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package test
import (
// Suite implements a test suite for restic backends.
type Suite struct {
Config interface{}
// NewConfig returns a config for a new temporary backend that will be used in tests.
NewConfig func() (interface{}, error)
// CreateFn is a function that creates a temporary repository for the tests.
Create func(cfg interface{}) (restic.Backend, error)
// OpenFn is a function that opens a previously created temporary repository.
Open func(cfg interface{}) (restic.Backend, error)
// CleanupFn removes data created during the tests.
Cleanup func(cfg interface{}) error
// MinimalData instructs the tests to not use excessive data.
MinimalData bool
// RunTests executes all defined tests as subtests of t.
func (s *Suite) RunTests(t *testing.T) {
var err error
s.Config, err = s.NewConfig()
if err != nil {
// test create/open functions first
be := s.create(t)
s.close(t, be)
for _, test := range TestFunctions {
t.Run(test.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
test.Fn(t, s)
if !test.TestCleanupTempDirs {
t.Logf("not cleaning up backend")
if err = s.Cleanup(s.Config); err != nil {
func (s *Suite) create(t testing.TB) restic.Backend {
be, err := s.Create(s.Config)
if err != nil {
return be
func (s *Suite) open(t testing.TB) restic.Backend {
be, err := s.Open(s.Config)
if err != nil {
return be
func (s *Suite) close(t testing.TB, be restic.Backend) {
err := be.Close()
if err != nil {
// TestCreateWithConfig tests that creating a backend in a location which already
// has a config file fails.
func TestCreateWithConfig(t testing.TB, s *Suite) {
b := s.open(t)
defer s.close(t, b)
// save a config
store(t, b, restic.ConfigFile, []byte("test config"))
// now create the backend again, this must fail
_, err := s.Create(s.Config)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected error not found for creating a backend with an existing config file")
// remove config
err = b.Remove(restic.Handle{Type: restic.ConfigFile, Name: ""})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error removing config: %+v", err)
// TestLocation tests that a location string is returned.
func TestLocation(t testing.TB, s *Suite) {
b := s.open(t)
defer s.close(t, b)
l := b.Location()
if l == "" {
t.Fatalf("invalid location string %q", l)
// TestConfig saves and loads a config from the backend.
func TestConfig(t testing.TB, s *Suite) {
b := s.open(t)
defer s.close(t, b)
var testString = "Config"
// create config and read it back
_, err := backend.LoadAll(b, restic.Handle{Type: restic.ConfigFile})
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("did not get expected error for non-existing config")
err = b.Save(restic.Handle{Type: restic.ConfigFile}, strings.NewReader(testString))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Save() error: %+v", err)
// try accessing the config with different names, should all return the
// same config
for _, name := range []string{"", "foo", "bar", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"} {
h := restic.Handle{Type: restic.ConfigFile, Name: name}
buf, err := backend.LoadAll(b, h)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to read config with name %q: %+v", name, err)
if string(buf) != testString {
t.Fatalf("wrong data returned, want %q, got %q", testString, string(buf))
// TestLoad tests the backend's Load function.
func TestLoad(t testing.TB, s *Suite) {
b := s.open(t)
defer s.close(t, b)
_, err := b.Load(restic.Handle{}, 0, 0)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Load() did not return an error for invalid handle")
_, err = b.Load(restic.Handle{Type: restic.DataFile, Name: "foobar"}, 0, 0)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Load() did not return an error for non-existing blob")
length := rand.Intn(1<<24) + 2000
data := test.Random(23, length)
id := restic.Hash(data)
handle := restic.Handle{Type: restic.DataFile, Name: id.String()}
err = b.Save(handle, bytes.NewReader(data))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Save() error: %+v", err)
rd, err := b.Load(handle, 100, -1)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Load() returned no error for negative offset!")
if rd != nil {
t.Fatalf("Load() returned a non-nil reader for negative offset!")
loadTests := 50
if s.MinimalData {
loadTests = 10
for i := 0; i < loadTests; i++ {
l := rand.Intn(length + 2000)
o := rand.Intn(length + 2000)
d := data
if o < len(d) {
d = d[o:]
} else {
o = len(d)
d = d[:0]
getlen := l
if l >= len(d) && rand.Float32() >= 0.5 {
getlen = 0
if l > 0 && l < len(d) {
d = d[:l]
rd, err := b.Load(handle, getlen, int64(o))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Load(%d, %d) returned unexpected error: %+v", l, o, err)
buf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rd)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Load(%d, %d) ReadAll() returned unexpected error: %+v", l, o, err)
if err = rd.Close(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Load(%d, %d) rd.Close() returned error: %+v", err)
if l == 0 && len(buf) != len(d) {
t.Errorf("Load(%d, %d) wrong number of bytes read: want %d, got %d", l, o, len(d), len(buf))
if err = rd.Close(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Load(%d, %d) rd.Close() returned error: %+v", err)
if l > 0 && l <= len(d) && len(buf) != l {
t.Errorf("Load(%d, %d) wrong number of bytes read: want %d, got %d", l, o, l, len(buf))
if err = rd.Close(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Load(%d, %d) rd.Close() returned error: %+v", err)
if l > len(d) && len(buf) != len(d) {
t.Errorf("Load(%d, %d) wrong number of bytes read for overlong read: want %d, got %d", l, o, l, len(buf))
if err = rd.Close(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Load(%d, %d) rd.Close() returned error: %+v", err)
if !bytes.Equal(buf, d) {
t.Errorf("Load(%d, %d) returned wrong bytes", l, o)
if err = rd.Close(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Load(%d, %d) rd.Close() returned error: %+v", err)
err = rd.Close()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Load(%d, %d) rd.Close() returned unexpected error: %+v", l, o, err)
test.OK(t, b.Remove(handle))
type errorCloser struct {
t testing.TB
func (ec errorCloser) Close() error {
ec.t.Error("forbidden method close was called")
return errors.New("forbidden method close was called")
// TestSave tests saving data in the backend.
func TestSave(t testing.TB, s *Suite) {
b := s.open(t)
defer s.close(t, b)
var id restic.ID
saveTests := 10
if s.MinimalData {
saveTests = 2
for i := 0; i < saveTests; i++ {
length := rand.Intn(1<<23) + 200000
data := test.Random(23, length)
// use the first 32 byte as the ID
copy(id[:], data)
h := restic.Handle{
Type: restic.DataFile,
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", id, i),
err := b.Save(h, bytes.NewReader(data))
test.OK(t, err)
buf, err := backend.LoadAll(b, h)
test.OK(t, err)
if len(buf) != len(data) {
t.Fatalf("number of bytes does not match, want %v, got %v", len(data), len(buf))
if !bytes.Equal(buf, data) {
t.Fatalf("data not equal")
fi, err := b.Stat(h)
test.OK(t, err)
if fi.Size != int64(len(data)) {
t.Fatalf("Stat() returned different size, want %q, got %d", len(data), fi.Size)
err = b.Remove(h)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error removing item: %+v", err)
// test saving from a tempfile
tmpfile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "restic-backend-save-test-")
if err != nil {
length := rand.Intn(1<<23) + 200000
data := test.Random(23, length)
copy(id[:], data)
if _, err = tmpfile.Write(data); err != nil {
if _, err = tmpfile.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
h := restic.Handle{Type: restic.DataFile, Name: id.String()}
// wrap the tempfile in an errorCloser, so we can detect if the backend
// closes the reader
err = b.Save(h, errorCloser{t: t, Reader: tmpfile})
if err != nil {
if err = tmpfile.Close(); err != nil {
if err = os.Remove(tmpfile.Name()); err != nil {
err = b.Remove(h)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error removing item: %+v", err)
var filenameTests = []struct {
name string
data string
{"1dfc6bc0f06cb255889e9ea7860a5753e8eb9665c9a96627971171b444e3113e", "x"},
{"f00b4r", "foobar"},
"foobar content of data blob",
// TestSaveFilenames tests saving data with various file names in the backend.
func TestSaveFilenames(t testing.TB, s *Suite) {
b := s.open(t)
defer s.close(t, b)
for i, test := range filenameTests {
h := restic.Handle{Name: test.name, Type: restic.DataFile}
err := b.Save(h, strings.NewReader(test.data))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("test %d failed: Save() returned %+v", i, err)
buf, err := backend.LoadAll(b, h)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("test %d failed: Load() returned %+v", i, err)
if !bytes.Equal(buf, []byte(test.data)) {
t.Errorf("test %d: returned wrong bytes", i)
err = b.Remove(h)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("test %d failed: Remove() returned %+v", i, err)
var testStrings = []struct {
id string
data string
{"c3ab8ff13720e8ad9047dd39466b3c8974e592c2fa383d4a3960714caef0c4f2", "foobar"},
{"248d6a61d20638b8e5c026930c3e6039a33ce45964ff2167f6ecedd419db06c1", "abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq"},
{"cc5d46bdb4991c6eae3eb739c9c8a7a46fe9654fab79c47b4fe48383b5b25e1c", "foo/bar"},
{"4e54d2c721cbdb730f01b10b62dec622962b36966ec685880effa63d71c808f2", "foo/../../baz"},
func store(t testing.TB, b restic.Backend, tpe restic.FileType, data []byte) restic.Handle {
id := restic.Hash(data)
h := restic.Handle{Name: id.String(), Type: tpe}
err := b.Save(h, bytes.NewReader(data))
test.OK(t, err)
return h
// TestBackend tests all functions of the backend.
func TestBackend(t testing.TB, s *Suite) {
b := s.open(t)
defer s.close(t, b)
for _, tpe := range []restic.FileType{
restic.DataFile, restic.KeyFile, restic.LockFile,
restic.SnapshotFile, restic.IndexFile,
} {
// detect non-existing files
for _, ts := range testStrings {
id, err := restic.ParseID(ts.id)
test.OK(t, err)
// test if blob is already in repository
h := restic.Handle{Type: tpe, Name: id.String()}
ret, err := b.Test(h)
test.OK(t, err)
test.Assert(t, !ret, "blob was found to exist before creating")
// try to stat a not existing blob
_, err = b.Stat(h)
test.Assert(t, err != nil, "blob data could be extracted before creation")
// try to read not existing blob
_, err = b.Load(h, 0, 0)
test.Assert(t, err != nil, "blob reader could be obtained before creation")
// try to get string out, should fail
ret, err = b.Test(h)
test.OK(t, err)
test.Assert(t, !ret, "id %q was found (but should not have)", ts.id)
// add files
for _, ts := range testStrings {
store(t, b, tpe, []byte(ts.data))
// test Load()
h := restic.Handle{Type: tpe, Name: ts.id}
buf, err := backend.LoadAll(b, h)
test.OK(t, err)
test.Equals(t, ts.data, string(buf))
// try to read it out with an offset and a length
start := 1
end := len(ts.data) - 2
length := end - start
buf2 := make([]byte, length)
rd, err := b.Load(h, len(buf2), int64(start))
test.OK(t, err)
n, err := io.ReadFull(rd, buf2)
test.OK(t, err)
test.Equals(t, len(buf2), n)
remaining, err := io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, rd)
test.OK(t, err)
test.Equals(t, int64(0), remaining)
test.OK(t, rd.Close())
test.Equals(t, ts.data[start:end], string(buf2))
// test adding the first file again
ts := testStrings[0]
// create blob
h := restic.Handle{Type: tpe, Name: ts.id}
err := b.Save(h, strings.NewReader(ts.data))
test.Assert(t, err != nil, "expected error for %v, got %v", h, err)
// remove and recreate
err = b.Remove(h)
test.OK(t, err)
// test that the blob is gone
ok, err := b.Test(h)
test.OK(t, err)
test.Assert(t, !ok, "removed blob still present")
// create blob
err = b.Save(h, strings.NewReader(ts.data))
test.OK(t, err)
// list items
IDs := restic.IDs{}
for _, ts := range testStrings {
id, err := restic.ParseID(ts.id)
test.OK(t, err)
IDs = append(IDs, id)
list := restic.IDs{}
for s := range b.List(tpe, nil) {
list = append(list, restic.TestParseID(s))
if len(IDs) != len(list) {
t.Fatalf("wrong number of IDs returned: want %d, got %d", len(IDs), len(list))
if !reflect.DeepEqual(IDs, list) {
t.Fatalf("lists aren't equal, want:\n %v\n got:\n%v\n", IDs, list)
// remove content if requested
if test.TestCleanupTempDirs {
for _, ts := range testStrings {
id, err := restic.ParseID(ts.id)
test.OK(t, err)
h := restic.Handle{Type: tpe, Name: id.String()}
found, err := b.Test(h)
test.OK(t, err)
test.Assert(t, found, fmt.Sprintf("id %q not found", id))
test.OK(t, b.Remove(h))
found, err = b.Test(h)
test.OK(t, err)
test.Assert(t, !found, fmt.Sprintf("id %q not found after removal", id))
// TestDelete tests the Delete function.
func TestDelete(t testing.TB, s *Suite) {
if !test.TestCleanupTempDirs {
t.Skipf("not removing backend, TestCleanupTempDirs is false")
b := s.open(t)
defer s.close(t, b)
be, ok := b.(restic.Deleter)
if !ok {
err := be.Delete()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error deleting backend: %+v", err)