Provides an in-app source for APN info for use in the case that the
device store is unavailable and the user hasn't provided local
connection parameters.
Only covers T-Moble USA, AT&T, and Verizon right now. Only T-Mobile is
tested. Other carriers can be added and tested on an ongoing basis.
Currently we're flipping the radio in "MMS" mode, and connecting through
any proxies specified in the APN. This always work, or at least doesn't
seem to work on Sprint, since the configured mms proxy rejects proxy
Instead we try the following in this order:
1) Connect over normal data connection directly to MMSC.
2) Connect over MMS radio connection to MMSC.
3) Connect over MMS radio connection with any configured proxy to MMSC.
Hopefully this doesn't fuck up shit on other unknown networks.
1) Update the create, prompt, and change passphrase activities.
They are no longer dialog themed, and should look a little
less ugly.
2) Update the import DB activity to be less ugly and more robust.
3) Abstract all of the state handling stuff out of
ConversationListActivity. This is now handled by RoutingActivity,
which all launch intents move through.
1) Consolidate all of the KeyCachingService interaction into a single
mixin. Activities extend delegates which call through to the mixin.
2) Switch Activity increment/decrement triggers from onStop to onPause
in order to account for some screen locks that don't stop activities.
1) If a message fails to be delivered, post a notification in the
status bar if that thread is not active and visible.
2) If a message fails to be delivered because there is no service,
keep retrying every time service becomes available again.
1) Refactor the master secret reset logic to properly interact with
2) Add support for "BigText" and "Inbox" style notifications.
3) Decrypt message bodies when unlocked, display 'encrypted' when
1) Don't add a notification item to the notification bar if the thread the
message is for is active and visible.
2) Only sound the notification ringtone at 1/4th volume if the thread the
message is for is active and visible.
3) Auto-clear the notification in the notification bar when a thread becomes
visible from a screen-off situation.
4) Make notification updates asynchronous.