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synced 2025-03-13 21:30:56 +00:00
Move MnemonicCodec to core
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.loki
import android.content.Context
import java.util.zip.CRC32
class MnemonicCodec(val context: Context) {
class Language(val context: Context, val configuration: Configuration) {
data class Configuration(val filename: String, val prefixLength: Int) {
companion object {
val english = Configuration("english", 3)
val japanese = Configuration("japanese", 3)
val portuguese = Configuration("portuguese", 4)
val spanish = Configuration("spanish", 4)
companion object {
val wordSetCache = mutableMapOf<Language, List<String>>()
val truncatedWordSetCache = mutableMapOf<Language, List<String>>()
fun loadWordSet(): List<String> {
val cachedResult = wordSetCache[this]
return if (cachedResult != null) {
} else {
val contents = context.assets.open(configuration.filename + ".txt").bufferedReader().readLine()
val result = contents.split(",")
wordSetCache[this] = result
fun loadTruncatedWordSet(): List<String> {
val cachedResult = wordSetCache[this]
return if (cachedResult != null) {
} else {
val prefixLength = configuration.prefixLength
val result = loadWordSet().map { it.substring(0 until prefixLength) }
truncatedWordSetCache[this] = result
sealed class DecodingError(val description: String) : Error() {
object Generic : DecodingError("Something went wrong. Please check your mnemonic and try again.")
object InputTooShort : DecodingError("Looks like you didn't enter enough words. Please check your mnemonic and try again.")
object MissingLastWord : DecodingError("You seem to be missing the last word of your mnemonic. Please check what you entered and try again.")
object InvalidWord : DecodingError("There appears to be an invalid word in your mnemonic. Please check what you entered and try again.")
object VerificationFailed : DecodingError("Your mnemonic couldn't be verified. Please check what you entered and try again.")
fun encode(hexEncodedString: String, languageConfiguration: Language.Configuration = Language.Configuration.english): String {
var string = hexEncodedString
val language = Language(context, languageConfiguration)
val wordSet = language.loadWordSet()
val prefixLength = languageConfiguration.prefixLength
val result = mutableListOf<String>()
val n = wordSet.size
val characterCount = string.length
for (chunkStartIndex in 0 until characterCount step 2) {
val chunkEndIndex = chunkStartIndex + 8
val p1 = string.substring(0 until chunkStartIndex)
val p2 = swap(string.substring(chunkStartIndex until chunkEndIndex))
val p3 = string.substring(chunkEndIndex until characterCount)
string = p1 + p2 + p3
for (chunkStartIndex in 0 until characterCount step 2) {
val chunkEndIndex = chunkStartIndex + 8
val x = string.substring(chunkStartIndex until chunkEndIndex).toInt(16)
val w1 = x % n
val w2 = ((x / n) + w1) % n
val w3 = (((x / n) / n) + w2) % n
result += listOf ( wordSet[w1], wordSet[w2], wordSet[w3] )
val checksumIndex = determineChecksumIndex(result, prefixLength)
val checksumWord = result[checksumIndex]
return result.joinToString(" ")
fun decode(mnemonic: String, languageConfiguration: Language.Configuration = Language.Configuration.english): String {
val words = mnemonic.split(" ").toMutableList()
val language = Language(context, languageConfiguration)
val truncatedWordSet = language.loadTruncatedWordSet()
val prefixLength = languageConfiguration.prefixLength
var result = ""
val n = truncatedWordSet.size
// Check preconditions
if (words.size < 12) { throw DecodingError.InputTooShort }
if (words.size % 3 != 0) { throw DecodingError.MissingLastWord }
// Get checksum word
val checksumWord = words.removeAt(words.lastIndex)
// Decode
for (chunkStartIndex in 0 until words.size step 3) {
try {
val w1 = truncatedWordSet.indexOf(words[chunkStartIndex].substring(0 until prefixLength))
val w2 = truncatedWordSet.indexOf(words[chunkStartIndex + 1].substring(0 until prefixLength))
val w3 = truncatedWordSet.indexOf(words[chunkStartIndex + 2].substring(0 until prefixLength))
val x = w1 + n * ((n - w1 + w2) % n) + n * n * ((n - w2 + w3) % n)
if (x % n != w1) { throw DecodingError.Generic }
val string = "0000000" + x.toString(16)
result += swap(string.substring(string.lastIndex - 8 until string.lastIndex))
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw DecodingError.InvalidWord
// Verify checksum
val checksumIndex = determineChecksumIndex(words, prefixLength)
val expectedChecksumWord = words[checksumIndex]
if (expectedChecksumWord.substring(0 until prefixLength) != checksumWord.substring(0 until prefixLength)) { throw DecodingError.VerificationFailed }
// Return
return result
private fun swap(x: String): String {
val p1 = x.substring(6 until 8)
val p2 = x.substring(4 until 6)
val p3 = x.substring(2 until 4)
val p4 = x.substring(0 until 2)
return p1 + p2 + p3 + p4
private fun determineChecksumIndex(x: List<String>, prefixLength: Int): Int {
val bytes = x.joinToString { it.substring(0 until prefixLength) }.toByteArray()
val crc32 = CRC32()
val checksum = crc32.value
return checksum.toInt() % x.size
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