In Android studio, this can be done from the Quickstart panel, choose "Configure" then "SDK Manager". In the SDK Tools tab of the SDK Manager, make sure that the "Android Support Repository" is installed, and that the latest "Android SDK build-tools" are installed. Click "OK" to return to the Quickstart panel. You may also need to install API version 28 in the SDK platforms tab.
1. Open Android Studio. On a new installation, the Quickstart panel will appear. If you have open projects, close them using "File > Close Project" to see the Quickstart panel.
2. From the Quickstart panel, choose "Checkout from Version Control" then "git".
3. Paste the URL for the session-android project when prompted (
4. Android Studio should detect the presence of a project file and ask you whether to open it. Click "yes".
6. Right now, the google-services.json file is kept out of the public repository as it contains credentials for Firebase (used for push notifications) authentication. We haven't yet made a way to build the app without this file or without Firebase. Email to get this file for your build.
7. Project initialisation and building should proceed.
Code contributions should be sent via github as pull requests, from feature branches [as explained here](