2021-01-15 16:42:04 +01:00

594 lines
18 KiB

package main
import (
var errorIndexIncomplete = errors.Fatal("index is not complete")
var errorPacksMissing = errors.Fatal("packs from index missing in repo")
var errorSizeNotMatching = errors.Fatal("pack size does not match calculated size from index")
var cmdPrune = &cobra.Command{
Use: "prune [flags]",
Short: "Remove unneeded data from the repository",
Long: `
The "prune" command checks the repository and removes data that is not
referenced and therefore not needed any more.
Exit status is 0 if the command was successful, and non-zero if there was any error.
DisableAutoGenTag: true,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return runPrune(pruneOptions, globalOptions)
// PruneOptions collects all options for the cleanup command.
type PruneOptions struct {
DryRun bool
MaxUnused string
maxUnusedBytes func(used uint64) (unused uint64) // calculates the number of unused bytes after repacking, according to MaxUnused
MaxRepackSize string
MaxRepackBytes uint64
RepackCachableOnly bool
var pruneOptions PruneOptions
func init() {
f := cmdPrune.Flags()
f.BoolVarP(&pruneOptions.DryRun, "dry-run", "n", false, "do not modify the repository, just print what would be done")
func addPruneOptions(c *cobra.Command) {
f := c.Flags()
f.StringVar(&pruneOptions.MaxUnused, "max-unused", "5%", "tolerate given `limit` of unused data (absolute value in bytes with suffixes k/K, m/M, g/G, t/T, a value in % or the word 'unlimited')")
f.StringVar(&pruneOptions.MaxRepackSize, "max-repack-size", "", "maximum `size` to repack (allowed suffixes: k/K, m/M, g/G, t/T)")
f.BoolVar(&pruneOptions.RepackCachableOnly, "repack-cacheable-only", false, "only repack packs which are cacheable")
func verifyPruneOptions(opts *PruneOptions) error {
if len(opts.MaxRepackSize) > 0 {
size, err := parseSizeStr(opts.MaxRepackSize)
if err != nil {
return err
opts.MaxRepackBytes = uint64(size)
maxUnused := strings.TrimSpace(opts.MaxUnused)
if maxUnused == "" {
return errors.Fatalf("invalid value for --max-unused: %q", opts.MaxUnused)
// parse MaxUnused either as unlimited, a percentage, or an absolute number of bytes
switch {
case maxUnused == "unlimited":
opts.maxUnusedBytes = func(used uint64) uint64 {
return math.MaxUint64
case strings.HasSuffix(maxUnused, "%"):
maxUnused = strings.TrimSuffix(maxUnused, "%")
p, err := strconv.ParseFloat(maxUnused, 64)
if err != nil {
return errors.Fatalf("invalid percentage %q passed for --max-unused: %v", opts.MaxUnused, err)
if p < 0 {
return errors.Fatal("percentage for --max-unused must be positive")
if p >= 100 {
return errors.Fatal("percentage for --max-unused must be below 100%")
opts.maxUnusedBytes = func(used uint64) uint64 {
return uint64(p / (100 - p) * float64(used))
size, err := parseSizeStr(maxUnused)
if err != nil {
return errors.Fatalf("invalid number of bytes %q for --max-unused: %v", opts.MaxUnused, err)
opts.maxUnusedBytes = func(used uint64) uint64 {
return uint64(size)
return nil
func shortenStatus(maxLength int, s string) string {
if len(s) <= maxLength {
return s
if maxLength < 3 {
return s[:maxLength]
return s[:maxLength-3] + "..."
func runPrune(opts PruneOptions, gopts GlobalOptions) error {
err := verifyPruneOptions(&opts)
if err != nil {
return err
repo, err := OpenRepository(gopts)
if err != nil {
return err
lock, err := lockRepoExclusive(gopts.ctx, repo)
defer unlockRepo(lock)
if err != nil {
return err
return runPruneWithRepo(opts, gopts, repo, restic.NewIDSet())
func runPruneWithRepo(opts PruneOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, repo *repository.Repository, ignoreSnapshots restic.IDSet) error {
// we do not need index updates while pruning!
if repo.Cache == nil {
Print("warning: running prune without a cache, this may be very slow!\n")
Verbosef("loading indexes...\n")
err := repo.LoadIndex(gopts.ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
usedBlobs, err := getUsedBlobs(gopts, repo, ignoreSnapshots)
if err != nil {
return err
return prune(opts, gopts, repo, usedBlobs)
type packInfo struct {
usedBlobs uint
unusedBlobs uint
duplicateBlobs uint
usedSize uint64
unusedSize uint64
tpe restic.BlobType
type packInfoWithID struct {
ID restic.ID
// prune selects which files to rewrite and then does that. The map usedBlobs is
// modified in the process.
func prune(opts PruneOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, repo restic.Repository, usedBlobs restic.BlobSet) error {
ctx := gopts.ctx
var stats struct {
blobs struct {
used uint
duplicate uint
unused uint
remove uint
repack uint
repackrm uint
size struct {
used uint64
duplicate uint64
unused uint64
remove uint64
repack uint64
repackrm uint64
unref uint64
packs struct {
used uint
unused uint
partlyUsed uint
keep uint
Verbosef("searching used packs...\n")
keepBlobs := restic.NewBlobSet()
duplicateBlobs := restic.NewBlobSet()
// iterate over all blobs in index to find out which blobs are duplicates
for blob := range repo.Index().Each(ctx) {
bh := blob.BlobHandle
size := uint64(blob.Length)
switch {
case usedBlobs.Has(bh): // used blob, move to keepBlobs
stats.size.used += size
case keepBlobs.Has(bh): // duplicate blob
stats.size.duplicate += size
stats.size.unused += size
// Check if all used blobs have been found in index
if len(usedBlobs) != 0 {
Warnf("%v not found in the index\n"+
"Data blobs seem to be missing, aborting prune to prevent further data loss!\n"+
"Please report this error (along with the output of the 'prune' run) at\n"+
"", usedBlobs)
return errorIndexIncomplete
indexPack := make(map[restic.ID]packInfo)
// save computed pack header size
for pid, hdrSize := range repo.Index().PackSize(ctx, true) {
// initialize tpe with NumBlobTypes to indicate it's not set
indexPack[pid] = packInfo{tpe: restic.NumBlobTypes, usedSize: uint64(hdrSize)}
// iterate over all blobs in index to generate packInfo
for blob := range repo.Index().Each(ctx) {
ip := indexPack[blob.PackID]
// Set blob type if not yet set
if ip.tpe == restic.NumBlobTypes {
ip.tpe = blob.Type
// mark mixed packs with "Invalid blob type"
if ip.tpe != blob.Type {
ip.tpe = restic.InvalidBlob
bh := blob.BlobHandle
size := uint64(blob.Length)
switch {
case duplicateBlobs.Has(bh): // duplicate blob
ip.usedSize += size
case keepBlobs.Has(bh): // used blob, not duplicate
ip.usedSize += size
default: // unused blob
ip.unusedSize += size
// update indexPack
indexPack[blob.PackID] = ip
Verbosef("collecting packs for deletion and repacking\n")
removePacksFirst := restic.NewIDSet()
removePacks := restic.NewIDSet()
repackPacks := restic.NewIDSet()
var repackCandidates []packInfoWithID
// loop over all packs and decide what to do
bar := newProgressMax(!gopts.Quiet, uint64(len(indexPack)), "packs processed")
err := repo.List(ctx, restic.PackFile, func(id restic.ID, packSize int64) error {
p, ok := indexPack[id]
if !ok {
// Pack was not referenced in index and is not used => immediately remove!
Verboseff("will remove pack %v as it is unused and not indexed\n", id.Str())
stats.size.unref += uint64(packSize)
return nil
if p.unusedSize+p.usedSize != uint64(packSize) &&
!(p.usedBlobs == 0 && p.duplicateBlobs == 0) {
// Pack size does not fit and pack is needed => error
// If the pack is not needed, this is no error, the pack can
// and will be simply removed, see below.
Warnf("pack %s: calculated size %d does not match real size %d\nRun 'restic rebuild-index'.",
id.Str(), p.unusedSize+p.usedSize, packSize)
return errorSizeNotMatching
// statistics
switch {
case p.usedBlobs == 0 && p.duplicateBlobs == 0:
case p.unusedBlobs == 0:
// decide what to do
switch {
case p.usedBlobs == 0 && p.duplicateBlobs == 0:
// All blobs in pack are no longer used => remove pack!
stats.blobs.remove += p.unusedBlobs
stats.size.remove += p.unusedSize
case opts.RepackCachableOnly && p.tpe == restic.DataBlob:
// if this is a data pack and --repack-cacheable-only is set => keep pack!
case p.unusedBlobs == 0 && p.duplicateBlobs == 0 && p.tpe != restic.InvalidBlob:
// All blobs in pack are used and not duplicates/mixed => keep pack!
// all other packs are candidates for repacking
repackCandidates = append(repackCandidates, packInfoWithID{ID: id, packInfo: p})
delete(indexPack, id)
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
// At this point indexPacks contains only missing packs!
// missing packs that are not needed can be ignored
ignorePacks := restic.NewIDSet()
for id, p := range indexPack {
if p.usedBlobs == 0 && p.duplicateBlobs == 0 {
stats.blobs.remove += p.unusedBlobs
stats.size.remove += p.unusedSize
delete(indexPack, id)
if len(indexPack) != 0 {
Warnf("The index references needed pack files which are missing from the repository: %v\n", indexPack)
return errorPacksMissing
if len(ignorePacks) != 0 {
Verbosef("missing but unneded pack files are referenced in the index, will be repaired\n")
repackAllPacksWithDuplicates := true
// calculate limit for number of unused bytes in the repo after repacking
maxUnusedSizeAfter := opts.maxUnusedBytes(stats.size.used)
// Sort repackCandidates such that packs with highest ratio unused/used space are picked first.
// This is equivalent to sorting by unused / total space.
// Instead of unused[i] / used[i] > unused[j] / used[j] we use
// unused[i] * used[j] > unused[j] * used[i] as uint32*uint32 < uint64
// Morover duplicates and packs containing trees are sorted to the beginning
sort.Slice(repackCandidates, func(i, j int) bool {
pi := repackCandidates[i].packInfo
pj := repackCandidates[j].packInfo
switch {
case pi.duplicateBlobs > 0 && pj.duplicateBlobs == 0:
return true
case pj.duplicateBlobs > 0 && pi.duplicateBlobs == 0:
return false
case pi.tpe != restic.DataBlob && pj.tpe == restic.DataBlob:
return true
case pj.tpe != restic.DataBlob && pi.tpe == restic.DataBlob:
return false
return pi.unusedSize*pj.usedSize > pj.unusedSize*pi.usedSize
repack := func(id restic.ID, p packInfo) {
stats.blobs.repack += p.unusedBlobs + p.duplicateBlobs + p.usedBlobs
stats.size.repack += p.unusedSize + p.usedSize
stats.blobs.repackrm += p.unusedBlobs
stats.size.repackrm += p.unusedSize
for _, p := range repackCandidates {
reachedUnusedSizeAfter := (stats.size.unused-stats.size.remove-stats.size.repackrm < maxUnusedSizeAfter)
reachedRepackSize := false
if opts.MaxRepackBytes > 0 {
reachedRepackSize = stats.size.repack+p.unusedSize+p.usedSize > opts.MaxRepackBytes
switch {
case !reachedRepackSize && (p.duplicateBlobs > 0 || p.tpe != restic.DataBlob):
// repacking duplicates/mixed is only limited by repackSize
repack(p.ID, p.packInfo)
case reachedUnusedSizeAfter, reachedRepackSize:
// for all other packs stop repacking if tolerated unused size is reached.
if p.duplicateBlobs > 0 {
repackAllPacksWithDuplicates = false
repack(p.ID, p.packInfo)
// if all duplicates are repacked, print out correct statistics
if repackAllPacksWithDuplicates {
stats.blobs.repackrm += stats.blobs.duplicate
stats.size.repackrm += stats.size.duplicate
Verboseff("\nused: %10d blobs / %s\n", stats.blobs.used, formatBytes(stats.size.used))
if stats.blobs.duplicate > 0 {
Verboseff("duplicates: %10d blobs / %s\n", stats.blobs.duplicate, formatBytes(stats.size.duplicate))
Verboseff("unused: %10d blobs / %s\n", stats.blobs.unused, formatBytes(stats.size.unused))
if stats.size.unref > 0 {
Verboseff("unreferenced: %s\n", formatBytes(stats.size.unref))
totalBlobs := stats.blobs.used + stats.blobs.unused + stats.blobs.duplicate
totalSize := stats.size.used + stats.size.duplicate + stats.size.unused + stats.size.unref
unusedSize := stats.size.duplicate + stats.size.unused
Verboseff("total: %10d blobs / %s\n", totalBlobs, formatBytes(totalSize))
Verboseff("unused size: %s of total size\n", formatPercent(unusedSize, totalSize))
Verbosef("\nto repack: %10d blobs / %s\n", stats.blobs.repack, formatBytes(stats.size.repack))
Verbosef("this removes %10d blobs / %s\n", stats.blobs.repackrm, formatBytes(stats.size.repackrm))
Verbosef("to delete: %10d blobs / %s\n", stats.blobs.remove, formatBytes(stats.size.remove+stats.size.unref))
totalPruneSize := stats.size.remove + stats.size.repackrm + stats.size.unref
Verbosef("total prune: %10d blobs / %s\n", stats.blobs.remove+stats.blobs.repackrm, formatBytes(totalPruneSize))
Verbosef("remaining: %10d blobs / %s\n", totalBlobs-(stats.blobs.remove+stats.blobs.repackrm), formatBytes(totalSize-totalPruneSize))
unusedAfter := unusedSize - stats.size.remove - stats.size.repackrm
Verbosef("unused size after prune: %s (%s of remaining size)\n",
formatBytes(unusedAfter), formatPercent(unusedAfter, totalSize-totalPruneSize))
Verboseff("totally used packs: %10d\n", stats.packs.used)
Verboseff("partly used packs: %10d\n", stats.packs.partlyUsed)
Verboseff("unused packs: %10d\n\n", stats.packs.unused)
Verboseff("to keep: %10d packs\n", stats.packs.keep)
Verboseff("to repack: %10d packs\n", len(repackPacks))
Verboseff("to delete: %10d packs\n", len(removePacks))
if len(removePacksFirst) > 0 {
Verboseff("to delete: %10d unreferenced packs\n\n", len(removePacksFirst))
if opts.DryRun {
if !gopts.JSON && gopts.verbosity >= 2 {
if len(removePacksFirst) > 0 {
Printf("Would have removed the following unreferenced packs:\n%v\n\n", removePacksFirst)
Printf("Would have repacked and removed the following packs:\n%v\n\n", repackPacks)
Printf("Would have removed the following no longer used packs:\n%v\n\n", removePacks)
// Always quit here if DryRun was set!
return nil
// unreferenced packs can be safely deleted first
if len(removePacksFirst) != 0 {
Verbosef("deleting unreferenced packs\n")
DeleteFiles(gopts, repo, removePacksFirst, restic.PackFile)
if len(repackPacks) != 0 {
Verbosef("repacking packs\n")
bar := newProgressMax(!gopts.Quiet, uint64(len(repackPacks)), "packs repacked")
_, err := repository.Repack(ctx, repo, repackPacks, keepBlobs, bar)
if err != nil {
return err
// Also remove repacked packs
if len(ignorePacks) == 0 {
ignorePacks = removePacks
} else {
if len(ignorePacks) != 0 {
err = rebuildIndexFiles(gopts, repo, ignorePacks, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(removePacks) != 0 {
Verbosef("removing %d old packs\n", len(removePacks))
DeleteFiles(gopts, repo, removePacks, restic.PackFile)
return nil
func rebuildIndexFiles(gopts GlobalOptions, repo restic.Repository, removePacks restic.IDSet, extraObsolete restic.IDs) error {
Verbosef("rebuilding index\n")
idx := (repo.Index()).(*repository.MasterIndex)
packcount := uint64(len(idx.Packs(removePacks)))
bar := newProgressMax(!gopts.Quiet, packcount, "packs processed")
obsoleteIndexes, err := idx.Save(gopts.ctx, repo, removePacks, extraObsolete, bar)
if err != nil {
return err
Verbosef("deleting obsolete index files\n")
return DeleteFilesChecked(gopts, repo, obsoleteIndexes, restic.IndexFile)
func getUsedBlobs(gopts GlobalOptions, repo restic.Repository, ignoreSnapshots restic.IDSet) (usedBlobs restic.BlobSet, err error) {
ctx := gopts.ctx
var snapshotTrees restic.IDs
Verbosef("loading all snapshots...\n")
err = restic.ForAllSnapshots(gopts.ctx, repo, ignoreSnapshots,
func(id restic.ID, sn *restic.Snapshot, err error) error {
debug.Log("add snapshot %v (tree %v, error %v)", id, *sn.Tree, err)
if err != nil {
return err
snapshotTrees = append(snapshotTrees, *sn.Tree)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
Verbosef("finding data that is still in use for %d snapshots\n", len(snapshotTrees))
usedBlobs = restic.NewBlobSet()
bar := newProgressMax(!gopts.Quiet, uint64(len(snapshotTrees)), "snapshots")
defer bar.Done()
for _, tree := range snapshotTrees {
debug.Log("process tree %v", tree)
err = restic.FindUsedBlobs(ctx, repo, tree, usedBlobs)
if err != nil {
if repo.Backend().IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, errors.Fatal("unable to load a tree from the repo: " + err.Error())
return nil, err
debug.Log("processed tree %v", tree)
return usedBlobs, nil