Alexander Bruyako da48b925ff remove unnecessary error return
I was running "golangci-lint" and found this two warnings

internal/checker/checker.go:135:18: (*Checker).LoadIndex$3 - result 0 (error) is always nil (unparam)
        final := func() error {
internal/repository/repository.go:457:18: (*Repository).LoadIndex$3 - result 0 (error) is always nil (unparam)
        final := func() error {

It turns out that these functions are used only in "RunWorkers(...)",
which is used only two times in whole project right after this "final"
And because these "final" functions always return "nil", I've
descided, that it would be better to remove requriments for "final" func
to return error to avoid magick "return nil" at their end.
2020-01-27 18:28:21 +03:00

34 lines
741 B

package repository
import (
// RunWorkers runs count instances of workerFunc using an errgroup.Group.
// After all workers have terminated, finalFunc is run. If an error occurs in
// one of the workers, it is returned. FinalFunc is always run, regardless of
// any other previous errors.
func RunWorkers(ctx context.Context, count int, workerFunc func() error, finalFunc func()) error {
wg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
// run workers
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
// wait for termination
err := wg.Wait()
// make sure finalFunc is run
// if the workers returned an error, return it to the caller
if err != nil {
return err
return nil