mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 21:18:27 +00:00
Fixed an issue where the joining a community would read all messages
Stopped using a reversed RecyclerView in all cases (caused the unread issue) Updated the logic to jump to the newly sent message when sending a message (to be consistent with other platforms) Updated the logic to refresh the DB unread count when the cursor receives an update
This commit is contained in:
@ -289,11 +289,16 @@ class ConversationActivityV2 : PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity(), InputBarDe
MnemonicCodec(loadFileContents).encode(hexEncodedSeed!!, MnemonicCodec.Language.Configuration.english)
// There is a bug when initially joining a community where all messages will immediately be marked
// as read if we reverse the message list so this is now hard-coded to false
private val reverseMessageList = false
private val adapter by lazy {
val cursor = mmsSmsDb.getConversation(viewModel.threadId, !isIncomingMessageRequestThread())
val cursor = mmsSmsDb.getConversation(viewModel.threadId, reverseMessageList)
val adapter = ConversationAdapter(
onItemPress = { message, position, view, event ->
handlePress(message, position, view, event)
@ -380,22 +385,24 @@ class ConversationActivityV2 : PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity(), InputBarDe
binding!!.scrollToBottomButton.setOnClickListener {
val layoutManager = (binding?.conversationRecyclerView?.layoutManager as? LinearLayoutManager) ?: return@setOnClickListener
val targetPosition = if (reverseMessageList) 0 else adapter.itemCount
if (layoutManager.isSmoothScrolling) {
} else {
// It looks like 'smoothScrollToPosition' will actually load all intermediate items in
// order to do the scroll, this can be very slow if there are a lot of messages so
// instead we check the current position and if there are more than 10 items to scroll
// we jump instantly to the 10th item and scroll from there (this should happen quick
// enough to give a similar scroll effect without having to load everything)
val position = layoutManager.findFirstVisibleItemPosition()
if (position > 10) {
val position = if (reverseMessageList) layoutManager.findFirstVisibleItemPosition() else layoutManager.findLastVisibleItemPosition()
val targetBuffer = if (reverseMessageList) 10 else Math.max(0, (adapter.itemCount - 1) - 10)
if (position > targetBuffer) {
binding?.conversationRecyclerView?.post {
@ -420,12 +427,13 @@ class ConversationActivityV2 : PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity(), InputBarDe
weakActivity.get()?.adapter ?: return@launch
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
@ -483,18 +491,29 @@ class ConversationActivityV2 : PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity(), InputBarDe
override fun onCreateLoader(id: Int, bundle: Bundle?): Loader<Cursor> {
return ConversationLoader(viewModel.threadId, !isIncomingMessageRequestThread(), this@ConversationActivityV2)
return ConversationLoader(viewModel.threadId, reverseMessageList, this@ConversationActivityV2)
override fun onLoadFinished(loader: Loader<Cursor>, cursor: Cursor?) {
val oldCount = adapter.itemCount
val newCount = cursor?.count ?: 0
if (cursor != null) {
val messageTimestamp = messageToScrollTimestamp.getAndSet(-1)
val author = messageToScrollAuthor.getAndSet(null)
if (author != null && messageTimestamp >= 0) {
jumpToMessage(author, messageTimestamp, null)
} else if (firstLoad.getAndSet(false)) {
else if (firstLoad.getAndSet(false)) {
else if (oldCount != newCount) {
// Update the unreadCount value to be loaded from the database since we got a new message
unreadCount = mmsSmsDb.getUnreadCount(viewModel.threadId)
@ -508,7 +527,7 @@ class ConversationActivityV2 : PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity(), InputBarDe
// called from onCreate
private fun setUpRecyclerView() {
binding!!.conversationRecyclerView.adapter = adapter
val layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this, LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL, !isIncomingMessageRequestThread())
val layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this, LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL, reverseMessageList)
binding!!.conversationRecyclerView.layoutManager = layoutManager
// Workaround for the fact that CursorRecyclerViewAdapter doesn't auto-update automatically (even though it says it will)
LoaderManager.getInstance(this).restartLoader(0, null, this)
@ -697,9 +716,17 @@ class ConversationActivityV2 : PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity(), InputBarDe
private fun scrollToFirstUnreadMessageIfNeeded() {
private fun scrollToFirstUnreadMessageIfNeeded(isFirstLoad: Boolean = false) {
val lastSeenTimestamp = threadDb.getLastSeenAndHasSent(viewModel.threadId).first()
val lastSeenItemPosition = adapter.findLastSeenItemPosition(lastSeenTimestamp) ?: return
// If this is triggered when first opening a conversation then we want to position the top
// of the first unread message in the middle of the screen
if (isFirstLoad && !reverseMessageList) {
layoutManager?.scrollToPositionWithOffset(lastSeenItemPosition, ((layoutManager?.height ?: 0) / 2))
if (lastSeenItemPosition <= 3) { return }
@ -785,11 +812,8 @@ class ConversationActivityV2 : PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity(), InputBarDe
private fun acceptMessageRequest() {
binding?.messageRequestBar?.isVisible = false
binding?.conversationRecyclerView?.layoutManager =
LinearLayoutManager(this, LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL, true)
LoaderManager.getInstance(this).restartLoader(0, null, this)
lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
@ -991,18 +1015,23 @@ class ConversationActivityV2 : PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity(), InputBarDe
val wasTypingIndicatorVisibleBefore = binding.typingIndicatorViewContainer.isVisible
binding.typingIndicatorViewContainer.isVisible = wasTypingIndicatorVisibleBefore && isScrolledToBottom
val firstVisiblePosition = layoutManager?.findFirstVisibleItemPosition() ?: RecyclerView.NO_POSITION
if (!firstLoad.get() && firstVisiblePosition != RecyclerView.NO_POSITION) {
if (firstVisiblePosition == 0) {
// last item, set it to now?
val visibleItemTimestamp = adapter.getTimestampForItemAt(firstVisiblePosition)
val maybeTargetVisiblePosition = if (reverseMessageList) layoutManager?.findFirstVisibleItemPosition() else layoutManager?.findLastVisibleItemPosition()
val targetVisiblePosition = maybeTargetVisiblePosition ?: RecyclerView.NO_POSITION
if (!firstLoad.get() && targetVisiblePosition != RecyclerView.NO_POSITION) {
val visibleItemTimestamp = adapter.getTimestampForItemAt(targetVisiblePosition)
if (visibleItemTimestamp != null) {
unreadCount = min(unreadCount, firstVisiblePosition).coerceAtLeast(0)
if (reverseMessageList) {
unreadCount = min(unreadCount, targetVisiblePosition).coerceAtLeast(0)
else {
val layoutUnreadCount = layoutManager?.let { (it.itemCount - 1) - it.findLastVisibleItemPosition() }
?: RecyclerView.NO_POSITION
unreadCount = min(unreadCount, layoutUnreadCount).coerceAtLeast(0)
@ -1493,11 +1522,17 @@ class ConversationActivityV2 : PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity(), InputBarDe
val binding = binding ?: return
if (binding.inputBar.linkPreview != null || binding.inputBar.quote != null) {
val sentMessageInfo = if (binding.inputBar.linkPreview != null || binding.inputBar.quote != null) {
sendAttachments(listOf(), getMessageBody(), binding.inputBar.quote, binding.inputBar.linkPreview)
} else {
// Jump to the newly sent message once it gets added
if (sentMessageInfo != null) {
override fun commitInputContent(contentUri: Uri) {
@ -1515,19 +1550,21 @@ class ConversationActivityV2 : PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity(), InputBarDe
private fun sendTextOnlyMessage(hasPermissionToSendSeed: Boolean = false) {
val recipient = viewModel.recipient ?: return
private fun sendTextOnlyMessage(hasPermissionToSendSeed: Boolean = false): Pair<Address, Long>? {
val recipient = viewModel.recipient ?: return null
val sentTimestamp = SnodeAPI.nowWithOffset
val text = getMessageBody()
val userPublicKey = textSecurePreferences.getLocalNumber()
val isNoteToSelf = (recipient.isContactRecipient && recipient.address.toString() == userPublicKey)
if (text.contains(seed) && !isNoteToSelf && !hasPermissionToSendSeed) {
val dialog = SendSeedDialog { sendTextOnlyMessage(true) }
return dialog.show(supportFragmentManager, "Send Seed Dialog")
dialog.show(supportFragmentManager, "Send Seed Dialog")
return null
// Create the message
val message = VisibleMessage()
message.sentTimestamp = SnodeAPI.nowWithOffset
message.sentTimestamp = sentTimestamp
message.text = text
val outgoingTextMessage = OutgoingTextMessage.from(message, recipient)
// Clear the input bar
@ -1544,14 +1581,16 @@ class ConversationActivityV2 : PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity(), InputBarDe
MessageSender.send(message, recipient.address)
// Send a typing stopped message
return Pair(recipient.address, sentTimestamp)
private fun sendAttachments(attachments: List<Attachment>, body: String?, quotedMessage: MessageRecord? = null, linkPreview: LinkPreview? = null) {
val recipient = viewModel.recipient ?: return
private fun sendAttachments(attachments: List<Attachment>, body: String?, quotedMessage: MessageRecord? = null, linkPreview: LinkPreview? = null): Pair<Address, Long>? {
val recipient = viewModel.recipient ?: return null
val sentTimestamp = SnodeAPI.nowWithOffset
// Create the message
val message = VisibleMessage()
message.sentTimestamp = SnodeAPI.nowWithOffset
message.sentTimestamp = sentTimestamp
message.text = body
val quote = quotedMessage?.let {
val quotedAttachments = (it as? MmsMessageRecord)?.slideDeck?.asAttachments() ?: listOf()
@ -1585,6 +1624,7 @@ class ConversationActivityV2 : PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity(), InputBarDe
MessageSender.send(message, recipient.address, attachments, quote, linkPreview)
// Send a typing stopped message
return Pair(recipient.address, sentTimestamp)
private fun showGIFPicker() {
@ -2028,7 +2068,7 @@ class ConversationActivityV2 : PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity(), InputBarDe
private fun jumpToMessage(author: Address, timestamp: Long, onMessageNotFound: Runnable?) {
SimpleTask.run(lifecycle, {
mmsSmsDb.getMessagePositionInConversation(viewModel.threadId, timestamp, author)
mmsSmsDb.getMessagePositionInConversation(viewModel.threadId, timestamp, author, reverseMessageList)
}) { p: Int -> moveToMessagePosition(p, onMessageNotFound) }
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.preferences.PrivacySettingsActivity
class ConversationAdapter(
context: Context,
cursor: Cursor,
private val isReversed: Boolean,
private val onItemPress: (MessageRecord, Int, VisibleMessageView, MotionEvent) -> Unit,
private val onItemSwipeToReply: (MessageRecord, Int) -> Unit,
private val onItemLongPress: (MessageRecord, Int, VisibleMessageView) -> Unit,
@ -186,14 +187,18 @@ class ConversationAdapter(
private fun getMessageBefore(position: Int, cursor: Cursor): MessageRecord? {
// The message that's visually before the current one is actually after the current
// one for the cursor because the layout is reversed
if (!cursor.moveToPosition(position + 1)) { return null }
if (isReversed && !cursor.moveToPosition(position + 1)) { return null }
if (!isReversed && !cursor.moveToPosition(position - 1)) { return null }
return messageDB.readerFor(cursor).current
private fun getMessageAfter(position: Int, cursor: Cursor): MessageRecord? {
// The message that's visually after the current one is actually before the current
// one for the cursor because the layout is reversed
if (!cursor.moveToPosition(position - 1)) { return null }
if (isReversed && !cursor.moveToPosition(position - 1)) { return null }
if (!isReversed && !cursor.moveToPosition(position + 1)) { return null }
return messageDB.readerFor(cursor).current
@ -221,13 +226,29 @@ class ConversationAdapter(
fun findLastSeenItemPosition(lastSeenTimestamp: Long): Int? {
val cursor = this.cursor
if (cursor == null || !isActiveCursor) return null
if (lastSeenTimestamp == 0L && cursor.moveToLast()) {
return cursor.position
if (lastSeenTimestamp == 0L) {
if (isReversed && cursor.moveToLast()) { return cursor.position }
if (!isReversed && cursor.moveToFirst()) { return cursor.position }
// Loop from the newest message to the oldest until we find one older (or equal to)
// the lastSeenTimestamp, then return that message index
for (i in 0 until itemCount) {
val message = messageDB.readerFor(cursor).current
if (message.isOutgoing || message.dateSent <= lastSeenTimestamp) { return i }
if (isReversed) {
val message = messageDB.readerFor(cursor).current
if (message.isOutgoing || message.dateSent <= lastSeenTimestamp) {
return i
else {
val index = ((itemCount - 1) - i)
val message = messageDB.readerFor(cursor).current
if (message.isOutgoing || message.dateSent <= lastSeenTimestamp) {
return Math.min(itemCount - 1, (index + 1))
return null
@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ public class MmsSmsDatabase extends Database {
return -1;
public int getMessagePositionInConversation(long threadId, long sentTimestamp, @NonNull Address address) {
String order = MmsSmsColumns.NORMALIZED_DATE_SENT + " DESC";
public int getMessagePositionInConversation(long threadId, long sentTimestamp, @NonNull Address address, boolean reverse) {
String order = MmsSmsColumns.NORMALIZED_DATE_SENT + (reverse ? " DESC" : " ASC");
String selection = MmsSmsColumns.THREAD_ID + " = " + threadId;
try (Cursor cursor = queryTables(new String[]{ MmsSmsColumns.NORMALIZED_DATE_SENT, MmsSmsColumns.ADDRESS }, selection, order, null)) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user