2018-02-26 09:58:18 -08:00
* Copyright (C) 2018 Open Whisper Systems
* Licensed according to the LICENSE file in this repository.
package signal;
option java_package = "org.thoughtcrime.securesms.backup";
option java_outer_classname = "BackupProtos";
message SqlStatement {
2018-03-13 09:27:58 -07:00
message SqlParameter {
optional string stringParamter = 1;
optional uint64 integerParameter = 2;
optional double doubleParameter = 3;
optional bytes blobParameter = 4;
optional bool nullparameter = 5;
optional string statement = 1;
repeated SqlParameter parameters = 2;
2018-02-26 09:58:18 -08:00
message SharedPreference {
optional string file = 1;
optional string key = 2;
optional string value = 3;
message Attachment {
optional uint64 rowId = 1;
optional uint64 attachmentId = 2;
optional uint32 length = 3;
2018-03-19 14:10:21 -07:00
message Avatar {
optional string name = 1;
optional uint32 length = 2;
2018-02-26 09:58:18 -08:00
message DatabaseVersion {
optional uint32 version = 1;
message Header {
2018-03-14 10:28:41 -07:00
optional bytes iv = 1;
optional bytes salt = 2;
2018-02-26 09:58:18 -08:00
message BackupFrame {
optional Header header = 1;
optional SqlStatement statement = 2;
optional SharedPreference preference = 3;
optional Attachment attachment = 4;
optional DatabaseVersion version = 5;
optional bool end = 6;
2018-03-19 14:10:21 -07:00
optional Avatar avatar = 7;
2018-02-26 09:58:18 -08:00