2023-07-04 22:10:48 +09:30
plugins {
2024-09-06 11:21:03 +10:00
id 'com.android.application'
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.android'
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.serialization'
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.compose'
2024-07-24 16:18:18 +10:00
id 'com.google.devtools.ksp'
2023-07-04 22:10:48 +09:30
id 'com.google.dagger.hilt.android'
2024-09-06 11:21:03 +10:00
id 'kotlin-parcelize'
id 'kotlinx-serialization'
2023-07-04 22:10:48 +09:30
2020-11-24 13:10:39 +11:00
apply plugin: 'witness'
2024-09-06 11:21:03 +10:00
configurations.configureEach {
exclude module: "commons-logging"
2020-11-24 13:10:39 +11:00
2024-09-02 15:46:42 +10:00
def canonicalVersionCode = 382
def canonicalVersionName = "1.20.0"
2023-04-20 17:12:38 +10:00
def postFixSize = 10
def abiPostFix = ['armeabi-v7a' : 1,
'arm64-v8a' : 2,
'x86' : 3,
'x86_64' : 4,
'universal' : 5]
2024-05-02 12:55:24 +10:00
// Function to get the current git commit hash so we can embed it along w/ the build version.
// Note: This is visible in the SettingsActivity, right at the bottom (R.id.versionTextView).
def getGitHash = { ->
def stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
exec {
commandLine "git", "rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD"
standardOutput = stdout
return stdout.toString().trim()
2023-04-20 17:12:38 +10:00
android {
compileSdkVersion androidCompileSdkVersion
namespace 'network.loki.messenger'
useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'
compileOptions {
2024-09-06 11:21:03 +10:00
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_17
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_17
2023-04-20 17:12:38 +10:00
kotlinOptions {
2024-09-06 11:21:03 +10:00
jvmTarget = '17'
2023-04-20 17:12:38 +10:00
packagingOptions {
2024-08-19 13:46:38 +10:00
resources {
excludes += ['LICENSE.txt', 'LICENSE', 'NOTICE', 'asm-license.txt', 'META-INF/LICENSE', 'META-INF/NOTICE', 'META-INF/proguard/androidx-annotations.pro']
2023-04-20 17:12:38 +10:00
2024-09-06 11:21:03 +10:00
2023-04-20 17:12:38 +10:00
splits {
abi {
enable true
include 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a', 'x86', 'x86_64'
universalApk true
2023-07-21 17:02:33 +09:30
buildFeatures {
2024-09-06 11:21:03 +10:00
viewBinding true
buildConfig true
2023-07-21 17:02:33 +09:30
2024-08-19 13:46:38 +10:00
2023-07-21 17:02:33 +09:30
composeOptions {
2024-09-12 09:15:36 +10:00
kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion '1.5.15'
2023-07-21 17:02:33 +09:30
2023-04-20 17:12:38 +10:00
defaultConfig {
versionCode canonicalVersionCode * postFixSize
versionName canonicalVersionName
minSdkVersion androidMinimumSdkVersion
targetSdkVersion androidTargetSdkVersion
multiDexEnabled = true
vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true
project.ext.set("archivesBaseName", "session")
buildConfigField "long", "BUILD_TIMESTAMP", getLastCommitTimestamp() + "L"
2024-05-02 12:55:24 +10:00
buildConfigField "String", "GIT_HASH", "\"$getGitHash\""
2023-04-20 17:12:38 +10:00
buildConfigField "String", "CONTENT_PROXY_HOST", "\"contentproxy.signal.org\""
buildConfigField "int", "CONTENT_PROXY_PORT", "443"
buildConfigField "String", "USER_AGENT", "\"OWA\""
buildConfigField "String[]", "LANGUAGES", "new String[]{\"" + autoResConfig().collect { s -> s.replace('-r', '_') }.join('", "') + '"}'
buildConfigField "int", "CANONICAL_VERSION_CODE", "$canonicalVersionCode"
2024-08-19 13:46:38 +10:00
resourceConfigurations += []
2023-04-20 17:12:38 +10:00
testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
// The following argument makes the Android Test Orchestrator run its
// "pm clear" command after each test invocation. This command ensures
// that the app's state is completely cleared between tests.
testInstrumentationRunnerArguments clearPackageData: 'true'
testOptions {
sourceSets {
String sharedTestDir = 'src/sharedTest/java'
test.java.srcDirs += sharedTestDir
androidTest.java.srcDirs += sharedTestDir
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
debug {
2023-09-21 20:52:57 +09:30
isDefault true
2023-04-20 17:12:38 +10:00
minifyEnabled false
2024-02-07 13:19:57 +11:00
enableUnitTestCoverage true
2023-04-20 17:12:38 +10:00
flavorDimensions "distribution"
productFlavors {
play {
2023-09-21 20:52:57 +09:30
isDefault true
2023-04-20 17:12:38 +10:00
dimension "distribution"
apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services'
ext.websiteUpdateUrl = "null"
buildConfigField "boolean", "PLAY_STORE_DISABLED", "false"
2023-07-26 10:48:20 +09:30
buildConfigField "org.session.libsession.utilities.Device", "DEVICE", "org.session.libsession.utilities.Device.ANDROID"
2023-04-20 17:12:38 +10:00
buildConfigField "String", "NOPLAY_UPDATE_URL", "$ext.websiteUpdateUrl"
2023-08-28 11:18:51 +09:30
buildConfigField 'String', 'PUSH_KEY_SUFFIX', '\"\"'
2023-04-20 17:12:38 +10:00
2023-07-25 11:38:06 +09:30
huawei {
dimension "distribution"
ext.websiteUpdateUrl = "null"
buildConfigField "boolean", "PLAY_STORE_DISABLED", "true"
2023-07-26 10:48:20 +09:30
buildConfigField "org.session.libsession.utilities.Device", "DEVICE", "org.session.libsession.utilities.Device.HUAWEI"
2023-07-25 11:38:06 +09:30
buildConfigField "String", "NOPLAY_UPDATE_URL", "$ext.websiteUpdateUrl"
2023-08-28 11:18:51 +09:30
buildConfigField 'String', 'PUSH_KEY_SUFFIX', '\"_HUAWEI\"'
2023-07-25 11:38:06 +09:30
2023-04-20 17:12:38 +10:00
website {
dimension "distribution"
ext.websiteUpdateUrl = "https://github.com/oxen-io/session-android/releases"
buildConfigField "boolean", "PLAY_STORE_DISABLED", "true"
2023-07-26 10:48:20 +09:30
buildConfigField "org.session.libsession.utilities.Device", "DEVICE", "org.session.libsession.utilities.Device.ANDROID"
2023-04-20 17:12:38 +10:00
buildConfigField "String", "NOPLAY_UPDATE_URL", "\"$ext.websiteUpdateUrl\""
2023-08-28 11:18:51 +09:30
buildConfigField 'String', 'PUSH_KEY_SUFFIX', '\"\"'
2023-04-20 17:12:38 +10:00
2024-09-06 11:21:03 +10:00
applicationVariants.configureEach { variant ->
2023-04-20 17:12:38 +10:00
variant.outputs.each { output ->
def abiName = output.getFilter("ABI") ?: 'universal'
def postFix = abiPostFix.get(abiName, 0)
if (postFix >= postFixSize) throw new AssertionError("postFix is too large")
output.outputFileName = output.outputFileName = "session-${variant.versionName}-${abiName}.apk"
output.versionCodeOverride = canonicalVersionCode * postFixSize + postFix
testOptions {
unitTests {
includeAndroidResources = true
2023-08-16 19:23:13 +09:30
def huaweiEnabled = project.properties['huawei'] != null
2024-09-06 11:21:03 +10:00
lint {
abortOnError true
baseline file('lint-baseline.xml')
2023-08-16 19:23:13 +09:30
applicationVariants.configureEach { variant ->
2023-08-15 13:51:21 +09:30
if (variant.flavorName == 'huawei') {
2023-08-16 19:23:13 +09:30
variant.getPreBuildProvider().configure { task ->
task.doFirst {
if (!huaweiEnabled) {
def message = 'Huawei is not enabled. Please add -Phuawei command line arg. See BUILDING.md'
throw new GradleException(message)
2023-08-15 13:51:21 +09:30
2024-02-07 13:19:57 +11:00
2024-08-19 13:46:38 +10:00
tasks.register('testPlayDebugUnitTestCoverageReport', JacocoReport) {
dependsOn 'testPlayDebugUnitTest'
2024-02-07 13:19:57 +11:00
reports {
2024-08-19 13:46:38 +10:00
xml.required = true
2024-02-07 13:19:57 +11:00
// Add files that should not be listed in the report (e.g. generated Files from dagger)
def fileFilter = []
def mainSrc = "$projectDir/src/main/java"
def kotlinDebugTree = fileTree(dir: "${buildDir}/tmp/kotlin-classes/playDebug", excludes: fileFilter)
// Compiled Kotlin class files are written into build-variant-specific subdirectories of 'build/tmp/kotlin-classes'.
classDirectories.from = files([kotlinDebugTree])
// To produce an accurate report, the bytecode is mapped back to the original source code.
sourceDirectories.from = files([mainSrc])
// Execution data generated when running the tests against classes instrumented by the JaCoCo agent.
// This is enabled with 'enableUnitTestCoverage' in the 'debug' build type.
executionData.from = "${project.buildDir}/outputs/unit_test_code_coverage/playDebugUnitTest/testPlayDebugUnitTest.exec"
2024-08-19 13:46:38 +10:00
testNamespace 'network.loki.messenger.test'
lint {
abortOnError true
baseline file('lint-baseline.xml')
2023-04-20 17:12:38 +10:00
2020-11-24 13:10:39 +11:00
dependencies {
2024-08-21 09:30:02 +10:00
implementation project(':content-descriptions')
2023-06-29 11:37:55 +09:30
2024-07-24 16:18:18 +10:00
2024-08-21 09:30:02 +10:00
2024-09-06 11:21:03 +10:00
2023-07-04 22:10:48 +09:30
2024-08-21 09:30:02 +10:00
2022-12-19 11:29:05 +11:00
implementation "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:$appcompatVersion"
implementation 'androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:1.2.1'
implementation "com.google.android.material:material:$materialVersion"
2024-08-13 14:03:50 +10:00
implementation 'com.google.android.flexbox:flexbox:3.0.0'
2020-11-24 13:10:39 +11:00
implementation 'androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v13:1.0.0'
implementation 'androidx.cardview:cardview:1.0.0'
2022-12-19 11:29:05 +11:00
implementation "androidx.preference:preference-ktx:$preferenceVersion"
2020-11-24 13:10:39 +11:00
implementation 'androidx.legacy:legacy-preference-v14:1.0.0'
implementation 'androidx.gridlayout:gridlayout:1.0.0'
2022-12-19 11:29:05 +11:00
implementation 'androidx.exifinterface:exifinterface:1.3.4'
implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.1.4'
2022-01-14 07:56:15 +02:00
implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-common-java8:$lifecycleVersion"
implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime-ktx:$lifecycleVersion"
implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-ktx:$lifecycleVersion"
implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-process:$lifecycleVersion"
2024-08-26 13:09:37 +10:00
implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-compose:$lifecycleVersion"
2023-03-31 13:24:36 +11:00
implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-extensions:2.2.0"
2022-12-19 11:29:05 +11:00
implementation "androidx.paging:paging-runtime-ktx:$pagingVersion"
implementation 'androidx.activity:activity-ktx:1.5.1'
2024-08-19 13:46:38 +10:00
implementation 'androidx.activity:activity-compose:1.5.1'
2022-12-19 11:29:05 +11:00
implementation 'androidx.fragment:fragment-ktx:1.5.3'
implementation "androidx.core:core-ktx:$coreVersion"
implementation "androidx.work:work-runtime-ktx:2.7.1"
2024-08-21 09:30:02 +10:00
2024-08-07 15:31:19 +10:00
playImplementation ("com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:24.0.0") {
2020-11-24 13:10:39 +11:00
exclude group: 'com.google.firebase', module: 'firebase-core'
exclude group: 'com.google.firebase', module: 'firebase-analytics'
exclude group: 'com.google.firebase', module: 'firebase-measurement-connector'
2024-08-21 09:30:02 +10:00
2023-08-15 13:51:21 +09:30
if (project.hasProperty('huawei')) huaweiImplementation 'com.huawei.hms:push:'
2024-08-21 09:30:02 +10:00
2024-08-12 11:01:47 +10:00
implementation 'androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer:1.4.0'
implementation 'androidx.media3:media3-ui:1.4.0'
2024-07-09 16:23:26 +10:00
implementation 'org.conscrypt:conscrypt-android:2.5.2'
2020-11-24 13:10:39 +11:00
implementation 'org.signal:aesgcmprovider:0.0.3'
2024-08-09 14:39:35 +10:00
implementation 'io.github.webrtc-sdk:android:125.6422.04'
2020-11-24 13:10:39 +11:00
implementation "me.leolin:ShortcutBadger:1.1.16"
implementation 'se.emilsjolander:stickylistheaders:2.7.0'
implementation 'com.jpardogo.materialtabstrip:library:1.0.9'
implementation 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient-android:4.3.5'
2021-02-01 09:39:14 +11:00
implementation 'commons-net:commons-net:3.7.2'
2020-11-24 13:10:39 +11:00
implementation 'com.github.chrisbanes:PhotoView:2.1.3'
2022-01-14 07:56:15 +02:00
implementation "com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:$glideVersion"
2024-08-19 13:46:38 +10:00
implementation "com.github.bumptech.glide:compose:1.0.0-beta01"
2020-11-24 13:10:39 +11:00
implementation 'com.makeramen:roundedimageview:2.1.0'
implementation 'com.pnikosis:materialish-progress:1.5'
implementation 'org.greenrobot:eventbus:3.0.0'
implementation 'pl.tajchert:waitingdots:0.1.0'
2024-08-09 09:35:03 +10:00
implementation 'com.vanniktech:android-image-cropper:4.5.0'
2020-11-24 13:10:39 +11:00
implementation 'com.melnykov:floatingactionbutton:1.3.0'
implementation ('com.davemorrissey.labs:subsampling-scale-image-view:3.6.0') {
exclude group: 'com.android.support', module: 'support-annotations'
implementation ('com.tomergoldst.android:tooltips:1.0.6') {
exclude group: 'com.android.support', module: 'appcompat-v7'
implementation ('com.klinkerapps:android-smsmms:4.0.1') {
exclude group: 'com.squareup.okhttp', module: 'okhttp'
exclude group: 'com.squareup.okhttp', module: 'okhttp-urlconnection'
implementation 'com.annimon:stream:1.1.8'
implementation 'com.github.dmytrodanylyk.circular-progress-button:library:1.1.3-S2'
Integrate shared libsession-util library (#1096)
* feat: add some config db basics and DI for it, make the user profile optional, start looking at integrate building from initial dump
* update: get latest util library submodule update
* refactor: fix compile for refactored API
* refactor: naming consistent with library
* feat: add in config storage and injection to common places, managing lifecycle of native instances
* refactor: config database changes, new protos, adding in support for config base namespace queries
* refactor: config query and store use the same format as other platforms
* feat: add batch snode calls and try to poll from all the config namespaces
* fix: add optional namespace in signature and params
* feat: add raw requests for modifying expiry and getting expiries
* feat: add some base config migration logic, start implementing wrappers for conversation and expiry types
* chore: update libsession base
* feat: start integrating conversation wrapper functions
* feat: add basic conversation info volatile types and implementations, start working on tests
* feat: more common library wrapper implementation and test
* fix: tests and compile issues
* fix: fix tests, don't use iterables
* feat: add all iterators and tests
* feat: add in more config factory for volatile
* feat: update request responses and their appropriate processing
* feat: add storage with hashes and some basic profile update logic in config factory probably move that somewhere else
* feat: adding config sync functionality, refactoring jobs to execute in suspend context to do some nice coroutine execution
* refactor: moving some properties around so we have access in libsession
* feat: expand on the config sync job, finish basic implementation to test against
* feat: add forced config sync
* feat: syncs the user profile stuff for now, and errors back to placeholder instead of unknown recipient
* feat: add basic message read logic for synchronizing last reads, need to modify the query to use the last seen instead of the unread count in a subquery possibly for thread display record
* feat: add broken unreads everywhere
* fix: unreads work now for incoming messages, need to sync conv volatile properly still
* feat: batching poll responses properly and handling groups properly
* fix: replace the mark read receiver (from notifications) to use the new set last seen mark read logic
* feat: update to the group list branch
* fix: compile errors from updating library to use latest branch, now requires cmake 3.22.1
* fix: fix the contact tests
* fix: getters weren't getters properly in the config factory, fixed new onboarding from configs
* feat: add the last seen
* feat: start adding user groups wrapper objects
* refactor: add more else branches for unimplemented types
* feat: buffer the last read when in conversation
* feat: add basic contact logic for setting local contact state. Need to implement handling properly
* refactor: trying to just include blocked status for now in updating contacts
* fix: add some more contact syncing: nicknames, approved statuses, blocked statuses
* feat: start implementing hashes in shared lib and refactoring
* feat: start to implement group list info classes and wrappers and refactor to use library based hashes
* feat: incorporate hashes from library, more wrapper for user groups and serialization from c++
* feat: adding more serialization changes for community base info and user groups LGC
* feat: adding more serialize deserialize to legacy closed groups
* feat: finish serial/deserial helper
* feat: just implement deserialize community info
* refactor: refactor tests and wrappers to use less pointers, finish implementing user groups API
* feat: finish latest wrappers fix tests and continue building default generation functions. refactor defaults to be used if no stored data blob in DB
* feat: more usergroup functionality, storage functionality for checking pinned status, adding pinned status for NTS/contacts, move community info parse full url to base community, add StorageProtocol logic for group info
* feat: adding user groups to the list of user configs, refactorign some of the config factory to fetch the user configs easier. Add handling for polling user group namespace
* feat: implement the default user config list
* feat: add user group config handling
* chore: extra missed existing group
* refactor: use existing lookup for objects in wrappers so they don't overwrite missing values
* feat: add contacts expiry serialization/deserialization, more LGC, timestamps to add closed group encryption info (for latest tracking)
* refactor: change how expiration timer works for contacts, set the expiration timer for those conversations in handling contact configs
* feat: add expiration updates via config for contacts as well
* feat: add almost all group editing cases, need to hook into the thread deletion for groups in the user groups
* feat: open group joining should work now
* feat: add groups to configs for push
* fix: handling user group updates bug fix for closed groups instead of all groups
* fix: open group sync persistence
* feat: add in activity finish if recipient no longer exists (deleted thread) from sync
* feat: support avatar removal from shared library
* feat: support thread deletion and refactoring a lot of getOrCreateThread references to go via storage or assume they are correctly set to hook into the contact and volatile creation during thread creation
* fix: database update not deleting in certain circumstances, storage persisting and removing the volatile convo info for thread deletion / creation, NTS hidden getter values in shared library
* refactor: make update listener visibility package
* refactor: update kotlin
* feat: update dependencies and support outdated config messages, refactor config factory to return null configs if new configs not supported
* feat: update shared library to use priority only, fix compile errors, fix group member sync problem
* fix: compile error
* fix: profile avatar fixes for local user now that we aren't setting local user profile key
* Revert "fix: profile avatar fixes for local user now that we aren't setting local user profile key"
This reverts commit 3f569e34034713ee230581bc118e9127a8d0f434.
* refactor: let the local number update recipient details in profile manager
* fix: don't recreate thread after leaving
* fix: fix up the duplicate thread creation in the message receive handler
* fix: fix the placeholder rendering on new messages, add in extra context logging for adding contacts and preventing new thread creation on new messages of various types
* feat: add test theme for xml layout previews
* feat: add shortened hex for session IDs throughout, replace nullable getName with null in underlying contacts for individual contacts, build shared lib with release mode, remove todo, fix broken unit test
* feat: setup android unit tests for verifying storage behaviours and state of shared configs
* feat: adding dependencies to try and get android tests working, fixing bug with initial config not syncing properly
* fix: remove hilt testing, add spy on app context storage field instead, update libsession-util to fixed sodium cmake branch
* refactor: use PR version of libsession-util to test cmake build
* fix: new build on normal repo
* feat: new libsession util commit
* refactor: remove the old custom build libsodium stuff from cmake
* feat: update libsession module
* fix: add legacy config subscription to the home activity to enable showing banner at any time
* fix: pinned status for communities and groups, group last read time being set to snodeapi.now on finish joining
* fix: some open group volatile convo fix for last read timer being set. Need to investigate further
* fix: prevent blocking local number
* fix: adding in more checks for open group inbox recipients before being saved to the shared configs. Prevent sending typing indicator for blocked users
* fix: add blocked check for read receipt and updating expiring messages
* fix: another contact recipient config library call removed for non-standard IDs
* fix: another ID check
* fix: don't process thread creation for user is sender && recipient (sync message) for message request responses
* refactor: mark as read on open and use less buffer time
* fix: finally fix the darn unread count issue by
* fix: removing debug logs, adding failure error handling logs for expiry message updater, properly using the message thread ID created for the expiring messages. Process the non-thread messages properly with await in BatchMessageReceiveJob
* fix: checking the last read open to message and make sure that scroll behaviour matches expected, fix the config sync job not deleting ALL old hashes only latest
* refactor: try to add a retry logic to config sync job in case of snode failure
* build: update submodule
* fix: remove user notifications for leaving group to prevent synced device issues, don't create thread in messages for new closed groups, includei nactive groups in the deletion queries for merging group configs
* feat: use blinded message count for banner also
* refactor: remove some logging, don't use blinded conversations in the list
* fix: don't set the read flag in update notifications, some roundabout logic for first loads and scrolling to last known positions
* refactor: merge changes, re-add the group check in unapproved messages
* fix: re-poll on fail in case that was breaking anything
* fix: pinning groups and notifying list listeners in threadDb.setPinned
* feat: add in TTL extension subrequest and builder, enable extending TTLs for all latest config messages in poll as subrequest
* feat: add block to the delete all message requests, only if they're not open group inbox contacts
* refactor: disable edit text for non contacts
* refactor: let the user display name return "You" for local user
* fix: prevent NTS self create thread on user view bind
* refactor: remove populate public key cache if needed call which seems unnecessary at that point, maybe UserView refs have changed since 2020
* refactor: use just first visible instead of completely visible, merge message sender changes
* fix: prevent block of users in delete all
* fix: self sync sync message failures for default values
* feat: update libsession-util, adjust docs, update mms and sms to use message sent timestamp instead of -1 for last read in the thread
* fix: some compile issues in tests and some TODOs for things to do before merge
* fix: handle recyclerview scrolled on scroll to first unread if it's the first load
* fix: added more migration code for deleting unnecessary threads and groups, fixed a post-migration last seen issue on last item (current read is now), comment out actual network sync while testing migrations
* feat: adding a force new configs flag and logic for timestamp handling / forced configs, fix issue with handling legacy messages
* refactor: re-add the sending of configs
* fix: don't add contacts if they don't exist in the profile manager
* [wip]
fix: trying to consolidate prof pic and key properly
* feat: add logs and fix compile issue with a themes.xml entry, add removing profile picture into logic for profile manager
* fix: force has sent for local user, only prevent setting last seen for open group recipients, allow empty user pics to trigger config sync in settings
* fix: nts threads
* fix: open group avatar loop for open groups we have left
* feat: add a wrapper hash to track home diff util changes for wrapper contact recipient info, add test for dirty state in double set
* feat: add a dump in there as well
* refactor: more test code refactor
* fix: update last seen if later than current
* fix: open group threads and avatar downloads
* fix: add max size and maybe fix the non-200 sub requests for batches (for 421s in particular)
* fix: open group comparison issues potentially, have to update some more outgoing message open group flags for visibility of details etc
* Updated to the latest libSession-util
* Updated logic to delete legacy groups when kicked/left
* Added the legacy group 'joined_at' value
* Replaced incorrect character in JNI
* Fixed an issue where the group keyPair was getting encoded incorrectly
* Updated the code to ignore outdated legacy group control message changes
* Updated the code to ignore messages invalidated by the config
* [Review] Updated the poller to process config messages before standard
* Cleaned up the outdated message logic
* Fixed inverted config dropping flags
* Fixed an issue where the joining a community would read all messages
Stopped using a reversed RecyclerView in all cases (caused the unread issue)
Updated the logic to jump to the newly sent message when sending a message (to be consistent with other platforms)
Updated the logic to refresh the DB unread count when the cursor receives an update
* Updated the conversation to highlight the first unread message on open
* Fixed a couple of bugs with the highlighting
* Fixed a bug where the user profile picture wasn't downloading correctly
* feat: add all namespaces to delete all messages request and signature verification data
* fix: merge namespace hashes for signature returned and
* fix: import correct scroll to bottom
* build: update version code and name
* fix: initial contact generation fix for existing blinded contacts
* fix: initial convo generation fix for existing blinded convos (?)
* fix: conversation unread not doing a check for standard ID prefix
* fix: thread ID not being created for legacy config messages
* fix: don't treat 404 as bad snode
* fix: don't add retrieve profile job if we have one for that address
* build: update build code
* fix: reduce attempts for downloading image, invert unreachable type check
* fix: attempting to fix preventing message processing if group thread is not active for closed groups and initial contact dump only allows conversations with thread, may need further optimisations though
* feat: Added an unread marker and search result focus highlighting
* fix: empty set in appropriate places for current closed groups
* build: update build version code
* fix: fix the notifications and request at appropriate time
* refactor: remove debug logging for thread create and delete
* build: update build number
* fix: new community doesn't break persisting config if the .add request fails
* build: trying to track down broken retrieve avatar job
* feat: update to latest libsession dev
* fix: maybe fix avatar download for new messages
* fix: 404s causing snode errors and trying to retrieve avatars that have already 404'd a lot
* fix: closed group creation sets thread date to formation timestamp
* build: update version code
* build: update version code
* build: remove debuggable release build
* fix: use new permissions for external attachments
* build: update version code
* chore: remove debug logs
* fix: tests and main thread blocking db fetch for path status view
* wip: trying to track down failure to mark conversation as read in delayed group add
* wip: add more logs for initial last Read sync of communities
* wip: maybe the volatile is being updated with 0 on batch message receive?
* fix: maybe syncing read statuses are working now
* chore: remove debug logs
* build: update build number
* fix: trying to improve performance
* fix: add close to banner
* refactor: hide seed reminder in preview
* build: update build number
* fix: maybe requires update thread no matter what
* fix: message request banner shows again
* fix: android tests work again and permissions
* fix: blocked contacts click handler being overridden by something
* Revert "fix: blocked contacts click handler being overridden by something"
This reverts commit 608572fc426def0850085727ed0c399623110c37.
* build: update build number
* refactor: remove unused dependencies and update minor for sqlcipher
* fix: actually do insert contact, because otherwise name doesn't get set properly
* fix: maybe fix scroll to bottom issue
* build: update build number
* fix: the message time and jump to message queries are more optimized
* fix: maybe fix the last seen issues
* build: update build number
* fix: pfp broken closed groups why
* fix: add admins and members as member list instead of just members
* fix: exclude lgc without membership > 1 and inactive explicitly
* fix: submodule update
* fix: compiles with removal of iterator erase
* fix: unread indicator updates properly in ConversationActivityV2
* fix: unread notifications clear and altered if any notifications exist (prevents clearing read notifications in conversation or on home screen)
* refactor: profile pictures kinda broken
* build: update build number
* refactor: remove full hash from log
* fix: isPinned threadDB call
* refactor: use mutex in all libsession native calls, change timestamp
* refactor: add basic support for blinded v2 prefixes
Co-authored-by: Morgan Pretty <morgan.t.pretty@gmail.com>
2023-07-14 18:27:13 +10:00
implementation 'androidx.sqlite:sqlite-ktx:2.3.1'
implementation 'net.zetetic:sqlcipher-android:4.5.4@aar'
2020-11-26 10:07:45 +11:00
implementation project(":libsignal")
implementation project(":libsession")
Integrate shared libsession-util library (#1096)
* feat: add some config db basics and DI for it, make the user profile optional, start looking at integrate building from initial dump
* update: get latest util library submodule update
* refactor: fix compile for refactored API
* refactor: naming consistent with library
* feat: add in config storage and injection to common places, managing lifecycle of native instances
* refactor: config database changes, new protos, adding in support for config base namespace queries
* refactor: config query and store use the same format as other platforms
* feat: add batch snode calls and try to poll from all the config namespaces
* fix: add optional namespace in signature and params
* feat: add raw requests for modifying expiry and getting expiries
* feat: add some base config migration logic, start implementing wrappers for conversation and expiry types
* chore: update libsession base
* feat: start integrating conversation wrapper functions
* feat: add basic conversation info volatile types and implementations, start working on tests
* feat: more common library wrapper implementation and test
* fix: tests and compile issues
* fix: fix tests, don't use iterables
* feat: add all iterators and tests
* feat: add in more config factory for volatile
* feat: update request responses and their appropriate processing
* feat: add storage with hashes and some basic profile update logic in config factory probably move that somewhere else
* feat: adding config sync functionality, refactoring jobs to execute in suspend context to do some nice coroutine execution
* refactor: moving some properties around so we have access in libsession
* feat: expand on the config sync job, finish basic implementation to test against
* feat: add forced config sync
* feat: syncs the user profile stuff for now, and errors back to placeholder instead of unknown recipient
* feat: add basic message read logic for synchronizing last reads, need to modify the query to use the last seen instead of the unread count in a subquery possibly for thread display record
* feat: add broken unreads everywhere
* fix: unreads work now for incoming messages, need to sync conv volatile properly still
* feat: batching poll responses properly and handling groups properly
* fix: replace the mark read receiver (from notifications) to use the new set last seen mark read logic
* feat: update to the group list branch
* fix: compile errors from updating library to use latest branch, now requires cmake 3.22.1
* fix: fix the contact tests
* fix: getters weren't getters properly in the config factory, fixed new onboarding from configs
* feat: add the last seen
* feat: start adding user groups wrapper objects
* refactor: add more else branches for unimplemented types
* feat: buffer the last read when in conversation
* feat: add basic contact logic for setting local contact state. Need to implement handling properly
* refactor: trying to just include blocked status for now in updating contacts
* fix: add some more contact syncing: nicknames, approved statuses, blocked statuses
* feat: start implementing hashes in shared lib and refactoring
* feat: start to implement group list info classes and wrappers and refactor to use library based hashes
* feat: incorporate hashes from library, more wrapper for user groups and serialization from c++
* feat: adding more serialization changes for community base info and user groups LGC
* feat: adding more serialize deserialize to legacy closed groups
* feat: finish serial/deserial helper
* feat: just implement deserialize community info
* refactor: refactor tests and wrappers to use less pointers, finish implementing user groups API
* feat: finish latest wrappers fix tests and continue building default generation functions. refactor defaults to be used if no stored data blob in DB
* feat: more usergroup functionality, storage functionality for checking pinned status, adding pinned status for NTS/contacts, move community info parse full url to base community, add StorageProtocol logic for group info
* feat: adding user groups to the list of user configs, refactorign some of the config factory to fetch the user configs easier. Add handling for polling user group namespace
* feat: implement the default user config list
* feat: add user group config handling
* chore: extra missed existing group
* refactor: use existing lookup for objects in wrappers so they don't overwrite missing values
* feat: add contacts expiry serialization/deserialization, more LGC, timestamps to add closed group encryption info (for latest tracking)
* refactor: change how expiration timer works for contacts, set the expiration timer for those conversations in handling contact configs
* feat: add expiration updates via config for contacts as well
* feat: add almost all group editing cases, need to hook into the thread deletion for groups in the user groups
* feat: open group joining should work now
* feat: add groups to configs for push
* fix: handling user group updates bug fix for closed groups instead of all groups
* fix: open group sync persistence
* feat: add in activity finish if recipient no longer exists (deleted thread) from sync
* feat: support avatar removal from shared library
* feat: support thread deletion and refactoring a lot of getOrCreateThread references to go via storage or assume they are correctly set to hook into the contact and volatile creation during thread creation
* fix: database update not deleting in certain circumstances, storage persisting and removing the volatile convo info for thread deletion / creation, NTS hidden getter values in shared library
* refactor: make update listener visibility package
* refactor: update kotlin
* feat: update dependencies and support outdated config messages, refactor config factory to return null configs if new configs not supported
* feat: update shared library to use priority only, fix compile errors, fix group member sync problem
* fix: compile error
* fix: profile avatar fixes for local user now that we aren't setting local user profile key
* Revert "fix: profile avatar fixes for local user now that we aren't setting local user profile key"
This reverts commit 3f569e34034713ee230581bc118e9127a8d0f434.
* refactor: let the local number update recipient details in profile manager
* fix: don't recreate thread after leaving
* fix: fix up the duplicate thread creation in the message receive handler
* fix: fix the placeholder rendering on new messages, add in extra context logging for adding contacts and preventing new thread creation on new messages of various types
* feat: add test theme for xml layout previews
* feat: add shortened hex for session IDs throughout, replace nullable getName with null in underlying contacts for individual contacts, build shared lib with release mode, remove todo, fix broken unit test
* feat: setup android unit tests for verifying storage behaviours and state of shared configs
* feat: adding dependencies to try and get android tests working, fixing bug with initial config not syncing properly
* fix: remove hilt testing, add spy on app context storage field instead, update libsession-util to fixed sodium cmake branch
* refactor: use PR version of libsession-util to test cmake build
* fix: new build on normal repo
* feat: new libsession util commit
* refactor: remove the old custom build libsodium stuff from cmake
* feat: update libsession module
* fix: add legacy config subscription to the home activity to enable showing banner at any time
* fix: pinned status for communities and groups, group last read time being set to snodeapi.now on finish joining
* fix: some open group volatile convo fix for last read timer being set. Need to investigate further
* fix: prevent blocking local number
* fix: adding in more checks for open group inbox recipients before being saved to the shared configs. Prevent sending typing indicator for blocked users
* fix: add blocked check for read receipt and updating expiring messages
* fix: another contact recipient config library call removed for non-standard IDs
* fix: another ID check
* fix: don't process thread creation for user is sender && recipient (sync message) for message request responses
* refactor: mark as read on open and use less buffer time
* fix: finally fix the darn unread count issue by
* fix: removing debug logs, adding failure error handling logs for expiry message updater, properly using the message thread ID created for the expiring messages. Process the non-thread messages properly with await in BatchMessageReceiveJob
* fix: checking the last read open to message and make sure that scroll behaviour matches expected, fix the config sync job not deleting ALL old hashes only latest
* refactor: try to add a retry logic to config sync job in case of snode failure
* build: update submodule
* fix: remove user notifications for leaving group to prevent synced device issues, don't create thread in messages for new closed groups, includei nactive groups in the deletion queries for merging group configs
* feat: use blinded message count for banner also
* refactor: remove some logging, don't use blinded conversations in the list
* fix: don't set the read flag in update notifications, some roundabout logic for first loads and scrolling to last known positions
* refactor: merge changes, re-add the group check in unapproved messages
* fix: re-poll on fail in case that was breaking anything
* fix: pinning groups and notifying list listeners in threadDb.setPinned
* feat: add in TTL extension subrequest and builder, enable extending TTLs for all latest config messages in poll as subrequest
* feat: add block to the delete all message requests, only if they're not open group inbox contacts
* refactor: disable edit text for non contacts
* refactor: let the user display name return "You" for local user
* fix: prevent NTS self create thread on user view bind
* refactor: remove populate public key cache if needed call which seems unnecessary at that point, maybe UserView refs have changed since 2020
* refactor: use just first visible instead of completely visible, merge message sender changes
* fix: prevent block of users in delete all
* fix: self sync sync message failures for default values
* feat: update libsession-util, adjust docs, update mms and sms to use message sent timestamp instead of -1 for last read in the thread
* fix: some compile issues in tests and some TODOs for things to do before merge
* fix: handle recyclerview scrolled on scroll to first unread if it's the first load
* fix: added more migration code for deleting unnecessary threads and groups, fixed a post-migration last seen issue on last item (current read is now), comment out actual network sync while testing migrations
* feat: adding a force new configs flag and logic for timestamp handling / forced configs, fix issue with handling legacy messages
* refactor: re-add the sending of configs
* fix: don't add contacts if they don't exist in the profile manager
* [wip]
fix: trying to consolidate prof pic and key properly
* feat: add logs and fix compile issue with a themes.xml entry, add removing profile picture into logic for profile manager
* fix: force has sent for local user, only prevent setting last seen for open group recipients, allow empty user pics to trigger config sync in settings
* fix: nts threads
* fix: open group avatar loop for open groups we have left
* feat: add a wrapper hash to track home diff util changes for wrapper contact recipient info, add test for dirty state in double set
* feat: add a dump in there as well
* refactor: more test code refactor
* fix: update last seen if later than current
* fix: open group threads and avatar downloads
* fix: add max size and maybe fix the non-200 sub requests for batches (for 421s in particular)
* fix: open group comparison issues potentially, have to update some more outgoing message open group flags for visibility of details etc
* Updated to the latest libSession-util
* Updated logic to delete legacy groups when kicked/left
* Added the legacy group 'joined_at' value
* Replaced incorrect character in JNI
* Fixed an issue where the group keyPair was getting encoded incorrectly
* Updated the code to ignore outdated legacy group control message changes
* Updated the code to ignore messages invalidated by the config
* [Review] Updated the poller to process config messages before standard
* Cleaned up the outdated message logic
* Fixed inverted config dropping flags
* Fixed an issue where the joining a community would read all messages
Stopped using a reversed RecyclerView in all cases (caused the unread issue)
Updated the logic to jump to the newly sent message when sending a message (to be consistent with other platforms)
Updated the logic to refresh the DB unread count when the cursor receives an update
* Updated the conversation to highlight the first unread message on open
* Fixed a couple of bugs with the highlighting
* Fixed a bug where the user profile picture wasn't downloading correctly
* feat: add all namespaces to delete all messages request and signature verification data
* fix: merge namespace hashes for signature returned and
* fix: import correct scroll to bottom
* build: update version code and name
* fix: initial contact generation fix for existing blinded contacts
* fix: initial convo generation fix for existing blinded convos (?)
* fix: conversation unread not doing a check for standard ID prefix
* fix: thread ID not being created for legacy config messages
* fix: don't treat 404 as bad snode
* fix: don't add retrieve profile job if we have one for that address
* build: update build code
* fix: reduce attempts for downloading image, invert unreachable type check
* fix: attempting to fix preventing message processing if group thread is not active for closed groups and initial contact dump only allows conversations with thread, may need further optimisations though
* feat: Added an unread marker and search result focus highlighting
* fix: empty set in appropriate places for current closed groups
* build: update build version code
* fix: fix the notifications and request at appropriate time
* refactor: remove debug logging for thread create and delete
* build: update build number
* fix: new community doesn't break persisting config if the .add request fails
* build: trying to track down broken retrieve avatar job
* feat: update to latest libsession dev
* fix: maybe fix avatar download for new messages
* fix: 404s causing snode errors and trying to retrieve avatars that have already 404'd a lot
* fix: closed group creation sets thread date to formation timestamp
* build: update version code
* build: update version code
* build: remove debuggable release build
* fix: use new permissions for external attachments
* build: update version code
* chore: remove debug logs
* fix: tests and main thread blocking db fetch for path status view
* wip: trying to track down failure to mark conversation as read in delayed group add
* wip: add more logs for initial last Read sync of communities
* wip: maybe the volatile is being updated with 0 on batch message receive?
* fix: maybe syncing read statuses are working now
* chore: remove debug logs
* build: update build number
* fix: trying to improve performance
* fix: add close to banner
* refactor: hide seed reminder in preview
* build: update build number
* fix: maybe requires update thread no matter what
* fix: message request banner shows again
* fix: android tests work again and permissions
* fix: blocked contacts click handler being overridden by something
* Revert "fix: blocked contacts click handler being overridden by something"
This reverts commit 608572fc426def0850085727ed0c399623110c37.
* build: update build number
* refactor: remove unused dependencies and update minor for sqlcipher
* fix: actually do insert contact, because otherwise name doesn't get set properly
* fix: maybe fix scroll to bottom issue
* build: update build number
* fix: the message time and jump to message queries are more optimized
* fix: maybe fix the last seen issues
* build: update build number
* fix: pfp broken closed groups why
* fix: add admins and members as member list instead of just members
* fix: exclude lgc without membership > 1 and inactive explicitly
* fix: submodule update
* fix: compiles with removal of iterator erase
* fix: unread indicator updates properly in ConversationActivityV2
* fix: unread notifications clear and altered if any notifications exist (prevents clearing read notifications in conversation or on home screen)
* refactor: profile pictures kinda broken
* build: update build number
* refactor: remove full hash from log
* fix: isPinned threadDB call
* refactor: use mutex in all libsession native calls, change timestamp
* refactor: add basic support for blinded v2 prefixes
Co-authored-by: Morgan Pretty <morgan.t.pretty@gmail.com>
2023-07-14 18:27:13 +10:00
implementation project(":libsession-util")
2022-01-14 07:56:15 +02:00
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json:$kotlinxJsonVersion"
2022-08-10 18:17:48 +10:00
implementation "com.github.oxen-io.session-android-curve-25519:curve25519-java:$curve25519Version"
implementation project(":liblazysodium")
2023-10-04 15:17:27 +11:00
implementation "net.java.dev.jna:jna:5.12.1@aar"
2020-11-24 15:22:02 +11:00
implementation "com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java:$protobufVersion"
implementation "com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:$jacksonDatabindVersion"
implementation "com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:$okhttpVersion"
2024-07-16 11:28:50 +10:00
implementation "com.squareup.phrase:phrase:$phraseVersion"
Performance improvements and bug fixes (#869)
* refactor: fail on testSnode instead of recursively using up snode list. add call timeout on http client
* refactor: refactoring batch message receives and pollers
* refactor: reduce thread utils pool count to a 2 thread fixed pool. Do a check against pubkey instead of room names for oxenHostedOpenGroup
* refactor: caching lib with potential loader fixes and no-cache for giphy
* refactor: remove store and instead use ConcurrentHashMap with a backing update coroutine
* refactor: queue trim thread jobs instead of add every message processed
* fix: wrapping auth token and initial sync for open groups in a threadutils queued runnable, getting initial sync times down
* fix: fixing the user contacts cache in ConversationAdapter.kt
* refactor: improve polling and initial sync, move group joins from config messages into a background job fetching image.
* refactor: improving the job queuing for open groups, replacing placeholder avatar generation with a custom glide loader and archiving initial sync of open groups
* feat: add OpenGroupDeleteJob.kt
* feat: add open group delete job to process deletions after batch adding
* feat: add vacuum and fix job queue re-adding jobs forever, only try to set message hash values in DB if they have changed
* refactor: remove redundant inflation for profile image views throughout app
* refactor(wip): reducing layout inflation and starting to refactor the open group deletion issues taking a long time
* refactor(wip): refactoring group deletion to not iterate through and delete messages individually
* refactor(wip): refactoring group deletion to not iterate through and delete messages individually
* fix: group deletion optimisation
* build: bump build number
* build: bump build number and fix batch message receive retry logic
* fix: clear out open group deletes
* fix: update visible ConversationAdapter.kt binding for initial contact fetching and better traces for debugging background jobs
* fix: add in check for / force sync latest encryption key pair from linked devices if we already have that closed group
* Rename .java to .kt
* refactor: change MmsDatabase to kotlin to make list operations easier
* fix: nullable type
* fix: compilation issues and constants in .kt instead of .java
* fix: bug fix expiration timer on closed group recipient
* feat: use the job queue properly across executors
* feat: start on open group dispatcher-specific logic, probably a queue factory based on openGroupId if that is the same across new message and deletion jobs to ensure consistent entry and removal
* refactor: removing redundant code and fixing jobqueue per opengroup
* fix: allow attachments in note to self
* fix: make the minWidth in quote view bind max of text / title and body, wrapped ?
* fix: fixing up layouts and code view layouts
* fix: remove TODO, remove timestamp binding
* feat: fix view logic, avatars and padding, downloading attachments lazily (on bind), fixing potential crash, add WindowDebouncer.kt
* fix: NPE on viewModel recipient from removed thread while tearing down the Recipient observer in ConversationActivityV2.kt
* refactor: replace conversation notification debouncer handler with handlerthread, same as conversation list debouncer
* refactor: UI for groups and poller improvements
* fix: revert some changes in poller
* feat: add header back in for message requests
* refactor: remove Trace calls, add more conditions to the HomeDiffUtil for updating more efficiently
* feat: try update the home adapter if we get a profile picture modified event
* feat: bump build numbers
* fix: try to start with list in homeViewModel if we don't have already, render quotes to be width of attachment slide view instead of fixed
* fix: set channel to be conflated instead of no buffer
* fix: set unreads based off last local user message vs incrementing unreads to be all amount
* feat: add profile update flag, update build number
* fix: link preview thumbnails download on bind
* fix: centercrop placeholder in glide request
* feat: recycle the contact selection list and profile image in unbind
* fix: try to prevent user KP crash at weird times
* fix: remove additional log, improve attachment download success rate, fix share logs dialog issue
2022-06-08 17:12:34 +10:00
implementation 'app.cash.copper:copper-flow:1.0.0'
2022-01-14 07:56:15 +02:00
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android:$coroutinesVersion"
2020-11-24 15:22:02 +11:00
implementation "nl.komponents.kovenant:kovenant:$kovenantVersion"
implementation "nl.komponents.kovenant:kovenant-android:$kovenantVersion"
2020-11-24 13:10:39 +11:00
implementation "com.jakewharton.rxbinding3:rxbinding:3.1.0"
implementation "com.github.ybq:Android-SpinKit:1.4.0"
implementation "com.opencsv:opencsv:4.6"
2022-12-19 11:29:05 +11:00
testImplementation "junit:junit:$junitVersion"
2020-11-24 13:10:39 +11:00
testImplementation 'org.assertj:assertj-core:3.11.1'
2023-09-19 13:45:59 +09:30
testImplementation "org.mockito:mockito-inline:4.11.0"
2022-01-14 07:56:15 +02:00
testImplementation "org.mockito.kotlin:mockito-kotlin:$mockitoKotlinVersion"
2023-09-19 13:45:59 +09:30
androidTestImplementation "org.mockito:mockito-android:4.11.0"
Integrate shared libsession-util library (#1096)
* feat: add some config db basics and DI for it, make the user profile optional, start looking at integrate building from initial dump
* update: get latest util library submodule update
* refactor: fix compile for refactored API
* refactor: naming consistent with library
* feat: add in config storage and injection to common places, managing lifecycle of native instances
* refactor: config database changes, new protos, adding in support for config base namespace queries
* refactor: config query and store use the same format as other platforms
* feat: add batch snode calls and try to poll from all the config namespaces
* fix: add optional namespace in signature and params
* feat: add raw requests for modifying expiry and getting expiries
* feat: add some base config migration logic, start implementing wrappers for conversation and expiry types
* chore: update libsession base
* feat: start integrating conversation wrapper functions
* feat: add basic conversation info volatile types and implementations, start working on tests
* feat: more common library wrapper implementation and test
* fix: tests and compile issues
* fix: fix tests, don't use iterables
* feat: add all iterators and tests
* feat: add in more config factory for volatile
* feat: update request responses and their appropriate processing
* feat: add storage with hashes and some basic profile update logic in config factory probably move that somewhere else
* feat: adding config sync functionality, refactoring jobs to execute in suspend context to do some nice coroutine execution
* refactor: moving some properties around so we have access in libsession
* feat: expand on the config sync job, finish basic implementation to test against
* feat: add forced config sync
* feat: syncs the user profile stuff for now, and errors back to placeholder instead of unknown recipient
* feat: add basic message read logic for synchronizing last reads, need to modify the query to use the last seen instead of the unread count in a subquery possibly for thread display record
* feat: add broken unreads everywhere
* fix: unreads work now for incoming messages, need to sync conv volatile properly still
* feat: batching poll responses properly and handling groups properly
* fix: replace the mark read receiver (from notifications) to use the new set last seen mark read logic
* feat: update to the group list branch
* fix: compile errors from updating library to use latest branch, now requires cmake 3.22.1
* fix: fix the contact tests
* fix: getters weren't getters properly in the config factory, fixed new onboarding from configs
* feat: add the last seen
* feat: start adding user groups wrapper objects
* refactor: add more else branches for unimplemented types
* feat: buffer the last read when in conversation
* feat: add basic contact logic for setting local contact state. Need to implement handling properly
* refactor: trying to just include blocked status for now in updating contacts
* fix: add some more contact syncing: nicknames, approved statuses, blocked statuses
* feat: start implementing hashes in shared lib and refactoring
* feat: start to implement group list info classes and wrappers and refactor to use library based hashes
* feat: incorporate hashes from library, more wrapper for user groups and serialization from c++
* feat: adding more serialization changes for community base info and user groups LGC
* feat: adding more serialize deserialize to legacy closed groups
* feat: finish serial/deserial helper
* feat: just implement deserialize community info
* refactor: refactor tests and wrappers to use less pointers, finish implementing user groups API
* feat: finish latest wrappers fix tests and continue building default generation functions. refactor defaults to be used if no stored data blob in DB
* feat: more usergroup functionality, storage functionality for checking pinned status, adding pinned status for NTS/contacts, move community info parse full url to base community, add StorageProtocol logic for group info
* feat: adding user groups to the list of user configs, refactorign some of the config factory to fetch the user configs easier. Add handling for polling user group namespace
* feat: implement the default user config list
* feat: add user group config handling
* chore: extra missed existing group
* refactor: use existing lookup for objects in wrappers so they don't overwrite missing values
* feat: add contacts expiry serialization/deserialization, more LGC, timestamps to add closed group encryption info (for latest tracking)
* refactor: change how expiration timer works for contacts, set the expiration timer for those conversations in handling contact configs
* feat: add expiration updates via config for contacts as well
* feat: add almost all group editing cases, need to hook into the thread deletion for groups in the user groups
* feat: open group joining should work now
* feat: add groups to configs for push
* fix: handling user group updates bug fix for closed groups instead of all groups
* fix: open group sync persistence
* feat: add in activity finish if recipient no longer exists (deleted thread) from sync
* feat: support avatar removal from shared library
* feat: support thread deletion and refactoring a lot of getOrCreateThread references to go via storage or assume they are correctly set to hook into the contact and volatile creation during thread creation
* fix: database update not deleting in certain circumstances, storage persisting and removing the volatile convo info for thread deletion / creation, NTS hidden getter values in shared library
* refactor: make update listener visibility package
* refactor: update kotlin
* feat: update dependencies and support outdated config messages, refactor config factory to return null configs if new configs not supported
* feat: update shared library to use priority only, fix compile errors, fix group member sync problem
* fix: compile error
* fix: profile avatar fixes for local user now that we aren't setting local user profile key
* Revert "fix: profile avatar fixes for local user now that we aren't setting local user profile key"
This reverts commit 3f569e34034713ee230581bc118e9127a8d0f434.
* refactor: let the local number update recipient details in profile manager
* fix: don't recreate thread after leaving
* fix: fix up the duplicate thread creation in the message receive handler
* fix: fix the placeholder rendering on new messages, add in extra context logging for adding contacts and preventing new thread creation on new messages of various types
* feat: add test theme for xml layout previews
* feat: add shortened hex for session IDs throughout, replace nullable getName with null in underlying contacts for individual contacts, build shared lib with release mode, remove todo, fix broken unit test
* feat: setup android unit tests for verifying storage behaviours and state of shared configs
* feat: adding dependencies to try and get android tests working, fixing bug with initial config not syncing properly
* fix: remove hilt testing, add spy on app context storage field instead, update libsession-util to fixed sodium cmake branch
* refactor: use PR version of libsession-util to test cmake build
* fix: new build on normal repo
* feat: new libsession util commit
* refactor: remove the old custom build libsodium stuff from cmake
* feat: update libsession module
* fix: add legacy config subscription to the home activity to enable showing banner at any time
* fix: pinned status for communities and groups, group last read time being set to snodeapi.now on finish joining
* fix: some open group volatile convo fix for last read timer being set. Need to investigate further
* fix: prevent blocking local number
* fix: adding in more checks for open group inbox recipients before being saved to the shared configs. Prevent sending typing indicator for blocked users
* fix: add blocked check for read receipt and updating expiring messages
* fix: another contact recipient config library call removed for non-standard IDs
* fix: another ID check
* fix: don't process thread creation for user is sender && recipient (sync message) for message request responses
* refactor: mark as read on open and use less buffer time
* fix: finally fix the darn unread count issue by
* fix: removing debug logs, adding failure error handling logs for expiry message updater, properly using the message thread ID created for the expiring messages. Process the non-thread messages properly with await in BatchMessageReceiveJob
* fix: checking the last read open to message and make sure that scroll behaviour matches expected, fix the config sync job not deleting ALL old hashes only latest
* refactor: try to add a retry logic to config sync job in case of snode failure
* build: update submodule
* fix: remove user notifications for leaving group to prevent synced device issues, don't create thread in messages for new closed groups, includei nactive groups in the deletion queries for merging group configs
* feat: use blinded message count for banner also
* refactor: remove some logging, don't use blinded conversations in the list
* fix: don't set the read flag in update notifications, some roundabout logic for first loads and scrolling to last known positions
* refactor: merge changes, re-add the group check in unapproved messages
* fix: re-poll on fail in case that was breaking anything
* fix: pinning groups and notifying list listeners in threadDb.setPinned
* feat: add in TTL extension subrequest and builder, enable extending TTLs for all latest config messages in poll as subrequest
* feat: add block to the delete all message requests, only if they're not open group inbox contacts
* refactor: disable edit text for non contacts
* refactor: let the user display name return "You" for local user
* fix: prevent NTS self create thread on user view bind
* refactor: remove populate public key cache if needed call which seems unnecessary at that point, maybe UserView refs have changed since 2020
* refactor: use just first visible instead of completely visible, merge message sender changes
* fix: prevent block of users in delete all
* fix: self sync sync message failures for default values
* feat: update libsession-util, adjust docs, update mms and sms to use message sent timestamp instead of -1 for last read in the thread
* fix: some compile issues in tests and some TODOs for things to do before merge
* fix: handle recyclerview scrolled on scroll to first unread if it's the first load
* fix: added more migration code for deleting unnecessary threads and groups, fixed a post-migration last seen issue on last item (current read is now), comment out actual network sync while testing migrations
* feat: adding a force new configs flag and logic for timestamp handling / forced configs, fix issue with handling legacy messages
* refactor: re-add the sending of configs
* fix: don't add contacts if they don't exist in the profile manager
* [wip]
fix: trying to consolidate prof pic and key properly
* feat: add logs and fix compile issue with a themes.xml entry, add removing profile picture into logic for profile manager
* fix: force has sent for local user, only prevent setting last seen for open group recipients, allow empty user pics to trigger config sync in settings
* fix: nts threads
* fix: open group avatar loop for open groups we have left
* feat: add a wrapper hash to track home diff util changes for wrapper contact recipient info, add test for dirty state in double set
* feat: add a dump in there as well
* refactor: more test code refactor
* fix: update last seen if later than current
* fix: open group threads and avatar downloads
* fix: add max size and maybe fix the non-200 sub requests for batches (for 421s in particular)
* fix: open group comparison issues potentially, have to update some more outgoing message open group flags for visibility of details etc
* Updated to the latest libSession-util
* Updated logic to delete legacy groups when kicked/left
* Added the legacy group 'joined_at' value
* Replaced incorrect character in JNI
* Fixed an issue where the group keyPair was getting encoded incorrectly
* Updated the code to ignore outdated legacy group control message changes
* Updated the code to ignore messages invalidated by the config
* [Review] Updated the poller to process config messages before standard
* Cleaned up the outdated message logic
* Fixed inverted config dropping flags
* Fixed an issue where the joining a community would read all messages
Stopped using a reversed RecyclerView in all cases (caused the unread issue)
Updated the logic to jump to the newly sent message when sending a message (to be consistent with other platforms)
Updated the logic to refresh the DB unread count when the cursor receives an update
* Updated the conversation to highlight the first unread message on open
* Fixed a couple of bugs with the highlighting
* Fixed a bug where the user profile picture wasn't downloading correctly
* feat: add all namespaces to delete all messages request and signature verification data
* fix: merge namespace hashes for signature returned and
* fix: import correct scroll to bottom
* build: update version code and name
* fix: initial contact generation fix for existing blinded contacts
* fix: initial convo generation fix for existing blinded convos (?)
* fix: conversation unread not doing a check for standard ID prefix
* fix: thread ID not being created for legacy config messages
* fix: don't treat 404 as bad snode
* fix: don't add retrieve profile job if we have one for that address
* build: update build code
* fix: reduce attempts for downloading image, invert unreachable type check
* fix: attempting to fix preventing message processing if group thread is not active for closed groups and initial contact dump only allows conversations with thread, may need further optimisations though
* feat: Added an unread marker and search result focus highlighting
* fix: empty set in appropriate places for current closed groups
* build: update build version code
* fix: fix the notifications and request at appropriate time
* refactor: remove debug logging for thread create and delete
* build: update build number
* fix: new community doesn't break persisting config if the .add request fails
* build: trying to track down broken retrieve avatar job
* feat: update to latest libsession dev
* fix: maybe fix avatar download for new messages
* fix: 404s causing snode errors and trying to retrieve avatars that have already 404'd a lot
* fix: closed group creation sets thread date to formation timestamp
* build: update version code
* build: update version code
* build: remove debuggable release build
* fix: use new permissions for external attachments
* build: update version code
* chore: remove debug logs
* fix: tests and main thread blocking db fetch for path status view
* wip: trying to track down failure to mark conversation as read in delayed group add
* wip: add more logs for initial last Read sync of communities
* wip: maybe the volatile is being updated with 0 on batch message receive?
* fix: maybe syncing read statuses are working now
* chore: remove debug logs
* build: update build number
* fix: trying to improve performance
* fix: add close to banner
* refactor: hide seed reminder in preview
* build: update build number
* fix: maybe requires update thread no matter what
* fix: message request banner shows again
* fix: android tests work again and permissions
* fix: blocked contacts click handler being overridden by something
* Revert "fix: blocked contacts click handler being overridden by something"
This reverts commit 608572fc426def0850085727ed0c399623110c37.
* build: update build number
* refactor: remove unused dependencies and update minor for sqlcipher
* fix: actually do insert contact, because otherwise name doesn't get set properly
* fix: maybe fix scroll to bottom issue
* build: update build number
* fix: the message time and jump to message queries are more optimized
* fix: maybe fix the last seen issues
* build: update build number
* fix: pfp broken closed groups why
* fix: add admins and members as member list instead of just members
* fix: exclude lgc without membership > 1 and inactive explicitly
* fix: submodule update
* fix: compiles with removal of iterator erase
* fix: unread indicator updates properly in ConversationActivityV2
* fix: unread notifications clear and altered if any notifications exist (prevents clearing read notifications in conversation or on home screen)
* refactor: profile pictures kinda broken
* build: update build number
* refactor: remove full hash from log
* fix: isPinned threadDB call
* refactor: use mutex in all libsession native calls, change timestamp
* refactor: add basic support for blinded v2 prefixes
Co-authored-by: Morgan Pretty <morgan.t.pretty@gmail.com>
2023-07-14 18:27:13 +10:00
androidTestImplementation "org.mockito.kotlin:mockito-kotlin:$mockitoKotlinVersion"
2022-12-19 11:29:05 +11:00
testImplementation "androidx.test:core:$testCoreVersion"
Integrate shared libsession-util library (#1096)
* feat: add some config db basics and DI for it, make the user profile optional, start looking at integrate building from initial dump
* update: get latest util library submodule update
* refactor: fix compile for refactored API
* refactor: naming consistent with library
* feat: add in config storage and injection to common places, managing lifecycle of native instances
* refactor: config database changes, new protos, adding in support for config base namespace queries
* refactor: config query and store use the same format as other platforms
* feat: add batch snode calls and try to poll from all the config namespaces
* fix: add optional namespace in signature and params
* feat: add raw requests for modifying expiry and getting expiries
* feat: add some base config migration logic, start implementing wrappers for conversation and expiry types
* chore: update libsession base
* feat: start integrating conversation wrapper functions
* feat: add basic conversation info volatile types and implementations, start working on tests
* feat: more common library wrapper implementation and test
* fix: tests and compile issues
* fix: fix tests, don't use iterables
* feat: add all iterators and tests
* feat: add in more config factory for volatile
* feat: update request responses and their appropriate processing
* feat: add storage with hashes and some basic profile update logic in config factory probably move that somewhere else
* feat: adding config sync functionality, refactoring jobs to execute in suspend context to do some nice coroutine execution
* refactor: moving some properties around so we have access in libsession
* feat: expand on the config sync job, finish basic implementation to test against
* feat: add forced config sync
* feat: syncs the user profile stuff for now, and errors back to placeholder instead of unknown recipient
* feat: add basic message read logic for synchronizing last reads, need to modify the query to use the last seen instead of the unread count in a subquery possibly for thread display record
* feat: add broken unreads everywhere
* fix: unreads work now for incoming messages, need to sync conv volatile properly still
* feat: batching poll responses properly and handling groups properly
* fix: replace the mark read receiver (from notifications) to use the new set last seen mark read logic
* feat: update to the group list branch
* fix: compile errors from updating library to use latest branch, now requires cmake 3.22.1
* fix: fix the contact tests
* fix: getters weren't getters properly in the config factory, fixed new onboarding from configs
* feat: add the last seen
* feat: start adding user groups wrapper objects
* refactor: add more else branches for unimplemented types
* feat: buffer the last read when in conversation
* feat: add basic contact logic for setting local contact state. Need to implement handling properly
* refactor: trying to just include blocked status for now in updating contacts
* fix: add some more contact syncing: nicknames, approved statuses, blocked statuses
* feat: start implementing hashes in shared lib and refactoring
* feat: start to implement group list info classes and wrappers and refactor to use library based hashes
* feat: incorporate hashes from library, more wrapper for user groups and serialization from c++
* feat: adding more serialization changes for community base info and user groups LGC
* feat: adding more serialize deserialize to legacy closed groups
* feat: finish serial/deserial helper
* feat: just implement deserialize community info
* refactor: refactor tests and wrappers to use less pointers, finish implementing user groups API
* feat: finish latest wrappers fix tests and continue building default generation functions. refactor defaults to be used if no stored data blob in DB
* feat: more usergroup functionality, storage functionality for checking pinned status, adding pinned status for NTS/contacts, move community info parse full url to base community, add StorageProtocol logic for group info
* feat: adding user groups to the list of user configs, refactorign some of the config factory to fetch the user configs easier. Add handling for polling user group namespace
* feat: implement the default user config list
* feat: add user group config handling
* chore: extra missed existing group
* refactor: use existing lookup for objects in wrappers so they don't overwrite missing values
* feat: add contacts expiry serialization/deserialization, more LGC, timestamps to add closed group encryption info (for latest tracking)
* refactor: change how expiration timer works for contacts, set the expiration timer for those conversations in handling contact configs
* feat: add expiration updates via config for contacts as well
* feat: add almost all group editing cases, need to hook into the thread deletion for groups in the user groups
* feat: open group joining should work now
* feat: add groups to configs for push
* fix: handling user group updates bug fix for closed groups instead of all groups
* fix: open group sync persistence
* feat: add in activity finish if recipient no longer exists (deleted thread) from sync
* feat: support avatar removal from shared library
* feat: support thread deletion and refactoring a lot of getOrCreateThread references to go via storage or assume they are correctly set to hook into the contact and volatile creation during thread creation
* fix: database update not deleting in certain circumstances, storage persisting and removing the volatile convo info for thread deletion / creation, NTS hidden getter values in shared library
* refactor: make update listener visibility package
* refactor: update kotlin
* feat: update dependencies and support outdated config messages, refactor config factory to return null configs if new configs not supported
* feat: update shared library to use priority only, fix compile errors, fix group member sync problem
* fix: compile error
* fix: profile avatar fixes for local user now that we aren't setting local user profile key
* Revert "fix: profile avatar fixes for local user now that we aren't setting local user profile key"
This reverts commit 3f569e34034713ee230581bc118e9127a8d0f434.
* refactor: let the local number update recipient details in profile manager
* fix: don't recreate thread after leaving
* fix: fix up the duplicate thread creation in the message receive handler
* fix: fix the placeholder rendering on new messages, add in extra context logging for adding contacts and preventing new thread creation on new messages of various types
* feat: add test theme for xml layout previews
* feat: add shortened hex for session IDs throughout, replace nullable getName with null in underlying contacts for individual contacts, build shared lib with release mode, remove todo, fix broken unit test
* feat: setup android unit tests for verifying storage behaviours and state of shared configs
* feat: adding dependencies to try and get android tests working, fixing bug with initial config not syncing properly
* fix: remove hilt testing, add spy on app context storage field instead, update libsession-util to fixed sodium cmake branch
* refactor: use PR version of libsession-util to test cmake build
* fix: new build on normal repo
* feat: new libsession util commit
* refactor: remove the old custom build libsodium stuff from cmake
* feat: update libsession module
* fix: add legacy config subscription to the home activity to enable showing banner at any time
* fix: pinned status for communities and groups, group last read time being set to snodeapi.now on finish joining
* fix: some open group volatile convo fix for last read timer being set. Need to investigate further
* fix: prevent blocking local number
* fix: adding in more checks for open group inbox recipients before being saved to the shared configs. Prevent sending typing indicator for blocked users
* fix: add blocked check for read receipt and updating expiring messages
* fix: another contact recipient config library call removed for non-standard IDs
* fix: another ID check
* fix: don't process thread creation for user is sender && recipient (sync message) for message request responses
* refactor: mark as read on open and use less buffer time
* fix: finally fix the darn unread count issue by
* fix: removing debug logs, adding failure error handling logs for expiry message updater, properly using the message thread ID created for the expiring messages. Process the non-thread messages properly with await in BatchMessageReceiveJob
* fix: checking the last read open to message and make sure that scroll behaviour matches expected, fix the config sync job not deleting ALL old hashes only latest
* refactor: try to add a retry logic to config sync job in case of snode failure
* build: update submodule
* fix: remove user notifications for leaving group to prevent synced device issues, don't create thread in messages for new closed groups, includei nactive groups in the deletion queries for merging group configs
* feat: use blinded message count for banner also
* refactor: remove some logging, don't use blinded conversations in the list
* fix: don't set the read flag in update notifications, some roundabout logic for first loads and scrolling to last known positions
* refactor: merge changes, re-add the group check in unapproved messages
* fix: re-poll on fail in case that was breaking anything
* fix: pinning groups and notifying list listeners in threadDb.setPinned
* feat: add in TTL extension subrequest and builder, enable extending TTLs for all latest config messages in poll as subrequest
* feat: add block to the delete all message requests, only if they're not open group inbox contacts
* refactor: disable edit text for non contacts
* refactor: let the user display name return "You" for local user
* fix: prevent NTS self create thread on user view bind
* refactor: remove populate public key cache if needed call which seems unnecessary at that point, maybe UserView refs have changed since 2020
* refactor: use just first visible instead of completely visible, merge message sender changes
* fix: prevent block of users in delete all
* fix: self sync sync message failures for default values
* feat: update libsession-util, adjust docs, update mms and sms to use message sent timestamp instead of -1 for last read in the thread
* fix: some compile issues in tests and some TODOs for things to do before merge
* fix: handle recyclerview scrolled on scroll to first unread if it's the first load
* fix: added more migration code for deleting unnecessary threads and groups, fixed a post-migration last seen issue on last item (current read is now), comment out actual network sync while testing migrations
* feat: adding a force new configs flag and logic for timestamp handling / forced configs, fix issue with handling legacy messages
* refactor: re-add the sending of configs
* fix: don't add contacts if they don't exist in the profile manager
* [wip]
fix: trying to consolidate prof pic and key properly
* feat: add logs and fix compile issue with a themes.xml entry, add removing profile picture into logic for profile manager
* fix: force has sent for local user, only prevent setting last seen for open group recipients, allow empty user pics to trigger config sync in settings
* fix: nts threads
* fix: open group avatar loop for open groups we have left
* feat: add a wrapper hash to track home diff util changes for wrapper contact recipient info, add test for dirty state in double set
* feat: add a dump in there as well
* refactor: more test code refactor
* fix: update last seen if later than current
* fix: open group threads and avatar downloads
* fix: add max size and maybe fix the non-200 sub requests for batches (for 421s in particular)
* fix: open group comparison issues potentially, have to update some more outgoing message open group flags for visibility of details etc
* Updated to the latest libSession-util
* Updated logic to delete legacy groups when kicked/left
* Added the legacy group 'joined_at' value
* Replaced incorrect character in JNI
* Fixed an issue where the group keyPair was getting encoded incorrectly
* Updated the code to ignore outdated legacy group control message changes
* Updated the code to ignore messages invalidated by the config
* [Review] Updated the poller to process config messages before standard
* Cleaned up the outdated message logic
* Fixed inverted config dropping flags
* Fixed an issue where the joining a community would read all messages
Stopped using a reversed RecyclerView in all cases (caused the unread issue)
Updated the logic to jump to the newly sent message when sending a message (to be consistent with other platforms)
Updated the logic to refresh the DB unread count when the cursor receives an update
* Updated the conversation to highlight the first unread message on open
* Fixed a couple of bugs with the highlighting
* Fixed a bug where the user profile picture wasn't downloading correctly
* feat: add all namespaces to delete all messages request and signature verification data
* fix: merge namespace hashes for signature returned and
* fix: import correct scroll to bottom
* build: update version code and name
* fix: initial contact generation fix for existing blinded contacts
* fix: initial convo generation fix for existing blinded convos (?)
* fix: conversation unread not doing a check for standard ID prefix
* fix: thread ID not being created for legacy config messages
* fix: don't treat 404 as bad snode
* fix: don't add retrieve profile job if we have one for that address
* build: update build code
* fix: reduce attempts for downloading image, invert unreachable type check
* fix: attempting to fix preventing message processing if group thread is not active for closed groups and initial contact dump only allows conversations with thread, may need further optimisations though
* feat: Added an unread marker and search result focus highlighting
* fix: empty set in appropriate places for current closed groups
* build: update build version code
* fix: fix the notifications and request at appropriate time
* refactor: remove debug logging for thread create and delete
* build: update build number
* fix: new community doesn't break persisting config if the .add request fails
* build: trying to track down broken retrieve avatar job
* feat: update to latest libsession dev
* fix: maybe fix avatar download for new messages
* fix: 404s causing snode errors and trying to retrieve avatars that have already 404'd a lot
* fix: closed group creation sets thread date to formation timestamp
* build: update version code
* build: update version code
* build: remove debuggable release build
* fix: use new permissions for external attachments
* build: update version code
* chore: remove debug logs
* fix: tests and main thread blocking db fetch for path status view
* wip: trying to track down failure to mark conversation as read in delayed group add
* wip: add more logs for initial last Read sync of communities
* wip: maybe the volatile is being updated with 0 on batch message receive?
* fix: maybe syncing read statuses are working now
* chore: remove debug logs
* build: update build number
* fix: trying to improve performance
* fix: add close to banner
* refactor: hide seed reminder in preview
* build: update build number
* fix: maybe requires update thread no matter what
* fix: message request banner shows again
* fix: android tests work again and permissions
* fix: blocked contacts click handler being overridden by something
* Revert "fix: blocked contacts click handler being overridden by something"
This reverts commit 608572fc426def0850085727ed0c399623110c37.
* build: update build number
* refactor: remove unused dependencies and update minor for sqlcipher
* fix: actually do insert contact, because otherwise name doesn't get set properly
* fix: maybe fix scroll to bottom issue
* build: update build number
* fix: the message time and jump to message queries are more optimized
* fix: maybe fix the last seen issues
* build: update build number
* fix: pfp broken closed groups why
* fix: add admins and members as member list instead of just members
* fix: exclude lgc without membership > 1 and inactive explicitly
* fix: submodule update
* fix: compiles with removal of iterator erase
* fix: unread indicator updates properly in ConversationActivityV2
* fix: unread notifications clear and altered if any notifications exist (prevents clearing read notifications in conversation or on home screen)
* refactor: profile pictures kinda broken
* build: update build number
* refactor: remove full hash from log
* fix: isPinned threadDB call
* refactor: use mutex in all libsession native calls, change timestamp
* refactor: add basic support for blinded v2 prefixes
Co-authored-by: Morgan Pretty <morgan.t.pretty@gmail.com>
2023-07-14 18:27:13 +10:00
testImplementation "androidx.arch.core:core-testing:2.2.0"
2022-01-14 07:56:15 +02:00
testImplementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-test:$coroutinesVersion"
2022-02-07 17:06:27 +11:00
androidTestImplementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-test:$coroutinesVersion"
2021-08-09 10:06:58 +10:00
// Core library
Integrate shared libsession-util library (#1096)
* feat: add some config db basics and DI for it, make the user profile optional, start looking at integrate building from initial dump
* update: get latest util library submodule update
* refactor: fix compile for refactored API
* refactor: naming consistent with library
* feat: add in config storage and injection to common places, managing lifecycle of native instances
* refactor: config database changes, new protos, adding in support for config base namespace queries
* refactor: config query and store use the same format as other platforms
* feat: add batch snode calls and try to poll from all the config namespaces
* fix: add optional namespace in signature and params
* feat: add raw requests for modifying expiry and getting expiries
* feat: add some base config migration logic, start implementing wrappers for conversation and expiry types
* chore: update libsession base
* feat: start integrating conversation wrapper functions
* feat: add basic conversation info volatile types and implementations, start working on tests
* feat: more common library wrapper implementation and test
* fix: tests and compile issues
* fix: fix tests, don't use iterables
* feat: add all iterators and tests
* feat: add in more config factory for volatile
* feat: update request responses and their appropriate processing
* feat: add storage with hashes and some basic profile update logic in config factory probably move that somewhere else
* feat: adding config sync functionality, refactoring jobs to execute in suspend context to do some nice coroutine execution
* refactor: moving some properties around so we have access in libsession
* feat: expand on the config sync job, finish basic implementation to test against
* feat: add forced config sync
* feat: syncs the user profile stuff for now, and errors back to placeholder instead of unknown recipient
* feat: add basic message read logic for synchronizing last reads, need to modify the query to use the last seen instead of the unread count in a subquery possibly for thread display record
* feat: add broken unreads everywhere
* fix: unreads work now for incoming messages, need to sync conv volatile properly still
* feat: batching poll responses properly and handling groups properly
* fix: replace the mark read receiver (from notifications) to use the new set last seen mark read logic
* feat: update to the group list branch
* fix: compile errors from updating library to use latest branch, now requires cmake 3.22.1
* fix: fix the contact tests
* fix: getters weren't getters properly in the config factory, fixed new onboarding from configs
* feat: add the last seen
* feat: start adding user groups wrapper objects
* refactor: add more else branches for unimplemented types
* feat: buffer the last read when in conversation
* feat: add basic contact logic for setting local contact state. Need to implement handling properly
* refactor: trying to just include blocked status for now in updating contacts
* fix: add some more contact syncing: nicknames, approved statuses, blocked statuses
* feat: start implementing hashes in shared lib and refactoring
* feat: start to implement group list info classes and wrappers and refactor to use library based hashes
* feat: incorporate hashes from library, more wrapper for user groups and serialization from c++
* feat: adding more serialization changes for community base info and user groups LGC
* feat: adding more serialize deserialize to legacy closed groups
* feat: finish serial/deserial helper
* feat: just implement deserialize community info
* refactor: refactor tests and wrappers to use less pointers, finish implementing user groups API
* feat: finish latest wrappers fix tests and continue building default generation functions. refactor defaults to be used if no stored data blob in DB
* feat: more usergroup functionality, storage functionality for checking pinned status, adding pinned status for NTS/contacts, move community info parse full url to base community, add StorageProtocol logic for group info
* feat: adding user groups to the list of user configs, refactorign some of the config factory to fetch the user configs easier. Add handling for polling user group namespace
* feat: implement the default user config list
* feat: add user group config handling
* chore: extra missed existing group
* refactor: use existing lookup for objects in wrappers so they don't overwrite missing values
* feat: add contacts expiry serialization/deserialization, more LGC, timestamps to add closed group encryption info (for latest tracking)
* refactor: change how expiration timer works for contacts, set the expiration timer for those conversations in handling contact configs
* feat: add expiration updates via config for contacts as well
* feat: add almost all group editing cases, need to hook into the thread deletion for groups in the user groups
* feat: open group joining should work now
* feat: add groups to configs for push
* fix: handling user group updates bug fix for closed groups instead of all groups
* fix: open group sync persistence
* feat: add in activity finish if recipient no longer exists (deleted thread) from sync
* feat: support avatar removal from shared library
* feat: support thread deletion and refactoring a lot of getOrCreateThread references to go via storage or assume they are correctly set to hook into the contact and volatile creation during thread creation
* fix: database update not deleting in certain circumstances, storage persisting and removing the volatile convo info for thread deletion / creation, NTS hidden getter values in shared library
* refactor: make update listener visibility package
* refactor: update kotlin
* feat: update dependencies and support outdated config messages, refactor config factory to return null configs if new configs not supported
* feat: update shared library to use priority only, fix compile errors, fix group member sync problem
* fix: compile error
* fix: profile avatar fixes for local user now that we aren't setting local user profile key
* Revert "fix: profile avatar fixes for local user now that we aren't setting local user profile key"
This reverts commit 3f569e34034713ee230581bc118e9127a8d0f434.
* refactor: let the local number update recipient details in profile manager
* fix: don't recreate thread after leaving
* fix: fix up the duplicate thread creation in the message receive handler
* fix: fix the placeholder rendering on new messages, add in extra context logging for adding contacts and preventing new thread creation on new messages of various types
* feat: add test theme for xml layout previews
* feat: add shortened hex for session IDs throughout, replace nullable getName with null in underlying contacts for individual contacts, build shared lib with release mode, remove todo, fix broken unit test
* feat: setup android unit tests for verifying storage behaviours and state of shared configs
* feat: adding dependencies to try and get android tests working, fixing bug with initial config not syncing properly
* fix: remove hilt testing, add spy on app context storage field instead, update libsession-util to fixed sodium cmake branch
* refactor: use PR version of libsession-util to test cmake build
* fix: new build on normal repo
* feat: new libsession util commit
* refactor: remove the old custom build libsodium stuff from cmake
* feat: update libsession module
* fix: add legacy config subscription to the home activity to enable showing banner at any time
* fix: pinned status for communities and groups, group last read time being set to snodeapi.now on finish joining
* fix: some open group volatile convo fix for last read timer being set. Need to investigate further
* fix: prevent blocking local number
* fix: adding in more checks for open group inbox recipients before being saved to the shared configs. Prevent sending typing indicator for blocked users
* fix: add blocked check for read receipt and updating expiring messages
* fix: another contact recipient config library call removed for non-standard IDs
* fix: another ID check
* fix: don't process thread creation for user is sender && recipient (sync message) for message request responses
* refactor: mark as read on open and use less buffer time
* fix: finally fix the darn unread count issue by
* fix: removing debug logs, adding failure error handling logs for expiry message updater, properly using the message thread ID created for the expiring messages. Process the non-thread messages properly with await in BatchMessageReceiveJob
* fix: checking the last read open to message and make sure that scroll behaviour matches expected, fix the config sync job not deleting ALL old hashes only latest
* refactor: try to add a retry logic to config sync job in case of snode failure
* build: update submodule
* fix: remove user notifications for leaving group to prevent synced device issues, don't create thread in messages for new closed groups, includei nactive groups in the deletion queries for merging group configs
* feat: use blinded message count for banner also
* refactor: remove some logging, don't use blinded conversations in the list
* fix: don't set the read flag in update notifications, some roundabout logic for first loads and scrolling to last known positions
* refactor: merge changes, re-add the group check in unapproved messages
* fix: re-poll on fail in case that was breaking anything
* fix: pinning groups and notifying list listeners in threadDb.setPinned
* feat: add in TTL extension subrequest and builder, enable extending TTLs for all latest config messages in poll as subrequest
* feat: add block to the delete all message requests, only if they're not open group inbox contacts
* refactor: disable edit text for non contacts
* refactor: let the user display name return "You" for local user
* fix: prevent NTS self create thread on user view bind
* refactor: remove populate public key cache if needed call which seems unnecessary at that point, maybe UserView refs have changed since 2020
* refactor: use just first visible instead of completely visible, merge message sender changes
* fix: prevent block of users in delete all
* fix: self sync sync message failures for default values
* feat: update libsession-util, adjust docs, update mms and sms to use message sent timestamp instead of -1 for last read in the thread
* fix: some compile issues in tests and some TODOs for things to do before merge
* fix: handle recyclerview scrolled on scroll to first unread if it's the first load
* fix: added more migration code for deleting unnecessary threads and groups, fixed a post-migration last seen issue on last item (current read is now), comment out actual network sync while testing migrations
* feat: adding a force new configs flag and logic for timestamp handling / forced configs, fix issue with handling legacy messages
* refactor: re-add the sending of configs
* fix: don't add contacts if they don't exist in the profile manager
* [wip]
fix: trying to consolidate prof pic and key properly
* feat: add logs and fix compile issue with a themes.xml entry, add removing profile picture into logic for profile manager
* fix: force has sent for local user, only prevent setting last seen for open group recipients, allow empty user pics to trigger config sync in settings
* fix: nts threads
* fix: open group avatar loop for open groups we have left
* feat: add a wrapper hash to track home diff util changes for wrapper contact recipient info, add test for dirty state in double set
* feat: add a dump in there as well
* refactor: more test code refactor
* fix: update last seen if later than current
* fix: open group threads and avatar downloads
* fix: add max size and maybe fix the non-200 sub requests for batches (for 421s in particular)
* fix: open group comparison issues potentially, have to update some more outgoing message open group flags for visibility of details etc
* Updated to the latest libSession-util
* Updated logic to delete legacy groups when kicked/left
* Added the legacy group 'joined_at' value
* Replaced incorrect character in JNI
* Fixed an issue where the group keyPair was getting encoded incorrectly
* Updated the code to ignore outdated legacy group control message changes
* Updated the code to ignore messages invalidated by the config
* [Review] Updated the poller to process config messages before standard
* Cleaned up the outdated message logic
* Fixed inverted config dropping flags
* Fixed an issue where the joining a community would read all messages
Stopped using a reversed RecyclerView in all cases (caused the unread issue)
Updated the logic to jump to the newly sent message when sending a message (to be consistent with other platforms)
Updated the logic to refresh the DB unread count when the cursor receives an update
* Updated the conversation to highlight the first unread message on open
* Fixed a couple of bugs with the highlighting
* Fixed a bug where the user profile picture wasn't downloading correctly
* feat: add all namespaces to delete all messages request and signature verification data
* fix: merge namespace hashes for signature returned and
* fix: import correct scroll to bottom
* build: update version code and name
* fix: initial contact generation fix for existing blinded contacts
* fix: initial convo generation fix for existing blinded convos (?)
* fix: conversation unread not doing a check for standard ID prefix
* fix: thread ID not being created for legacy config messages
* fix: don't treat 404 as bad snode
* fix: don't add retrieve profile job if we have one for that address
* build: update build code
* fix: reduce attempts for downloading image, invert unreachable type check
* fix: attempting to fix preventing message processing if group thread is not active for closed groups and initial contact dump only allows conversations with thread, may need further optimisations though
* feat: Added an unread marker and search result focus highlighting
* fix: empty set in appropriate places for current closed groups
* build: update build version code
* fix: fix the notifications and request at appropriate time
* refactor: remove debug logging for thread create and delete
* build: update build number
* fix: new community doesn't break persisting config if the .add request fails
* build: trying to track down broken retrieve avatar job
* feat: update to latest libsession dev
* fix: maybe fix avatar download for new messages
* fix: 404s causing snode errors and trying to retrieve avatars that have already 404'd a lot
* fix: closed group creation sets thread date to formation timestamp
* build: update version code
* build: update version code
* build: remove debuggable release build
* fix: use new permissions for external attachments
* build: update version code
* chore: remove debug logs
* fix: tests and main thread blocking db fetch for path status view
* wip: trying to track down failure to mark conversation as read in delayed group add
* wip: add more logs for initial last Read sync of communities
* wip: maybe the volatile is being updated with 0 on batch message receive?
* fix: maybe syncing read statuses are working now
* chore: remove debug logs
* build: update build number
* fix: trying to improve performance
* fix: add close to banner
* refactor: hide seed reminder in preview
* build: update build number
* fix: maybe requires update thread no matter what
* fix: message request banner shows again
* fix: android tests work again and permissions
* fix: blocked contacts click handler being overridden by something
* Revert "fix: blocked contacts click handler being overridden by something"
This reverts commit 608572fc426def0850085727ed0c399623110c37.
* build: update build number
* refactor: remove unused dependencies and update minor for sqlcipher
* fix: actually do insert contact, because otherwise name doesn't get set properly
* fix: maybe fix scroll to bottom issue
* build: update build number
* fix: the message time and jump to message queries are more optimized
* fix: maybe fix the last seen issues
* build: update build number
* fix: pfp broken closed groups why
* fix: add admins and members as member list instead of just members
* fix: exclude lgc without membership > 1 and inactive explicitly
* fix: submodule update
* fix: compiles with removal of iterator erase
* fix: unread indicator updates properly in ConversationActivityV2
* fix: unread notifications clear and altered if any notifications exist (prevents clearing read notifications in conversation or on home screen)
* refactor: profile pictures kinda broken
* build: update build number
* refactor: remove full hash from log
* fix: isPinned threadDB call
* refactor: use mutex in all libsession native calls, change timestamp
* refactor: add basic support for blinded v2 prefixes
Co-authored-by: Morgan Pretty <morgan.t.pretty@gmail.com>
2023-07-14 18:27:13 +10:00
androidTestImplementation "androidx.test:core:$testCoreVersion"
androidTestImplementation('com.adevinta.android:barista:4.2.0') {
exclude group: 'org.jetbrains.kotlin'
2021-08-09 10:06:58 +10:00
// AndroidJUnitRunner and JUnit Rules
Integrate shared libsession-util library (#1096)
* feat: add some config db basics and DI for it, make the user profile optional, start looking at integrate building from initial dump
* update: get latest util library submodule update
* refactor: fix compile for refactored API
* refactor: naming consistent with library
* feat: add in config storage and injection to common places, managing lifecycle of native instances
* refactor: config database changes, new protos, adding in support for config base namespace queries
* refactor: config query and store use the same format as other platforms
* feat: add batch snode calls and try to poll from all the config namespaces
* fix: add optional namespace in signature and params
* feat: add raw requests for modifying expiry and getting expiries
* feat: add some base config migration logic, start implementing wrappers for conversation and expiry types
* chore: update libsession base
* feat: start integrating conversation wrapper functions
* feat: add basic conversation info volatile types and implementations, start working on tests
* feat: more common library wrapper implementation and test
* fix: tests and compile issues
* fix: fix tests, don't use iterables
* feat: add all iterators and tests
* feat: add in more config factory for volatile
* feat: update request responses and their appropriate processing
* feat: add storage with hashes and some basic profile update logic in config factory probably move that somewhere else
* feat: adding config sync functionality, refactoring jobs to execute in suspend context to do some nice coroutine execution
* refactor: moving some properties around so we have access in libsession
* feat: expand on the config sync job, finish basic implementation to test against
* feat: add forced config sync
* feat: syncs the user profile stuff for now, and errors back to placeholder instead of unknown recipient
* feat: add basic message read logic for synchronizing last reads, need to modify the query to use the last seen instead of the unread count in a subquery possibly for thread display record
* feat: add broken unreads everywhere
* fix: unreads work now for incoming messages, need to sync conv volatile properly still
* feat: batching poll responses properly and handling groups properly
* fix: replace the mark read receiver (from notifications) to use the new set last seen mark read logic
* feat: update to the group list branch
* fix: compile errors from updating library to use latest branch, now requires cmake 3.22.1
* fix: fix the contact tests
* fix: getters weren't getters properly in the config factory, fixed new onboarding from configs
* feat: add the last seen
* feat: start adding user groups wrapper objects
* refactor: add more else branches for unimplemented types
* feat: buffer the last read when in conversation
* feat: add basic contact logic for setting local contact state. Need to implement handling properly
* refactor: trying to just include blocked status for now in updating contacts
* fix: add some more contact syncing: nicknames, approved statuses, blocked statuses
* feat: start implementing hashes in shared lib and refactoring
* feat: start to implement group list info classes and wrappers and refactor to use library based hashes
* feat: incorporate hashes from library, more wrapper for user groups and serialization from c++
* feat: adding more serialization changes for community base info and user groups LGC
* feat: adding more serialize deserialize to legacy closed groups
* feat: finish serial/deserial helper
* feat: just implement deserialize community info
* refactor: refactor tests and wrappers to use less pointers, finish implementing user groups API
* feat: finish latest wrappers fix tests and continue building default generation functions. refactor defaults to be used if no stored data blob in DB
* feat: more usergroup functionality, storage functionality for checking pinned status, adding pinned status for NTS/contacts, move community info parse full url to base community, add StorageProtocol logic for group info
* feat: adding user groups to the list of user configs, refactorign some of the config factory to fetch the user configs easier. Add handling for polling user group namespace
* feat: implement the default user config list
* feat: add user group config handling
* chore: extra missed existing group
* refactor: use existing lookup for objects in wrappers so they don't overwrite missing values
* feat: add contacts expiry serialization/deserialization, more LGC, timestamps to add closed group encryption info (for latest tracking)
* refactor: change how expiration timer works for contacts, set the expiration timer for those conversations in handling contact configs
* feat: add expiration updates via config for contacts as well
* feat: add almost all group editing cases, need to hook into the thread deletion for groups in the user groups
* feat: open group joining should work now
* feat: add groups to configs for push
* fix: handling user group updates bug fix for closed groups instead of all groups
* fix: open group sync persistence
* feat: add in activity finish if recipient no longer exists (deleted thread) from sync
* feat: support avatar removal from shared library
* feat: support thread deletion and refactoring a lot of getOrCreateThread references to go via storage or assume they are correctly set to hook into the contact and volatile creation during thread creation
* fix: database update not deleting in certain circumstances, storage persisting and removing the volatile convo info for thread deletion / creation, NTS hidden getter values in shared library
* refactor: make update listener visibility package
* refactor: update kotlin
* feat: update dependencies and support outdated config messages, refactor config factory to return null configs if new configs not supported
* feat: update shared library to use priority only, fix compile errors, fix group member sync problem
* fix: compile error
* fix: profile avatar fixes for local user now that we aren't setting local user profile key
* Revert "fix: profile avatar fixes for local user now that we aren't setting local user profile key"
This reverts commit 3f569e34034713ee230581bc118e9127a8d0f434.
* refactor: let the local number update recipient details in profile manager
* fix: don't recreate thread after leaving
* fix: fix up the duplicate thread creation in the message receive handler
* fix: fix the placeholder rendering on new messages, add in extra context logging for adding contacts and preventing new thread creation on new messages of various types
* feat: add test theme for xml layout previews
* feat: add shortened hex for session IDs throughout, replace nullable getName with null in underlying contacts for individual contacts, build shared lib with release mode, remove todo, fix broken unit test
* feat: setup android unit tests for verifying storage behaviours and state of shared configs
* feat: adding dependencies to try and get android tests working, fixing bug with initial config not syncing properly
* fix: remove hilt testing, add spy on app context storage field instead, update libsession-util to fixed sodium cmake branch
* refactor: use PR version of libsession-util to test cmake build
* fix: new build on normal repo
* feat: new libsession util commit
* refactor: remove the old custom build libsodium stuff from cmake
* feat: update libsession module
* fix: add legacy config subscription to the home activity to enable showing banner at any time
* fix: pinned status for communities and groups, group last read time being set to snodeapi.now on finish joining
* fix: some open group volatile convo fix for last read timer being set. Need to investigate further
* fix: prevent blocking local number
* fix: adding in more checks for open group inbox recipients before being saved to the shared configs. Prevent sending typing indicator for blocked users
* fix: add blocked check for read receipt and updating expiring messages
* fix: another contact recipient config library call removed for non-standard IDs
* fix: another ID check
* fix: don't process thread creation for user is sender && recipient (sync message) for message request responses
* refactor: mark as read on open and use less buffer time
* fix: finally fix the darn unread count issue by
* fix: removing debug logs, adding failure error handling logs for expiry message updater, properly using the message thread ID created for the expiring messages. Process the non-thread messages properly with await in BatchMessageReceiveJob
* fix: checking the last read open to message and make sure that scroll behaviour matches expected, fix the config sync job not deleting ALL old hashes only latest
* refactor: try to add a retry logic to config sync job in case of snode failure
* build: update submodule
* fix: remove user notifications for leaving group to prevent synced device issues, don't create thread in messages for new closed groups, includei nactive groups in the deletion queries for merging group configs
* feat: use blinded message count for banner also
* refactor: remove some logging, don't use blinded conversations in the list
* fix: don't set the read flag in update notifications, some roundabout logic for first loads and scrolling to last known positions
* refactor: merge changes, re-add the group check in unapproved messages
* fix: re-poll on fail in case that was breaking anything
* fix: pinning groups and notifying list listeners in threadDb.setPinned
* feat: add in TTL extension subrequest and builder, enable extending TTLs for all latest config messages in poll as subrequest
* feat: add block to the delete all message requests, only if they're not open group inbox contacts
* refactor: disable edit text for non contacts
* refactor: let the user display name return "You" for local user
* fix: prevent NTS self create thread on user view bind
* refactor: remove populate public key cache if needed call which seems unnecessary at that point, maybe UserView refs have changed since 2020
* refactor: use just first visible instead of completely visible, merge message sender changes
* fix: prevent block of users in delete all
* fix: self sync sync message failures for default values
* feat: update libsession-util, adjust docs, update mms and sms to use message sent timestamp instead of -1 for last read in the thread
* fix: some compile issues in tests and some TODOs for things to do before merge
* fix: handle recyclerview scrolled on scroll to first unread if it's the first load
* fix: added more migration code for deleting unnecessary threads and groups, fixed a post-migration last seen issue on last item (current read is now), comment out actual network sync while testing migrations
* feat: adding a force new configs flag and logic for timestamp handling / forced configs, fix issue with handling legacy messages
* refactor: re-add the sending of configs
* fix: don't add contacts if they don't exist in the profile manager
* [wip]
fix: trying to consolidate prof pic and key properly
* feat: add logs and fix compile issue with a themes.xml entry, add removing profile picture into logic for profile manager
* fix: force has sent for local user, only prevent setting last seen for open group recipients, allow empty user pics to trigger config sync in settings
* fix: nts threads
* fix: open group avatar loop for open groups we have left
* feat: add a wrapper hash to track home diff util changes for wrapper contact recipient info, add test for dirty state in double set
* feat: add a dump in there as well
* refactor: more test code refactor
* fix: update last seen if later than current
* fix: open group threads and avatar downloads
* fix: add max size and maybe fix the non-200 sub requests for batches (for 421s in particular)
* fix: open group comparison issues potentially, have to update some more outgoing message open group flags for visibility of details etc
* Updated to the latest libSession-util
* Updated logic to delete legacy groups when kicked/left
* Added the legacy group 'joined_at' value
* Replaced incorrect character in JNI
* Fixed an issue where the group keyPair was getting encoded incorrectly
* Updated the code to ignore outdated legacy group control message changes
* Updated the code to ignore messages invalidated by the config
* [Review] Updated the poller to process config messages before standard
* Cleaned up the outdated message logic
* Fixed inverted config dropping flags
* Fixed an issue where the joining a community would read all messages
Stopped using a reversed RecyclerView in all cases (caused the unread issue)
Updated the logic to jump to the newly sent message when sending a message (to be consistent with other platforms)
Updated the logic to refresh the DB unread count when the cursor receives an update
* Updated the conversation to highlight the first unread message on open
* Fixed a couple of bugs with the highlighting
* Fixed a bug where the user profile picture wasn't downloading correctly
* feat: add all namespaces to delete all messages request and signature verification data
* fix: merge namespace hashes for signature returned and
* fix: import correct scroll to bottom
* build: update version code and name
* fix: initial contact generation fix for existing blinded contacts
* fix: initial convo generation fix for existing blinded convos (?)
* fix: conversation unread not doing a check for standard ID prefix
* fix: thread ID not being created for legacy config messages
* fix: don't treat 404 as bad snode
* fix: don't add retrieve profile job if we have one for that address
* build: update build code
* fix: reduce attempts for downloading image, invert unreachable type check
* fix: attempting to fix preventing message processing if group thread is not active for closed groups and initial contact dump only allows conversations with thread, may need further optimisations though
* feat: Added an unread marker and search result focus highlighting
* fix: empty set in appropriate places for current closed groups
* build: update build version code
* fix: fix the notifications and request at appropriate time
* refactor: remove debug logging for thread create and delete
* build: update build number
* fix: new community doesn't break persisting config if the .add request fails
* build: trying to track down broken retrieve avatar job
* feat: update to latest libsession dev
* fix: maybe fix avatar download for new messages
* fix: 404s causing snode errors and trying to retrieve avatars that have already 404'd a lot
* fix: closed group creation sets thread date to formation timestamp
* build: update version code
* build: update version code
* build: remove debuggable release build
* fix: use new permissions for external attachments
* build: update version code
* chore: remove debug logs
* fix: tests and main thread blocking db fetch for path status view
* wip: trying to track down failure to mark conversation as read in delayed group add
* wip: add more logs for initial last Read sync of communities
* wip: maybe the volatile is being updated with 0 on batch message receive?
* fix: maybe syncing read statuses are working now
* chore: remove debug logs
* build: update build number
* fix: trying to improve performance
* fix: add close to banner
* refactor: hide seed reminder in preview
* build: update build number
* fix: maybe requires update thread no matter what
* fix: message request banner shows again
* fix: android tests work again and permissions
* fix: blocked contacts click handler being overridden by something
* Revert "fix: blocked contacts click handler being overridden by something"
This reverts commit 608572fc426def0850085727ed0c399623110c37.
* build: update build number
* refactor: remove unused dependencies and update minor for sqlcipher
* fix: actually do insert contact, because otherwise name doesn't get set properly
* fix: maybe fix scroll to bottom issue
* build: update build number
* fix: the message time and jump to message queries are more optimized
* fix: maybe fix the last seen issues
* build: update build number
* fix: pfp broken closed groups why
* fix: add admins and members as member list instead of just members
* fix: exclude lgc without membership > 1 and inactive explicitly
* fix: submodule update
* fix: compiles with removal of iterator erase
* fix: unread indicator updates properly in ConversationActivityV2
* fix: unread notifications clear and altered if any notifications exist (prevents clearing read notifications in conversation or on home screen)
* refactor: profile pictures kinda broken
* build: update build number
* refactor: remove full hash from log
* fix: isPinned threadDB call
* refactor: use mutex in all libsession native calls, change timestamp
* refactor: add basic support for blinded v2 prefixes
Co-authored-by: Morgan Pretty <morgan.t.pretty@gmail.com>
2023-07-14 18:27:13 +10:00
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test:runner:1.5.2'
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test:rules:1.5.0'
2021-08-09 10:06:58 +10:00
// Assertions
Integrate shared libsession-util library (#1096)
* feat: add some config db basics and DI for it, make the user profile optional, start looking at integrate building from initial dump
* update: get latest util library submodule update
* refactor: fix compile for refactored API
* refactor: naming consistent with library
* feat: add in config storage and injection to common places, managing lifecycle of native instances
* refactor: config database changes, new protos, adding in support for config base namespace queries
* refactor: config query and store use the same format as other platforms
* feat: add batch snode calls and try to poll from all the config namespaces
* fix: add optional namespace in signature and params
* feat: add raw requests for modifying expiry and getting expiries
* feat: add some base config migration logic, start implementing wrappers for conversation and expiry types
* chore: update libsession base
* feat: start integrating conversation wrapper functions
* feat: add basic conversation info volatile types and implementations, start working on tests
* feat: more common library wrapper implementation and test
* fix: tests and compile issues
* fix: fix tests, don't use iterables
* feat: add all iterators and tests
* feat: add in more config factory for volatile
* feat: update request responses and their appropriate processing
* feat: add storage with hashes and some basic profile update logic in config factory probably move that somewhere else
* feat: adding config sync functionality, refactoring jobs to execute in suspend context to do some nice coroutine execution
* refactor: moving some properties around so we have access in libsession
* feat: expand on the config sync job, finish basic implementation to test against
* feat: add forced config sync
* feat: syncs the user profile stuff for now, and errors back to placeholder instead of unknown recipient
* feat: add basic message read logic for synchronizing last reads, need to modify the query to use the last seen instead of the unread count in a subquery possibly for thread display record
* feat: add broken unreads everywhere
* fix: unreads work now for incoming messages, need to sync conv volatile properly still
* feat: batching poll responses properly and handling groups properly
* fix: replace the mark read receiver (from notifications) to use the new set last seen mark read logic
* feat: update to the group list branch
* fix: compile errors from updating library to use latest branch, now requires cmake 3.22.1
* fix: fix the contact tests
* fix: getters weren't getters properly in the config factory, fixed new onboarding from configs
* feat: add the last seen
* feat: start adding user groups wrapper objects
* refactor: add more else branches for unimplemented types
* feat: buffer the last read when in conversation
* feat: add basic contact logic for setting local contact state. Need to implement handling properly
* refactor: trying to just include blocked status for now in updating contacts
* fix: add some more contact syncing: nicknames, approved statuses, blocked statuses
* feat: start implementing hashes in shared lib and refactoring
* feat: start to implement group list info classes and wrappers and refactor to use library based hashes
* feat: incorporate hashes from library, more wrapper for user groups and serialization from c++
* feat: adding more serialization changes for community base info and user groups LGC
* feat: adding more serialize deserialize to legacy closed groups
* feat: finish serial/deserial helper
* feat: just implement deserialize community info
* refactor: refactor tests and wrappers to use less pointers, finish implementing user groups API
* feat: finish latest wrappers fix tests and continue building default generation functions. refactor defaults to be used if no stored data blob in DB
* feat: more usergroup functionality, storage functionality for checking pinned status, adding pinned status for NTS/contacts, move community info parse full url to base community, add StorageProtocol logic for group info
* feat: adding user groups to the list of user configs, refactorign some of the config factory to fetch the user configs easier. Add handling for polling user group namespace
* feat: implement the default user config list
* feat: add user group config handling
* chore: extra missed existing group
* refactor: use existing lookup for objects in wrappers so they don't overwrite missing values
* feat: add contacts expiry serialization/deserialization, more LGC, timestamps to add closed group encryption info (for latest tracking)
* refactor: change how expiration timer works for contacts, set the expiration timer for those conversations in handling contact configs
* feat: add expiration updates via config for contacts as well
* feat: add almost all group editing cases, need to hook into the thread deletion for groups in the user groups
* feat: open group joining should work now
* feat: add groups to configs for push
* fix: handling user group updates bug fix for closed groups instead of all groups
* fix: open group sync persistence
* feat: add in activity finish if recipient no longer exists (deleted thread) from sync
* feat: support avatar removal from shared library
* feat: support thread deletion and refactoring a lot of getOrCreateThread references to go via storage or assume they are correctly set to hook into the contact and volatile creation during thread creation
* fix: database update not deleting in certain circumstances, storage persisting and removing the volatile convo info for thread deletion / creation, NTS hidden getter values in shared library
* refactor: make update listener visibility package
* refactor: update kotlin
* feat: update dependencies and support outdated config messages, refactor config factory to return null configs if new configs not supported
* feat: update shared library to use priority only, fix compile errors, fix group member sync problem
* fix: compile error
* fix: profile avatar fixes for local user now that we aren't setting local user profile key
* Revert "fix: profile avatar fixes for local user now that we aren't setting local user profile key"
This reverts commit 3f569e34034713ee230581bc118e9127a8d0f434.
* refactor: let the local number update recipient details in profile manager
* fix: don't recreate thread after leaving
* fix: fix up the duplicate thread creation in the message receive handler
* fix: fix the placeholder rendering on new messages, add in extra context logging for adding contacts and preventing new thread creation on new messages of various types
* feat: add test theme for xml layout previews
* feat: add shortened hex for session IDs throughout, replace nullable getName with null in underlying contacts for individual contacts, build shared lib with release mode, remove todo, fix broken unit test
* feat: setup android unit tests for verifying storage behaviours and state of shared configs
* feat: adding dependencies to try and get android tests working, fixing bug with initial config not syncing properly
* fix: remove hilt testing, add spy on app context storage field instead, update libsession-util to fixed sodium cmake branch
* refactor: use PR version of libsession-util to test cmake build
* fix: new build on normal repo
* feat: new libsession util commit
* refactor: remove the old custom build libsodium stuff from cmake
* feat: update libsession module
* fix: add legacy config subscription to the home activity to enable showing banner at any time
* fix: pinned status for communities and groups, group last read time being set to snodeapi.now on finish joining
* fix: some open group volatile convo fix for last read timer being set. Need to investigate further
* fix: prevent blocking local number
* fix: adding in more checks for open group inbox recipients before being saved to the shared configs. Prevent sending typing indicator for blocked users
* fix: add blocked check for read receipt and updating expiring messages
* fix: another contact recipient config library call removed for non-standard IDs
* fix: another ID check
* fix: don't process thread creation for user is sender && recipient (sync message) for message request responses
* refactor: mark as read on open and use less buffer time
* fix: finally fix the darn unread count issue by
* fix: removing debug logs, adding failure error handling logs for expiry message updater, properly using the message thread ID created for the expiring messages. Process the non-thread messages properly with await in BatchMessageReceiveJob
* fix: checking the last read open to message and make sure that scroll behaviour matches expected, fix the config sync job not deleting ALL old hashes only latest
* refactor: try to add a retry logic to config sync job in case of snode failure
* build: update submodule
* fix: remove user notifications for leaving group to prevent synced device issues, don't create thread in messages for new closed groups, includei nactive groups in the deletion queries for merging group configs
* feat: use blinded message count for banner also
* refactor: remove some logging, don't use blinded conversations in the list
* fix: don't set the read flag in update notifications, some roundabout logic for first loads and scrolling to last known positions
* refactor: merge changes, re-add the group check in unapproved messages
* fix: re-poll on fail in case that was breaking anything
* fix: pinning groups and notifying list listeners in threadDb.setPinned
* feat: add in TTL extension subrequest and builder, enable extending TTLs for all latest config messages in poll as subrequest
* feat: add block to the delete all message requests, only if they're not open group inbox contacts
* refactor: disable edit text for non contacts
* refactor: let the user display name return "You" for local user
* fix: prevent NTS self create thread on user view bind
* refactor: remove populate public key cache if needed call which seems unnecessary at that point, maybe UserView refs have changed since 2020
* refactor: use just first visible instead of completely visible, merge message sender changes
* fix: prevent block of users in delete all
* fix: self sync sync message failures for default values
* feat: update libsession-util, adjust docs, update mms and sms to use message sent timestamp instead of -1 for last read in the thread
* fix: some compile issues in tests and some TODOs for things to do before merge
* fix: handle recyclerview scrolled on scroll to first unread if it's the first load
* fix: added more migration code for deleting unnecessary threads and groups, fixed a post-migration last seen issue on last item (current read is now), comment out actual network sync while testing migrations
* feat: adding a force new configs flag and logic for timestamp handling / forced configs, fix issue with handling legacy messages
* refactor: re-add the sending of configs
* fix: don't add contacts if they don't exist in the profile manager
* [wip]
fix: trying to consolidate prof pic and key properly
* feat: add logs and fix compile issue with a themes.xml entry, add removing profile picture into logic for profile manager
* fix: force has sent for local user, only prevent setting last seen for open group recipients, allow empty user pics to trigger config sync in settings
* fix: nts threads
* fix: open group avatar loop for open groups we have left
* feat: add a wrapper hash to track home diff util changes for wrapper contact recipient info, add test for dirty state in double set
* feat: add a dump in there as well
* refactor: more test code refactor
* fix: update last seen if later than current
* fix: open group threads and avatar downloads
* fix: add max size and maybe fix the non-200 sub requests for batches (for 421s in particular)
* fix: open group comparison issues potentially, have to update some more outgoing message open group flags for visibility of details etc
* Updated to the latest libSession-util
* Updated logic to delete legacy groups when kicked/left
* Added the legacy group 'joined_at' value
* Replaced incorrect character in JNI
* Fixed an issue where the group keyPair was getting encoded incorrectly
* Updated the code to ignore outdated legacy group control message changes
* Updated the code to ignore messages invalidated by the config
* [Review] Updated the poller to process config messages before standard
* Cleaned up the outdated message logic
* Fixed inverted config dropping flags
* Fixed an issue where the joining a community would read all messages
Stopped using a reversed RecyclerView in all cases (caused the unread issue)
Updated the logic to jump to the newly sent message when sending a message (to be consistent with other platforms)
Updated the logic to refresh the DB unread count when the cursor receives an update
* Updated the conversation to highlight the first unread message on open
* Fixed a couple of bugs with the highlighting
* Fixed a bug where the user profile picture wasn't downloading correctly
* feat: add all namespaces to delete all messages request and signature verification data
* fix: merge namespace hashes for signature returned and
* fix: import correct scroll to bottom
* build: update version code and name
* fix: initial contact generation fix for existing blinded contacts
* fix: initial convo generation fix for existing blinded convos (?)
* fix: conversation unread not doing a check for standard ID prefix
* fix: thread ID not being created for legacy config messages
* fix: don't treat 404 as bad snode
* fix: don't add retrieve profile job if we have one for that address
* build: update build code
* fix: reduce attempts for downloading image, invert unreachable type check
* fix: attempting to fix preventing message processing if group thread is not active for closed groups and initial contact dump only allows conversations with thread, may need further optimisations though
* feat: Added an unread marker and search result focus highlighting
* fix: empty set in appropriate places for current closed groups
* build: update build version code
* fix: fix the notifications and request at appropriate time
* refactor: remove debug logging for thread create and delete
* build: update build number
* fix: new community doesn't break persisting config if the .add request fails
* build: trying to track down broken retrieve avatar job
* feat: update to latest libsession dev
* fix: maybe fix avatar download for new messages
* fix: 404s causing snode errors and trying to retrieve avatars that have already 404'd a lot
* fix: closed group creation sets thread date to formation timestamp
* build: update version code
* build: update version code
* build: remove debuggable release build
* fix: use new permissions for external attachments
* build: update version code
* chore: remove debug logs
* fix: tests and main thread blocking db fetch for path status view
* wip: trying to track down failure to mark conversation as read in delayed group add
* wip: add more logs for initial last Read sync of communities
* wip: maybe the volatile is being updated with 0 on batch message receive?
* fix: maybe syncing read statuses are working now
* chore: remove debug logs
* build: update build number
* fix: trying to improve performance
* fix: add close to banner
* refactor: hide seed reminder in preview
* build: update build number
* fix: maybe requires update thread no matter what
* fix: message request banner shows again
* fix: android tests work again and permissions
* fix: blocked contacts click handler being overridden by something
* Revert "fix: blocked contacts click handler being overridden by something"
This reverts commit 608572fc426def0850085727ed0c399623110c37.
* build: update build number
* refactor: remove unused dependencies and update minor for sqlcipher
* fix: actually do insert contact, because otherwise name doesn't get set properly
* fix: maybe fix scroll to bottom issue
* build: update build number
* fix: the message time and jump to message queries are more optimized
* fix: maybe fix the last seen issues
* build: update build number
* fix: pfp broken closed groups why
* fix: add admins and members as member list instead of just members
* fix: exclude lgc without membership > 1 and inactive explicitly
* fix: submodule update
* fix: compiles with removal of iterator erase
* fix: unread indicator updates properly in ConversationActivityV2
* fix: unread notifications clear and altered if any notifications exist (prevents clearing read notifications in conversation or on home screen)
* refactor: profile pictures kinda broken
* build: update build number
* refactor: remove full hash from log
* fix: isPinned threadDB call
* refactor: use mutex in all libsession native calls, change timestamp
* refactor: add basic support for blinded v2 prefixes
Co-authored-by: Morgan Pretty <morgan.t.pretty@gmail.com>
2023-07-14 18:27:13 +10:00
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.ext:junit:1.1.5'
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.ext:truth:1.5.0'
2023-09-20 00:41:34 +09:30
testImplementation 'com.google.truth:truth:1.1.3'
2022-12-19 11:29:05 +11:00
androidTestImplementation 'com.google.truth:truth:1.1.3'
2021-08-09 10:06:58 +10:00
// Espresso dependencies
Integrate shared libsession-util library (#1096)
* feat: add some config db basics and DI for it, make the user profile optional, start looking at integrate building from initial dump
* update: get latest util library submodule update
* refactor: fix compile for refactored API
* refactor: naming consistent with library
* feat: add in config storage and injection to common places, managing lifecycle of native instances
* refactor: config database changes, new protos, adding in support for config base namespace queries
* refactor: config query and store use the same format as other platforms
* feat: add batch snode calls and try to poll from all the config namespaces
* fix: add optional namespace in signature and params
* feat: add raw requests for modifying expiry and getting expiries
* feat: add some base config migration logic, start implementing wrappers for conversation and expiry types
* chore: update libsession base
* feat: start integrating conversation wrapper functions
* feat: add basic conversation info volatile types and implementations, start working on tests
* feat: more common library wrapper implementation and test
* fix: tests and compile issues
* fix: fix tests, don't use iterables
* feat: add all iterators and tests
* feat: add in more config factory for volatile
* feat: update request responses and their appropriate processing
* feat: add storage with hashes and some basic profile update logic in config factory probably move that somewhere else
* feat: adding config sync functionality, refactoring jobs to execute in suspend context to do some nice coroutine execution
* refactor: moving some properties around so we have access in libsession
* feat: expand on the config sync job, finish basic implementation to test against
* feat: add forced config sync
* feat: syncs the user profile stuff for now, and errors back to placeholder instead of unknown recipient
* feat: add basic message read logic for synchronizing last reads, need to modify the query to use the last seen instead of the unread count in a subquery possibly for thread display record
* feat: add broken unreads everywhere
* fix: unreads work now for incoming messages, need to sync conv volatile properly still
* feat: batching poll responses properly and handling groups properly
* fix: replace the mark read receiver (from notifications) to use the new set last seen mark read logic
* feat: update to the group list branch
* fix: compile errors from updating library to use latest branch, now requires cmake 3.22.1
* fix: fix the contact tests
* fix: getters weren't getters properly in the config factory, fixed new onboarding from configs
* feat: add the last seen
* feat: start adding user groups wrapper objects
* refactor: add more else branches for unimplemented types
* feat: buffer the last read when in conversation
* feat: add basic contact logic for setting local contact state. Need to implement handling properly
* refactor: trying to just include blocked status for now in updating contacts
* fix: add some more contact syncing: nicknames, approved statuses, blocked statuses
* feat: start implementing hashes in shared lib and refactoring
* feat: start to implement group list info classes and wrappers and refactor to use library based hashes
* feat: incorporate hashes from library, more wrapper for user groups and serialization from c++
* feat: adding more serialization changes for community base info and user groups LGC
* feat: adding more serialize deserialize to legacy closed groups
* feat: finish serial/deserial helper
* feat: just implement deserialize community info
* refactor: refactor tests and wrappers to use less pointers, finish implementing user groups API
* feat: finish latest wrappers fix tests and continue building default generation functions. refactor defaults to be used if no stored data blob in DB
* feat: more usergroup functionality, storage functionality for checking pinned status, adding pinned status for NTS/contacts, move community info parse full url to base community, add StorageProtocol logic for group info
* feat: adding user groups to the list of user configs, refactorign some of the config factory to fetch the user configs easier. Add handling for polling user group namespace
* feat: implement the default user config list
* feat: add user group config handling
* chore: extra missed existing group
* refactor: use existing lookup for objects in wrappers so they don't overwrite missing values
* feat: add contacts expiry serialization/deserialization, more LGC, timestamps to add closed group encryption info (for latest tracking)
* refactor: change how expiration timer works for contacts, set the expiration timer for those conversations in handling contact configs
* feat: add expiration updates via config for contacts as well
* feat: add almost all group editing cases, need to hook into the thread deletion for groups in the user groups
* feat: open group joining should work now
* feat: add groups to configs for push
* fix: handling user group updates bug fix for closed groups instead of all groups
* fix: open group sync persistence
* feat: add in activity finish if recipient no longer exists (deleted thread) from sync
* feat: support avatar removal from shared library
* feat: support thread deletion and refactoring a lot of getOrCreateThread references to go via storage or assume they are correctly set to hook into the contact and volatile creation during thread creation
* fix: database update not deleting in certain circumstances, storage persisting and removing the volatile convo info for thread deletion / creation, NTS hidden getter values in shared library
* refactor: make update listener visibility package
* refactor: update kotlin
* feat: update dependencies and support outdated config messages, refactor config factory to return null configs if new configs not supported
* feat: update shared library to use priority only, fix compile errors, fix group member sync problem
* fix: compile error
* fix: profile avatar fixes for local user now that we aren't setting local user profile key
* Revert "fix: profile avatar fixes for local user now that we aren't setting local user profile key"
This reverts commit 3f569e34034713ee230581bc118e9127a8d0f434.
* refactor: let the local number update recipient details in profile manager
* fix: don't recreate thread after leaving
* fix: fix up the duplicate thread creation in the message receive handler
* fix: fix the placeholder rendering on new messages, add in extra context logging for adding contacts and preventing new thread creation on new messages of various types
* feat: add test theme for xml layout previews
* feat: add shortened hex for session IDs throughout, replace nullable getName with null in underlying contacts for individual contacts, build shared lib with release mode, remove todo, fix broken unit test
* feat: setup android unit tests for verifying storage behaviours and state of shared configs
* feat: adding dependencies to try and get android tests working, fixing bug with initial config not syncing properly
* fix: remove hilt testing, add spy on app context storage field instead, update libsession-util to fixed sodium cmake branch
* refactor: use PR version of libsession-util to test cmake build
* fix: new build on normal repo
* feat: new libsession util commit
* refactor: remove the old custom build libsodium stuff from cmake
* feat: update libsession module
* fix: add legacy config subscription to the home activity to enable showing banner at any time
* fix: pinned status for communities and groups, group last read time being set to snodeapi.now on finish joining
* fix: some open group volatile convo fix for last read timer being set. Need to investigate further
* fix: prevent blocking local number
* fix: adding in more checks for open group inbox recipients before being saved to the shared configs. Prevent sending typing indicator for blocked users
* fix: add blocked check for read receipt and updating expiring messages
* fix: another contact recipient config library call removed for non-standard IDs
* fix: another ID check
* fix: don't process thread creation for user is sender && recipient (sync message) for message request responses
* refactor: mark as read on open and use less buffer time
* fix: finally fix the darn unread count issue by
* fix: removing debug logs, adding failure error handling logs for expiry message updater, properly using the message thread ID created for the expiring messages. Process the non-thread messages properly with await in BatchMessageReceiveJob
* fix: checking the last read open to message and make sure that scroll behaviour matches expected, fix the config sync job not deleting ALL old hashes only latest
* refactor: try to add a retry logic to config sync job in case of snode failure
* build: update submodule
* fix: remove user notifications for leaving group to prevent synced device issues, don't create thread in messages for new closed groups, includei nactive groups in the deletion queries for merging group configs
* feat: use blinded message count for banner also
* refactor: remove some logging, don't use blinded conversations in the list
* fix: don't set the read flag in update notifications, some roundabout logic for first loads and scrolling to last known positions
* refactor: merge changes, re-add the group check in unapproved messages
* fix: re-poll on fail in case that was breaking anything
* fix: pinning groups and notifying list listeners in threadDb.setPinned
* feat: add in TTL extension subrequest and builder, enable extending TTLs for all latest config messages in poll as subrequest
* feat: add block to the delete all message requests, only if they're not open group inbox contacts
* refactor: disable edit text for non contacts
* refactor: let the user display name return "You" for local user
* fix: prevent NTS self create thread on user view bind
* refactor: remove populate public key cache if needed call which seems unnecessary at that point, maybe UserView refs have changed since 2020
* refactor: use just first visible instead of completely visible, merge message sender changes
* fix: prevent block of users in delete all
* fix: self sync sync message failures for default values
* feat: update libsession-util, adjust docs, update mms and sms to use message sent timestamp instead of -1 for last read in the thread
* fix: some compile issues in tests and some TODOs for things to do before merge
* fix: handle recyclerview scrolled on scroll to first unread if it's the first load
* fix: added more migration code for deleting unnecessary threads and groups, fixed a post-migration last seen issue on last item (current read is now), comment out actual network sync while testing migrations
* feat: adding a force new configs flag and logic for timestamp handling / forced configs, fix issue with handling legacy messages
* refactor: re-add the sending of configs
* fix: don't add contacts if they don't exist in the profile manager
* [wip]
fix: trying to consolidate prof pic and key properly
* feat: add logs and fix compile issue with a themes.xml entry, add removing profile picture into logic for profile manager
* fix: force has sent for local user, only prevent setting last seen for open group recipients, allow empty user pics to trigger config sync in settings
* fix: nts threads
* fix: open group avatar loop for open groups we have left
* feat: add a wrapper hash to track home diff util changes for wrapper contact recipient info, add test for dirty state in double set
* feat: add a dump in there as well
* refactor: more test code refactor
* fix: update last seen if later than current
* fix: open group threads and avatar downloads
* fix: add max size and maybe fix the non-200 sub requests for batches (for 421s in particular)
* fix: open group comparison issues potentially, have to update some more outgoing message open group flags for visibility of details etc
* Updated to the latest libSession-util
* Updated logic to delete legacy groups when kicked/left
* Added the legacy group 'joined_at' value
* Replaced incorrect character in JNI
* Fixed an issue where the group keyPair was getting encoded incorrectly
* Updated the code to ignore outdated legacy group control message changes
* Updated the code to ignore messages invalidated by the config
* [Review] Updated the poller to process config messages before standard
* Cleaned up the outdated message logic
* Fixed inverted config dropping flags
* Fixed an issue where the joining a community would read all messages
Stopped using a reversed RecyclerView in all cases (caused the unread issue)
Updated the logic to jump to the newly sent message when sending a message (to be consistent with other platforms)
Updated the logic to refresh the DB unread count when the cursor receives an update
* Updated the conversation to highlight the first unread message on open
* Fixed a couple of bugs with the highlighting
* Fixed a bug where the user profile picture wasn't downloading correctly
* feat: add all namespaces to delete all messages request and signature verification data
* fix: merge namespace hashes for signature returned and
* fix: import correct scroll to bottom
* build: update version code and name
* fix: initial contact generation fix for existing blinded contacts
* fix: initial convo generation fix for existing blinded convos (?)
* fix: conversation unread not doing a check for standard ID prefix
* fix: thread ID not being created for legacy config messages
* fix: don't treat 404 as bad snode
* fix: don't add retrieve profile job if we have one for that address
* build: update build code
* fix: reduce attempts for downloading image, invert unreachable type check
* fix: attempting to fix preventing message processing if group thread is not active for closed groups and initial contact dump only allows conversations with thread, may need further optimisations though
* feat: Added an unread marker and search result focus highlighting
* fix: empty set in appropriate places for current closed groups
* build: update build version code
* fix: fix the notifications and request at appropriate time
* refactor: remove debug logging for thread create and delete
* build: update build number
* fix: new community doesn't break persisting config if the .add request fails
* build: trying to track down broken retrieve avatar job
* feat: update to latest libsession dev
* fix: maybe fix avatar download for new messages
* fix: 404s causing snode errors and trying to retrieve avatars that have already 404'd a lot
* fix: closed group creation sets thread date to formation timestamp
* build: update version code
* build: update version code
* build: remove debuggable release build
* fix: use new permissions for external attachments
* build: update version code
* chore: remove debug logs
* fix: tests and main thread blocking db fetch for path status view
* wip: trying to track down failure to mark conversation as read in delayed group add
* wip: add more logs for initial last Read sync of communities
* wip: maybe the volatile is being updated with 0 on batch message receive?
* fix: maybe syncing read statuses are working now
* chore: remove debug logs
* build: update build number
* fix: trying to improve performance
* fix: add close to banner
* refactor: hide seed reminder in preview
* build: update build number
* fix: maybe requires update thread no matter what
* fix: message request banner shows again
* fix: android tests work again and permissions
* fix: blocked contacts click handler being overridden by something
* Revert "fix: blocked contacts click handler being overridden by something"
This reverts commit 608572fc426def0850085727ed0c399623110c37.
* build: update build number
* refactor: remove unused dependencies and update minor for sqlcipher
* fix: actually do insert contact, because otherwise name doesn't get set properly
* fix: maybe fix scroll to bottom issue
* build: update build number
* fix: the message time and jump to message queries are more optimized
* fix: maybe fix the last seen issues
* build: update build number
* fix: pfp broken closed groups why
* fix: add admins and members as member list instead of just members
* fix: exclude lgc without membership > 1 and inactive explicitly
* fix: submodule update
* fix: compiles with removal of iterator erase
* fix: unread indicator updates properly in ConversationActivityV2
* fix: unread notifications clear and altered if any notifications exist (prevents clearing read notifications in conversation or on home screen)
* refactor: profile pictures kinda broken
* build: update build number
* refactor: remove full hash from log
* fix: isPinned threadDB call
* refactor: use mutex in all libsession native calls, change timestamp
* refactor: add basic support for blinded v2 prefixes
Co-authored-by: Morgan Pretty <morgan.t.pretty@gmail.com>
2023-07-14 18:27:13 +10:00
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.5.1'
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-contrib:3.5.1'
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-intents:3.5.1'
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-accessibility:3.5.1'
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-web:3.5.1'
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso.idling:idling-concurrent:3.5.1'
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-idling-resource:3.5.1'
2024-09-06 11:21:03 +10:00
androidTestImplementation "androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-junit4:1.5.3"
debugImplementation "androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-manifest:1.5.3"
Integrate shared libsession-util library (#1096)
* feat: add some config db basics and DI for it, make the user profile optional, start looking at integrate building from initial dump
* update: get latest util library submodule update
* refactor: fix compile for refactored API
* refactor: naming consistent with library
* feat: add in config storage and injection to common places, managing lifecycle of native instances
* refactor: config database changes, new protos, adding in support for config base namespace queries
* refactor: config query and store use the same format as other platforms
* feat: add batch snode calls and try to poll from all the config namespaces
* fix: add optional namespace in signature and params
* feat: add raw requests for modifying expiry and getting expiries
* feat: add some base config migration logic, start implementing wrappers for conversation and expiry types
* chore: update libsession base
* feat: start integrating conversation wrapper functions
* feat: add basic conversation info volatile types and implementations, start working on tests
* feat: more common library wrapper implementation and test
* fix: tests and compile issues
* fix: fix tests, don't use iterables
* feat: add all iterators and tests
* feat: add in more config factory for volatile
* feat: update request responses and their appropriate processing
* feat: add storage with hashes and some basic profile update logic in config factory probably move that somewhere else
* feat: adding config sync functionality, refactoring jobs to execute in suspend context to do some nice coroutine execution
* refactor: moving some properties around so we have access in libsession
* feat: expand on the config sync job, finish basic implementation to test against
* feat: add forced config sync
* feat: syncs the user profile stuff for now, and errors back to placeholder instead of unknown recipient
* feat: add basic message read logic for synchronizing last reads, need to modify the query to use the last seen instead of the unread count in a subquery possibly for thread display record
* feat: add broken unreads everywhere
* fix: unreads work now for incoming messages, need to sync conv volatile properly still
* feat: batching poll responses properly and handling groups properly
* fix: replace the mark read receiver (from notifications) to use the new set last seen mark read logic
* feat: update to the group list branch
* fix: compile errors from updating library to use latest branch, now requires cmake 3.22.1
* fix: fix the contact tests
* fix: getters weren't getters properly in the config factory, fixed new onboarding from configs
* feat: add the last seen
* feat: start adding user groups wrapper objects
* refactor: add more else branches for unimplemented types
* feat: buffer the last read when in conversation
* feat: add basic contact logic for setting local contact state. Need to implement handling properly
* refactor: trying to just include blocked status for now in updating contacts
* fix: add some more contact syncing: nicknames, approved statuses, blocked statuses
* feat: start implementing hashes in shared lib and refactoring
* feat: start to implement group list info classes and wrappers and refactor to use library based hashes
* feat: incorporate hashes from library, more wrapper for user groups and serialization from c++
* feat: adding more serialization changes for community base info and user groups LGC
* feat: adding more serialize deserialize to legacy closed groups
* feat: finish serial/deserial helper
* feat: just implement deserialize community info
* refactor: refactor tests and wrappers to use less pointers, finish implementing user groups API
* feat: finish latest wrappers fix tests and continue building default generation functions. refactor defaults to be used if no stored data blob in DB
* feat: more usergroup functionality, storage functionality for checking pinned status, adding pinned status for NTS/contacts, move community info parse full url to base community, add StorageProtocol logic for group info
* feat: adding user groups to the list of user configs, refactorign some of the config factory to fetch the user configs easier. Add handling for polling user group namespace
* feat: implement the default user config list
* feat: add user group config handling
* chore: extra missed existing group
* refactor: use existing lookup for objects in wrappers so they don't overwrite missing values
* feat: add contacts expiry serialization/deserialization, more LGC, timestamps to add closed group encryption info (for latest tracking)
* refactor: change how expiration timer works for contacts, set the expiration timer for those conversations in handling contact configs
* feat: add expiration updates via config for contacts as well
* feat: add almost all group editing cases, need to hook into the thread deletion for groups in the user groups
* feat: open group joining should work now
* feat: add groups to configs for push
* fix: handling user group updates bug fix for closed groups instead of all groups
* fix: open group sync persistence
* feat: add in activity finish if recipient no longer exists (deleted thread) from sync
* feat: support avatar removal from shared library
* feat: support thread deletion and refactoring a lot of getOrCreateThread references to go via storage or assume they are correctly set to hook into the contact and volatile creation during thread creation
* fix: database update not deleting in certain circumstances, storage persisting and removing the volatile convo info for thread deletion / creation, NTS hidden getter values in shared library
* refactor: make update listener visibility package
* refactor: update kotlin
* feat: update dependencies and support outdated config messages, refactor config factory to return null configs if new configs not supported
* feat: update shared library to use priority only, fix compile errors, fix group member sync problem
* fix: compile error
* fix: profile avatar fixes for local user now that we aren't setting local user profile key
* Revert "fix: profile avatar fixes for local user now that we aren't setting local user profile key"
This reverts commit 3f569e34034713ee230581bc118e9127a8d0f434.
* refactor: let the local number update recipient details in profile manager
* fix: don't recreate thread after leaving
* fix: fix up the duplicate thread creation in the message receive handler
* fix: fix the placeholder rendering on new messages, add in extra context logging for adding contacts and preventing new thread creation on new messages of various types
* feat: add test theme for xml layout previews
* feat: add shortened hex for session IDs throughout, replace nullable getName with null in underlying contacts for individual contacts, build shared lib with release mode, remove todo, fix broken unit test
* feat: setup android unit tests for verifying storage behaviours and state of shared configs
* feat: adding dependencies to try and get android tests working, fixing bug with initial config not syncing properly
* fix: remove hilt testing, add spy on app context storage field instead, update libsession-util to fixed sodium cmake branch
* refactor: use PR version of libsession-util to test cmake build
* fix: new build on normal repo
* feat: new libsession util commit
* refactor: remove the old custom build libsodium stuff from cmake
* feat: update libsession module
* fix: add legacy config subscription to the home activity to enable showing banner at any time
* fix: pinned status for communities and groups, group last read time being set to snodeapi.now on finish joining
* fix: some open group volatile convo fix for last read timer being set. Need to investigate further
* fix: prevent blocking local number
* fix: adding in more checks for open group inbox recipients before being saved to the shared configs. Prevent sending typing indicator for blocked users
* fix: add blocked check for read receipt and updating expiring messages
* fix: another contact recipient config library call removed for non-standard IDs
* fix: another ID check
* fix: don't process thread creation for user is sender && recipient (sync message) for message request responses
* refactor: mark as read on open and use less buffer time
* fix: finally fix the darn unread count issue by
* fix: removing debug logs, adding failure error handling logs for expiry message updater, properly using the message thread ID created for the expiring messages. Process the non-thread messages properly with await in BatchMessageReceiveJob
* fix: checking the last read open to message and make sure that scroll behaviour matches expected, fix the config sync job not deleting ALL old hashes only latest
* refactor: try to add a retry logic to config sync job in case of snode failure
* build: update submodule
* fix: remove user notifications for leaving group to prevent synced device issues, don't create thread in messages for new closed groups, includei nactive groups in the deletion queries for merging group configs
* feat: use blinded message count for banner also
* refactor: remove some logging, don't use blinded conversations in the list
* fix: don't set the read flag in update notifications, some roundabout logic for first loads and scrolling to last known positions
* refactor: merge changes, re-add the group check in unapproved messages
* fix: re-poll on fail in case that was breaking anything
* fix: pinning groups and notifying list listeners in threadDb.setPinned
* feat: add in TTL extension subrequest and builder, enable extending TTLs for all latest config messages in poll as subrequest
* feat: add block to the delete all message requests, only if they're not open group inbox contacts
* refactor: disable edit text for non contacts
* refactor: let the user display name return "You" for local user
* fix: prevent NTS self create thread on user view bind
* refactor: remove populate public key cache if needed call which seems unnecessary at that point, maybe UserView refs have changed since 2020
* refactor: use just first visible instead of completely visible, merge message sender changes
* fix: prevent block of users in delete all
* fix: self sync sync message failures for default values
* feat: update libsession-util, adjust docs, update mms and sms to use message sent timestamp instead of -1 for last read in the thread
* fix: some compile issues in tests and some TODOs for things to do before merge
* fix: handle recyclerview scrolled on scroll to first unread if it's the first load
* fix: added more migration code for deleting unnecessary threads and groups, fixed a post-migration last seen issue on last item (current read is now), comment out actual network sync while testing migrations
* feat: adding a force new configs flag and logic for timestamp handling / forced configs, fix issue with handling legacy messages
* refactor: re-add the sending of configs
* fix: don't add contacts if they don't exist in the profile manager
* [wip]
fix: trying to consolidate prof pic and key properly
* feat: add logs and fix compile issue with a themes.xml entry, add removing profile picture into logic for profile manager
* fix: force has sent for local user, only prevent setting last seen for open group recipients, allow empty user pics to trigger config sync in settings
* fix: nts threads
* fix: open group avatar loop for open groups we have left
* feat: add a wrapper hash to track home diff util changes for wrapper contact recipient info, add test for dirty state in double set
* feat: add a dump in there as well
* refactor: more test code refactor
* fix: update last seen if later than current
* fix: open group threads and avatar downloads
* fix: add max size and maybe fix the non-200 sub requests for batches (for 421s in particular)
* fix: open group comparison issues potentially, have to update some more outgoing message open group flags for visibility of details etc
* Updated to the latest libSession-util
* Updated logic to delete legacy groups when kicked/left
* Added the legacy group 'joined_at' value
* Replaced incorrect character in JNI
* Fixed an issue where the group keyPair was getting encoded incorrectly
* Updated the code to ignore outdated legacy group control message changes
* Updated the code to ignore messages invalidated by the config
* [Review] Updated the poller to process config messages before standard
* Cleaned up the outdated message logic
* Fixed inverted config dropping flags
* Fixed an issue where the joining a community would read all messages
Stopped using a reversed RecyclerView in all cases (caused the unread issue)
Updated the logic to jump to the newly sent message when sending a message (to be consistent with other platforms)
Updated the logic to refresh the DB unread count when the cursor receives an update
* Updated the conversation to highlight the first unread message on open
* Fixed a couple of bugs with the highlighting
* Fixed a bug where the user profile picture wasn't downloading correctly
* feat: add all namespaces to delete all messages request and signature verification data
* fix: merge namespace hashes for signature returned and
* fix: import correct scroll to bottom
* build: update version code and name
* fix: initial contact generation fix for existing blinded contacts
* fix: initial convo generation fix for existing blinded convos (?)
* fix: conversation unread not doing a check for standard ID prefix
* fix: thread ID not being created for legacy config messages
* fix: don't treat 404 as bad snode
* fix: don't add retrieve profile job if we have one for that address
* build: update build code
* fix: reduce attempts for downloading image, invert unreachable type check
* fix: attempting to fix preventing message processing if group thread is not active for closed groups and initial contact dump only allows conversations with thread, may need further optimisations though
* feat: Added an unread marker and search result focus highlighting
* fix: empty set in appropriate places for current closed groups
* build: update build version code
* fix: fix the notifications and request at appropriate time
* refactor: remove debug logging for thread create and delete
* build: update build number
* fix: new community doesn't break persisting config if the .add request fails
* build: trying to track down broken retrieve avatar job
* feat: update to latest libsession dev
* fix: maybe fix avatar download for new messages
* fix: 404s causing snode errors and trying to retrieve avatars that have already 404'd a lot
* fix: closed group creation sets thread date to formation timestamp
* build: update version code
* build: update version code
* build: remove debuggable release build
* fix: use new permissions for external attachments
* build: update version code
* chore: remove debug logs
* fix: tests and main thread blocking db fetch for path status view
* wip: trying to track down failure to mark conversation as read in delayed group add
* wip: add more logs for initial last Read sync of communities
* wip: maybe the volatile is being updated with 0 on batch message receive?
* fix: maybe syncing read statuses are working now
* chore: remove debug logs
* build: update build number
* fix: trying to improve performance
* fix: add close to banner
* refactor: hide seed reminder in preview
* build: update build number
* fix: maybe requires update thread no matter what
* fix: message request banner shows again
* fix: android tests work again and permissions
* fix: blocked contacts click handler being overridden by something
* Revert "fix: blocked contacts click handler being overridden by something"
This reverts commit 608572fc426def0850085727ed0c399623110c37.
* build: update build number
* refactor: remove unused dependencies and update minor for sqlcipher
* fix: actually do insert contact, because otherwise name doesn't get set properly
* fix: maybe fix scroll to bottom issue
* build: update build number
* fix: the message time and jump to message queries are more optimized
* fix: maybe fix the last seen issues
* build: update build number
* fix: pfp broken closed groups why
* fix: add admins and members as member list instead of just members
* fix: exclude lgc without membership > 1 and inactive explicitly
* fix: submodule update
* fix: compiles with removal of iterator erase
* fix: unread indicator updates properly in ConversationActivityV2
* fix: unread notifications clear and altered if any notifications exist (prevents clearing read notifications in conversation or on home screen)
* refactor: profile pictures kinda broken
* build: update build number
* refactor: remove full hash from log
* fix: isPinned threadDB call
* refactor: use mutex in all libsession native calls, change timestamp
* refactor: add basic support for blinded v2 prefixes
Co-authored-by: Morgan Pretty <morgan.t.pretty@gmail.com>
2023-07-14 18:27:13 +10:00
androidTestUtil 'androidx.test:orchestrator:1.4.2'
2021-08-09 10:06:58 +10:00
2024-07-01 17:31:03 +10:00
testImplementation 'org.robolectric:robolectric:4.12.2'
testImplementation 'org.robolectric:shadows-multidex:4.12.2'
testImplementation 'org.conscrypt:conscrypt-openjdk-uber:2.5.2' // For Robolectric
testImplementation 'app.cash.turbine:turbine:1.1.0'
2024-09-11 16:34:06 +10:00
// compose
Dependency composeBom = platform('androidx.compose:compose-bom:2024.09.01')
implementation composeBom
testImplementation composeBom
androidTestImplementation composeBom
implementation "androidx.compose.ui:ui"
implementation "androidx.compose.animation:animation"
implementation "androidx.compose.ui:ui-tooling"
implementation "androidx.compose.runtime:runtime-livedata"
implementation "androidx.compose.foundation:foundation-layout"
2024-09-11 17:10:48 +10:00
implementation "androidx.compose.material3:material3"
2024-09-11 16:34:06 +10:00
androidTestImplementation "androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-junit4-android"
debugImplementation "androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-manifest"
2024-03-20 13:01:44 +10:30
2024-09-06 11:21:03 +10:00
// Navigation
implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx:$navVersion"
implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-ui-ktx:$navVersion"
implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-compose:$navVersion"
2023-10-04 15:17:27 +11:00
implementation "com.google.accompanist:accompanist-themeadapter-appcompat:0.33.1-alpha"
2024-09-09 14:29:29 +10:00
implementation "com.google.accompanist:accompanist-permissions:0.36.0"
2024-04-11 14:20:32 +09:30
implementation "com.google.accompanist:accompanist-drawablepainter:0.33.1-alpha"
2024-02-29 19:33:45 +10:30
2024-04-03 09:48:02 +10:30
implementation "androidx.camera:camera-camera2:1.3.2"
implementation "androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.3.2"
implementation "androidx.camera:camera-view:1.3.2"
2024-03-01 11:47:54 +10:30
2024-08-21 12:10:55 +10:00
// Note: ZXing 3.5.3 is the latest stable release as of 2024/08/21
implementation "com.google.zxing:core:$zxingVersion"
2020-11-24 13:10:39 +11:00
2021-05-18 13:34:40 +10:00
static def getLastCommitTimestamp() {
2020-11-24 13:10:39 +11:00
new ByteArrayOutputStream().withStream { os ->
return os.toString() + "000"
* Discovers supported languages listed as under the res/values- directory.
def autoResConfig() {
def files = new ArrayList<String>()
2020-11-24 18:49:34 +11:00
def root = file("src/main/res")
2020-11-24 13:10:39 +11:00
root.eachFile { f -> files.add(f.name) }
['en'] + files.collect { f -> f =~ /^values-([a-z]{2}(-r[A-Z]{2})?)$/ }
.findAll { matcher -> matcher.find() }
.collect { matcher -> matcher.group(1) }