/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Esmertec AG. * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ws.com.google.android.mms.pdu; import ws.com.google.android.mms.InvalidHeaderValueException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; public class PduHeaders { /** * All pdu header fields. */ public static final int BCC = 0x81; public static final int CC = 0x82; public static final int CONTENT_LOCATION = 0x83; public static final int CONTENT_TYPE = 0x84; public static final int DATE = 0x85; public static final int DELIVERY_REPORT = 0x86; public static final int DELIVERY_TIME = 0x87; public static final int EXPIRY = 0x88; public static final int FROM = 0x89; public static final int MESSAGE_CLASS = 0x8A; public static final int MESSAGE_ID = 0x8B; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE = 0x8C; public static final int MMS_VERSION = 0x8D; public static final int MESSAGE_SIZE = 0x8E; public static final int PRIORITY = 0x8F; public static final int READ_REPLY = 0x90; public static final int READ_REPORT = 0x90; public static final int REPORT_ALLOWED = 0x91; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS = 0x92; public static final int RESPONSE_TEXT = 0x93; public static final int SENDER_VISIBILITY = 0x94; public static final int STATUS = 0x95; public static final int SUBJECT = 0x96; public static final int TO = 0x97; public static final int TRANSACTION_ID = 0x98; public static final int RETRIEVE_STATUS = 0x99; public static final int RETRIEVE_TEXT = 0x9A; public static final int READ_STATUS = 0x9B; public static final int REPLY_CHARGING = 0x9C; public static final int REPLY_CHARGING_DEADLINE = 0x9D; public static final int REPLY_CHARGING_ID = 0x9E; public static final int REPLY_CHARGING_SIZE = 0x9F; public static final int PREVIOUSLY_SENT_BY = 0xA0; public static final int PREVIOUSLY_SENT_DATE = 0xA1; public static final int STORE = 0xA2; public static final int MM_STATE = 0xA3; public static final int MM_FLAGS = 0xA4; public static final int STORE_STATUS = 0xA5; public static final int STORE_STATUS_TEXT = 0xA6; public static final int STORED = 0xA7; public static final int ATTRIBUTES = 0xA8; public static final int TOTALS = 0xA9; public static final int MBOX_TOTALS = 0xAA; public static final int QUOTAS = 0xAB; public static final int MBOX_QUOTAS = 0xAC; public static final int MESSAGE_COUNT = 0xAD; public static final int CONTENT = 0xAE; public static final int START = 0xAF; public static final int ADDITIONAL_HEADERS = 0xB0; public static final int DISTRIBUTION_INDICATOR = 0xB1; public static final int ELEMENT_DESCRIPTOR = 0xB2; public static final int LIMIT = 0xB3; public static final int RECOMMENDED_RETRIEVAL_MODE = 0xB4; public static final int RECOMMENDED_RETRIEVAL_MODE_TEXT = 0xB5; public static final int STATUS_TEXT = 0xB6; public static final int APPLIC_ID = 0xB7; public static final int REPLY_APPLIC_ID = 0xB8; public static final int AUX_APPLIC_ID = 0xB9; public static final int CONTENT_CLASS = 0xBA; public static final int DRM_CONTENT = 0xBB; public static final int ADAPTATION_ALLOWED = 0xBC; public static final int REPLACE_ID = 0xBD; public static final int CANCEL_ID = 0xBE; public static final int CANCEL_STATUS = 0xBF; /** * X-Mms-Message-Type field types. */ public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_REQ = 0x80; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_CONF = 0x81; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND = 0x82; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFYRESP_IND = 0x83; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF = 0x84; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_ACKNOWLEDGE_IND = 0x85; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_DELIVERY_IND = 0x86; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_READ_REC_IND = 0x87; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_READ_ORIG_IND = 0x88; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_FORWARD_REQ = 0x89; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_FORWARD_CONF = 0x8A; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_MBOX_STORE_REQ = 0x8B; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_MBOX_STORE_CONF = 0x8C; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_MBOX_VIEW_REQ = 0x8D; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_MBOX_VIEW_CONF = 0x8E; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_MBOX_UPLOAD_REQ = 0x8F; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_MBOX_UPLOAD_CONF = 0x90; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_MBOX_DELETE_REQ = 0x91; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_MBOX_DELETE_CONF = 0x92; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_MBOX_DESCR = 0x93; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_DELETE_REQ = 0x94; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_DELETE_CONF = 0x95; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_CANCEL_REQ = 0x96; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_CANCEL_CONF = 0x97; /** * X-Mms-Delivery-Report | * X-Mms-Read-Report | * X-Mms-Report-Allowed | * X-Mms-Sender-Visibility | * X-Mms-Store | * X-Mms-Stored | * X-Mms-Totals | * X-Mms-Quotas | * X-Mms-Distribution-Indicator | * X-Mms-DRM-Content | * X-Mms-Adaptation-Allowed | * field types. */ public static final int VALUE_YES = 0x80; public static final int VALUE_NO = 0x81; /** * Delivery-Time | * Expiry and Reply-Charging-Deadline | * field type components. */ public static final int VALUE_ABSOLUTE_TOKEN = 0x80; public static final int VALUE_RELATIVE_TOKEN = 0x81; /** * X-Mms-MMS-Version field types. */ public static final int MMS_VERSION_1_3 = ((1 << 4) | 3); public static final int MMS_VERSION_1_2 = ((1 << 4) | 2); public static final int MMS_VERSION_1_1 = ((1 << 4) | 1); public static final int MMS_VERSION_1_0 = ((1 << 4) | 0); // Current version is 1.2. public static final int CURRENT_MMS_VERSION = MMS_VERSION_1_2; /** * From field type components. */ public static final int FROM_ADDRESS_PRESENT_TOKEN = 0x80; public static final int FROM_INSERT_ADDRESS_TOKEN = 0x81; public static final String FROM_ADDRESS_PRESENT_TOKEN_STR = "address-present-token"; public static final String FROM_INSERT_ADDRESS_TOKEN_STR = "insert-address-token"; /** * X-Mms-Status Field. */ public static final int STATUS_EXPIRED = 0x80; public static final int STATUS_RETRIEVED = 0x81; public static final int STATUS_REJECTED = 0x82; public static final int STATUS_DEFERRED = 0x83; public static final int STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED = 0x84; public static final int STATUS_INDETERMINATE = 0x85; public static final int STATUS_FORWARDED = 0x86; public static final int STATUS_UNREACHABLE = 0x87; /** * MM-Flags field type components. */ public static final int MM_FLAGS_ADD_TOKEN = 0x80; public static final int MM_FLAGS_REMOVE_TOKEN = 0x81; public static final int MM_FLAGS_FILTER_TOKEN = 0x82; /** * X-Mms-Message-Class field types. */ public static final int MESSAGE_CLASS_PERSONAL = 0x80; public static final int MESSAGE_CLASS_ADVERTISEMENT = 0x81; public static final int MESSAGE_CLASS_INFORMATIONAL = 0x82; public static final int MESSAGE_CLASS_AUTO = 0x83; public static final String MESSAGE_CLASS_PERSONAL_STR = "personal"; public static final String MESSAGE_CLASS_ADVERTISEMENT_STR = "advertisement"; public static final String MESSAGE_CLASS_INFORMATIONAL_STR = "informational"; public static final String MESSAGE_CLASS_AUTO_STR = "auto"; /** * X-Mms-Priority field types. */ public static final int PRIORITY_LOW = 0x80; public static final int PRIORITY_NORMAL = 0x81; public static final int PRIORITY_HIGH = 0x82; /** * X-Mms-Response-Status field types. */ public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_OK = 0x80; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED = 0x81; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_SERVICE_DENIED = 0x82; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_MESSAGE_FORMAT_CORRUPT = 0x83; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_SENDING_ADDRESS_UNRESOLVED = 0x84; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND = 0x85; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_NETWORK_PROBLEM = 0x86; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_CONTENT_NOT_ACCEPTED = 0x87; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE = 0x88; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_TRANSIENT_FAILURE = 0xC0; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_TRANSIENT_SENDNG_ADDRESS_UNRESOLVED = 0xC1; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_TRANSIENT_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND = 0xC2; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_TRANSIENT_NETWORK_PROBLEM = 0xC3; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_TRANSIENT_PARTIAL_SUCCESS = 0xC4; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_FAILURE = 0xE0; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_SERVICE_DENIED = 0xE1; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_MESSAGE_FORMAT_CORRUPT = 0xE2; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_SENDING_ADDRESS_UNRESOLVED = 0xE3; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND = 0xE4; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_CONTENT_NOT_ACCEPTED = 0xE5; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_REPLY_CHARGING_LIMITATIONS_NOT_MET = 0xE6; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_REPLY_CHARGING_REQUEST_NOT_ACCEPTED = 0xE6; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_REPLY_CHARGING_FORWARDING_DENIED = 0xE8; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_REPLY_CHARGING_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0xE9; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_ADDRESS_HIDING_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0xEA; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_LACK_OF_PREPAID = 0xEB; public static final int RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_END = 0xFF; /** * X-Mms-Retrieve-Status field types. */ public static final int RETRIEVE_STATUS_OK = 0x80; public static final int RETRIEVE_STATUS_ERROR_TRANSIENT_FAILURE = 0xC0; public static final int RETRIEVE_STATUS_ERROR_TRANSIENT_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND = 0xC1; public static final int RETRIEVE_STATUS_ERROR_TRANSIENT_NETWORK_PROBLEM = 0xC2; public static final int RETRIEVE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_FAILURE = 0xE0; public static final int RETRIEVE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_SERVICE_DENIED = 0xE1; public static final int RETRIEVE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND = 0xE2; public static final int RETRIEVE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_CONTENT_UNSUPPORTED = 0xE3; public static final int RETRIEVE_STATUS_ERROR_END = 0xFF; /** * X-Mms-Sender-Visibility field types. */ public static final int SENDER_VISIBILITY_HIDE = 0x80; public static final int SENDER_VISIBILITY_SHOW = 0x81; /** * X-Mms-Read-Status field types. */ public static final int READ_STATUS_READ = 0x80; public static final int READ_STATUS__DELETED_WITHOUT_BEING_READ = 0x81; /** * X-Mms-Cancel-Status field types. */ public static final int CANCEL_STATUS_REQUEST_SUCCESSFULLY_RECEIVED = 0x80; public static final int CANCEL_STATUS_REQUEST_CORRUPTED = 0x81; /** * X-Mms-Reply-Charging field types. */ public static final int REPLY_CHARGING_REQUESTED = 0x80; public static final int REPLY_CHARGING_REQUESTED_TEXT_ONLY = 0x81; public static final int REPLY_CHARGING_ACCEPTED = 0x82; public static final int REPLY_CHARGING_ACCEPTED_TEXT_ONLY = 0x83; /** * X-Mms-MM-State field types. */ public static final int MM_STATE_DRAFT = 0x80; public static final int MM_STATE_SENT = 0x81; public static final int MM_STATE_NEW = 0x82; public static final int MM_STATE_RETRIEVED = 0x83; public static final int MM_STATE_FORWARDED = 0x84; /** * X-Mms-Recommended-Retrieval-Mode field types. */ public static final int RECOMMENDED_RETRIEVAL_MODE_MANUAL = 0x80; /** * X-Mms-Content-Class field types. */ public static final int CONTENT_CLASS_TEXT = 0x80; public static final int CONTENT_CLASS_IMAGE_BASIC = 0x81; public static final int CONTENT_CLASS_IMAGE_RICH = 0x82; public static final int CONTENT_CLASS_VIDEO_BASIC = 0x83; public static final int CONTENT_CLASS_VIDEO_RICH = 0x84; public static final int CONTENT_CLASS_MEGAPIXEL = 0x85; public static final int CONTENT_CLASS_CONTENT_BASIC = 0x86; public static final int CONTENT_CLASS_CONTENT_RICH = 0x87; /** * X-Mms-Store-Status field types. */ public static final int STORE_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0x80; public static final int STORE_STATUS_ERROR_TRANSIENT_FAILURE = 0xC0; public static final int STORE_STATUS_ERROR_TRANSIENT_NETWORK_PROBLEM = 0xC1; public static final int STORE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_FAILURE = 0xE0; public static final int STORE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_SERVICE_DENIED = 0xE1; public static final int STORE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_MESSAGE_FORMAT_CORRUPT = 0xE2; public static final int STORE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND = 0xE3; public static final int STORE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_MMBOX_FULL = 0xE4; public static final int STORE_STATUS_ERROR_END = 0xFF; /** * The map contains the value of all headers. */ private HashMap mHeaderMap = null; private long messageBox; /** * Constructor of PduHeaders. */ public PduHeaders() { mHeaderMap = new HashMap(); } /** * Get octet value by header field. * * @param field the field * @return the octet value of the pdu header * with specified header field. Return 0 if * the value is not set. */ public int getOctet(int field) { Integer octet = (Integer) mHeaderMap.get(field); if (null == octet) { return 0; } return octet; } public void setMessageBox(long messageBox) { this.messageBox = messageBox; } public long getMessageBox() { return this.messageBox; } /** * Set octet value to pdu header by header field. * * @param value the value * @param field the field * @throws InvalidHeaderValueException if the value is invalid. */ public void setOctet(int value, int field) throws InvalidHeaderValueException{ /** * Check whether this field can be set for specific * header and check validity of the field. */ switch (field) { case REPORT_ALLOWED: case ADAPTATION_ALLOWED: case DELIVERY_REPORT: case DRM_CONTENT: case DISTRIBUTION_INDICATOR: case QUOTAS: case READ_REPORT: case STORE: case STORED: case TOTALS: case SENDER_VISIBILITY: if ((VALUE_YES != value) && (VALUE_NO != value)) { // Invalid value. throw new InvalidHeaderValueException("Invalid Octet value!"); } break; case READ_STATUS: if ((READ_STATUS_READ != value) && (READ_STATUS__DELETED_WITHOUT_BEING_READ != value)) { // Invalid value. throw new InvalidHeaderValueException("Invalid Octet value!"); } break; case CANCEL_STATUS: if ((CANCEL_STATUS_REQUEST_SUCCESSFULLY_RECEIVED != value) && (CANCEL_STATUS_REQUEST_CORRUPTED != value)) { // Invalid value. throw new InvalidHeaderValueException("Invalid Octet value!"); } break; case PRIORITY: if ((value < PRIORITY_LOW) || (value > PRIORITY_HIGH)) { // Invalid value. throw new InvalidHeaderValueException("Invalid Octet value!"); } break; case STATUS: // if ((value < STATUS_EXPIRED) || (value > STATUS_UNREACHABLE)) { // // Invalid value. // throw new InvalidHeaderValueException("Invalid Octet value!"); // } break; case REPLY_CHARGING: if ((value < REPLY_CHARGING_REQUESTED) || (value > REPLY_CHARGING_ACCEPTED_TEXT_ONLY)) { // Invalid value. throw new InvalidHeaderValueException("Invalid Octet value!"); } break; case MM_STATE: if ((value < MM_STATE_DRAFT) || (value > MM_STATE_FORWARDED)) { // Invalid value. throw new InvalidHeaderValueException("Invalid Octet value!"); } break; case RECOMMENDED_RETRIEVAL_MODE: if (RECOMMENDED_RETRIEVAL_MODE_MANUAL != value) { // Invalid value. throw new InvalidHeaderValueException("Invalid Octet value!"); } break; case CONTENT_CLASS: if ((value < CONTENT_CLASS_TEXT) || (value > CONTENT_CLASS_CONTENT_RICH)) { // Invalid value. throw new InvalidHeaderValueException("Invalid Octet value!"); } break; case RETRIEVE_STATUS: // According to oma-ts-mms-enc-v1_3, section 7.3.50, we modify the invalid value. if ((value > RETRIEVE_STATUS_ERROR_TRANSIENT_NETWORK_PROBLEM) && (value < RETRIEVE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_FAILURE)) { value = RETRIEVE_STATUS_ERROR_TRANSIENT_FAILURE; } else if ((value > RETRIEVE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_CONTENT_UNSUPPORTED) && (value <= RETRIEVE_STATUS_ERROR_END)) { value = RETRIEVE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_FAILURE; } else if ((value < RETRIEVE_STATUS_OK) || ((value > RETRIEVE_STATUS_OK) && (value < RETRIEVE_STATUS_ERROR_TRANSIENT_FAILURE)) || (value > RETRIEVE_STATUS_ERROR_END)) { value = RETRIEVE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_FAILURE; } break; case STORE_STATUS: // According to oma-ts-mms-enc-v1_3, section 7.3.58, we modify the invalid value. if ((value > STORE_STATUS_ERROR_TRANSIENT_NETWORK_PROBLEM) && (value < STORE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_FAILURE)) { value = STORE_STATUS_ERROR_TRANSIENT_FAILURE; } else if ((value > STORE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_MMBOX_FULL) && (value <= STORE_STATUS_ERROR_END)) { value = STORE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_FAILURE; } else if ((value < STORE_STATUS_SUCCESS) || ((value > STORE_STATUS_SUCCESS) && (value < STORE_STATUS_ERROR_TRANSIENT_FAILURE)) || (value > STORE_STATUS_ERROR_END)) { value = STORE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_FAILURE; } break; case RESPONSE_STATUS: // According to oma-ts-mms-enc-v1_3, section 7.3.48, we modify the invalid value. if ((value > RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_TRANSIENT_PARTIAL_SUCCESS) && (value < RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_FAILURE)) { value = RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_TRANSIENT_FAILURE; } else if (((value > RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_LACK_OF_PREPAID) && (value <= RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_END)) || (value < RESPONSE_STATUS_OK) || ((value > RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE) && (value < RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_TRANSIENT_FAILURE)) || (value > RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_END)) { value = RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_PERMANENT_FAILURE; } break; case MMS_VERSION: if ((value < MMS_VERSION_1_0)|| (value > MMS_VERSION_1_3)) { value = CURRENT_MMS_VERSION; // Current version is the default value. } break; case MESSAGE_TYPE: if ((value < MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_REQ) || (value > MESSAGE_TYPE_CANCEL_CONF)) { // Invalid value. throw new InvalidHeaderValueException("Invalid Octet value!"); } break; default: // This header value should not be Octect. throw new RuntimeException("Invalid header field!"); } mHeaderMap.put(field, value); } /** * Get TextString value by header field. * * @param field the field * @return the TextString value of the pdu header * with specified header field */ public byte[] getTextString(int field) { return (byte[]) mHeaderMap.get(field); } /** * Set TextString value to pdu header by header field. * * @param value the value * @param field the field * @return the TextString value of the pdu header * with specified header field * @throws NullPointerException if the value is null. */ public void setTextString(byte[] value, int field) { /** * Check whether this field can be set for specific * header and check validity of the field. */ if (null == value) { throw new NullPointerException(); } switch (field) { case TRANSACTION_ID: case REPLY_CHARGING_ID: case AUX_APPLIC_ID: case APPLIC_ID: case REPLY_APPLIC_ID: case MESSAGE_ID: case REPLACE_ID: case CANCEL_ID: case CONTENT_LOCATION: case MESSAGE_CLASS: case CONTENT_TYPE: break; default: // This header value should not be Text-String. throw new RuntimeException("Invalid header field!"); } mHeaderMap.put(field, value); } /** * Get EncodedStringValue value by header field. * * @param field the field * @return the EncodedStringValue value of the pdu header * with specified header field */ public EncodedStringValue getEncodedStringValue(int field) { return (EncodedStringValue) mHeaderMap.get(field); } /** * Get TO, CC or BCC header value. * * @param field the field * @return the EncodeStringValue array of the pdu header * with specified header field */ public EncodedStringValue[] getEncodedStringValues(int field) { ArrayList list = (ArrayList) mHeaderMap.get(field); if (null == list) { return null; } EncodedStringValue[] values = new EncodedStringValue[list.size()]; return list.toArray(values); } /** * Set EncodedStringValue value to pdu header by header field. * * @param value the value * @param field the field * @return the EncodedStringValue value of the pdu header * with specified header field * @throws NullPointerException if the value is null. */ public void setEncodedStringValue(EncodedStringValue value, int field) { /** * Check whether this field can be set for specific * header and check validity of the field. */ if (null == value) { throw new NullPointerException(); } switch (field) { case SUBJECT: case RECOMMENDED_RETRIEVAL_MODE_TEXT: case RETRIEVE_TEXT: case STATUS_TEXT: case STORE_STATUS_TEXT: case RESPONSE_TEXT: case FROM: case PREVIOUSLY_SENT_BY: case MM_FLAGS: break; default: // This header value should not be Encoded-String-Value. throw new RuntimeException("Invalid header field!"); } mHeaderMap.put(field, value); } /** * Set TO, CC or BCC header value. * * @param value the value * @param field the field * @return the EncodedStringValue value array of the pdu header * with specified header field * @throws NullPointerException if the value is null. */ protected void setEncodedStringValues(EncodedStringValue[] value, int field) { /** * Check whether this field can be set for specific * header and check validity of the field. */ if (null == value) { throw new NullPointerException(); } switch (field) { case BCC: case CC: case TO: break; default: // This header value should not be Encoded-String-Value. throw new RuntimeException("Invalid header field!"); } ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { list.add(value[i]); } mHeaderMap.put(field, list); } /** * Append one EncodedStringValue to another. * * @param value the EncodedStringValue to append * @param field the field * @throws NullPointerException if the value is null. */ public void appendEncodedStringValue(EncodedStringValue value, int field) { if (null == value) { throw new NullPointerException(); } switch (field) { case BCC: case CC: case TO: break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Invalid header field!"); } ArrayList list = (ArrayList) mHeaderMap.get(field); if (null == list) { list = new ArrayList(); } list.add(value); mHeaderMap.put(field, list); } /** * Get LongInteger value by header field. * * @param field the field * @return the LongInteger value of the pdu header * with specified header field. if return -1, the * field is not existed in pdu header. */ public long getLongInteger(int field) { Long longInteger = (Long) mHeaderMap.get(field); if (null == longInteger) { return -1; } return longInteger.longValue(); } /** * Set LongInteger value to pdu header by header field. * * @param value the value * @param field the field */ public void setLongInteger(long value, int field) { /** * Check whether this field can be set for specific * header and check validity of the field. */ switch (field) { case DATE: case REPLY_CHARGING_SIZE: case MESSAGE_SIZE: case MESSAGE_COUNT: case START: case LIMIT: case DELIVERY_TIME: case EXPIRY: case REPLY_CHARGING_DEADLINE: case PREVIOUSLY_SENT_DATE: break; default: // This header value should not be LongInteger. throw new RuntimeException("Invalid header field!"); } mHeaderMap.put(field, value); } }