mirror of
synced 2025-03-30 19:42:17 +00:00
Updated the code to ignore outdated legacy group control message changes
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database
import android.content.Context
import androidx.core.content.contentValuesOf
import androidx.core.database.getBlobOrNull
import androidx.core.database.getLongOrNull
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.helpers.SQLCipherOpenHelper
class ConfigDatabase(context: Context, helper: SQLCipherOpenHelper): Database(context, helper) {
@ -11,21 +12,23 @@ class ConfigDatabase(context: Context, helper: SQLCipherOpenHelper): Database(co
private const val VARIANT = "variant"
private const val PUBKEY = "publicKey"
private const val DATA = "data"
private const val TIMESTAMP = "timestamp" // Milliseconds
private const val TABLE_NAME = "configs_table"
private const val VARIANT_AND_PUBKEY_WHERE = "$VARIANT = ? AND $PUBKEY = ?"
fun storeConfig(variant: String, publicKey: String, data: ByteArray) {
fun storeConfig(variant: String, publicKey: String, data: ByteArray, timestamp: Long) {
val db = writableDatabase
val contentValues = contentValuesOf(
VARIANT to variant,
PUBKEY to publicKey,
DATA to data,
TIMESTAMP to timestamp
db.insertOrUpdate(TABLE_NAME, contentValues, VARIANT_AND_PUBKEY_WHERE, arrayOf(variant, publicKey))
@ -40,4 +43,11 @@ class ConfigDatabase(context: Context, helper: SQLCipherOpenHelper): Database(co
fun retrieveConfigLastUpdateTimestamp(variant: String, publicKey: String): Long {
val db = readableDatabase
val cursor = db.query(TABLE_NAME, arrayOf(TIMESTAMP), VARIANT_AND_PUBKEY_WHERE, arrayOf(variant, publicKey),null, null, null)
if (cursor == null) return 0
if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) return 0
return (cursor.getLongOrNull(cursor.getColumnIndex(TIMESTAMP)) ?: 0)
@ -411,6 +411,10 @@ open class Storage(context: Context, helper: SQLCipherOpenHelper, private val co
override fun canPerformConfigChange(variant: String, publicKey: String, changeTimestampMs: Long): Boolean {
return configFactory.canPerformChange(variant, publicKey, changeTimestampMs)
fun notifyUpdates(forConfigObject: ConfigBase) {
when (forConfigObject) {
is UserProfile -> updateUser(forConfigObject)
@ -869,7 +873,8 @@ open class Storage(context: Context, helper: SQLCipherOpenHelper, private val co
encPubKey = (latestKeyPair.publicKey as DjbECPublicKey).publicKey, // 'serialize()' inserts an extra byte
encSecKey = latestKeyPair.privateKey.serialize(),
priority = if (isPinned(threadID)) PRIORITY_PINNED else ConfigBase.PRIORITY_VISIBLE,
disappearingTimer = recipientSettings.expireMessages.toLong()
disappearingTimer = recipientSettings.expireMessages.toLong(),
joinedAt = (existingGroup.formationTimestamp / 1000L)
@ -1263,6 +1268,7 @@ open class Storage(context: Context, helper: SQLCipherOpenHelper, private val co
override fun deleteConversation(threadID: Long) {
val recipient = getRecipientForThread(threadID)
val threadDB = DatabaseComponent.get(context).threadDatabase()
val groupDB = DatabaseComponent.get(context).groupDatabase()
if (recipient != null) {
if (recipient.isContactRecipient) {
@ -1276,9 +1282,11 @@ open class Storage(context: Context, helper: SQLCipherOpenHelper, private val co
// TODO: handle closed group
val volatile = configFactory.convoVolatile ?: return
val groups = configFactory.userGroups ?: return
val closedGroup = getGroup(recipient.address.toGroupString())
val groupID = recipient.address.toGroupString()
val closedGroup = getGroup(groupID)
val groupPublicKey = GroupUtil.doubleDecodeGroupId(recipient.address.serialize())
if (closedGroup != null) {
groupDB.delete(groupID) // TODO: Should we delete the group? (seems odd to leave it)
} else {
@ -21,6 +21,13 @@ class ConfigFactory(
private val maybeGetUserInfo: () -> Pair<ByteArray, String>?
) :
ConfigFactoryProtocol {
companion object {
// This is a buffer period within which we will process messages which would result in a
// config change, any message which would normally result in a config change which was sent
// before `lastConfigMessage.timestamp - configChangeBufferPeriod` will not actually have
// it's changes applied (control text will still be added though)
val configChangeBufferPeriod: Long = (2 * 60 * 1000)
fun keyPairChanged() { // this should only happen restoring or clearing data
@ -136,48 +143,58 @@ class ConfigFactory(
listOfNotNull(user, contacts, convoVolatile, userGroups)
private fun persistUserConfigDump() = synchronized(userLock) {
private fun persistUserConfigDump(timestamp: Long) = synchronized(userLock) {
val dumped = user?.dump() ?: return
val (_, publicKey) = maybeGetUserInfo() ?: return
configDatabase.storeConfig(SharedConfigMessage.Kind.USER_PROFILE.name, publicKey, dumped)
configDatabase.storeConfig(SharedConfigMessage.Kind.USER_PROFILE.name, publicKey, dumped, timestamp)
private fun persistContactsConfigDump() = synchronized(contactsLock) {
private fun persistContactsConfigDump(timestamp: Long) = synchronized(contactsLock) {
val dumped = contacts?.dump() ?: return
val (_, publicKey) = maybeGetUserInfo() ?: return
configDatabase.storeConfig(SharedConfigMessage.Kind.CONTACTS.name, publicKey, dumped)
configDatabase.storeConfig(SharedConfigMessage.Kind.CONTACTS.name, publicKey, dumped, timestamp)
private fun persistConvoVolatileConfigDump() = synchronized(convoVolatileLock) {
private fun persistConvoVolatileConfigDump(timestamp: Long) = synchronized(convoVolatileLock) {
val dumped = convoVolatile?.dump() ?: return
val (_, publicKey) = maybeGetUserInfo() ?: return
private fun persistUserGroupsConfigDump() = synchronized(userGroupsLock) {
private fun persistUserGroupsConfigDump(timestamp: Long) = synchronized(userGroupsLock) {
val dumped = userGroups?.dump() ?: return
val (_, publicKey) = maybeGetUserInfo() ?: return
configDatabase.storeConfig(SharedConfigMessage.Kind.GROUPS.name, publicKey, dumped)
configDatabase.storeConfig(SharedConfigMessage.Kind.GROUPS.name, publicKey, dumped, timestamp)
override fun persist(forConfigObject: ConfigBase) {
override fun persist(forConfigObject: ConfigBase, timestamp: Long) {
try {
listeners.forEach { listener ->
when (forConfigObject) {
is UserProfile -> persistUserConfigDump()
is Contacts -> persistContactsConfigDump()
is ConversationVolatileConfig -> persistConvoVolatileConfigDump()
is UserGroupsConfig -> persistUserGroupsConfigDump()
is UserProfile -> persistUserConfigDump(timestamp)
is Contacts -> persistContactsConfigDump(timestamp)
is ConversationVolatileConfig -> persistConvoVolatileConfigDump(timestamp)
is UserGroupsConfig -> persistUserGroupsConfigDump(timestamp)
else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Can't support type of ${forConfigObject::class.simpleName} yet")
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("Loki", "failed to persist ${forConfigObject.javaClass.simpleName}", e)
override fun canPerformChange(variant: String, publicKey: String, changeTimestampMs: Long): Boolean {
if (!ConfigBase.isNewConfigEnabled(isConfigForcedOn, SnodeAPI.nowWithOffset)) return true
val lastUpdateTimestampMs = configDatabase.retrieveConfigLastUpdateTimestamp(variant, publicKey)
// Ensure the change occurred after the last config message was handled (minus the buffer period)
return (changeTimestampMs >= (lastUpdateTimestampMs - ConfigFactory.configChangeBufferPeriod))
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import nl.komponents.kovenant.ui.alwaysUi
import nl.komponents.kovenant.ui.successUi
import org.session.libsession.avatars.AvatarHelper
import org.session.libsession.messaging.MessagingModuleConfiguration
import org.session.libsession.snode.SnodeAPI
import org.session.libsession.utilities.*
import org.session.libsession.utilities.SSKEnvironment.ProfileManagerProtocol
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity
@ -242,7 +243,7 @@ class SettingsActivity : PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity() {
if (userConfig != null && userConfig.needsDump()) {
configFactory.persist(userConfig, SnodeAPI.nowWithOffset)
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ inline jobject serialize_legacy_group_info(JNIEnv *env, session::config::legacy_
jclass legacy_group_class = env->FindClass("network/loki/messenger/libsession_util/util/GroupInfo$LegacyGroupInfo");
jmethodID constructor = env->GetMethodID(legacy_group_class, "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Map;[B[BIJJ)V");
jobject serialized = env->NewObject(legacy_group_class, constructor, session_id, name, members, enc_pubkey, enc_seckey, priority, joined_at, (jlong) info.disappearing_timer.count());
jobject serialized = env->NewObject(legacy_group_class, constructor, session_id, name, members, enc_pubkey, enc_seckey, priority, (jlong) info.disappearing_timer.count(), joined_at);
return serialized;
@ -223,4 +223,5 @@ interface StorageProtocol {
// Shared configs
fun notifyConfigUpdates(forConfigObject: ConfigBase)
fun canPerformConfigChange(variant: String, publicKey: String, changeTimestampMs: Long): Boolean
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package org.session.libsession.messaging.jobs
import network.loki.messenger.libsession_util.ConfigBase
import network.loki.messenger.libsession_util.ConfigBase.Companion.protoKindFor
import network.loki.messenger.libsession_util.UserGroupsConfig
import nl.komponents.kovenant.functional.bind
import org.session.libsession.messaging.MessagingModuleConfiguration
import org.session.libsession.messaging.messages.Destination
@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ data class ConfigurationSyncJob(val destination: Destination): Job {
val toDeleteHashes = mutableListOf<String>()
// allow null results here so the list index matches configsRequiringPush
val sentTimestamp: Long = SnodeAPI.nowWithOffset
val batchObjects: List<Pair<SharedConfigurationMessage, SnodeAPI.SnodeBatchRequestInfo>?> = configsRequiringPush.map { config ->
val (data, seqNo, obsoleteHashes) = config.push()
toDeleteHashes += obsoleteHashes
@ -140,7 +142,7 @@ data class ConfigurationSyncJob(val destination: Destination): Job {
Log.d(TAG, "Successfully removed the deleted hashes from ${config.javaClass.simpleName}")
// dump and write config after successful
if (config.needsDump()) { // usually this will be true?
configFactory.persist(config, toPushMessage.sentTimestamp ?: sentTimestamp)
} catch (e: Exception) {
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import org.session.libsignal.crypto.ecc.DjbECPublicKey
import org.session.libsignal.crypto.ecc.ECKeyPair
import org.session.libsignal.messages.SignalServiceGroup
import org.session.libsignal.protos.SignalServiceProtos
import org.session.libsignal.protos.SignalServiceProtos.SharedConfigMessage
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.Base64
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.IdPrefix
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.Log
@ -440,7 +441,14 @@ private fun MessageReceiver.handleClosedGroupControlMessage(message: ClosedGroup
is ClosedGroupControlMessage.Kind.MembersRemoved -> handleClosedGroupMembersRemoved(message)
is ClosedGroupControlMessage.Kind.MemberLeft -> handleClosedGroupMemberLeft(message)
if (message.kind !is ClosedGroupControlMessage.Kind.New) {
if (
message.kind !is ClosedGroupControlMessage.Kind.New &&
) {
// update the config
val closedGroupPublicKey = message.getPublicKey()
val storage = MessagingModuleConfiguration.shared.storage
@ -471,10 +479,24 @@ private fun MessageReceiver.handleNewClosedGroup(message: ClosedGroupControlMess
private fun handleNewClosedGroup(sender: String, sentTimestamp: Long, groupPublicKey: String, name: String, encryptionKeyPair: ECKeyPair, members: List<String>, admins: List<String>, formationTimestamp: Long, expireTimer: Int) {
val context = MessagingModuleConfiguration.shared.context
val storage = MessagingModuleConfiguration.shared.storage
val userPublicKey = TextSecurePreferences.getLocalNumber(context)
// Create the group
val userPublicKey = storage.getUserPublicKey()!!
val groupID = GroupUtil.doubleEncodeGroupID(groupPublicKey)
val groupExists = storage.getGroup(groupID) != null
if (!storage.canPerformConfigChange(SharedConfigMessage.Kind.GROUPS.name, userPublicKey, sentTimestamp)) {
// If the closed group already exists then store the encryption keys (since the config only stores
// the latest key we won't be able to decrypt older messages if we were added to the group within
// the last two weeks and the key has been rotated - unfortunately if the user was added more than
// two weeks ago and the keys were rotated within the last two weeks then we won't be able to decrypt
// messages received before the key rotation)
if (groupExists) {
storage.addClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPair(encryptionKeyPair, groupPublicKey, sentTimestamp)
// Create the group
if (groupExists) {
// Update the group
if (!storage.isGroupActive(groupPublicKey)) {
@ -498,7 +520,7 @@ private fun handleNewClosedGroup(sender: String, sentTimestamp: Long, groupPubli
// Set expiration timer
storage.setExpirationTimer(groupID, expireTimer)
// Notify the PN server
PushNotificationAPI.performOperation(PushNotificationAPI.ClosedGroupOperation.Subscribe, groupPublicKey, storage.getUserPublicKey()!!)
PushNotificationAPI.performOperation(PushNotificationAPI.ClosedGroupOperation.Subscribe, groupPublicKey, userPublicKey)
// Create thread
// Start polling
@ -569,7 +591,12 @@ private fun MessageReceiver.handleClosedGroupNameChanged(message: ClosedGroupCon
val members = group.members.map { it.serialize() }
val admins = group.admins.map { it.serialize() }
val name = kind.name
storage.updateTitle(groupID, name)
// Only update the group in storage if it isn't invalidated by the config state
if (storage.canPerformConfigChange(SharedConfigMessage.Kind.GROUPS.name, userPublicKey!!, message.sentTimestamp!!)) {
storage.updateTitle(groupID, name)
// Notify the user
if (userPublicKey == senderPublicKey) {
val threadID = storage.getOrCreateThreadIdFor(Address.fromSerialized(groupID))
@ -603,12 +630,16 @@ private fun MessageReceiver.handleClosedGroupMembersAdded(message: ClosedGroupCo
val updateMembers = kind.members.map { it.toByteArray().toHexString() }
val newMembers = members + updateMembers
storage.updateMembers(groupID, newMembers.map { Address.fromSerialized(it) })
// Update zombie members in case the added members are zombies
val zombies = storage.getZombieMembers(groupID)
if (zombies.intersect(updateMembers).isNotEmpty()) {
storage.setZombieMembers(groupID, zombies.minus(updateMembers).map { Address.fromSerialized(it) })
// Only update the group in storage if it isn't invalidated by the config state
if (storage.canPerformConfigChange(SharedConfigMessage.Kind.GROUPS.name, userPublicKey, message.sentTimestamp!!)) {
storage.updateMembers(groupID, newMembers.map { Address.fromSerialized(it) })
// Update zombie members in case the added members are zombies
val zombies = storage.getZombieMembers(groupID)
if (zombies.intersect(updateMembers).isNotEmpty()) {
storage.setZombieMembers(groupID, zombies.minus(updateMembers).map { Address.fromSerialized(it) })
// Notify the user
@ -690,14 +721,18 @@ private fun MessageReceiver.handleClosedGroupMembersRemoved(message: ClosedGroup
Log.d("Loki", "Received a MEMBERS_REMOVED instead of a MEMBERS_LEFT from sender: $senderPublicKey.")
val wasCurrentUserRemoved = userPublicKey in removedMembers
// Admin should send a MEMBERS_LEFT message but handled here just in case
if (didAdminLeave || wasCurrentUserRemoved) {
disableLocalGroupAndUnsubscribe(groupPublicKey, groupID, userPublicKey, true)
} else {
storage.updateMembers(groupID, newMembers.map { Address.fromSerialized(it) })
// Update zombie members
storage.setZombieMembers(groupID, zombies.minus(removedMembers).map { Address.fromSerialized(it) })
// Only update the group in storage if it isn't invalidated by the config state
if (storage.canPerformConfigChange(SharedConfigMessage.Kind.GROUPS.name, userPublicKey, message.sentTimestamp!!)) {
// Admin should send a MEMBERS_LEFT message but handled here just in case
if (didAdminLeave || wasCurrentUserRemoved) {
disableLocalGroupAndUnsubscribe(groupPublicKey, groupID, userPublicKey, true)
} else {
storage.updateMembers(groupID, newMembers.map { Address.fromSerialized(it) })
// Update zombie members
storage.setZombieMembers(groupID, zombies.minus(removedMembers).map { Address.fromSerialized(it) })
// Notify the user
@ -746,18 +781,23 @@ private fun MessageReceiver.handleClosedGroupMemberLeft(message: ClosedGroupCont
val didAdminLeave = admins.contains(senderPublicKey)
val updatedMemberList = members - senderPublicKey
val userLeft = (userPublicKey == senderPublicKey)
if (didAdminLeave || userLeft) {
disableLocalGroupAndUnsubscribe(groupPublicKey, groupID, userPublicKey, delete = userLeft)
if (userLeft) {
// Only update the group in storage if it isn't invalidated by the config state
if (storage.canPerformConfigChange(SharedConfigMessage.Kind.GROUPS.name, userPublicKey, message.sentTimestamp!!)) {
if (didAdminLeave || userLeft) {
disableLocalGroupAndUnsubscribe(groupPublicKey, groupID, userPublicKey, delete = userLeft)
if (userLeft) {
} else {
storage.updateMembers(groupID, updatedMemberList.map { Address.fromSerialized(it) })
// Update zombie members
val zombies = storage.getZombieMembers(groupID)
storage.setZombieMembers(groupID, zombies.plus(senderPublicKey).map { Address.fromSerialized(it) })
} else {
storage.updateMembers(groupID, updatedMemberList.map { Address.fromSerialized(it) })
// Update zombie members
val zombies = storage.getZombieMembers(groupID)
storage.setZombieMembers(groupID, zombies.plus(senderPublicKey).map { Address.fromSerialized(it) })
// Notify the user
if (!userLeft) {
storage.insertIncomingInfoMessage(context, senderPublicKey, groupID, SignalServiceGroup.Type.QUIT, name, members, admins, message.sentTimestamp!!)
@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ class Poller(private val configFactory: ConfigFactoryProtocol, debounceTimer: Ti
var latestMessageTimestamp: Long? = null
messages.forEach { (envelope, hash) ->
try {
val (message, _) = MessageReceiver.parse(data = envelope.toByteArray(), openGroupServerID = null)
@ -155,13 +156,14 @@ class Poller(private val configFactory: ConfigFactoryProtocol, debounceTimer: Ti
forConfigObject.merge(hash!! to message.data)
latestMessageTimestamp = if ((message.sentTimestamp ?: 0L) > (latestMessageTimestamp ?: 0L)) { message.sentTimestamp } else { latestMessageTimestamp }
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("Loki", e)
// process new results
if (forConfigObject.needsDump()) {
configFactory.persist(forConfigObject, latestMessageTimestamp ?: SnodeAPI.nowWithOffset)
@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ interface ConfigFactoryProtocol {
val convoVolatile: ConversationVolatileConfig?
val userGroups: UserGroupsConfig?
fun getUserConfigs(): List<ConfigBase>
fun persist(forConfigObject: ConfigBase)
fun persist(forConfigObject: ConfigBase, timestamp: Long)
fun canPerformChange(variant: String, publicKey: String, changeTimestampMs: Long): Boolean
interface ConfigFactoryUpdateListener {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user