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synced 2025-03-15 10:50:52 +00:00

Failed pack/blob downloads should be retried. For blobs that fail decryption assume that the pack file is really damaged and try to restore the remaining blobs.
353 lines
9.4 KiB
353 lines
9.4 KiB
package restorer
import (
// TODO if a blob is corrupt, there may be good blob copies in other packs
// TODO evaluate if it makes sense to split download and processing workers
// pro: can (slowly) read network and decrypt/write files concurrently
// con: each worker needs to keep one pack in memory
const (
workerCount = 8
largeFileBlobCount = 25
// information about regular file being restored
type fileInfo struct {
lock sync.Mutex
inProgress bool
size int64
location string // file on local filesystem relative to restorer basedir
blobs interface{} // blobs of the file
type fileBlobInfo struct {
id restic.ID // the blob id
offset int64 // blob offset in the file
// information about a data pack required to restore one or more files
type packInfo struct {
id restic.ID // the pack id
files map[*fileInfo]struct{} // set of files that use blobs from this pack
// fileRestorer restores set of files
type fileRestorer struct {
key *crypto.Key
idx func(restic.BlobHandle) []restic.PackedBlob
packLoader func(ctx context.Context, h restic.Handle, length int, offset int64, fn func(rd io.Reader) error) error
filesWriter *filesWriter
dst string
files []*fileInfo
Error func(string, error) error
func newFileRestorer(dst string,
packLoader func(ctx context.Context, h restic.Handle, length int, offset int64, fn func(rd io.Reader) error) error,
key *crypto.Key,
idx func(restic.BlobHandle) []restic.PackedBlob) *fileRestorer {
return &fileRestorer{
key: key,
idx: idx,
packLoader: packLoader,
filesWriter: newFilesWriter(workerCount),
dst: dst,
Error: restorerAbortOnAllErrors,
func (r *fileRestorer) addFile(location string, content restic.IDs, size int64) {
r.files = append(r.files, &fileInfo{location: location, blobs: content, size: size})
func (r *fileRestorer) targetPath(location string) string {
return filepath.Join(r.dst, location)
func (r *fileRestorer) forEachBlob(blobIDs []restic.ID, fn func(packID restic.ID, packBlob restic.Blob)) error {
if len(blobIDs) == 0 {
return nil
for _, blobID := range blobIDs {
packs := r.idx(restic.BlobHandle{ID: blobID, Type: restic.DataBlob})
if len(packs) == 0 {
return errors.Errorf("Unknown blob %s", blobID.String())
fn(packs[0].PackID, packs[0].Blob)
return nil
func (r *fileRestorer) restoreFiles(ctx context.Context) error {
packs := make(map[restic.ID]*packInfo) // all packs
// Process packs in order of first access. While this cannot guarantee
// that file chunks are restored sequentially, it offers a good enough
// approximation to shorten restore times by up to 19% in some test.
var packOrder restic.IDs
// create packInfo from fileInfo
for _, file := range r.files {
fileBlobs := file.blobs.(restic.IDs)
largeFile := len(fileBlobs) > largeFileBlobCount
var packsMap map[restic.ID][]fileBlobInfo
if largeFile {
packsMap = make(map[restic.ID][]fileBlobInfo)
fileOffset := int64(0)
err := r.forEachBlob(fileBlobs, func(packID restic.ID, blob restic.Blob) {
if largeFile {
packsMap[packID] = append(packsMap[packID], fileBlobInfo{id: blob.ID, offset: fileOffset})
fileOffset += int64(blob.Length) - crypto.Extension
pack, ok := packs[packID]
if !ok {
pack = &packInfo{
id: packID,
files: make(map[*fileInfo]struct{}),
packs[packID] = pack
packOrder = append(packOrder, packID)
pack.files[file] = struct{}{}
if err != nil {
// repository index is messed up, can't do anything
return err
if largeFile {
file.blobs = packsMap
wg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
downloadCh := make(chan *packInfo)
worker := func() error {
for pack := range downloadCh {
if err := r.downloadPack(ctx, pack); err != nil {
return err
return nil
for i := 0; i < workerCount; i++ {
// the main restore loop
wg.Go(func() error {
for _, id := range packOrder {
pack := packs[id]
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case downloadCh <- pack:
debug.Log("Scheduled download pack %s", pack.id.Str())
return nil
return wg.Wait()
const maxBufferSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024
func (r *fileRestorer) downloadPack(ctx context.Context, pack *packInfo) error {
// calculate pack byte range and blob->[]files->[]offsets mappings
start, end := int64(math.MaxInt64), int64(0)
blobs := make(map[restic.ID]struct {
offset int64 // offset of the blob in the pack
length int // length of the blob
files map[*fileInfo][]int64 // file -> offsets (plural!) of the blob in the file
for file := range pack.files {
addBlob := func(blob restic.Blob, fileOffset int64) {
if start > int64(blob.Offset) {
start = int64(blob.Offset)
if end < int64(blob.Offset+blob.Length) {
end = int64(blob.Offset + blob.Length)
blobInfo, ok := blobs[blob.ID]
if !ok {
blobInfo.offset = int64(blob.Offset)
blobInfo.length = int(blob.Length)
blobInfo.files = make(map[*fileInfo][]int64)
blobs[blob.ID] = blobInfo
blobInfo.files[file] = append(blobInfo.files[file], fileOffset)
if fileBlobs, ok := file.blobs.(restic.IDs); ok {
fileOffset := int64(0)
err := r.forEachBlob(fileBlobs, func(packID restic.ID, blob restic.Blob) {
if packID.Equal(pack.id) {
addBlob(blob, fileOffset)
fileOffset += int64(blob.Length) - crypto.Extension
if err != nil {
// restoreFiles should have caught this error before
} else if packsMap, ok := file.blobs.(map[restic.ID][]fileBlobInfo); ok {
for _, blob := range packsMap[pack.id] {
idxPacks := r.idx(restic.BlobHandle{ID: blob.id, Type: restic.DataBlob})
for _, idxPack := range idxPacks {
if idxPack.PackID.Equal(pack.id) {
addBlob(idxPack.Blob, blob.offset)
sortedBlobs := make([]restic.ID, 0, len(blobs))
for blobID := range blobs {
sortedBlobs = append(sortedBlobs, blobID)
sort.Slice(sortedBlobs, func(i, j int) bool {
return blobs[sortedBlobs[i]].offset < blobs[sortedBlobs[j]].offset
sanitizeError := func(file *fileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
err = r.Error(file.location, err)
return err
h := restic.Handle{Type: restic.PackFile, Name: pack.id.String()}
err := r.packLoader(ctx, h, int(end-start), start, func(rd io.Reader) error {
bufferSize := int(end - start)
if bufferSize > maxBufferSize {
bufferSize = maxBufferSize
bufRd := bufio.NewReaderSize(rd, bufferSize)
currentBlobEnd := start
var blobData, buf []byte
for _, blobID := range sortedBlobs {
blob := blobs[blobID]
_, err := bufRd.Discard(int(blob.offset - currentBlobEnd))
if err != nil {
return err
buf, err = r.downloadBlob(bufRd, blobID, blob.length, buf)
if err != nil {
return err
blobData, err = r.decryptBlob(blobID, buf)
if err != nil {
for file := range blob.files {
if errFile := sanitizeError(file, err); errFile != nil {
return errFile
currentBlobEnd = blob.offset + int64(blob.length)
for file, offsets := range blob.files {
for _, offset := range offsets {
writeToFile := func() error {
// this looks overly complicated and needs explanation
// two competing requirements:
// - must create the file once and only once
// - should allow concurrent writes to the file
// so write the first blob while holding file lock
// write other blobs after releasing the lock
createSize := int64(-1)
if file.inProgress {
} else {
defer file.lock.Unlock()
file.inProgress = true
createSize = file.size
return r.filesWriter.writeToFile(r.targetPath(file.location), blobData, offset, createSize)
err := sanitizeError(file, writeToFile())
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
for file := range pack.files {
if errFile := sanitizeError(file, err); errFile != nil {
return errFile
return nil
func (r *fileRestorer) downloadBlob(rd io.Reader, blobID restic.ID, length int, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) {
// TODO reconcile with Repository#loadBlob implementation
if cap(buf) < length {
buf = make([]byte, length)
} else {
buf = buf[:length]
n, err := io.ReadFull(rd, buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if n != length {
return nil, errors.Errorf("error loading blob %v: wrong length returned, want %d, got %d", blobID.Str(), length, n)
return buf, nil
func (r *fileRestorer) decryptBlob(blobID restic.ID, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) {
// TODO reconcile with Repository#loadBlob implementation
// decrypt
nonce, ciphertext := buf[:r.key.NonceSize()], buf[r.key.NonceSize():]
plaintext, err := r.key.Open(ciphertext[:0], nonce, ciphertext, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("decrypting blob %v failed: %v", blobID, err)
// check hash
if !restic.Hash(plaintext).Equal(blobID) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("blob %v returned invalid hash", blobID)
return plaintext, nil