delete(packIDs, id.Str())
} else {
// forget found id
delete(packIDs, idStr)
debug.Log("Found pack %s", idStr)
blobs, _, err := f.repo.ListPack(ctx, id, size)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, b := range blobs {
f.blobIDs[b.ID.String()] = struct{}{}
// Stop searching when all packs have been found
if len(packIDs) == 0 {
return errAllPacksFound
return nil
if err != nil && err != errAllPacksFound {
return err
if err != errAllPacksFound {
// try to resolve unknown pack ids from the index
packIDs, err = f.indexPacksToBlobs(ctx, packIDs)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(packIDs) > 0 {
list := make([]string, 0, len(packIDs))
for h := range packIDs {
list = append(list, h)
return errors.Fatalf("unable to find pack(s): %v", list)
debug.Log("%d blobs found", len(f.blobIDs))
return nil
func (f *Finder) indexPacksToBlobs(ctx context.Context, packIDs map[string]struct{}) (map[string]struct{}, error) {
wctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
// remember which packs were found in the index
indexPackIDs := make(map[string]struct{})
err := f.repo.ListBlobs(wctx, func(pb restic.PackedBlob) {
idStr := pb.PackID.String()
// keep entry in packIDs as Each() returns individual index entries
matchingID := false
if _, ok := packIDs[idStr]; ok {
matchingID = true
} else {
if _, ok := packIDs[pb.PackID.Str()]; ok {
// expand id
delete(packIDs, pb.PackID.Str())
packIDs[idStr] = struct{}{}
matchingID = true
if matchingID {
f.blobIDs[pb.ID.String()] = struct{}{}
indexPackIDs[idStr] = struct{}{}
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for id := range indexPackIDs {
delete(packIDs, id)
if len(indexPackIDs) > 0 {
list := make([]string, 0, len(indexPackIDs))
for h := range indexPackIDs {
list = append(list, h)
Warnf("some pack files are missing from the repository, getting their blobs from the repository index: %v\n\n", list)
return packIDs, nil
func (f *Finder) findObjectPack(id string, t restic.BlobType) {
rid, err := restic.ParseID(id)
if err != nil {
Printf("Note: cannot find pack for object '%s', unable to parse ID: %v\n", id, err)
blobs := f.repo.LookupBlob(t, rid)
if len(blobs) == 0 {
Printf("Object %s not found in the index\n", rid.Str())
for _, b := range blobs {
if b.ID.Equal(rid) {
Printf("Object belongs to pack %s\n ... Pack %s: %s\n", b.PackID, b.PackID.Str(), b.String())
func (f *Finder) findObjectsPacks() {
for i := range f.blobIDs {
f.findObjectPack(i, restic.DataBlob)
for i := range f.treeIDs {
f.findObjectPack(i, restic.TreeBlob)
func runFind(ctx context.Context, opts FindOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, args []string) error {
if len(args) == 0 {
return errors.Fatal("wrong number of arguments")
var err error
pat := findPattern{pattern: args}
if opts.CaseInsensitive {
for i := range pat.pattern {
pat.pattern[i] = strings.ToLower(pat.pattern[i])
pat.ignoreCase = true
if opts.Oldest != "" {
if pat.oldest, err = parseTime(opts.Oldest); err != nil {
return err
if opts.Newest != "" {
if pat.newest, err = parseTime(opts.Newest); err != nil {
return err
// Check at most only one kind of IDs is provided: currently we
// can't mix types
if (opts.BlobID && opts.TreeID) ||
(opts.BlobID && opts.PackID) ||
(opts.TreeID && opts.PackID) {
return errors.Fatal("cannot have several ID types")
ctx, repo, unlock, err := openWithReadLock(ctx, gopts, gopts.NoLock)
if err != nil {
return err
defer unlock()
snapshotLister, err := restic.MemorizeList(ctx, repo, restic.SnapshotFile)
if err != nil {
return err
bar := newIndexProgress(gopts.Quiet, gopts.JSON)
if err = repo.LoadIndex(ctx, bar); err != nil {
return err
f := &Finder{
repo: repo,
pat: pat,
out: statefulOutput{ListLong: opts.ListLong, HumanReadable: opts.HumanReadable, JSON: gopts.JSON},
if opts.BlobID {
f.blobIDs = make(map[string]struct{})
for _, pat := range f.pat.pattern {
f.blobIDs[pat] = struct{}{}
if opts.TreeID {
f.treeIDs = make(map[string]struct{})
for _, pat := range f.pat.pattern {
f.treeIDs[pat] = struct{}{}
if opts.PackID {
err := f.packsToBlobs(ctx, f.pat.pattern)
if err != nil {
return err
var filteredSnapshots []*restic.Snapshot
for sn := range FindFilteredSnapshots(ctx, snapshotLister, repo, &opts.SnapshotFilter, opts.Snapshots) {
filteredSnapshots = append(filteredSnapshots, sn)
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
sort.Slice(filteredSnapshots, func(i, j int) bool {
return filteredSnapshots[i].Time.Before(filteredSnapshots[j].Time)
for _, sn := range filteredSnapshots {
if f.blobIDs != nil || f.treeIDs != nil {
if err = f.findIDs(ctx, sn); err != nil && err.Error() != "OK" {
return err
if err = f.findInSnapshot(ctx, sn); err != nil {
return err
if opts.ShowPackID && (f.blobIDs != nil || f.treeIDs != nil) {
return nil