mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 14:50:50 +00:00
feat: finishing up OpenGroupAPIV2.kt calls
This commit is contained in:
@ -314,15 +314,19 @@ class Storage(context: Context, helper: SQLCipherOpenHelper) : Database(context,
override fun getLastDeletionServerId(room: String, server: String): Long? {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
return DatabaseFactory.getLokiAPIDatabase(context).getLastDeletionServerID(room, server)
override fun setLastDeletionServerId(room: String, server: String, newValue: Long) {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
DatabaseFactory.getLokiAPIDatabase(context).setLastDeletionServerID(room, server, newValue)
override fun removeLastDeletionServerId(room: String, server: String) {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
DatabaseFactory.getLokiAPIDatabase(context).removeLastDeletionServerID(room, server)
override fun setUserCount(room: String, server: String, newValue: Long) {
DatabaseFactory.getLokiAPIDatabase(context).setUserCount(room, server, newValue)
override fun getLastDeletionServerID(group: Long, server: String): Long? {
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ class LokiAPIDatabase(context: Context, helper: SQLCipherOpenHelper) : Database(
fun removeLastMessageServerID(room: String, server:String) {
val database = databaseHelper.writableDatabase
val index = "$server.$channel"
val index = "$server.$room"
database.delete(lastMessageServerIDTable, "$lastMessageServerIDTableIndex = ?", wrap(index))
@ -350,6 +350,12 @@ class LokiAPIDatabase(context: Context, helper: SQLCipherOpenHelper) : Database(
database.insertOrUpdate(lastDeletionServerIDTable, row, "$lastDeletionServerIDTableIndex = ?", wrap(index))
fun removeLastDeletionServerID(room: String, server: String) {
val database = databaseHelper.writableDatabase
val index = "$server.$room"
database.delete(lastDeletionServerIDTable, "$lastDeletionServerID = ?", wrap(index))
fun removeLastDeletionServerID(group: Long, server: String) {
val database = databaseHelper.writableDatabase
val index = "$server.$group"
@ -379,7 +385,7 @@ class LokiAPIDatabase(context: Context, helper: SQLCipherOpenHelper) : Database(
database.insertOrUpdate(userCountTable, row, "$publicChatID = ?", wrap(index))
override fun setUserCount(room: String, server: String, newValue: Int) {
override fun setUserCount(room: String, server: String, newValue: Long) {
val database = databaseHelper.writableDatabase
val index = "$server.$room"
val row = wrap(mapOf( publicChatID to index, userCount to newValue.toString() ))
@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ interface StorageProtocol {
fun updateTitle(groupID: String, newValue: String)
fun updateProfilePicture(groupID: String, newValue: ByteArray)
fun setUserCount(room: String, server: String, newValue: Long)
// Last Message Server ID
fun getLastMessageServerId(room: String, server: String): Long?
@ -1,19 +1,36 @@
package org.session.libsession.messaging.opengroups
import nl.komponents.kovenant.Kovenant
import nl.komponents.kovenant.Promise
import nl.komponents.kovenant.functional.bind
import nl.komponents.kovenant.functional.map
import okhttp3.HttpUrl
import okhttp3.MediaType
import okhttp3.RequestBody
import org.session.libsession.messaging.MessagingConfiguration
import org.session.libsession.messaging.opengroups.OpenGroupAPIV2.Error
import org.session.libsession.snode.OnionRequestAPI
import org.session.libsession.utilities.AESGCM
import org.session.libsignal.service.loki.api.utilities.HTTP
import org.session.libsignal.service.loki.api.utilities.HTTP.Verb.*
import org.session.libsignal.service.loki.utilities.removing05PrefixIfNeeded
import org.session.libsignal.service.loki.utilities.toHexString
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.Base64.*
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.JsonUtil
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.createContext
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.logging.Log
import org.whispersystems.curve25519.Curve25519
import java.util.*
object OpenGroupAPIV2 {
private val moderators: HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Set<String>>> = hashMapOf() // Server URL to (channel ID to set of moderator IDs)
private val moderators: HashMap<String, Set<String>> = hashMapOf() // Server URL to (channel ID to set of moderator IDs)
const val DEFAULT_SERVER = "https://sessionopengroup.com"
const val DEFAULT_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY = "658d29b91892a2389505596b135e76a53db6e11d613a51dbd3d0816adffb231b"
private val sharedContext = Kovenant.createContext()
private val curve = Curve25519.getInstance(Curve25519.BEST)
sealed class Error : Exception() {
object GENERIC : Error()
object PARSING_FAILED : Error()
@ -26,7 +43,7 @@ object OpenGroupAPIV2 {
data class Info(
val id: String,
val name: String,
val imageID: String
val imageID: String?
data class Request(
@ -34,30 +51,67 @@ object OpenGroupAPIV2 {
val room: String?,
val server: String,
val endpoint: String,
val queryParameters: Map<String, String>,
val parameters: Any,
val headers: Map<String, String>,
val isAuthRequired: Boolean,
val queryParameters: Map<String, String> = mapOf(),
val parameters: Any? = null,
val headers: Map<String, String> = mapOf(),
val isAuthRequired: Boolean = true,
// Always `true` under normal circumstances. You might want to disable
// this when running over Lokinet.
val useOnionRouting: Boolean
val useOnionRouting: Boolean = true
private fun send(request: Request): Promise<Any, Exception> {
private fun createBody(parameters: Any): RequestBody {
val parametersAsJSON = JsonUtil.toJson(parameters)
return RequestBody.create(MediaType.get("application/json"), parametersAsJSON)
private fun send(request: Request): Promise<Map<*,*>, Exception> {
val parsed = HttpUrl.parse(request.server) ?: return Promise.ofFail(Error.INVALID_URL)
val urlBuilder = HttpUrl.Builder()
for ((key, value) in request.queryParameters) {
urlBuilder.addQueryParameter(key, value)
if (request.verb == GET) {
for ((key, value) in request.queryParameters) {
urlBuilder.addQueryParameter(key, value)
fun execute(token: String?): Promise<Map<*, *>, Exception> {
val requestBuilder = okhttp3.Request.Builder()
if (request.isAuthRequired) {
if (token.isNullOrEmpty()) throw IllegalStateException("No auth token for request")
requestBuilder.addHeader("Authorization", token)
when (request.verb) {
GET -> requestBuilder.get()
PUT -> requestBuilder.put(createBody(request.parameters!!))
POST -> requestBuilder.post(createBody(request.parameters!!))
DELETE -> requestBuilder.delete(createBody(request.parameters!!))
if (!request.room.isNullOrEmpty()) {
requestBuilder.header("Room", request.room)
if (request.useOnionRouting) {
val publicKey = MessagingConfiguration.shared.storage.getOpenGroupPublicKey(request.server)
?: return Promise.ofFail(Error.NO_PUBLIC_KEY)
return OnionRequestAPI.sendOnionRequest(requestBuilder.build(), request.server, publicKey)
.fail { e ->
if (e is OnionRequestAPI.HTTPRequestFailedAtDestinationException
&& e.statusCode == 401) {
} else {
return Promise.ofFail(IllegalStateException("It's currently not allowed to send non onion routed requests."))
return if (request.isAuthRequired) {
getAuthToken(request.room!!, request.server).bind(::execute)
getAuthToken(request.room!!, request.server).bind(sharedContext) { execute(it) }
} else {
@ -69,7 +123,7 @@ object OpenGroupAPIV2 {
} ?: run {
requestNewAuthToken(room, server)
.bind { claimAuthToken(it, room, server) }
.bind(sharedContext) { claimAuthToken(it, room, server) }
.success { authToken ->
storage.setAuthToken(room, server, authToken)
@ -77,75 +131,204 @@ object OpenGroupAPIV2 {
fun requestNewAuthToken(room: String, server: String): Promise<String, Exception> {
val (publicKey, _) = MessagingConfiguration.shared.storage.getUserKeyPair()
val (publicKey, privateKey) = MessagingConfiguration.shared.storage.getUserKeyPair()
?: return Promise.ofFail(Error.GENERIC)
val queryParameters = mutableMapOf("public_key" to publicKey)
val request = Request(GET, room, server, "auth_token_challenge", queryParameters, isAuthRequired = false, parameters = null)
return send(request).map(sharedContext) { json ->
val challenge = json["challenge"] as? Map<*,*> ?: throw Error.PARSING_FAILED
val base64EncodedCiphertext = challenge["ciphertext"] as? String ?: throw Error.PARSING_FAILED
val base64EncodedEphemeralPublicKey = challenge["ephemeral_public_key"] as? String ?: throw Error.PARSING_FAILED
val ciphertext = decode(base64EncodedCiphertext)
val ephemeralPublicKey = decode(base64EncodedEphemeralPublicKey)
val symmetricKey = AESGCM.generateSymmetricKey(ephemeralPublicKey, privateKey)
val tokenAsData = try {
AESGCM.decrypt(ciphertext, symmetricKey)
} catch (e: Exception) {
fun claimAuthToken(authToken: String, room: String, server: String): Promise<String, Exception> {
val parameters = mapOf("public_key" to MessagingConfiguration.shared.storage.getUserPublicKey()!!)
val headers = mapOf("Authorization" to authToken)
val request = Request(verb = POST, room = room, server = server, endpoint = "claim_auth_token",
parameters = parameters, headers = headers, isAuthRequired = false)
return send(request).map(sharedContext) { authToken }
fun deleteAuthToken(room: String, server: String): Promise<Long, Exception> {
fun deleteAuthToken(room: String, server: String): Promise<Unit, Exception> {
val request = Request(verb = DELETE, room = room, server = server, endpoint = "auth_token")
return send(request).map(sharedContext) {
MessagingConfiguration.shared.storage.removeAuthToken(room, server)
// region Sending
fun upload(file: ByteArray, room: String, server: String): Promise<Long, Exception> {
val base64EncodedFile = encodeBytes(file)
val parameters = mapOf("file" to base64EncodedFile)
val request = Request(verb = POST, room = room, server = server, endpoint = "files", parameters = parameters)
return send(request).map(sharedContext) { json ->
json["result"] as? Long ?: throw Error.PARSING_FAILED
fun download(file: Long, room: String, server: String): Promise<ByteArray, Exception> {
val request = Request(verb = GET, room = room, server = server, endpoint = "files/$file")
return send(request).map(sharedContext) { json ->
val base64EncodedFile = json["result"] as? String ?: throw Error.PARSING_FAILED
decode(base64EncodedFile) ?: throw Error.PARSING_FAILED
fun send(message: OpenGroupMessageV2, room: String, server: String): Promise<OpenGroupMessageV2, Exception> {
val signedMessage = message.sign() ?: return Promise.ofFail(Error.SIGNING_FAILED)
val json = signedMessage.toJSON()
val request = Request(verb = POST, room = room, server = server, endpoint = "messages", parameters = json)
return send(request).map(sharedContext) {
@Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") val rawMessage = json["message"] as? Map<String,String> ?: throw Error.PARSING_FAILED
OpenGroupMessageV2.fromJSON(rawMessage) ?: throw Error.PARSING_FAILED
// endregion
// region Messages
fun getMessages(room: String, server: String): Promise<List<OpenGroupMessageV2>, Exception> {
val storage = MessagingConfiguration.shared.storage
val queryParameters = mutableMapOf<String,String>()
storage.getLastMessageServerId(room,server)?.let { lastId ->
queryParameters += "from_server_id" to lastId.toString()
val request = Request(verb = GET, room = room, server = server, endpoint = "messages", queryParameters = queryParameters)
return send(request).map(sharedContext) { jsonList ->
@Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") val rawMessages = jsonList["messages"] as? List<Map<String,Any>> ?: throw Error.PARSING_FAILED
val lastMessageServerId = storage.getLastMessageServerId(room, server) ?: 0
var currentMax = lastMessageServerId
val messages = rawMessages.mapNotNull { json ->
val message = OpenGroupMessageV2.fromJSON(json) ?: return@mapNotNull null
if (message.serverID == null || message.sender.isNullOrEmpty()) return@mapNotNull null
val sender = message.sender
val data = decode(message.base64EncodedData)
val signature = decode(message.base64EncodedSignature)
val publicKey = sender.removing05PrefixIfNeeded().encodeToByteArray()
val isValid = curve.verifySignature(publicKey, data, signature)
if (!isValid) {
Log.d("Loki", "Ignoring message with invalid signature")
return@mapNotNull null
if (message.serverID > lastMessageServerId) {
currentMax = message.serverID
// endregion
// region Message Deletion
fun deleteMessage(serverID: Long, room: String, server: String): Promise<Unit, Exception> {
val request = Request(verb = DELETE, room = room, server = server, endpoint = "message/$serverID")
return send(request).map(sharedContext) {
Log.d("Loki", "Deleted server message")
fun getDeletedMessages(room: String, server: String): Promise<List<Long>, Exception> {
val storage = MessagingConfiguration.shared.storage
val queryParameters = mutableMapOf<String,String>()
storage.getLastDeletionServerId(room, server)?.let { last ->
queryParameters["from_server_id"] = last.toString()
val request = Request(verb = GET, room = room, server = server, endpoint = "deleted_messages", queryParameters = queryParameters)
return send(request).map(sharedContext) { json ->
@Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") val serverIDs = json["ids"] as? List<Long> ?: throw Error.PARSING_FAILED
val lastMessageServerId = storage.getLastMessageServerId(room, server) ?: 0
val serverID = serverIDs.maxOrNull() ?: 0
if (serverID > lastMessageServerId) {
storage.setLastDeletionServerId(room, server, serverID)
// endregion
// region Moderation
fun getModerators(room: String, server: String): Promise<List<String>, Exception> {
val request = Request(verb = GET, room = room, server = server, endpoint = "moderators")
return send(request).map(sharedContext) { json ->
@Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") val moderatorsJson = json["moderators"] as? List<String> ?: throw Error.PARSING_FAILED
val id = "$server.$room"
moderators[id] = moderatorsJson.toMutableSet()
fun ban(publicKey: String, room: String, server: String): Promise<Unit, Exception> {
val parameters = mapOf("public_key" to publicKey)
val request = Request(verb = POST, room = room, server = server, endpoint = "block_list", parameters = parameters)
return send(request).map(sharedContext) {
Log.d("Loki", "Banned user $publicKey from $server.$room")
fun unban(publicKey: String, room: String, server: String): Promise<Unit, Exception> {
val request = Request(verb = DELETE, room = room, server = server, endpoint = "block_list/$publicKey")
return send(request).map(sharedContext) {
Log.d("Loki", "Unbanned user $publicKey from $server.$room")
fun isUserModerator(publicKey: String, room: String, server: String): Promise<Boolean, Exception> {
fun isUserModerator(publicKey: String, room: String, server: String): Boolean = moderators["$server.$room"]?.contains(publicKey) ?: false
// endregion
fun getDefaultRoomsIfNeeded() {
// region General
fun getDefaultRoomsIfNeeded(): Promise<List<Info>, Exception> {
val storage = MessagingConfiguration.shared.storage
return getAllRooms(DEFAULT_SERVER)
fun getInfo(room: String, server: String): Promise<Info, Exception> {
val request = Request(verb = GET, room = room, server = server, endpoint = "rooms/$room", isAuthRequired = false)
return send(request).map(sharedContext) { json ->
val rawRoom = json["room"] as? Map<*,*> ?: throw Error.PARSING_FAILED
val id = rawRoom["id"] as? String ?: throw Error.PARSING_FAILED
val name = rawRoom["name"] as? String ?: throw Error.PARSING_FAILED
val imageID = rawRoom["image_id"] as? String
Info(id = id, name = name, imageID = imageID)
fun getAllRooms(server: String): Promise<List<Info>, Exception> {
val request = Request(verb = GET, room = null, server = server, endpoint = "rooms", isAuthRequired = false)
return send(request).map(sharedContext) { json ->
val rawRooms = json["rooms"] as? Map<*,*> ?: throw Error.PARSING_FAILED
rawRooms.mapNotNull {
val roomJson = it as? Map<*, *> ?: return@mapNotNull null
val id = roomJson["id"] as? String ?: return@mapNotNull null
val name = roomJson["name"] as? String ?: return@mapNotNull null
val imageId = roomJson["image_id"] as? String
Info(id, name, imageId)
fun getMemberCount(room: String, server: String): Promise<Long, Exception> {
val request = Request(verb = GET, room = room, server = server, endpoint = "member_count")
return send(request).map(sharedContext) { json ->
val memberCount = json["member_count"] as? Long ?: throw Error.PARSING_FAILED
val storage = MessagingConfiguration.shared.storage
storage.setUserCount(room, server, memberCount)
// endregion
@ -18,6 +18,21 @@ data class OpenGroupMessageV2(
companion object {
private val curve = Curve25519.getInstance(Curve25519.BEST)
fun fromJSON(json: Map<String, Any>): OpenGroupMessageV2? {
val base64EncodedData = json["data"] as? String ?: return null
val sentTimestamp = json["timestamp"] as? Long ?: return null
val serverID = json["server_id"] as? Long
val sender = json["public_key"] as? String
val base64EncodedSignature = json["signature"] as? String
return OpenGroupMessageV2(serverID = serverID,
sender = sender,
sentTimestamp = sentTimestamp,
base64EncodedData = base64EncodedData,
base64EncodedSignature = base64EncodedSignature
fun sign(): OpenGroupMessageV2? {
@ -43,20 +58,4 @@ data class OpenGroupMessageV2(
base64EncodedSignature?.let { jsonMap["signature"] = base64EncodedSignature }
return jsonMap
fun fromJSON(json: Map<String, Any>): OpenGroupMessageV2? {
val base64EncodedData = json["data"] as? String ?: return null
val sentTimestamp = json["timestamp"] as? Long ?: return null
val serverID = json["server_id"] as? Long
val sender = json["public_key"] as? String
val base64EncodedSignature = json["signature"] as? String
return OpenGroupMessageV2(serverID = serverID,
sender = sender,
sentTimestamp = sentTimestamp,
base64EncodedData = base64EncodedData,
base64EncodedSignature = base64EncodedSignature
@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
package org.session.libsession.utilities
import org.whispersystems.curve25519.Curve25519
import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread
import org.session.libsignal.libsignal.util.ByteUtil
import org.session.libsignal.service.internal.util.Util
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.Hex
import org.whispersystems.curve25519.Curve25519
import javax.crypto.Cipher
import javax.crypto.Mac
import javax.crypto.spec.GCMParameterSpec
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
internal object AESGCM {
internal data class EncryptionResult(
@ -31,6 +33,16 @@ internal object AESGCM {
return cipher.doFinal(ciphertext)
* Sync. Don't call from the main thread.
internal fun generateSymmetricKey(x25519PublicKey: ByteArray, x25519PrivateKey: ByteArray): ByteArray {
val ephemeralSharedSecret = Curve25519.getInstance(Curve25519.BEST).calculateAgreement(x25519PublicKey, x25519PrivateKey)
val mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256")
mac.init(SecretKeySpec("LOKI".toByteArray(), "HmacSHA256"))
return mac.doFinal(ephemeralSharedSecret)
* Sync. Don't call from the main thread.
@ -47,10 +59,7 @@ internal object AESGCM {
internal fun encrypt(plaintext: ByteArray, hexEncodedX25519PublicKey: String): EncryptionResult {
val x25519PublicKey = Hex.fromStringCondensed(hexEncodedX25519PublicKey)
val ephemeralKeyPair = Curve25519.getInstance(Curve25519.BEST).generateKeyPair()
val ephemeralSharedSecret = Curve25519.getInstance(Curve25519.BEST).calculateAgreement(x25519PublicKey, ephemeralKeyPair.privateKey)
val mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256")
mac.init(SecretKeySpec("LOKI".toByteArray(), "HmacSHA256"))
val symmetricKey = mac.doFinal(ephemeralSharedSecret)
val symmetricKey = generateSymmetricKey(x25519PublicKey, ephemeralKeyPair.privateKey)
val ciphertext = encrypt(plaintext, symmetricKey)
return EncryptionResult(ciphertext, symmetricKey, ephemeralKeyPair.publicKey)
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ interface LokiAPIDatabaseProtocol {
fun setLastMessageServerID(room: String, server: String, newValue: Long)
fun getLastDeletionServerID(room: String, server: String): Long?
fun setLastDeletionServerID(room: String, server: String, newValue: Long)
fun setUserCount(room: String, server: String, newValue: Int)
fun setUserCount(room: String, server: String, newValue: Long)
fun getSessionRequestSentTimestamp(publicKey: String): Long?
fun setSessionRequestSentTimestamp(publicKey: String, newValue: Long)
fun getSessionRequestProcessedTimestamp(publicKey: String): Long?
Reference in New Issue
Block a user