mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 15:50:50 +00:00
Rename remaining session id refs
This commit is contained in:
@ -136,29 +136,29 @@ class SodiumUtilitiesTest {
fun sessionIdSuccess() {
val result = SodiumUtilities.sessionId("05$publicKey", "15$blindedPublicKey", serverPublicKey)
fun accountIdSuccess() {
val result = SodiumUtilities.accountId("05$publicKey", "15$blindedPublicKey", serverPublicKey)
fun sessionIdFailureInvalidAccountId() {
val result = SodiumUtilities.sessionId("AB$publicKey", "15$blindedPublicKey", serverPublicKey)
fun accountIdFailureInvalidAccountId() {
val result = SodiumUtilities.accountId("AB$publicKey", "15$blindedPublicKey", serverPublicKey)
fun sessionIdFailureInvalidBlindedId() {
val result = SodiumUtilities.sessionId("05$publicKey", "AB$blindedPublicKey", serverPublicKey)
fun accountIdFailureInvalidBlindedId() {
val result = SodiumUtilities.accountId("05$publicKey", "AB$blindedPublicKey", serverPublicKey)
fun sessionIdFailureBlindingFactor() {
val result = SodiumUtilities.sessionId("05$publicKey", "15$blindedPublicKey", "Test")
fun accountIdFailureBlindingFactor() {
val result = SodiumUtilities.accountId("05$publicKey", "15$blindedPublicKey", "Test")
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class NewMessageFragment : Fragment() {
onClose = { delegate.onDialogClosePressed() },
onBack = { delegate.onDialogBackPressed() },
onHelp = { requireContext().openUrl("https://sessionapp.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4439132747033-How-do-Session-ID-usernames-work") }
onHelp = { requireContext().openUrl("https://sessionapp.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4439132747033-How-do-Account-ID-usernames-work") }
@ -239,12 +239,12 @@ class ConversationActivityV2 : PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity(), InputBarDe
intent.getParcelableExtra<Address>(ADDRESS)?.let { it ->
threadId = threadDb.getThreadIdIfExistsFor(it.serialize())
if (threadId == -1L) {
val sessionId = AccountId(it.serialize())
val accountId = AccountId(it.serialize())
val openGroup = lokiThreadDb.getOpenGroupChat(intent.getLongExtra(FROM_GROUP_THREAD_ID, -1))
val address = if (sessionId.prefix == IdPrefix.BLINDED && openGroup != null) {
storage.getOrCreateBlindedIdMapping(sessionId.hexString, openGroup.server, openGroup.publicKey).sessionId?.let {
val address = if (accountId.prefix == IdPrefix.BLINDED && openGroup != null) {
storage.getOrCreateBlindedIdMapping(accountId.hexString, openGroup.server, openGroup.publicKey).accountId?.let {
} ?: GroupUtil.getEncodedOpenGroupInboxID(openGroup, sessionId)
} ?: GroupUtil.getEncodedOpenGroupInboxID(openGroup, accountId)
} else {
@ -1131,8 +1131,8 @@ class ConversationActivityV2 : PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity(), InputBarDe
override fun copyAccountID(sessionId: String) {
val clip = ClipData.newPlainText("Account ID", sessionId)
override fun copyAccountID(accountId: String) {
val clip = ClipData.newPlainText("Account ID", accountId)
val manager = getSystemService(PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE) as ClipboardManager
Toast.makeText(this, R.string.copied_to_clipboard, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ object ConversationMenuHelper {
if (!isOpenGroup && (thread.hasApprovedMe() || thread.isClosedGroupRecipient || thread.isLocalNumber)) {
inflater.inflate(R.menu.menu_conversation_expiration, menu)
// One-on-one chat menu allows copying the session id
// One-on-one chat menu allows copying the account id
if (thread.isContactRecipient) {
inflater.inflate(R.menu.menu_conversation_copy_account_id, menu)
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ object ConversationMenuHelper {
interface ConversationMenuListener {
fun block(deleteThread: Boolean = false)
fun unblock()
fun copyAccountID(sessionId: String)
fun copyAccountID(accountId: String)
fun copyOpenGroupUrl(thread: Recipient)
fun showDisappearingMessages(thread: Recipient)
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ object MentionUtilities {
private fun isYou(mentionedPublicKey: String, userPublicKey: String, openGroup: OpenGroup?): Boolean {
val isUserBlindedPublicKey = openGroup?.let { SodiumUtilities.sessionId(userPublicKey, mentionedPublicKey, it.publicKey) } ?: false
val isUserBlindedPublicKey = openGroup?.let { SodiumUtilities.accountId(userPublicKey, mentionedPublicKey, it.publicKey) } ?: false
return mentionedPublicKey.equals(userPublicKey, ignoreCase = true) || isUserBlindedPublicKey
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class BlindedIdMappingDatabase(context: Context, helper: SQLCipherOpenHelper) :
private fun readBlindedIdMapping(cursor: Cursor): BlindedIdMapping {
return BlindedIdMapping(
blindedId = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(BLINDED_PK)),
sessionId = cursor.getStringOrNull(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(SESSION_PK)),
accountId = cursor.getStringOrNull(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(SESSION_PK)),
serverUrl = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(SERVER_URL)),
serverId = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(SERVER_PK)),
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class BlindedIdMappingDatabase(context: Context, helper: SQLCipherOpenHelper) :
try {
val values = ContentValues().apply {
put(BLINDED_PK, blindedIdMapping.blindedId)
put(SERVER_PK, blindedIdMapping.sessionId)
put(SERVER_PK, blindedIdMapping.accountId)
put(SERVER_URL, blindedIdMapping.serverUrl)
put(SERVER_PK, blindedIdMapping.serverId)
@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ class SessionContactDatabase(context: Context, helper: SQLCipherOpenHelper) : Da
fun getContacts(sessionIDs: Collection<String>): List<Contact> {
fun getContacts(accountIDs: Collection<String>): List<Contact> {
val database = databaseHelper.readableDatabase
return database.getAll(
"$accountID IN (SELECT value FROM json_each(?))",
) { cursor -> contactFromCursor(cursor) }
@ -56,8 +56,7 @@ class SessionContactDatabase(context: Context, helper: SQLCipherOpenHelper) : Da
return database.getAll(sessionContactTable, null, null) { cursor ->
}.filter { contact ->
val sessionId = AccountId(contact.accountID)
sessionId.prefix == IdPrefix.STANDARD
contact.accountID.let(::AccountId).prefix == IdPrefix.STANDARD
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import java.security.MessageDigest
import network.loki.messenger.libsession_util.ConfigBase
import network.loki.messenger.libsession_util.ConfigBase.Companion.PRIORITY_HIDDEN
import network.loki.messenger.libsession_util.ConfigBase.Companion.PRIORITY_PINNED
import network.loki.messenger.libsession_util.ConfigBase.Companion.PRIORITY_VISIBLE
import network.loki.messenger.libsession_util.Contacts
import network.loki.messenger.libsession_util.ConversationVolatileConfig
import network.loki.messenger.libsession_util.UserGroupsConfig
@ -111,12 +112,12 @@ open class Storage(
if (address.isGroup) {
val groups = configFactory.userGroups ?: return
if (address.isClosedGroup) {
val sessionId = GroupUtil.doubleDecodeGroupId(address.serialize())
val accountId = GroupUtil.doubleDecodeGroupId(address.serialize())
val closedGroup = getGroup(address.toGroupString())
if (closedGroup != null && closedGroup.isActive) {
val legacyGroup = groups.getOrConstructLegacyGroupInfo(sessionId)
val legacyGroup = groups.getOrConstructLegacyGroupInfo(accountId)
val newVolatileParams = volatile.getOrConstructLegacyGroup(sessionId).copy(
val newVolatileParams = volatile.getOrConstructLegacyGroup(accountId).copy(
lastRead = SnodeAPI.nowWithOffset,
@ -132,11 +133,11 @@ open class Storage(
if (getUserPublicKey() != address.serialize()) {
val contacts = configFactory.contacts ?: return
contacts.upsertContact(address.serialize()) {
priority = ConfigBase.PRIORITY_VISIBLE
} else {
val userProfile = configFactory.user ?: return
DatabaseComponent.get(context).threadDatabase().setHasSent(threadId, true)
val newVolatileParams = volatile.getOrConstructOneToOne(address.serialize())
@ -149,9 +150,9 @@ open class Storage(
if (address.isGroup) {
val groups = configFactory.userGroups ?: return
if (address.isClosedGroup) {
val sessionId = GroupUtil.doubleDecodeGroupId(address.serialize())
val accountId = GroupUtil.doubleDecodeGroupId(address.serialize())
} else if (address.isCommunity) {
// these should be removed in the group leave / handling new configs
Log.w("Loki", "Thread delete called for open group address, expecting to be handled elsewhere")
@ -265,10 +266,8 @@ open class Storage(
// otherwise recipient is one to one
recipient.isContactRecipient -> {
// don't process non-standard session IDs though
val sessionId = AccountId(recipient.address.serialize())
if (sessionId.prefix != IdPrefix.STANDARD) return
// don't process non-standard account IDs though
if (AccountId(recipient.address.serialize()).prefix != IdPrefix.STANDARD) return
else -> throw NullPointerException("Weren't expecting to have a convo with address ${recipient.address.serialize()}")
@ -299,8 +298,8 @@ open class Storage(
var messageID: Long? = null
val senderAddress = fromSerialized(message.sender!!)
val isUserSender = (message.sender!! == getUserPublicKey())
val isUserBlindedSender = message.threadID?.takeIf { it >= 0 }?.let { getOpenGroup(it)?.publicKey }
?.let { SodiumUtilities.sessionId(getUserPublicKey()!!, message.sender!!, it) } ?: false
val isUserBlindedSender = message.threadID?.takeIf { it >= 0 }?.let(::getOpenGroup)?.publicKey
?.let { SodiumUtilities.accountId(getUserPublicKey()!!, message.sender!!, it) } ?: false
val group: Optional<SignalServiceGroup> = when {
openGroupID != null -> Optional.of(SignalServiceGroup(openGroupID.toByteArray(), SignalServiceGroup.GroupType.PUBLIC_CHAT))
groupPublicKey != null -> {
@ -540,7 +539,7 @@ open class Storage(
val extracted = convos.all()
for (conversation in extracted) {
val threadId = when (conversation) {
is Conversation.OneToOne -> getThreadIdFor(conversation.sessionId, null, null, createThread = false)
is Conversation.OneToOne -> getThreadIdFor(conversation.accountId, null, null, createThread = false)
is Conversation.LegacyGroup -> getThreadIdFor("", conversation.groupId,null, createThread = false)
is Conversation.Community -> getThreadIdFor("",null, "${conversation.baseCommunityInfo.baseUrl.removeSuffix("/")}.${conversation.baseCommunityInfo.room}", createThread = false)
@ -571,7 +570,7 @@ open class Storage(
val existingJoinUrls = existingCommunities.values.map { it.joinURL }
val existingClosedGroups = getAllGroups(includeInactive = true).filter { it.isClosedGroup }
val lgcIds = lgc.map { it.sessionId }
val lgcIds = lgc.map { it.accountId }
val toDeleteClosedGroups = existingClosedGroups.filter { group ->
GroupUtil.doubleDecodeGroupId(group.encodedId) !in lgcIds
@ -605,8 +604,8 @@ open class Storage(
for (group in lgc) {
val groupId = GroupUtil.doubleEncodeGroupID(group.sessionId)
val existingGroup = existingClosedGroups.firstOrNull { GroupUtil.doubleDecodeGroupId(it.encodedId) == group.sessionId }
val groupId = GroupUtil.doubleEncodeGroupID(group.accountId)
val existingGroup = existingClosedGroups.firstOrNull { GroupUtil.doubleDecodeGroupId(it.encodedId) == group.accountId }
val existingThread = existingGroup?.let { getThreadId(existingGroup.encodedId) }
if (existingGroup != null) {
if (group.priority == PRIORITY_HIDDEN && existingThread != null) {
@ -625,19 +624,19 @@ open class Storage(
createGroup(groupId, title, admins + members, null, null, admins, formationTimestamp)
setProfileSharing(Address.fromSerialized(groupId), true)
// Add the group to the user's set of public keys to poll for
// Store the encryption key pair
val keyPair = ECKeyPair(DjbECPublicKey(group.encPubKey), DjbECPrivateKey(group.encSecKey))
addClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPair(keyPair, group.sessionId, SnodeAPI.nowWithOffset)
addClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPair(keyPair, group.accountId, SnodeAPI.nowWithOffset)
// Notify the PN server
PushRegistryV1.subscribeGroup(group.sessionId, publicKey = localUserPublicKey)
PushRegistryV1.subscribeGroup(group.accountId, publicKey = localUserPublicKey)
// Notify the user
val threadID = getOrCreateThreadIdFor(Address.fromSerialized(groupId))
threadDb.setDate(threadID, formationTimestamp)
insertOutgoingInfoMessage(context, groupId, SignalServiceGroup.Type.CREATION, title, members.map { it.serialize() }, admins.map { it.serialize() }, threadID, formationTimestamp)
// Don't create config group here, it's from a config update
// Start polling
getThreadId(Address.fromSerialized(groupId))?.let {
@ -938,10 +937,10 @@ open class Storage(
groupVolatileConfig.lastRead = formationTimestamp
val groupInfo = GroupInfo.LegacyGroupInfo(
sessionId = groupPublicKey,
accountId = groupPublicKey,
name = name,
members = members,
priority = ConfigBase.PRIORITY_VISIBLE,
encPubKey = (encryptionKeyPair.publicKey as DjbECPublicKey).publicKey, // 'serialize()' inserts an extra byte
encSecKey = encryptionKeyPair.privateKey.serialize(),
disappearingTimer = expirationTimer.toLong(),
@ -975,7 +974,7 @@ open class Storage(
members = membersMap,
encPubKey = (latestKeyPair.publicKey as DjbECPublicKey).publicKey, // 'serialize()' inserts an extra byte
encSecKey = latestKeyPair.privateKey.serialize(),
priority = if (isPinned(threadID)) PRIORITY_PINNED else ConfigBase.PRIORITY_VISIBLE,
priority = if (isPinned(threadID)) PRIORITY_PINNED else PRIORITY_VISIBLE,
disappearingTimer = getExpirationConfiguration(threadID)?.expiryMode?.expirySeconds ?: 0L,
joinedAt = (existingGroup.formationTimestamp / 1000L)
@ -1209,7 +1208,7 @@ open class Storage(
val mappingDb = DatabaseComponent.get(context).blindedIdMappingDatabase()
val moreContacts = contacts.filter { contact ->
val id = AccountId(contact.id)
id.prefix?.isBlinded() == false || mappingDb.getBlindedIdMapping(contact.id).none { it.sessionId != null }
id.prefix?.isBlinded() == false || mappingDb.getBlindedIdMapping(contact.id).none { it.accountId != null }
val profileManager = SSKEnvironment.shared.profileManager
moreContacts.forEach { contact ->
@ -1262,7 +1261,7 @@ open class Storage(
val mappingDb = DatabaseComponent.get(context).blindedIdMappingDatabase()
val moreContacts = contacts.filter { contact ->
val id = AccountId(contact.publicKey)
id.prefix != IdPrefix.BLINDED || mappingDb.getBlindedIdMapping(contact.publicKey).none { it.sessionId != null }
id.prefix != IdPrefix.BLINDED || mappingDb.getBlindedIdMapping(contact.publicKey).none { it.accountId != null }
for (contact in moreContacts) {
val address = fromSerialized(contact.publicKey)
@ -1329,25 +1328,25 @@ open class Storage(
val threadRecipient = getRecipientForThread(threadID) ?: return
if (threadRecipient.isLocalNumber) {
val user = configFactory.user ?: return
user.setNtsPriority(if (isPinned) PRIORITY_PINNED else ConfigBase.PRIORITY_VISIBLE)
user.setNtsPriority(if (isPinned) PRIORITY_PINNED else PRIORITY_VISIBLE)
} else if (threadRecipient.isContactRecipient) {
val contacts = configFactory.contacts ?: return
contacts.upsertContact(threadRecipient.address.serialize()) {
priority = if (isPinned) PRIORITY_PINNED else ConfigBase.PRIORITY_VISIBLE
priority = if (isPinned) PRIORITY_PINNED else PRIORITY_VISIBLE
} else if (threadRecipient.isGroupRecipient) {
val groups = configFactory.userGroups ?: return
if (threadRecipient.isClosedGroupRecipient) {
val sessionId = GroupUtil.doubleDecodeGroupId(threadRecipient.address.serialize())
val newGroupInfo = groups.getOrConstructLegacyGroupInfo(sessionId).copy (
priority = if (isPinned) PRIORITY_PINNED else ConfigBase.PRIORITY_VISIBLE
.copy (priority = if (isPinned) PRIORITY_PINNED else PRIORITY_VISIBLE)
} else if (threadRecipient.isCommunityRecipient) {
val openGroup = getOpenGroup(threadID) ?: return
val (baseUrl, room, pubKeyHex) = BaseCommunityInfo.parseFullUrl(openGroup.joinURL) ?: return
val newGroupInfo = groups.getOrConstructCommunityInfo(baseUrl, room, Hex.toStringCondensed(pubKeyHex)).copy (
priority = if (isPinned) PRIORITY_PINNED else ConfigBase.PRIORITY_VISIBLE
priority = if (isPinned) PRIORITY_PINNED else PRIORITY_VISIBLE
@ -1505,10 +1504,10 @@ open class Storage(
for (mapping in mappings) {
if (!SodiumUtilities.sessionId(senderPublicKey, mapping.value.blindedId, mapping.value.serverId)) {
if (!SodiumUtilities.accountId(senderPublicKey, mapping.value.blindedId, mapping.value.serverId)) {
mappingDb.addBlindedIdMapping(mapping.value.copy(sessionId = senderPublicKey))
mappingDb.addBlindedIdMapping(mapping.value.copy(accountId = senderPublicKey))
val blindedThreadId = threadDB.getOrCreateThreadIdFor(Recipient.from(context, fromSerialized(mapping.key), false))
mmsDb.updateThreadId(blindedThreadId, threadId)
@ -1614,20 +1613,20 @@ open class Storage(
): BlindedIdMapping {
val db = DatabaseComponent.get(context).blindedIdMappingDatabase()
val mapping = db.getBlindedIdMapping(blindedId).firstOrNull() ?: BlindedIdMapping(blindedId, null, server, serverPublicKey)
if (mapping.sessionId != null) {
if (mapping.accountId != null) {
return mapping
getAllContacts().forEach { contact ->
val sessionId = AccountId(contact.accountID)
if (sessionId.prefix == IdPrefix.STANDARD && SodiumUtilities.sessionId(sessionId.hexString, blindedId, serverPublicKey)) {
val contactMapping = mapping.copy(sessionId = sessionId.hexString)
val accountId = AccountId(contact.accountID)
if (accountId.prefix == IdPrefix.STANDARD && SodiumUtilities.accountId(accountId.hexString, blindedId, serverPublicKey)) {
val contactMapping = mapping.copy(accountId = accountId.hexString)
return contactMapping
db.getBlindedIdMappingsExceptFor(server).forEach {
if (SodiumUtilities.sessionId(it.sessionId!!, blindedId, serverPublicKey)) {
val otherMapping = mapping.copy(sessionId = it.sessionId)
if (SodiumUtilities.accountId(it.accountId!!, blindedId, serverPublicKey)) {
val otherMapping = mapping.copy(accountId = it.accountId)
return otherMapping
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class QRCodeActivity : PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity() {
private fun Tabs(sessionId: String, errors: Flow<String>, onScan: (String) -> Unit) {
private fun Tabs(accountId: String, errors: Flow<String>, onScan: (String) -> Unit) {
val pagerState = rememberPagerState { TITLES.size }
Column {
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ private fun Tabs(sessionId: String, errors: Flow<String>, onScan: (String) -> Un
modifier = Modifier.weight(1f)
) { page ->
when (TITLES[page]) {
R.string.view -> QrPage(sessionId)
R.string.view -> QrPage(accountId)
R.string.scan -> MaybeScanQrCode(errors, onScan = onScan)
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ class DefaultConversationRepository @Inject constructor(
override suspend fun banAndDeleteAll(threadId: Long, recipient: Recipient): ResultOf<Unit> =
suspendCoroutine { continuation ->
// Note: This sessionId could be the blinded Id
// Note: This accountId could be the blinded Id
val accountID = recipient.address.toString()
val openGroup = lokiThreadDb.getOpenGroupChat(threadId)!!
@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ class ProfileManager(private val context: Context, private val configFactory: Co
override fun contactUpdatedInternal(contact: Contact): String? {
val contactConfig = configFactory.contacts ?: return null
if (contact.accountID == TextSecurePreferences.getLocalNumber(context)) return null
val sessionId = AccountId(contact.accountID)
if (sessionId.prefix != IdPrefix.STANDARD) return null // only internally store standard session IDs
val accountId = AccountId(contact.accountID)
if (accountId.prefix != IdPrefix.STANDARD) return null // only internally store standard account IDs
contactConfig.upsertContact(contact.accountID) {
this.name = contact.name.orEmpty()
this.nickname = contact.nickname.orEmpty()
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ object ConfigurationMessageUtilities {
val admins = group.admins.map { it.serialize() to true }.toMap()
val members = group.members.filterNot { it.serialize() !in admins.keys }.map { it.serialize() to false }.toMap()
sessionId = groupPublicKey,
accountId = groupPublicKey,
name = group.title,
members = admins + members,
priority = if (isPinned) ConfigBase.PRIORITY_PINNED else ConfigBase.PRIORITY_VISIBLE,
@ -566,7 +566,7 @@
<string name="activity_create_private_chat_scan_qr_code_explanation">Scannen Sie den QR-Code eines Benutzers, um eine Session zu starten. QR-Codes finden Sie, indem Sie in den Einstellungen auf das QR-Code-Symbol tippen.</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_edit_text_hint">Sitzungs-ID oder ONS-Name eingeben</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_explanation">Benutzer können ihre Account ID freigeben, indem sie in ihren Einstellungen auf \"Account ID freigeben\" tippen oder ihren QR-Code freigeben.</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_error_message">Bitte überprüfe die Session-ID oder den ONS-Namen und versuche es erneut.</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_error_message">Bitte überprüfe die Account-ID oder den ONS-Namen und versuche es erneut.</string>
<string name="fragment_scan_qr_code_camera_access_explanation">Session benötigt Kamerazugriff, um die QR-Codes scannen zu können.</string>
<string name="fragment_scan_qr_code_grant_camera_access_button_title">Kamerazugriff gewähren</string>
<string name="activity_create_closed_group_title">Neue geschlossene Gruppe</string>
@ -638,7 +638,7 @@
<string name="dialog_ui_mode_option_day">Tag</string>
<string name="dialog_ui_mode_option_night">Nacht</string>
<string name="dialog_ui_mode_option_system_default">Systemstandard</string>
<string name="activity_conversation_menu_copy_account_id">Session-ID kopieren</string>
<string name="activity_conversation_menu_copy_account_id">Account-ID kopieren</string>
<string name="attachment">Anhang</string>
<string name="attachment_type_voice_message">Sprachnachricht</string>
<string name="details">Details</string>
@ -566,7 +566,7 @@
<string name="activity_create_private_chat_scan_qr_code_explanation">Scannen Sie den QR-Code eines Benutzers, um eine Session zu starten. QR-Codes finden Sie, indem Sie in den Einstellungen auf das QR-Code-Symbol tippen.</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_edit_text_hint">Sitzungs-ID oder ONS-Name eingeben</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_explanation">Benutzer können ihre Account ID freigeben, indem sie in ihren Einstellungen auf \"Account ID freigeben\" tippen oder ihren QR-Code freigeben.</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_error_message">Bitte überprüfe die Session-ID oder den ONS-Namen und versuche es erneut.</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_error_message">Bitte überprüfe die Account-ID oder den ONS-Namen und versuche es erneut.</string>
<string name="fragment_scan_qr_code_camera_access_explanation">Session benötigt Kamerazugriff, um die QR-Codes scannen zu können.</string>
<string name="fragment_scan_qr_code_grant_camera_access_button_title">Kamerazugriff gewähren</string>
<string name="activity_create_closed_group_title">Neue geschlossene Gruppe</string>
@ -638,7 +638,7 @@
<string name="dialog_ui_mode_option_day">Tag</string>
<string name="dialog_ui_mode_option_night">Nacht</string>
<string name="dialog_ui_mode_option_system_default">Systemstandard</string>
<string name="activity_conversation_menu_copy_account_id">Session-ID kopieren</string>
<string name="activity_conversation_menu_copy_account_id">Account-ID kopieren</string>
<string name="attachment">Anhang</string>
<string name="attachment_type_voice_message">Sprachnachricht</string>
<string name="details">Details</string>
@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ nøkkelutvekslingsmelding.</string>
<string name="activity_home_delete_conversation_dialog_message">Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne samtalen?</string>
<string name="activity_home_conversation_deleted_message">Samtalen slettet</string>
<string name="view_seed_reminder_subtitle_1">Sikre kontoen din ved å lagre din gjenopprettingsfrase</string>
<string name="view_seed_reminder_subtitle_2">Trykk og hold inne de overflødige ordene for å hente gjenopprettingsfrasen din, og lagre den trygt å sikre din Session-ID.</string>
<string name="view_seed_reminder_subtitle_2">Trykk og hold inne de overflødige ordene for å hente gjenopprettingsfrasen din, og lagre den trygt å sikre din Account-ID.</string>
<string name="view_seed_reminder_subtitle_3">Pass på å lagre gjenopprettingsfrasen på et sikkert sted</string>
<string name="activity_path_title">Bane</string>
<string name="activity_path_explanation">Session skjuler din IP ved å laste ned meldingene dine gjennom flere Service Noder i Sessions desentraliserte nettverk. Disse er landene som koblingen din for øyeblikket blir kontaktet gjennom:</string>
@ -565,9 +565,9 @@ nøkkelutvekslingsmelding.</string>
<string name="activity_create_private_chat_enter_account_id_tab_title">Skriv inn Account ID</string>
<string name="activity_create_private_chat_scan_qr_code_tab_title">Skann QR-kode</string>
<string name="activity_create_private_chat_scan_qr_code_explanation">Skann en brukers QR-kode for å starte en økt. QR-koder finnes ved å trykke på QR-koden i kontoinnstillingene.</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_edit_text_hint">Angi Session-ID eller ONS-navn</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_explanation">Brukere kan dele sin Session-ID ved å gå inn i sine kontoinnstillinger og trykke på \"Del Session-ID\", eller ved å dele sin QR-kode.</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_error_message">Vennligst sjekk Session-ID\'en eller ONS-navnet og prøv igjen.</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_edit_text_hint">Angi Account-ID eller ONS-navn</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_explanation">Brukere kan dele sin Account-ID ved å gå inn i sine kontoinnstillinger og trykke på \"Del Account-ID\", eller ved å dele sin QR-kode.</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_error_message">Vennligst sjekk Account-ID\'en eller ONS-navnet og prøv igjen.</string>
<string name="fragment_scan_qr_code_camera_access_explanation">Session trenger kameratilgang for å skanne QR-koder</string>
<string name="fragment_scan_qr_code_grant_camera_access_button_title">Gi kameratilgang</string>
<string name="activity_create_closed_group_title">Ny lukket gruppe</string>
@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ nøkkelutvekslingsmelding.</string>
<string name="dialog_ui_mode_option_day">Dag</string>
<string name="dialog_ui_mode_option_night">Natt</string>
<string name="dialog_ui_mode_option_system_default">Systemstandard</string>
<string name="activity_conversation_menu_copy_account_id">Kopier Session-ID</string>
<string name="activity_conversation_menu_copy_account_id">Kopier Account-ID</string>
<string name="attachment">Vedlegg</string>
<string name="attachment_type_voice_message">Talemelding</string>
<string name="details">Detaljer</string>
@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ nøkkelutvekslingsmelding.</string>
<string name="activity_home_delete_conversation_dialog_message">Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne samtalen?</string>
<string name="activity_home_conversation_deleted_message">Samtalen slettet</string>
<string name="view_seed_reminder_subtitle_1">Sikre kontoen din ved å lagre din gjenopprettingsfrase</string>
<string name="view_seed_reminder_subtitle_2">Trykk og hold inne de overflødige ordene for å hente gjenopprettingsfrasen din, og lagre den trygt å sikre din Session-ID.</string>
<string name="view_seed_reminder_subtitle_2">Trykk og hold inne de overflødige ordene for å hente gjenopprettingsfrasen din, og lagre den trygt å sikre din Account-ID.</string>
<string name="view_seed_reminder_subtitle_3">Pass på å lagre gjenopprettingsfrasen på et sikkert sted</string>
<string name="activity_path_title">Bane</string>
<string name="activity_path_explanation">Session skjuler din IP ved å laste ned meldingene dine gjennom flere Service Noder i Sessions desentraliserte nettverk. Disse er landene som koblingen din for øyeblikket blir kontaktet gjennom:</string>
@ -565,9 +565,9 @@ nøkkelutvekslingsmelding.</string>
<string name="activity_create_private_chat_enter_account_id_tab_title">Skriv inn Account ID</string>
<string name="activity_create_private_chat_scan_qr_code_tab_title">Skann QR-kode</string>
<string name="activity_create_private_chat_scan_qr_code_explanation">Skann en brukers QR-kode for å starte en økt. QR-koder finnes ved å trykke på QR-koden i kontoinnstillingene.</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_edit_text_hint">Angi Session-ID eller ONS-navn</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_explanation">Brukere kan dele sin Session-ID ved å gå inn i sine kontoinnstillinger og trykke på \"Del Session-ID\", eller ved å dele sin QR-kode.</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_error_message">Vennligst sjekk Session-ID\'en eller ONS-navnet og prøv igjen.</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_edit_text_hint">Angi Account-ID eller ONS-navn</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_explanation">Brukere kan dele sin Account-ID ved å gå inn i sine kontoinnstillinger og trykke på \"Del Account-ID\", eller ved å dele sin QR-kode.</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_error_message">Vennligst sjekk Account-ID\'en eller ONS-navnet og prøv igjen.</string>
<string name="fragment_scan_qr_code_camera_access_explanation">Session trenger kameratilgang for å skanne QR-koder</string>
<string name="fragment_scan_qr_code_grant_camera_access_button_title">Gi kameratilgang</string>
<string name="activity_create_closed_group_title">Ny lukket gruppe</string>
@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ nøkkelutvekslingsmelding.</string>
<string name="dialog_ui_mode_option_day">Dag</string>
<string name="dialog_ui_mode_option_night">Natt</string>
<string name="dialog_ui_mode_option_system_default">Systemstandard</string>
<string name="activity_conversation_menu_copy_account_id">Kopier Session-ID</string>
<string name="activity_conversation_menu_copy_account_id">Kopier Account-ID</string>
<string name="attachment">Vedlegg</string>
<string name="attachment_type_voice_message">Talemelding</string>
<string name="details">Detaljer</string>
@ -567,7 +567,7 @@
<string name="activity_create_private_chat_scan_qr_code_tab_title">Scan QR-code</string>
<string name="activity_create_private_chat_scan_qr_code_explanation">Scan de QR-code van een gebruiker om een sessie te starten. QR-codes kunnen worden gevonden door op het QR-icoon in de accountinstellingen te tikken.</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_edit_text_hint">Voer uw Account ID of ONS naam in</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_explanation">Gebruikers kunnen hun Session-ID delen door naar hun accountinstellingen te gaan en op \"Deel Session-ID\" te tikken, of door hun QR-code te delen.</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_explanation">Gebruikers kunnen hun Account-ID delen door naar hun accountinstellingen te gaan en op \"Deel Account-ID\" te tikken, of door hun QR-code te delen.</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_error_message">Controleer de sessie-ID of ONS naam en probeer het opnieuw.</string>
<string name="fragment_scan_qr_code_camera_access_explanation">Sessie heeft cameratoegang nodig om QR-codes te scannen</string>
<string name="fragment_scan_qr_code_grant_camera_access_button_title">Toegang tot camera verlenen</string>
@ -567,7 +567,7 @@
<string name="activity_create_private_chat_scan_qr_code_tab_title">Scan QR-code</string>
<string name="activity_create_private_chat_scan_qr_code_explanation">Scan de QR-code van een gebruiker om een sessie te starten. QR-codes kunnen worden gevonden door op het QR-icoon in de accountinstellingen te tikken.</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_edit_text_hint">Voer uw Account ID of ONS naam in</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_explanation">Gebruikers kunnen hun Session-ID delen door naar hun accountinstellingen te gaan en op \"Deel Session-ID\" te tikken, of door hun QR-code te delen.</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_explanation">Gebruikers kunnen hun Account-ID delen door naar hun accountinstellingen te gaan en op \"Deel Account-ID\" te tikken, of door hun QR-code te delen.</string>
<string name="fragment_enter_public_key_error_message">Controleer de sessie-ID of ONS naam en probeer het opnieuw.</string>
<string name="fragment_scan_qr_code_camera_access_explanation">Sessie heeft cameratoegang nodig om QR-codes te scannen</string>
<string name="fragment_scan_qr_code_grant_camera_access_button_title">Toegang tot camera verlenen</string>
@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ för nyckelutbyte!</string>
<string name="activity_home_delete_conversation_dialog_message">Är du säker på att du vill ta bort denna konversation?</string>
<string name="activity_home_conversation_deleted_message">Konversationen har raderats</string>
<string name="view_seed_reminder_subtitle_1">Säkra ditt konto genom att spara din återställningsfras</string>
<string name="view_seed_reminder_subtitle_2">Tryck på och håll ned de dolda orden för att avslöja din återställningsfras och lagra dem på ett säkert sätt för att säkra ditt Session-ID.</string>
<string name="view_seed_reminder_subtitle_2">Tryck på och håll ned de dolda orden för att avslöja din återställningsfras och lagra dem på ett säkert sätt för att säkra ditt Account-ID.</string>
<string name="view_seed_reminder_subtitle_3">Se till att spara din återställningsfras på en säker plats</string>
<string name="activity_path_title">Sökväg</string>
<string name="activity_path_explanation">Session döljer din IP-adress genom att dirigera dina meddelanden genom flera Tjänstnoder i Sessions decentraliserade nätverk. Detta är de länder som din anslutning för närvarande går igenom:</string>
@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ för nyckelutbyte!</string>
<string name="dialog_ui_mode_option_day">Dag</string>
<string name="dialog_ui_mode_option_night">Natt</string>
<string name="dialog_ui_mode_option_system_default">Systemets inställning</string>
<string name="activity_conversation_menu_copy_account_id">Kopiera Session-ID</string>
<string name="activity_conversation_menu_copy_account_id">Kopiera Account-ID</string>
<string name="attachment">Bilaga</string>
<string name="attachment_type_voice_message">Röstmeddelande</string>
<string name="details">Detaljer</string>
@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ för nyckelutbyte!</string>
<string name="activity_home_delete_conversation_dialog_message">Är du säker på att du vill ta bort denna konversation?</string>
<string name="activity_home_conversation_deleted_message">Konversationen har raderats</string>
<string name="view_seed_reminder_subtitle_1">Säkra ditt konto genom att spara din återställningsfras</string>
<string name="view_seed_reminder_subtitle_2">Tryck på och håll ned de dolda orden för att avslöja din återställningsfras och lagra dem på ett säkert sätt för att säkra ditt Session-ID.</string>
<string name="view_seed_reminder_subtitle_2">Tryck på och håll ned de dolda orden för att avslöja din återställningsfras och lagra dem på ett säkert sätt för att säkra ditt Account-ID.</string>
<string name="view_seed_reminder_subtitle_3">Se till att spara din återställningsfras på en säker plats</string>
<string name="activity_path_title">Sökväg</string>
<string name="activity_path_explanation">Session döljer din IP-adress genom att dirigera dina meddelanden genom flera Tjänstnoder i Sessions decentraliserade nätverk. Detta är de länder som din anslutning för närvarande går igenom:</string>
@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ för nyckelutbyte!</string>
<string name="dialog_ui_mode_option_day">Dag</string>
<string name="dialog_ui_mode_option_night">Natt</string>
<string name="dialog_ui_mode_option_system_default">Systemets inställning</string>
<string name="activity_conversation_menu_copy_account_id">Kopiera Session-ID</string>
<string name="activity_conversation_menu_copy_account_id">Kopiera Account-ID</string>
<string name="attachment">Bilaga</string>
<string name="attachment_type_voice_message">Röstmeddelande</string>
<string name="details">Detaljer</string>
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ class InstrumentedTests {
assertEquals(2, convos.sizeOneToOnes())
val numErased = convos.eraseAll { convo ->
convo is Conversation.OneToOne && convo.sessionId == definitelyRealId
convo is Conversation.OneToOne && convo.accountId == definitelyRealId
assertEquals(1, numErased)
assertEquals(1, convos.sizeOneToOnes())
@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ class InstrumentedTests {
val c = convos.getOrConstructOneToOne(definitelyRealId)
assertEquals(definitelyRealId, c.sessionId)
assertEquals(definitelyRealId, c.accountId)
assertEquals(0, c.lastRead)
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ class InstrumentedTests {
val x1 = convos2.getOneToOne(definitelyRealId)!!
assertEquals(nowMs, x1.lastRead)
assertEquals(definitelyRealId, x1.sessionId)
assertEquals(definitelyRealId, x1.accountId)
assertEquals(false, x1.unread)
val x2 = convos2.getCommunity("http://EXAMPLE.org:5678", "sudokuRoom")!!
@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ class InstrumentedTests {
val allConvos = conv.all()
for (convo in allConvos) {
when (convo) {
is Conversation.OneToOne -> seen.add("1-to-1: ${convo.sessionId}")
is Conversation.OneToOne -> seen.add("1-to-1: ${convo.accountId}")
is Conversation.Community -> seen.add("og: ${convo.baseCommunityInfo.baseUrl}/r/${convo.baseCommunityInfo.room}")
is Conversation.LegacyGroup -> seen.add("cl: ${convo.groupId}")
@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ class InstrumentedTests {
assertEquals(1, convos.allOneToOnes().size)
assertEquals(1, convos.allCommunities().size)
@ -5,15 +5,15 @@
extern "C"
Java_network_loki_messenger_libsession_1util_Contacts_get(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz,
jstring session_id) {
jstring account_id) {
// If an exception is thrown, return nullptr
return jni_utils::run_catching_cxx_exception_or<jobject>(
[=]() -> jobject {
std::lock_guard lock{util::util_mutex_};
auto contacts = ptrToContacts(env, thiz);
auto session_id_chars = env->GetStringUTFChars(session_id, nullptr);
auto contact = contacts->get(session_id_chars);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(session_id, session_id_chars);
auto account_id_chars = env->GetStringUTFChars(account_id, nullptr);
auto contact = contacts->get(account_id_chars);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(account_id, account_id_chars);
if (!contact) return nullptr;
jobject j_contact = serialize_contact(env, contact.value());
return j_contact;
@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ Java_network_loki_messenger_libsession_1util_Contacts_get(JNIEnv *env, jobject t
extern "C"
Java_network_loki_messenger_libsession_1util_Contacts_getOrConstruct(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz,
jstring session_id) {
jstring account_id) {
return jni_utils::run_catching_cxx_exception_or_throws<jobject>(env, [=] {
std::lock_guard lock{util::util_mutex_};
auto contacts = ptrToContacts(env, thiz);
auto session_id_chars = env->GetStringUTFChars(session_id, nullptr);
auto contact = contacts->get_or_construct(session_id_chars);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(session_id, session_id_chars);
auto account_id_chars = env->GetStringUTFChars(account_id, nullptr);
auto contact = contacts->get_or_construct(account_id_chars);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(account_id, account_id_chars);
return serialize_contact(env, contact);
@ -51,14 +51,14 @@ Java_network_loki_messenger_libsession_1util_Contacts_set(JNIEnv *env, jobject t
extern "C"
Java_network_loki_messenger_libsession_1util_Contacts_erase(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz,
jstring session_id) {
jstring account_id) {
return jni_utils::run_catching_cxx_exception_or_throws<jboolean>(env, [=] {
std::lock_guard lock{util::util_mutex_};
auto contacts = ptrToContacts(env, thiz);
auto session_id_chars = env->GetStringUTFChars(session_id, nullptr);
auto account_id_chars = env->GetStringUTFChars(account_id, nullptr);
bool result = contacts->erase(session_id_chars);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(session_id, session_id_chars);
bool result = contacts->erase(account_id_chars);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(account_id, account_id_chars);
return result;
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ inline session::config::contact_info deserialize_contact(JNIEnv *env, jobject in
getPriority = env->GetFieldID(contactClass, "priority", "I");
getExpiry = env->GetFieldID(contactClass, "expiryMode", "Lnetwork/loki/messenger/libsession_util/util/ExpiryMode;");
jstring name, nickname, session_id;
session_id = static_cast<jstring>(env->GetObjectField(info, getId));
jstring name, nickname, account_id;
account_id = static_cast<jstring>(env->GetObjectField(info, getId));
name = static_cast<jstring>(env->GetObjectField(info, getName));
nickname = static_cast<jstring>(env->GetObjectField(info, getNick));
bool approved, approvedMe, blocked, hidden;
@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ inline session::config::contact_info deserialize_contact(JNIEnv *env, jobject in
key = util::ustring_from_bytes(env, deserialized_pic.second);
auto session_id_bytes = env->GetStringUTFChars(session_id, nullptr);
auto account_id_bytes = env->GetStringUTFChars(account_id, nullptr);
auto name_bytes = name ? env->GetStringUTFChars(name, nullptr) : nullptr;
auto nickname_bytes = nickname ? env->GetStringUTFChars(nickname, nullptr) : nullptr;
auto contact_info = conf->get_or_construct(session_id_bytes);
auto contact_info = conf->get_or_construct(account_id_bytes);
if (name_bytes) {
contact_info.name = name_bytes;
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ inline session::config::contact_info deserialize_contact(JNIEnv *env, jobject in
contact_info.profile_picture = session::config::profile_pic();
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(session_id, session_id_bytes);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(account_id, account_id_bytes);
if (name_bytes) {
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(name, name_bytes);
@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ inline session::config::ConvoInfoVolatile *ptrToConvoInfo(JNIEnv *env, jobject o
inline jobject serialize_one_to_one(JNIEnv *env, session::config::convo::one_to_one one_to_one) {
jclass clazz = env->FindClass("network/loki/messenger/libsession_util/util/Conversation$OneToOne");
jmethodID constructor = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;JZ)V");
auto session_id = env->NewStringUTF(one_to_one.session_id.data());
auto account_id = env->NewStringUTF(one_to_one.session_id.data());
auto last_read = one_to_one.last_read;
auto unread = one_to_one.unread;
jobject serialized = env->NewObject(clazz, constructor, session_id, last_read, unread);
jobject serialized = env->NewObject(clazz, constructor, account_id, last_read, unread);
return serialized;
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ inline jobject serialize_any(JNIEnv *env, session::config::convo::any any) {
inline session::config::convo::one_to_one deserialize_one_to_one(JNIEnv *env, jobject info, session::config::ConvoInfoVolatile *conf) {
auto clazz = env->FindClass("network/loki/messenger/libsession_util/util/Conversation$OneToOne");
auto id_getter = env->GetFieldID(clazz, "sessionId", "Ljava/lang/String;");
auto id_getter = env->GetFieldID(clazz, "accountId", "Ljava/lang/String;");
auto last_read_getter = env->GetFieldID(clazz, "lastRead", "J");
auto unread_getter = env->GetFieldID(clazz, "unread", "Z");
jstring id = static_cast<jstring>(env->GetObjectField(info, id_getter));
@ -74,16 +74,16 @@ extern "C"
Java_network_loki_messenger_libsession_1util_UserGroupsConfig_getLegacyGroupInfo(JNIEnv *env,
jobject thiz,
jstring session_id) {
jstring account_id) {
std::lock_guard lock{util::util_mutex_};
auto conf = ptrToUserGroups(env, thiz);
auto id_bytes = env->GetStringUTFChars(session_id, nullptr);
auto id_bytes = env->GetStringUTFChars(account_id, nullptr);
auto legacy_group = conf->get_legacy_group(id_bytes);
jobject return_group = nullptr;
if (legacy_group) {
return_group = serialize_legacy_group_info(env, *legacy_group);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(session_id, id_bytes);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(account_id, id_bytes);
return return_group;
@ -108,12 +108,12 @@ Java_network_loki_messenger_libsession_1util_UserGroupsConfig_getOrConstructComm
extern "C"
JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jstring session_id) {
JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jstring account_id) {
std::lock_guard lock{util::util_mutex_};
auto conf = ptrToUserGroups(env, thiz);
auto id_bytes = env->GetStringUTFChars(session_id, nullptr);
auto id_bytes = env->GetStringUTFChars(account_id, nullptr);
auto group = conf->get_or_construct_legacy_group(id_bytes);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(session_id, id_bytes);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(account_id, id_bytes);
return serialize_legacy_group_info(env, group);
@ -264,11 +264,11 @@ extern "C"
Java_network_loki_messenger_libsession_1util_UserGroupsConfig_eraseLegacyGroup(JNIEnv *env,
jobject thiz,
jstring session_id) {
jstring account_id) {
std::lock_guard lock{util::util_mutex_};
auto conf = ptrToUserGroups(env, thiz);
auto session_id_bytes = env->GetStringUTFChars(session_id, nullptr);
bool return_bool = conf->erase_legacy_group(session_id_bytes);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(session_id, session_id_bytes);
auto account_id_bytes = env->GetStringUTFChars(account_id, nullptr);
bool return_bool = conf->erase_legacy_group(account_id_bytes);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(account_id, account_id_bytes);
return return_bool;
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ inline void deserialize_members_into(JNIEnv *env, jobject members_map, session::
inline session::config::legacy_group_info deserialize_legacy_group_info(JNIEnv *env, jobject info, session::config::UserGroups* conf) {
auto clazz = env->FindClass("network/loki/messenger/libsession_util/util/GroupInfo$LegacyGroupInfo");
auto id_field = env->GetFieldID(clazz, "sessionId", "Ljava/lang/String;");
auto id_field = env->GetFieldID(clazz, "accountId", "Ljava/lang/String;");
auto name_field = env->GetFieldID(clazz, "name", "Ljava/lang/String;");
auto members_field = env->GetFieldID(clazz, "members", "Ljava/util/Map;");
auto enc_pub_key_field = env->GetFieldID(clazz, "encPubKey", "[B");
@ -104,16 +104,16 @@ inline jobject serialize_members(JNIEnv *env, std::map<std::string, bool> member
jobject new_map = env->NewObject(map_class, map_constructor);
for (auto it = members_map.begin(); it != members_map.end(); it++) {
auto session_id = env->NewStringUTF(it->first.data());
auto account_id = env->NewStringUTF(it->first.data());
bool is_admin = it->second;
auto jbool = env->NewObject(boxed_bool, new_bool, is_admin);
env->CallObjectMethod(new_map, insert, session_id, jbool);
env->CallObjectMethod(new_map, insert, account_id, jbool);
return new_map;
inline jobject serialize_legacy_group_info(JNIEnv *env, session::config::legacy_group_info info) {
jstring session_id = env->NewStringUTF(info.session_id.data());
jstring account_id = env->NewStringUTF(info.session_id.data());
jstring name = env->NewStringUTF(info.name.data());
jobject members = serialize_members(env, info.members());
jbyteArray enc_pubkey = util::bytes_from_ustring(env, info.enc_pubkey);
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ inline jobject serialize_legacy_group_info(JNIEnv *env, session::config::legacy_
jclass legacy_group_class = env->FindClass("network/loki/messenger/libsession_util/util/GroupInfo$LegacyGroupInfo");
jmethodID constructor = env->GetMethodID(legacy_group_class, "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Map;[B[BIJJ)V");
jobject serialized = env->NewObject(legacy_group_class, constructor, session_id, name, members, enc_pubkey, enc_seckey, priority, (jlong) info.disappearing_timer.count(), joined_at);
jobject serialized = env->NewObject(legacy_group_class, constructor, account_id, name, members, enc_pubkey, enc_seckey, priority, (jlong) info.disappearing_timer.count(), joined_at);
return serialized;
@ -61,49 +61,41 @@ class Contacts(pointer: Long) : ConfigBase(pointer) {
external fun newInstance(ed25519SecretKey: ByteArray, initialDump: ByteArray): Contacts
external fun get(sessionId: String): Contact?
external fun getOrConstruct(sessionId: String): Contact
external fun get(accountId: String): Contact?
external fun getOrConstruct(accountId: String): Contact
external fun all(): List<Contact>
external fun set(contact: Contact)
external fun erase(sessionId: String): Boolean
external fun erase(accountId: String): Boolean
* Similar to [updateIfExists], but will create the underlying contact if it doesn't exist before passing to [updateFunction]
fun upsertContact(sessionId: String, updateFunction: Contact.()->Unit = {}) {
if (sessionId.startsWith(IdPrefix.BLINDED.value)) {
Log.w("Loki", "Trying to create a contact with a blinded ID prefix")
} else if (sessionId.startsWith(IdPrefix.UN_BLINDED.value)) {
Log.w("Loki", "Trying to create a contact with an un-blinded ID prefix")
} else if (sessionId.startsWith(IdPrefix.BLINDEDV2.value)) {
Log.w("Loki", "Trying to create a contact with a blindedv2 ID prefix")
fun upsertContact(accountId: String, updateFunction: Contact.()->Unit = {}) {
when {
accountId.startsWith(IdPrefix.BLINDED.value) -> Log.w("Loki", "Trying to create a contact with a blinded ID prefix")
accountId.startsWith(IdPrefix.UN_BLINDED.value) -> Log.w("Loki", "Trying to create a contact with an un-blinded ID prefix")
accountId.startsWith(IdPrefix.BLINDEDV2.value) -> Log.w("Loki", "Trying to create a contact with a blindedv2 ID prefix")
else -> getOrConstruct(accountId).let {
val contact = getOrConstruct(sessionId)
* Updates the contact by sessionId with a given [updateFunction], and applies to the underlying config.
* Updates the contact by accountId with a given [updateFunction], and applies to the underlying config.
* the [updateFunction] doesn't run if there is no contact
fun updateIfExists(sessionId: String, updateFunction: Contact.()->Unit) {
if (sessionId.startsWith(IdPrefix.BLINDED.value)) {
Log.w("Loki", "Trying to create a contact with a blinded ID prefix")
} else if (sessionId.startsWith(IdPrefix.UN_BLINDED.value)) {
Log.w("Loki", "Trying to create a contact with an un-blinded ID prefix")
} else if (sessionId.startsWith(IdPrefix.BLINDEDV2.value)) {
Log.w("Loki", "Trying to create a contact with a blindedv2 ID prefix")
private fun updateIfExists(accountId: String, updateFunction: Contact.()->Unit) {
when {
accountId.startsWith(IdPrefix.BLINDED.value) -> Log.w("Loki", "Trying to create a contact with a blinded ID prefix")
accountId.startsWith(IdPrefix.UN_BLINDED.value) -> Log.w("Loki", "Trying to create a contact with an un-blinded ID prefix")
accountId.startsWith(IdPrefix.BLINDEDV2.value) -> Log.w("Loki", "Trying to create a contact with a blindedv2 ID prefix")
else -> get(accountId)?.let {
val contact = get(sessionId) ?: return
@ -184,14 +176,14 @@ class UserGroupsConfig(pointer: Long): ConfigBase(pointer) {
external fun getCommunityInfo(baseUrl: String, room: String): GroupInfo.CommunityGroupInfo?
external fun getLegacyGroupInfo(sessionId: String): GroupInfo.LegacyGroupInfo?
external fun getLegacyGroupInfo(accountId: String): GroupInfo.LegacyGroupInfo?
external fun getOrConstructCommunityInfo(baseUrl: String, room: String, pubKeyHex: String): GroupInfo.CommunityGroupInfo
external fun getOrConstructLegacyGroupInfo(sessionId: String): GroupInfo.LegacyGroupInfo
external fun getOrConstructLegacyGroupInfo(accountId: String): GroupInfo.LegacyGroupInfo
external fun set(groupInfo: GroupInfo)
external fun erase(communityInfo: GroupInfo)
external fun eraseCommunity(baseCommunityInfo: BaseCommunityInfo): Boolean
external fun eraseCommunity(server: String, room: String): Boolean
external fun eraseLegacyGroup(sessionId: String): Boolean
external fun eraseLegacyGroup(accountId: String): Boolean
external fun sizeCommunityInfo(): Int
external fun sizeLegacyGroupInfo(): Int
external fun size(): Int
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ sealed class Conversation {
abstract var unread: Boolean
data class OneToOne(
val sessionId: String,
val accountId: String,
override var lastRead: Long,
override var unread: Boolean
): Conversation()
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sealed class GroupInfo {
data class CommunityGroupInfo(val community: BaseCommunityInfo, val priority: Int) : GroupInfo()
data class LegacyGroupInfo(
val sessionId: String,
val accountId: String,
val name: String,
val members: Map<String, Boolean>,
val encPubKey: ByteArray,
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ sealed class GroupInfo {
other as LegacyGroupInfo
if (sessionId != other.sessionId) return false
if (accountId != other.accountId) return false
if (name != other.name) return false
if (members != other.members) return false
if (!encPubKey.contentEquals(other.encPubKey)) return false
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ sealed class GroupInfo {
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = sessionId.hashCode()
var result = accountId.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + name.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + members.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + encPubKey.contentHashCode()
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package org.session.libsession.messaging
data class BlindedIdMapping(
val blindedId: String,
val sessionId: String?,
val accountId: String?,
val serverUrl: String,
val serverId: String
@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ sealed class Endpoint(val value: String) {
data class RoomMessagesSince(val roomToken: String, val seqNo: Long) :
data class RoomDeleteMessages(val roomToken: String, val sessionId: String) :
data class RoomDeleteMessages(val roomToken: String, val accountId: String) :
data class Reactors(val roomToken: String, val messageId: Long, val emoji: String):
@ -67,15 +67,15 @@ sealed class Endpoint(val value: String) {
object Inbox : Endpoint("inbox")
data class InboxSince(val id: Long) : Endpoint("inbox/since/$id")
data class InboxFor(val sessionId: String) : Endpoint("inbox/$sessionId")
data class InboxFor(val accountId: String) : Endpoint("inbox/$accountId")
object Outbox : Endpoint("outbox")
data class OutboxSince(val id: Long) : Endpoint("outbox/since/$id")
// Users
data class UserBan(val sessionId: String) : Endpoint("user/$sessionId/ban")
data class UserUnban(val sessionId: String) : Endpoint("user/$sessionId/unban")
data class UserModerator(val sessionId: String) : Endpoint("user/$sessionId/moderator")
data class UserBan(val accountId: String) : Endpoint("user/$accountId/ban")
data class UserUnban(val accountId: String) : Endpoint("user/$accountId/unban")
data class UserModerator(val accountId: String) : Endpoint("user/$accountId/moderator")
@ -6,18 +6,13 @@ import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.PropertyNamingStrategy
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonNaming
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.TypeFactory
import com.goterl.lazysodium.LazySodiumAndroid
import com.goterl.lazysodium.SodiumAndroid
import com.goterl.lazysodium.interfaces.GenericHash
import com.goterl.lazysodium.interfaces.Sign
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableSharedFlow
import nl.komponents.kovenant.Promise
import nl.komponents.kovenant.functional.map
import okhttp3.Headers
import okhttp3.Headers.Companion.toHeaders
import okhttp3.HttpUrl
import okhttp3.HttpUrl.Companion.toHttpUrlOrNull
import okhttp3.MediaType
import okhttp3.MediaType.Companion.toMediaType
import okhttp3.RequestBody
import org.session.libsession.messaging.MessagingModuleConfiguration
@ -203,7 +198,7 @@ object OpenGroupApi {
data class Message(
val id : Long = 0,
val sessionId: String = "",
val accountId: String = "",
val posted: Double = 0.0,
val edited: Long = 0,
val seqno: Long = 0,
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
data class SubscriptionRequest(
/** the 33-byte account being subscribed to; typically a session ID */
/** the 33-byte account being subscribed to; typically an account ID */
val pubkey: String,
/** when the pubkey starts with 05 (i.e. a session ID) this is the ed25519 32-byte pubkey associated with the session ID */
/** when the pubkey starts with 05 (i.e. an account ID) this is the ed25519 32-byte pubkey associated with the account ID */
val session_ed25519: String?,
/** 32-byte swarm authentication subkey; omitted (or null) when not using subkey auth (new closed groups) */
val subkey_tag: String? = null,
@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ data class SubscriptionRequest(
data class UnsubscriptionRequest(
/** the 33-byte account being subscribed to; typically a session ID */
/** the 33-byte account being subscribed to; typically a account ID */
val pubkey: String,
/** when the pubkey starts with 05 (i.e. a session ID) this is the ed25519 32-byte pubkey associated with the session ID */
/** when the pubkey starts with 05 (i.e. an account ID) this is the ed25519 32-byte pubkey associated with the account ID */
val session_ed25519: String?,
/** 32-byte swarm authentication subkey; omitted (or null) when not using subkey auth (new closed groups) */
val subkey_tag: String? = null,
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ class OpenGroupPoller(private val server: String, private val executorService: S
handleNewMessages(server, roomToken, additions.map {
serverID = it.id,
sender = it.sessionId,
sender = it.accountId,
sentTimestamp = (it.posted * 1000).toLong(),
base64EncodedData = it.data,
base64EncodedSignature = it.signature,
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ class OpenGroupPoller(private val server: String, private val executorService: S
val syncTarget = mapping.sessionId ?: it.recipient
val syncTarget = mapping.accountId ?: it.recipient
if (message is VisibleMessage) {
message.syncTarget = syncTarget
} else if (message is ExpirationTimerUpdate) {
@ -159,22 +159,22 @@ object SodiumUtilities {
} else null
/* This method should be used to check if a users standard sessionId matches a blinded one */
fun sessionId(
/* This method should be used to check if a users standard accountId matches a blinded one */
fun accountId(
standardAccountId: String,
blindedAccountId: String,
serverPublicKey: String
): Boolean {
// Only support generating blinded keys for standard session ids
val sessionId = AccountId(standardAccountId)
if (sessionId.prefix != IdPrefix.STANDARD) return false
// Only support generating blinded keys for standard account ids
val accountId = AccountId(standardAccountId)
if (accountId.prefix != IdPrefix.STANDARD) return false
val blindedId = AccountId(blindedAccountId)
if (blindedId.prefix != IdPrefix.BLINDED) return false
val k = generateBlindingFactor(serverPublicKey) ?: return false
// From the session id (ignoring 05 prefix) we have two possible ed25519 pubkeys;
// From the account id (ignoring 05 prefix) we have two possible ed25519 pubkeys;
// the first is the positive (which is what Signal's XEd25519 conversion always uses)
val xEd25519Key = curve.convertToEd25519PublicKey(Key.fromHexString(sessionId.publicKey).asBytes)
val xEd25519Key = curve.convertToEd25519PublicKey(Key.fromHexString(accountId.publicKey).asBytes)
// Blind the positive public key
val pk1 = combineKeys(k, xEd25519Key) ?: return false
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ object GroupUtil {
fun getEncodedOpenGroupInboxID(openGroup: OpenGroup, sessionId: AccountId): Address {
fun getEncodedOpenGroupInboxID(openGroup: OpenGroup, accountId: AccountId): Address {
val openGroupInboxId =
return getEncodedOpenGroupInboxID(openGroupInboxId)
@ -511,11 +511,11 @@ public class Recipient implements RecipientModifiedListener {
public synchronized String toShortString() {
String name = getName();
if (name != null) return name;
String sessionId = address.serialize();
if (sessionId.length() < 4) return sessionId; // so substrings don't throw out of bounds exceptions
String accountId = address.serialize();
if (accountId.length() < 4) return accountId; // so substrings don't throw out of bounds exceptions
int takeAmount = 4;
String start = sessionId.substring(0, takeAmount);
String end = sessionId.substring(sessionId.length()-takeAmount);
String start = accountId.substring(0, takeAmount);
String end = accountId.substring(accountId.length()-takeAmount);
return start+"..."+end;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user