## This repository is now deprecated. However, Session Android is still actively developed [here](https://github.com/session-foundation/session-android). This is in line with announcements from [Session](https://getsession.org/blog/introducing-the-session-technology-foundation) and the [OPTF](https://optf.ngo/blog/the-optf-and-session), indicating that the OPTF has handed over the stewardship of the Session Project to the [Session Technology Foundation](https://session.foundation), a Swiss-based foundation dedicated to advancing digital rights and innovation.
Session integrates directly with [Oxen Service Nodes](https://docs.oxen.io/about-the-oxen-blockchain/oxen-service-nodes), which are a set of distributed, decentralized and Sybil resistant nodes. Service Nodes act as servers which store messages offline, and a set of nodes which allow for onion routing functionality obfuscating users' IP addresses. For a full understanding of how Session works, read the [Session Whitepaper](https://getsession.org/whitepaper).
Please search for any [existing issues](https://github.com/oxen-io/session-android/issues) that describe your bugs in order to avoid duplicate submissions. Submissions can be made by making a pull request to our `dev` branch. If you don't know where to start contributing, try reading the Github issues page for ideas.
The command above should print "`Good signature from "Kee Jefferys...`". If it does, the hashes are valid but we still have to make the sure the signed hashes matches the downloaded files.