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synced 2025-03-30 11:42:13 +00:00
443 lines
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443 lines
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// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
// If you add a client, add a matching go:generate line below.
dfa "google.golang.org/api/dfareporting/v2.7"
mon "google.golang.org/api/monitoring/v3"
storage "google.golang.org/api/storage/v1"
//go:generate -command api go run gen.go docurls.go -install -api
//go:generate api dfareporting:v2.7
//go:generate api monitoring:v3
//go:generate api storage:v1
type myHandler struct {
location string
r *http.Request
body []byte
reqURIs []string
err error
func (h *myHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
h.r = r
v, err := url.ParseRequestURI(r.URL.RequestURI())
if err != nil {
h.err = err
h.reqURIs = append(h.reqURIs, v.String())
if h.location != "" {
w.Header().Set("Location", h.location)
h.body, h.err = ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "{}")
func TestMedia(t *testing.T) {
handler := &myHandler{}
server := httptest.NewServer(handler)
defer server.Close()
client := &http.Client{}
s, err := storage.New(client)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create service: %v", err)
s.BasePath = server.URL
const body = "fake media data"
f := strings.NewReader(body)
o := &storage.Object{
Bucket: "mybucket",
Name: "filename",
ContentType: "plain/text",
ContentEncoding: "utf-8",
ContentLanguage: "en",
_, err = s.Objects.Insert("mybucket", o).Media(f).Do()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to insert object: %v", err)
g := handler.r
if w := "POST"; g.Method != w {
t.Errorf("Method = %q; want %q", g.Method, w)
if w := "HTTP/1.1"; g.Proto != w {
t.Errorf("Proto = %q; want %q", g.Proto, w)
if w := 1; g.ProtoMajor != w {
t.Errorf("ProtoMajor = %v; want %v", g.ProtoMajor, w)
if w := 1; g.ProtoMinor != w {
t.Errorf("ProtoMinor = %v; want %v", g.ProtoMinor, w)
if w, k := "google-api-go-client/0.5", "User-Agent"; len(g.Header[k]) != 1 || g.Header[k][0] != w {
t.Errorf("header %q = %#v; want %q", k, g.Header[k], w)
if w, k := "multipart/related; boundary=", "Content-Type"; len(g.Header[k]) != 1 || !strings.HasPrefix(g.Header[k][0], w) {
t.Errorf("header %q = %#v; want %q", k, g.Header[k], w)
if w, k := "gzip", "Accept-Encoding"; len(g.Header[k]) != 1 || g.Header[k][0] != w {
t.Errorf("header %q = %#v; want %q", k, g.Header[k], w)
if w := int64(-1); g.ContentLength != w {
t.Errorf("ContentLength = %v; want %v", g.ContentLength, w)
if w := "chunked"; len(g.TransferEncoding) != 1 || g.TransferEncoding[0] != w {
t.Errorf("TransferEncoding = %#v; want %q", g.TransferEncoding, w)
if w := strings.TrimPrefix(s.BasePath, "http://"); g.Host != w {
t.Errorf("Host = %q; want %q", g.Host, w)
if g.Form != nil {
t.Errorf("Form = %#v; want nil", g.Form)
if g.PostForm != nil {
t.Errorf("PostForm = %#v; want nil", g.PostForm)
if g.MultipartForm != nil {
t.Errorf("MultipartForm = %#v; want nil", g.MultipartForm)
if w := "/b/mybucket/o?alt=json&uploadType=multipart"; g.RequestURI != w {
t.Errorf("RequestURI = %q; want %q", g.RequestURI, w)
if w := "\r\n\r\n" + body + "\r\n"; !strings.Contains(string(handler.body), w) {
t.Errorf("Body = %q, want substring %q", handler.body, w)
if handler.err != nil {
t.Errorf("handler err = %v, want nil", handler.err)
func TestResumableMedia(t *testing.T) {
handler := &myHandler{}
server := httptest.NewServer(handler)
defer server.Close()
handler.location = server.URL
client := &http.Client{}
s, err := storage.New(client)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create service: %v", err)
s.BasePath = server.URL
const data = "fake resumable media data"
mediaSize := len(data)
f := strings.NewReader(data)
o := &storage.Object{
Bucket: "mybucket",
Name: "filename",
ContentType: "plain/text",
ContentEncoding: "utf-8",
ContentLanguage: "en",
_, err = s.Objects.Insert("mybucket", o).Name("filename").ResumableMedia(context.Background(), f, int64(len(data)), "text/plain").Do()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to insert object: %v", err)
g := handler.r
if w := "POST"; g.Method != w {
t.Errorf("Method = %q; want %q", g.Method, w)
if w := "HTTP/1.1"; g.Proto != w {
t.Errorf("Proto = %q; want %q", g.Proto, w)
if w := 1; g.ProtoMajor != w {
t.Errorf("ProtoMajor = %v; want %v", g.ProtoMajor, w)
if w := 1; g.ProtoMinor != w {
t.Errorf("ProtoMinor = %v; want %v", g.ProtoMinor, w)
if w, k := "google-api-go-client/0.5", "User-Agent"; len(g.Header[k]) != 1 || g.Header[k][0] != w {
t.Errorf("header %q = %#v; want %q", k, g.Header[k], w)
if want, got := []string{"text/plain"}, g.Header["Content-Type"]; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("header Content-Type got: %#v; want: %#v", got, want)
if w, k := "gzip", "Accept-Encoding"; len(g.Header[k]) != 1 || g.Header[k][0] != w {
t.Errorf("header %q = %#v; want %q", k, g.Header[k], w)
if w := int64(mediaSize); g.ContentLength != w {
t.Errorf("ContentLength = %v; want %v", g.ContentLength, w)
if len(g.TransferEncoding) != 0 {
t.Errorf("TransferEncoding = %#v; want nil", g.TransferEncoding)
if g.Form != nil {
t.Errorf("Form = %#v; want nil", g.Form)
if g.PostForm != nil {
t.Errorf("PostForm = %#v; want nil", g.PostForm)
if g.MultipartForm != nil {
t.Errorf("MultipartForm = %#v; want nil", g.MultipartForm)
if handler.err != nil {
t.Errorf("handler err = %v, want nil", handler.err)
func TestNoMedia(t *testing.T) {
handler := &myHandler{}
server := httptest.NewServer(handler)
defer server.Close()
client := &http.Client{}
s, err := storage.New(client)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create service: %v", err)
s.BasePath = server.URL
o := &storage.Object{
Bucket: "mybucket",
Name: "filename",
ContentType: "plain/text",
ContentEncoding: "utf-8",
ContentLanguage: "en",
_, err = s.Objects.Insert("mybucket", o).Do()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to insert object: %v", err)
g := handler.r
if w := "POST"; g.Method != w {
t.Errorf("Method = %q; want %q", g.Method, w)
if w := "HTTP/1.1"; g.Proto != w {
t.Errorf("Proto = %q; want %q", g.Proto, w)
if w := 1; g.ProtoMajor != w {
t.Errorf("ProtoMajor = %v; want %v", g.ProtoMajor, w)
if w := 1; g.ProtoMinor != w {
t.Errorf("ProtoMinor = %v; want %v", g.ProtoMinor, w)
if w, k := "google-api-go-client/0.5", "User-Agent"; len(g.Header[k]) != 1 || g.Header[k][0] != w {
t.Errorf("header %q = %#v; want %q", k, g.Header[k], w)
if w, k := "application/json", "Content-Type"; len(g.Header[k]) != 1 || g.Header[k][0] != w {
t.Errorf("header %q = %#v; want %q", k, g.Header[k], w)
if w, k := "gzip", "Accept-Encoding"; len(g.Header[k]) != 1 || g.Header[k][0] != w {
t.Errorf("header %q = %#v; want %q", k, g.Header[k], w)
if w := int64(116); g.ContentLength != w {
t.Errorf("ContentLength = %v; want %v", g.ContentLength, w)
if len(g.TransferEncoding) != 0 {
t.Errorf("TransferEncoding = %#v; want []string{}", g.TransferEncoding)
if w := strings.TrimPrefix(s.BasePath, "http://"); g.Host != w {
t.Errorf("Host = %q; want %q", g.Host, w)
if g.Form != nil {
t.Errorf("Form = %#v; want nil", g.Form)
if g.PostForm != nil {
t.Errorf("PostForm = %#v; want nil", g.PostForm)
if g.MultipartForm != nil {
t.Errorf("MultipartForm = %#v; want nil", g.MultipartForm)
if w := "/b/mybucket/o?alt=json"; g.RequestURI != w {
t.Errorf("RequestURI = %q; want %q", g.RequestURI, w)
if w := `{"bucket":"mybucket","contentEncoding":"utf-8","contentLanguage":"en","contentType":"plain/text","name":"filename"}` + "\n"; string(handler.body) != w {
t.Errorf("Body = %q, want %q", handler.body, w)
if handler.err != nil {
t.Errorf("handler err = %v, want nil", handler.err)
func TestMediaErrHandling(t *testing.T) {
handler := &myHandler{}
server := httptest.NewServer(handler)
defer server.Close()
client := &http.Client{}
s, err := storage.New(client)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create service: %v", err)
s.BasePath = server.URL
const body = "fake media data"
f := strings.NewReader(body)
// The combination of TimeoutReader and OneByteReader causes the first byte to
// be successfully delivered, but then a timeout error is reported.
r := iotest.TimeoutReader(iotest.OneByteReader(f))
o := &storage.Object{
Bucket: "mybucket",
Name: "filename",
ContentType: "plain/text",
ContentEncoding: "utf-8",
ContentLanguage: "en",
_, err = s.Objects.Insert("mybucket", o).Media(r).Do()
if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "timeout") {
t.Errorf("expected timeout error, got %v", err)
if handler.err != nil {
t.Errorf("handler err = %v, want nil", handler.err)
func TestUserAgent(t *testing.T) {
handler := &myHandler{}
server := httptest.NewServer(handler)
defer server.Close()
client := &http.Client{}
s, err := storage.New(client)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create service: %v", err)
s.BasePath = server.URL
s.UserAgent = "myagent/1.0"
f := strings.NewReader("fake media data")
o := &storage.Object{
Bucket: "mybucket",
Name: "filename",
ContentType: "plain/text",
ContentEncoding: "utf-8",
ContentLanguage: "en",
_, err = s.Objects.Insert("mybucket", o).Media(f).Do()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to insert object: %v", err)
g := handler.r
if w, k := "google-api-go-client/0.5 myagent/1.0", "User-Agent"; len(g.Header[k]) != 1 || g.Header[k][0] != w {
t.Errorf("header %q = %#v; want %q", k, g.Header[k], w)
func myProgressUpdater(current, total int64) {}
func TestParams(t *testing.T) {
handler := &myHandler{}
server := httptest.NewServer(handler)
defer server.Close()
handler.location = server.URL + "/uploadURL"
client := &http.Client{}
s, err := storage.New(client)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create service: %v", err)
s.BasePath = server.URL
s.UserAgent = "myagent/1.0"
const data = "fake media data"
f := strings.NewReader(data)
o := &storage.Object{
Bucket: "mybucket",
Name: "filename",
ContentType: "plain/text",
ContentEncoding: "utf-8",
ContentLanguage: "en",
_, err = s.Objects.Insert("mybucket", o).Name(o.Name).IfGenerationMatch(42).ResumableMedia(context.Background(), f, int64(len(data)), "plain/text").ProgressUpdater(myProgressUpdater).Projection("full").Do()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to insert object: %v", err)
if g, w := len(handler.reqURIs), 2; g != w {
t.Fatalf("len(reqURIs) = %v, want %v", g, w)
want := []string{
if !reflect.DeepEqual(handler.reqURIs, want) {
t.Errorf("reqURIs = %#v, want = %#v", handler.reqURIs, want)
func TestRepeatedParams(t *testing.T) {
handler := &myHandler{}
server := httptest.NewServer(handler)
defer server.Close()
client := &http.Client{}
s, err := dfa.New(client)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create service: %v", err)
s.BasePath = server.URL
s.UserAgent = "myagent/1.0"
cs := dfa.NewCreativesService(s)
_, err = cs.List(10).Active(true).MaxResults(1).Ids(2, 3).PageToken("abc").SizeIds(4, 5).Types("def", "ghi").IfNoneMatch("not-a-param").Do()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("dfa.List: %v", err)
want := []string{
if !reflect.DeepEqual(handler.reqURIs, want) {
t.Errorf("reqURIs = %#v, want = %#v", handler.reqURIs, want)
// This test verifies that the unmarshal code generated for float64s
// (in this case, the one inside mon.TypedValue) compiles and
// behaves correctly.
func TestUnmarshalSpecialFloats(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
in string
want float64
{`{"doubleValue": 3}`, 3},
{`{"doubleValue": "Infinity"}`, math.Inf(1)},
{`{"doubleValue": "-Infinity"}`, math.Inf(-1)},
{`{"doubleValue": "NaN"}`, math.NaN()},
} {
var got mon.TypedValue
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(test.in), &got); err != nil {
if !fleq(*got.DoubleValue, test.want) {
t.Errorf("got\n%+v\nwant\n%+v", *got.DoubleValue, test.want)
func fleq(f1, f2 float64) bool {
return f1 == f2 || (math.IsNaN(f1) && math.IsNaN(f2))