2024-11-01 15:27:25 +01:00

292 lines
10 KiB

package main
import (
var cmdPrune = &cobra.Command{
Use: "prune [flags]",
Short: "Remove unneeded data from the repository",
Long: `
The "prune" command checks the repository and removes data that is not
referenced and therefore not needed any more.
Exit status is 0 if the command was successful.
Exit status is 1 if there was any error.
Exit status is 10 if the repository does not exist.
Exit status is 11 if the repository is already locked.
Exit status is 12 if the password is incorrect.
GroupID: cmdGroupDefault,
DisableAutoGenTag: true,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
term, cancel := setupTermstatus()
defer cancel()
return runPrune(cmd.Context(), pruneOptions, globalOptions, term)
// PruneOptions collects all options for the cleanup command.
type PruneOptions struct {
DryRun bool
UnsafeNoSpaceRecovery string
unsafeRecovery bool
MaxUnused string
maxUnusedBytes func(used uint64) (unused uint64) // calculates the number of unused bytes after repacking, according to MaxUnused
MaxRepackSize string
MaxRepackBytes uint64
RepackCacheableOnly bool
RepackSmall bool
RepackUncompressed bool
var pruneOptions PruneOptions
func init() {
f := cmdPrune.Flags()
f.BoolVarP(&pruneOptions.DryRun, "dry-run", "n", false, "do not modify the repository, just print what would be done")
f.StringVarP(&pruneOptions.UnsafeNoSpaceRecovery, "unsafe-recover-no-free-space", "", "", "UNSAFE, READ THE DOCUMENTATION BEFORE USING! Try to recover a repository stuck with no free space. Do not use without trying out 'prune --max-repack-size 0' first.")
addPruneOptions(cmdPrune, &pruneOptions)
func addPruneOptions(c *cobra.Command, pruneOptions *PruneOptions) {
f := c.Flags()
f.StringVar(&pruneOptions.MaxUnused, "max-unused", "5%", "tolerate given `limit` of unused data (absolute value in bytes with suffixes k/K, m/M, g/G, t/T, a value in % or the word 'unlimited')")
f.StringVar(&pruneOptions.MaxRepackSize, "max-repack-size", "", "maximum `size` to repack (allowed suffixes: k/K, m/M, g/G, t/T)")
f.BoolVar(&pruneOptions.RepackCacheableOnly, "repack-cacheable-only", false, "only repack packs which are cacheable")
f.BoolVar(&pruneOptions.RepackSmall, "repack-small", false, "repack pack files below 80% of target pack size")
f.BoolVar(&pruneOptions.RepackUncompressed, "repack-uncompressed", false, "repack all uncompressed data")
func verifyPruneOptions(opts *PruneOptions) error {
opts.MaxRepackBytes = math.MaxUint64
if len(opts.MaxRepackSize) > 0 {
size, err := ui.ParseBytes(opts.MaxRepackSize)
if err != nil {
return err
opts.MaxRepackBytes = uint64(size)
if opts.UnsafeNoSpaceRecovery != "" {
// prevent repacking data to make sure users cannot get stuck.
opts.MaxRepackBytes = 0
maxUnused := strings.TrimSpace(opts.MaxUnused)
if maxUnused == "" {
return errors.Fatalf("invalid value for --max-unused: %q", opts.MaxUnused)
// parse MaxUnused either as unlimited, a percentage, or an absolute number of bytes
switch {
case maxUnused == "unlimited":
opts.maxUnusedBytes = func(_ uint64) uint64 {
return math.MaxUint64
case strings.HasSuffix(maxUnused, "%"):
maxUnused = strings.TrimSuffix(maxUnused, "%")
p, err := strconv.ParseFloat(maxUnused, 64)
if err != nil {
return errors.Fatalf("invalid percentage %q passed for --max-unused: %v", opts.MaxUnused, err)
if p < 0 {
return errors.Fatal("percentage for --max-unused must be positive")
if p >= 100 {
return errors.Fatal("percentage for --max-unused must be below 100%")
opts.maxUnusedBytes = func(used uint64) uint64 {
return uint64(p / (100 - p) * float64(used))
size, err := ui.ParseBytes(maxUnused)
if err != nil {
return errors.Fatalf("invalid number of bytes %q for --max-unused: %v", opts.MaxUnused, err)
opts.maxUnusedBytes = func(_ uint64) uint64 {
return uint64(size)
return nil
func runPrune(ctx context.Context, opts PruneOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, term *termstatus.Terminal) error {
err := verifyPruneOptions(&opts)
if err != nil {
return err
if opts.RepackUncompressed && gopts.Compression == repository.CompressionOff {
return errors.Fatal("disabled compression and `--repack-uncompressed` are mutually exclusive")
if gopts.NoLock && !opts.DryRun {
return errors.Fatal("--no-lock is only applicable in combination with --dry-run for prune command")
ctx, repo, unlock, err := openWithExclusiveLock(ctx, gopts, opts.DryRun && gopts.NoLock)
if err != nil {
return err
defer unlock()
if opts.UnsafeNoSpaceRecovery != "" {
repoID := repo.Config().ID
if opts.UnsafeNoSpaceRecovery != repoID {
return errors.Fatalf("must pass id '%s' to --unsafe-recover-no-free-space", repoID)
opts.unsafeRecovery = true
return runPruneWithRepo(ctx, opts, gopts, repo, restic.NewIDSet(), term)
func runPruneWithRepo(ctx context.Context, opts PruneOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, repo *repository.Repository, ignoreSnapshots restic.IDSet, term *termstatus.Terminal) error {
if repo.Cache == nil {
Print("warning: running prune without a cache, this may be very slow!\n")
printer := newTerminalProgressPrinter(gopts.verbosity, term)
printer.P("loading indexes...\n")
// loading the index before the snapshots is ok, as we use an exclusive lock here
bar := newIndexTerminalProgress(gopts.Quiet, gopts.JSON, term)
err := repo.LoadIndex(ctx, bar)
if err != nil {
return err
popts := repository.PruneOptions{
DryRun: opts.DryRun,
UnsafeRecovery: opts.unsafeRecovery,
MaxUnusedBytes: opts.maxUnusedBytes,
MaxRepackBytes: opts.MaxRepackBytes,
RepackCacheableOnly: opts.RepackCacheableOnly,
RepackSmall: opts.RepackSmall,
RepackUncompressed: opts.RepackUncompressed,
plan, err := repository.PlanPrune(ctx, popts, repo, func(ctx context.Context, repo restic.Repository, usedBlobs restic.FindBlobSet) error {
return getUsedBlobs(ctx, repo, usedBlobs, ignoreSnapshots, printer)
}, printer)
if err != nil {
return err
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
if popts.DryRun {
printer.P("\nWould have made the following changes:")
err = printPruneStats(printer, plan.Stats())
if err != nil {
return err
// Trigger GC to reset garbage collection threshold
return plan.Execute(ctx, printer)
// printPruneStats prints out the statistics
func printPruneStats(printer progress.Printer, stats repository.PruneStats) error {
printer.V("\nused: %10d blobs / %s\n", stats.Blobs.Used, ui.FormatBytes(stats.Size.Used))
if stats.Blobs.Duplicate > 0 {
printer.V("duplicates: %10d blobs / %s\n", stats.Blobs.Duplicate, ui.FormatBytes(stats.Size.Duplicate))
printer.V("unused: %10d blobs / %s\n", stats.Blobs.Unused, ui.FormatBytes(stats.Size.Unused))
if stats.Size.Unref > 0 {
printer.V("unreferenced: %s\n", ui.FormatBytes(stats.Size.Unref))
totalBlobs := stats.Blobs.Used + stats.Blobs.Unused + stats.Blobs.Duplicate
totalSize := stats.Size.Used + stats.Size.Duplicate + stats.Size.Unused + stats.Size.Unref
unusedSize := stats.Size.Duplicate + stats.Size.Unused
printer.V("total: %10d blobs / %s\n", totalBlobs, ui.FormatBytes(totalSize))
printer.V("unused size: %s of total size\n", ui.FormatPercent(unusedSize, totalSize))
printer.P("\nto repack: %10d blobs / %s\n", stats.Blobs.Repack, ui.FormatBytes(stats.Size.Repack))
printer.P("this removes: %10d blobs / %s\n", stats.Blobs.Repackrm, ui.FormatBytes(stats.Size.Repackrm))
printer.P("to delete: %10d blobs / %s\n", stats.Blobs.Remove, ui.FormatBytes(stats.Size.Remove+stats.Size.Unref))
totalPruneSize := stats.Size.Remove + stats.Size.Repackrm + stats.Size.Unref
printer.P("total prune: %10d blobs / %s\n", stats.Blobs.Remove+stats.Blobs.Repackrm, ui.FormatBytes(totalPruneSize))
if stats.Size.Uncompressed > 0 {
printer.P("not yet compressed: %s\n", ui.FormatBytes(stats.Size.Uncompressed))
printer.P("remaining: %10d blobs / %s\n", totalBlobs-(stats.Blobs.Remove+stats.Blobs.Repackrm), ui.FormatBytes(totalSize-totalPruneSize))
unusedAfter := unusedSize - stats.Size.Remove - stats.Size.Repackrm
printer.P("unused size after prune: %s (%s of remaining size)\n",
ui.FormatBytes(unusedAfter), ui.FormatPercent(unusedAfter, totalSize-totalPruneSize))
printer.V("totally used packs: %10d\n", stats.Packs.Used)
printer.V("partly used packs: %10d\n", stats.Packs.PartlyUsed)
printer.V("unused packs: %10d\n\n", stats.Packs.Unused)
printer.V("to keep: %10d packs\n", stats.Packs.Keep)
printer.V("to repack: %10d packs\n", stats.Packs.Repack)
printer.V("to delete: %10d packs\n", stats.Packs.Remove)
if stats.Packs.Unref > 0 {
printer.V("to delete: %10d unreferenced packs\n\n", stats.Packs.Unref)
return nil
func getUsedBlobs(ctx context.Context, repo restic.Repository, usedBlobs restic.FindBlobSet, ignoreSnapshots restic.IDSet, printer progress.Printer) error {
var snapshotTrees restic.IDs
printer.P("loading all snapshots...\n")
err := restic.ForAllSnapshots(ctx, repo, repo, ignoreSnapshots,
func(id restic.ID, sn *restic.Snapshot, err error) error {
if err != nil {
debug.Log("failed to load snapshot %v (error %v)", id, err)
return err
debug.Log("add snapshot %v (tree %v)", id, *sn.Tree)
snapshotTrees = append(snapshotTrees, *sn.Tree)
return nil
if err != nil {
return errors.Fatalf("failed loading snapshot: %v", err)
printer.P("finding data that is still in use for %d snapshots\n", len(snapshotTrees))
bar := printer.NewCounter("snapshots")
defer bar.Done()
return restic.FindUsedBlobs(ctx, repo, snapshotTrees, usedBlobs, bar)