Michael Eischer 48dbefc37e fs / archiver: convert to handle based interface
The actual implementation still relies on file paths, but with the
abstraction layer in place, an FS implementation can ensure atomic file
accesses in the future.
2024-11-16 12:56:23 +01:00

579 lines
20 KiB

//go:build windows
// +build windows
package fs
import (
func TestRestoreSecurityDescriptors(t *testing.T) {
tempDir := t.TempDir()
for i, sd := range testFileSDs {
testRestoreSecurityDescriptor(t, sd, tempDir, restic.NodeTypeFile, fmt.Sprintf("testfile%d", i))
for i, sd := range testDirSDs {
testRestoreSecurityDescriptor(t, sd, tempDir, restic.NodeTypeDir, fmt.Sprintf("testdir%d", i))
func testRestoreSecurityDescriptor(t *testing.T, sd string, tempDir string, fileType restic.NodeType, fileName string) {
// Decode the encoded string SD to get the security descriptor input in bytes.
sdInputBytes, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(sd)
test.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "Error decoding SD for: %s", fileName))
// Wrap the security descriptor bytes in windows attributes and convert to generic attributes.
genericAttributes, err := restic.WindowsAttrsToGenericAttributes(restic.WindowsAttributes{CreationTime: nil, FileAttributes: nil, SecurityDescriptor: &sdInputBytes})
test.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "Error constructing windows attributes for: %s", fileName))
// Construct a Node with the generic attributes.
expectedNode := getNode(fileName, fileType, genericAttributes)
// Restore the file/dir and restore the meta data including the security descriptors.
testPath, node := restoreAndGetNode(t, tempDir, &expectedNode, false)
// Get the security descriptor from the node constructed from the file info of the restored path.
sdByteFromRestoredNode := getWindowsAttr(t, testPath, node).SecurityDescriptor
// Get the security descriptor for the test path after the restore.
sdBytesFromRestoredPath, err := getSecurityDescriptor(testPath)
test.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "Error while getting the security descriptor for: %s", testPath))
// Compare the input SD and the SD got from the restored file.
compareSecurityDescriptors(t, testPath, sdInputBytes, *sdBytesFromRestoredPath)
// Compare the SD got from node constructed from the restored file info and the SD got directly from the restored file.
compareSecurityDescriptors(t, testPath, *sdByteFromRestoredNode, *sdBytesFromRestoredPath)
func getNode(name string, fileType restic.NodeType, genericAttributes map[restic.GenericAttributeType]json.RawMessage) restic.Node {
return restic.Node{
Name: name,
Type: fileType,
Mode: 0644,
ModTime: parseTime("2024-02-21 6:30:01.111"),
AccessTime: parseTime("2024-02-22 7:31:02.222"),
ChangeTime: parseTime("2024-02-23 8:32:03.333"),
GenericAttributes: genericAttributes,
func getWindowsAttr(t *testing.T, testPath string, node *restic.Node) restic.WindowsAttributes {
windowsAttributes, unknownAttribs, err := genericAttributesToWindowsAttrs(node.GenericAttributes)
test.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "Error getting windows attr from generic attr: %s", testPath))
test.Assert(t, len(unknownAttribs) == 0, "Unknown attribs found: %s for: %s", unknownAttribs, testPath)
return windowsAttributes
func TestRestoreCreationTime(t *testing.T) {
path := t.TempDir()
fi, err := os.Lstat(path)
test.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "Could not Lstat for path: %s", path))
attr := fi.Sys().(*syscall.Win32FileAttributeData)
creationTimeAttribute := attr.CreationTime
//Using the temp dir creation time as the test creation time for the test file and folder
runGenericAttributesTest(t, path, restic.TypeCreationTime, restic.WindowsAttributes{CreationTime: &creationTimeAttribute}, false)
func TestRestoreFileAttributes(t *testing.T) {
genericAttributeName := restic.TypeFileAttributes
tempDir := t.TempDir()
normal := uint32(syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)
hidden := uint32(syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN)
system := uint32(syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM)
archive := uint32(syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE)
encrypted := uint32(windows.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED)
fileAttributes := []restic.WindowsAttributes{
{FileAttributes: &normal},
{FileAttributes: &hidden},
{FileAttributes: &system},
{FileAttributes: &archive},
{FileAttributes: &encrypted},
for i, fileAttr := range fileAttributes {
genericAttrs, err := restic.WindowsAttrsToGenericAttributes(fileAttr)
test.OK(t, err)
expectedNodes := []restic.Node{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("testfile%d", i),
Type: restic.NodeTypeFile,
Mode: 0655,
ModTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:03.111"),
AccessTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:04.222"),
ChangeTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:05.333"),
GenericAttributes: genericAttrs,
runGenericAttributesTestForNodes(t, expectedNodes, tempDir, genericAttributeName, fileAttr, false)
normal = uint32(syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
folderAttributes := []restic.WindowsAttributes{
{FileAttributes: &normal},
{FileAttributes: &hidden},
{FileAttributes: &system},
{FileAttributes: &archive},
{FileAttributes: &encrypted},
for i, folderAttr := range folderAttributes {
genericAttrs, err := restic.WindowsAttrsToGenericAttributes(folderAttr)
test.OK(t, err)
expectedNodes := []restic.Node{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("testdirectory%d", i),
Type: restic.NodeTypeDir,
Mode: 0755,
ModTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:03.111"),
AccessTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:04.222"),
ChangeTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:05.333"),
GenericAttributes: genericAttrs,
runGenericAttributesTestForNodes(t, expectedNodes, tempDir, genericAttributeName, folderAttr, false)
func runGenericAttributesTest(t *testing.T, tempDir string, genericAttributeName restic.GenericAttributeType, genericAttributeExpected restic.WindowsAttributes, warningExpected bool) {
genericAttributes, err := restic.WindowsAttrsToGenericAttributes(genericAttributeExpected)
test.OK(t, err)
expectedNodes := []restic.Node{
Name: "testfile",
Type: restic.NodeTypeFile,
Mode: 0644,
ModTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:03.111"),
AccessTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:04.222"),
ChangeTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:05.333"),
GenericAttributes: genericAttributes,
Name: "testdirectory",
Type: restic.NodeTypeDir,
Mode: 0755,
ModTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:03.111"),
AccessTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:04.222"),
ChangeTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:05.333"),
GenericAttributes: genericAttributes,
runGenericAttributesTestForNodes(t, expectedNodes, tempDir, genericAttributeName, genericAttributeExpected, warningExpected)
func runGenericAttributesTestForNodes(t *testing.T, expectedNodes []restic.Node, tempDir string, genericAttr restic.GenericAttributeType, genericAttributeExpected restic.WindowsAttributes, warningExpected bool) {
for _, testNode := range expectedNodes {
testPath, node := restoreAndGetNode(t, tempDir, &testNode, warningExpected)
rawMessage := node.GenericAttributes[genericAttr]
genericAttrsExpected, err := restic.WindowsAttrsToGenericAttributes(genericAttributeExpected)
test.OK(t, err)
rawMessageExpected := genericAttrsExpected[genericAttr]
test.Equals(t, rawMessageExpected, rawMessage, "Generic attribute: %s got from NodeFromFileInfo not equal for path: %s", string(genericAttr), testPath)
func restoreAndGetNode(t *testing.T, tempDir string, testNode *restic.Node, warningExpected bool) (string, *restic.Node) {
testPath := filepath.Join(tempDir, "001", testNode.Name)
err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(testPath), testNode.Mode)
test.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to create parent directories for: %s", testPath))
if testNode.Type == restic.NodeTypeFile {
testFile, err := os.Create(testPath)
test.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to create test file: %s", testPath))
} else if testNode.Type == restic.NodeTypeDir {
err := os.Mkdir(testPath, testNode.Mode)
test.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to create test directory: %s", testPath))
err = NodeRestoreMetadata(testNode, testPath, func(msg string) {
if warningExpected {
test.Assert(t, warningExpected, "Warning triggered as expected: %s", msg)
} else {
// If warning is not expected, this code should not get triggered.
test.OK(t, fmt.Errorf("Warning triggered for path: %s: %s", testPath, msg))
test.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to restore metadata for: %s", testPath))
fs := &Local{}
meta, err := fs.OpenFile(testPath, O_NOFOLLOW, true)
test.OK(t, err)
nodeFromFileInfo, err := meta.ToNode(false)
test.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "Could not get NodeFromFileInfo for path: %s", testPath))
test.OK(t, meta.Close())
return testPath, nodeFromFileInfo
const TypeSomeNewAttribute restic.GenericAttributeType = "MockAttributes.SomeNewAttribute"
func TestNewGenericAttributeType(t *testing.T) {
newGenericAttribute := map[restic.GenericAttributeType]json.RawMessage{}
newGenericAttribute[TypeSomeNewAttribute] = []byte("any value")
tempDir := t.TempDir()
expectedNodes := []restic.Node{
Name: "testfile",
Type: restic.NodeTypeFile,
Mode: 0644,
ModTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:03.111"),
AccessTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:04.222"),
ChangeTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:05.333"),
GenericAttributes: newGenericAttribute,
Name: "testdirectory",
Type: restic.NodeTypeDir,
Mode: 0755,
ModTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:03.111"),
AccessTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:04.222"),
ChangeTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:05.333"),
GenericAttributes: newGenericAttribute,
for _, testNode := range expectedNodes {
testPath, node := restoreAndGetNode(t, tempDir, &testNode, true)
_, ua, err := genericAttributesToWindowsAttrs(node.GenericAttributes)
test.OK(t, err)
// Since this GenericAttribute is unknown to this version of the software, it will not get set on the file.
test.Assert(t, len(ua) == 0, "Unknown attributes: %s found for path: %s", ua, testPath)
func TestRestoreExtendedAttributes(t *testing.T) {
tempDir := t.TempDir()
expectedNodes := []restic.Node{
Name: "testfile",
Type: restic.NodeTypeFile,
Mode: 0644,
ModTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:03.111"),
AccessTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:04.222"),
ChangeTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:05.333"),
ExtendedAttributes: []restic.ExtendedAttribute{
{"", []byte("bar")},
Name: "testdirectory",
Type: restic.NodeTypeDir,
Mode: 0755,
ModTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:03.111"),
AccessTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:04.222"),
ChangeTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:05.333"),
ExtendedAttributes: []restic.ExtendedAttribute{
{"", []byte("bar")},
for _, testNode := range expectedNodes {
testPath, node := restoreAndGetNode(t, tempDir, &testNode, false)
var handle windows.Handle
var err error
utf16Path := windows.StringToUTF16Ptr(testPath)
if node.Type == restic.NodeTypeFile {
handle, err = windows.CreateFile(utf16Path, windows.FILE_READ_EA, 0, nil, windows.OPEN_EXISTING, windows.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0)
} else if node.Type == restic.NodeTypeDir {
handle, err = windows.CreateFile(utf16Path, windows.FILE_READ_EA, 0, nil, windows.OPEN_EXISTING, windows.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL|windows.FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, 0)
test.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "Error opening file/directory for: %s", testPath))
defer func() {
err := windows.Close(handle)
test.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "Error closing file for: %s", testPath))
extAttr, err := fgetEA(handle)
test.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "Error getting extended attributes for: %s", testPath))
test.Equals(t, len(node.ExtendedAttributes), len(extAttr))
for _, expectedExtAttr := range node.ExtendedAttributes {
var foundExtAttr *extendedAttribute
for _, ea := range extAttr {
if strings.EqualFold(ea.Name, expectedExtAttr.Name) {
foundExtAttr = &ea
test.Assert(t, foundExtAttr != nil, "Expected extended attribute not found")
test.Equals(t, expectedExtAttr.Value, foundExtAttr.Value)
func TestPrepareVolumeName(t *testing.T) {
currentVolume := filepath.VolumeName(func() string {
// Get the current working directory
pwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to get current working directory: %v", err)
return pwd
// Create a temporary directory for the test
tempDir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "restic_test_"+time.Now().Format("20060102150405"))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create temp directory: %v", err)
defer os.RemoveAll(tempDir)
// Create a long file name
longFileName := `\Very\Long\Path\That\Exceeds\260\Characters\` + strings.Repeat(`\VeryLongFolderName`, 20) + `\\LongFile.txt`
longFilePath := filepath.Join(tempDir, longFileName)
tempDirVolume := filepath.VolumeName(tempDir)
// Create the file
content := []byte("This is a test file with a very long name.")
err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(longFilePath), 0755)
test.OK(t, err)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create long folder: %v", err)
err = os.WriteFile(longFilePath, content, 0644)
test.OK(t, err)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create long file: %v", err)
osVolumeGUIDPath := getOSVolumeGUIDPath(t)
osVolumeGUIDVolume := filepath.VolumeName(osVolumeGUIDPath)
testCases := []struct {
name string
path string
expectedVolume string
expectError bool
expectedEASupported bool
isRealPath bool
name: "Network drive path",
path: `Z:\Shared\Documents`,
expectedVolume: `Z:`,
expectError: false,
expectedEASupported: false,
name: "Subst drive path",
path: `X:\Virtual\Folder`,
expectedVolume: `X:`,
expectError: false,
expectedEASupported: false,
name: "Windows reserved path",
path: `\\.\` + os.Getenv("SystemDrive") + `\System32\drivers\etc\hosts`,
expectedVolume: `\\.\` + os.Getenv("SystemDrive"),
expectError: false,
expectedEASupported: true,
isRealPath: true,
name: "Long UNC path",
path: `\\?\UNC\LongServerName\VeryLongShareName\DeepPath\File.txt`,
expectedVolume: `\\LongServerName\VeryLongShareName`,
expectError: false,
expectedEASupported: false,
name: "Volume GUID path",
path: osVolumeGUIDPath,
expectedVolume: osVolumeGUIDVolume,
expectError: false,
expectedEASupported: true,
isRealPath: true,
name: "Volume GUID path with subfolder",
path: osVolumeGUIDPath + `\Windows`,
expectedVolume: osVolumeGUIDVolume,
expectError: false,
expectedEASupported: true,
isRealPath: true,
name: "Standard path",
path: os.Getenv("SystemDrive") + `\Users\`,
expectedVolume: os.Getenv("SystemDrive"),
expectError: false,
expectedEASupported: true,
isRealPath: true,
name: "Extended length path",
path: longFilePath,
expectedVolume: tempDirVolume,
expectError: false,
expectedEASupported: true,
isRealPath: true,
name: "UNC path",
path: `\\server\share\folder`,
expectedVolume: `\\server\share`,
expectError: false,
expectedEASupported: false,
name: "Extended UNC path",
path: `\\?\UNC\server\share\folder`,
expectedVolume: `\\server\share`,
expectError: false,
expectedEASupported: false,
name: "Volume Shadow Copy root",
path: `\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy5555`,
expectedVolume: `\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy5555`,
expectError: false,
expectedEASupported: false,
name: "Volume Shadow Copy path",
path: `\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy5555\Users\test`,
expectedVolume: `\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy5555`,
expectError: false,
expectedEASupported: false,
name: "Relative path",
path: `folder\subfolder`,
expectedVolume: currentVolume, // Get current volume
expectError: false,
expectedEASupported: true,
name: "Empty path",
path: ``,
expectedVolume: currentVolume,
expectError: false,
expectedEASupported: true,
isRealPath: false,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
isEASupported, err := checkAndStoreEASupport(tc.path)
test.OK(t, err)
test.Equals(t, tc.expectedEASupported, isEASupported)
volume, err := prepareVolumeName(tc.path)
if tc.expectError {
test.Assert(t, err != nil, "Expected an error, but got none")
} else {
test.OK(t, err)
test.Equals(t, tc.expectedVolume, volume)
if tc.isRealPath {
isEASupportedVolume, err := pathSupportsExtendedAttributes(volume + `\`)
// If the prepared volume name is not valid, we will next fetch the actual volume name.
test.OK(t, err)
test.Equals(t, tc.expectedEASupported, isEASupportedVolume)
actualVolume, err := getVolumePathName(tc.path)
test.OK(t, err)
test.Equals(t, tc.expectedVolume, actualVolume)
func getOSVolumeGUIDPath(t *testing.T) string {
// Get the path of the OS drive (usually C:\)
osDrive := os.Getenv("SystemDrive") + "\\"
// Convert to a volume GUID path
volumeName, err := windows.UTF16PtrFromString(osDrive)
test.OK(t, err)
if err != nil {
return ""
var volumeGUID [windows.MAX_PATH]uint16
err = windows.GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint(volumeName, &volumeGUID[0], windows.MAX_PATH)
test.OK(t, err)
if err != nil {
return ""
return windows.UTF16ToString(volumeGUID[:])
func TestGetVolumePathName(t *testing.T) {
tempDirVolume := filepath.VolumeName(os.TempDir())
testCases := []struct {
name string
path string
expectedPrefix string
name: "Root directory",
path: os.Getenv("SystemDrive") + `\`,
expectedPrefix: os.Getenv("SystemDrive"),
name: "Nested directory",
path: os.Getenv("SystemDrive") + `\Windows\System32`,
expectedPrefix: os.Getenv("SystemDrive"),
name: "Temp directory",
path: os.TempDir() + `\`,
expectedPrefix: tempDirVolume,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
volumeName, err := getVolumePathName(tc.path)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
if !strings.HasPrefix(volumeName, tc.expectedPrefix) {
t.Errorf("Expected volume name to start with %s, but got %s", tc.expectedPrefix, volumeName)
// Test with an invalid path
_, err := getVolumePathName("Z:\\NonExistentPath")
if err == nil {
t.Error("Expected an error for non-existent path, but got nil")