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synced 2025-01-12 05:43:39 +00:00
Update SOGS signature message
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@ -9,19 +9,22 @@ import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.session.libsession.messaging.utilities.SodiumUtilities
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.Base64
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.Hex
class SodiumUtilitiesTest {
private val serverPublicKey = "c3b3c6f32f0ab5a57f853cc4f30f5da7fda5624b0c77b3fb0829de562ada081d"
private val pubKey = Key.fromHexString("bac6e71efd7dfa4a83c98ed24f254ab2c267f9ccdb172a5280a0444ad24e89cc")
private val secKey = Key.fromHexString("c010d89eccbaf5d1c6d19df766c6eedf965d4a28a56f87c9fc819edb59896dd9")
private val edKeyPair = KeyPair(
fun blindedKeyPair() {
val blindedKey = "98932d4bccbe595a8789d7eb1629cefc483a0eaddc7e20e8fe5c771efafd9af5"
val keyPair = SodiumUtilities.blindedKeyPair(serverPublicKey, KeyPair(pubKey, secKey))!!
val keyPair = SodiumUtilities.blindedKeyPair(serverPublicKey, edKeyPair)!!
assertThat(keyPair.publicKey.asHexString.lowercase(), equalTo(blindedKey))
@ -29,18 +32,18 @@ class SodiumUtilitiesTest {
fun sogsSignature() {
val expectedSignature = "gYqpWZX6fnF4Gb2xQM3xaXs0WIYEI49+B8q4mUUEg8Rw0ObaHUWfoWjMHMArAtP9QlORfiydsKWz1o6zdPVeCQ="
val keyPair = SodiumUtilities.blindedKeyPair(serverPublicKey, KeyPair(pubKey, secKey))!!
val blindedKeyPair = SodiumUtilities.blindedKeyPair(serverPublicKey, edKeyPair)!!
val message = serverPublicKey.toByteArray()
val message = Hex.fromStringCondensed(serverPublicKey)
val signature = Base64.encodeBytes(SodiumUtilities.sogsSignature(
assertThat(signature, equalTo(expectedSignature))
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ object OpenGroupApiV4 {
bodyHash = parameterHash
val messageBytes = publicKey.toByteArray()
val messageBytes = Hex.fromStringCondensed(publicKey)
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package org.session.libsession.messaging.utilities
import com.goterl.lazysodium.LazySodiumAndroid
import com.goterl.lazysodium.SodiumAndroid
import com.goterl.lazysodium.interfaces.GenericHash
import com.goterl.lazysodium.interfaces.Hash
import com.goterl.lazysodium.utils.Key
import com.goterl.lazysodium.utils.KeyPair
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.Hex
@ -12,11 +13,11 @@ import kotlin.experimental.inv
object SodiumUtilities {
private val sodium by lazy { LazySodiumAndroid(SodiumAndroid()) }
private const val scalarLength: Int = 32 // crypto_core_ed25519_scalarbytes
private const val noClampLength: Int = 32 // crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_bytes
private const val scalarMultLength: Int = 32 // crypto_scalarmult_bytes
private const val publicKeyLength: Int = 32 // crypto_scalarmult_bytes
private const val secretKeyLength: Int = 64 //crypto_sign_secretkeybytes
private const val SCALAR_LENGTH: Int = 32 // crypto_core_ed25519_scalarbytes
private const val NO_CLAMP_LENGTH: Int = 32 // crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_bytes
private const val SCALAR_MULT_LENGTH: Int = 32 // crypto_scalarmult_bytes
private const val PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH: Int = 32 // crypto_scalarmult_bytes
private const val SECRET_KEY_LENGTH: Int = 64 //crypto_sign_secretkeybytes
/* 64-byte blake2b hash then reduce to get the blinding factor */
private fun generateBlindingFactor(serverPublicKey: String): ByteArray? {
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ object SodiumUtilities {
return null
// Reduce the server public key into an ed25519 scalar (`k`)
val x25519PublicKey = ByteArray(scalarLength)
val x25519PublicKey = ByteArray(SCALAR_LENGTH)
sodium.cryptoCoreEd25519ScalarReduce(x25519PublicKey, serverPubKeyHash)
return if (x25519PublicKey.any { it.toInt() != 0 }) {
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ object SodiumUtilities {
private fun generatePrivateKeyScalar(secretKey: ByteArray): ByteArray? {
// a = s.to_curve25519_private_key().encode()
val aBytes = ByteArray(scalarMultLength)
val aBytes = ByteArray(SCALAR_MULT_LENGTH)
return if (sodium.convertSecretKeyEd25519ToCurve25519(aBytes, secretKey)) {
} else null
@ -55,11 +56,11 @@ object SodiumUtilities {
val kBytes = generateBlindingFactor(serverPublicKey)
val aBytes = generatePrivateKeyScalar(edKeyPair.secretKey.asBytes)
// Generate the blinded key pair `ka`, `kA`
val kaBytes = ByteArray(secretKeyLength)
val kaBytes = ByteArray(SECRET_KEY_LENGTH)
sodium.cryptoCoreEd25519ScalarMul(kaBytes, kBytes, aBytes)
if (kaBytes.all { it.toInt() == 0 }) return null
val kABytes = ByteArray(publicKeyLength)
val kABytes = ByteArray(PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH)
return if (sodium.cryptoScalarMultE25519BaseNoClamp(kABytes, kaBytes)) {
KeyPair(Key.fromBytes(kABytes), Key.fromBytes(kaBytes))
} else {
@ -79,44 +80,54 @@ object SodiumUtilities {
blindedPublicKey: ByteArray /*kA*/
): ByteArray? {
// H_rh = sha512(s.encode()).digest()[32:]
val h_rh = ByteArray(GenericHash.BYTES)
if (!sodium.cryptoHashSha512(h_rh, secretKey, secretKey.size.toLong())) return null
val digest = ByteArray(Hash.SHA512_BYTES)
val h_rh = if (sodium.cryptoHashSha512(digest, secretKey, secretKey.size.toLong())) {
} else return null
// r = salt.crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_reduce(sha512_multipart(H_rh, kA, message_parts))
val combinedData = h_rh + blindedPublicKey + message
val combinedHash = ByteArray(GenericHash.BYTES)
if (!sodium.cryptoHashSha512(combinedHash, combinedData, combinedData.size.toLong())) return null
val rHash = ByteArray(scalarLength)
sodium.cryptoCoreEd25519ScalarReduce(rHash, combinedHash)
if (rHash.all { it.toInt() == 0 }) return null
val rHash = sha512Multipart(listOf(h_rh, blindedPublicKey, message)) ?: return null
val r = ByteArray(SCALAR_LENGTH)
sodium.cryptoCoreEd25519ScalarReduce(r, rHash)
if (r.all { it.toInt() == 0 }) return null
// sig_R = salt.crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp(r)
val sig_R = ByteArray(noClampLength)
if (!sodium.cryptoScalarMultE25519BaseNoClamp(sig_R, rHash)) return null
val sig_R = ByteArray(NO_CLAMP_LENGTH)
if (!sodium.cryptoScalarMultE25519BaseNoClamp(sig_R, r)) return null
// HRAM = salt.crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_reduce(sha512_multipart(sig_R, kA, message_parts))
val hRamData = sig_R + blindedPublicKey + message
val hRamHash = ByteArray(scalarLength)
if (!sodium.cryptoHashSha512(hRamHash, hRamData, hRamData.size.toLong())) return null
val hRam = ByteArray(scalarLength)
val hRamHash = sha512Multipart(listOf(sig_R, blindedPublicKey, message)) ?: return null
val hRam = ByteArray(SCALAR_LENGTH)
sodium.cryptoCoreEd25519ScalarReduce(hRam, hRamHash)
if (hRam.all { it.toInt() == 0 }) return null
// sig_s = salt.crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_add(r, salt.crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_mul(HRAM, ka))
val sig_sMul = ByteArray(scalarLength)
val sig_s = ByteArray(scalarLength)
val sig_sMul = ByteArray(SCALAR_LENGTH)
val sig_s = ByteArray(SCALAR_LENGTH)
sodium.cryptoCoreEd25519ScalarMul(sig_sMul, hRam, blindedSecretKey)
if (sig_sMul.any { it.toInt() != 0 }) {
sodium.cryptoCoreEd25519ScalarAdd(sig_s, rHash, sig_sMul)
sodium.cryptoCoreEd25519ScalarAdd(sig_s, r, sig_sMul)
if (sig_s.all { it.toInt() == 0 }) return null
} else return null
return sig_R + sig_s
private fun sha512Multipart(parts: List<ByteArray>): ByteArray? {
val state = Hash.State512()
parts.forEach {
sodium.cryptoHashSha512Update(state, it, it.size.toLong())
val finalHash = ByteArray(Hash.SHA512_BYTES)
return if (sodium.cryptoHashSha512Final(state, finalHash)) {
} else null
/* Combines two keys (`kA`) */
private fun combineKeys(lhsKey: ByteArray, rhsKey: ByteArray): ByteArray? {
val kA = ByteArray(noClampLength)
val kA = ByteArray(NO_CLAMP_LENGTH)
return if (sodium.cryptoScalarMultE25519NoClamp(kA, lhsKey, rhsKey)) {
} else null
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