/* * Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include #include #include #include "gflags/gflags.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "webrtc/common.h" #include "webrtc/common_types.h" #include "webrtc/engine_configurations.h" #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/interface/audio_coding_module.h" #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/interface/audio_coding_module_typedefs.h" #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/acm2/acm_common_defs.h" #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/test/Channel.h" #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/test/PCMFile.h" #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/test/utility.h" #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/event_wrapper.h" #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/scoped_ptr.h" #include "webrtc/test/testsupport/fileutils.h" DEFINE_string(codec, "isac", "Codec Name"); DEFINE_int32(sample_rate_hz, 16000, "Sampling rate in Hertz."); DEFINE_int32(num_channels, 1, "Number of Channels."); DEFINE_string(input_file, "", "Input file, PCM16 32 kHz, optional."); DEFINE_int32(delay, 0, "Delay in millisecond."); DEFINE_int32(init_delay, 0, "Initial delay in millisecond."); DEFINE_bool(dtx, false, "Enable DTX at the sender side."); DEFINE_bool(packet_loss, false, "Apply packet loss, c.f. Channel{.cc, .h}."); DEFINE_bool(fec, false, "Use Forward Error Correction (FEC)."); namespace webrtc { namespace { struct CodecSettings { char name[50]; int sample_rate_hz; int num_channels; }; struct AcmSettings { bool dtx; bool fec; }; struct TestSettings { CodecSettings codec; AcmSettings acm; bool packet_loss; }; } // namespace class DelayTest { public: DelayTest() : acm_a_(AudioCodingModule::Create(0)), acm_b_(AudioCodingModule::Create(1)), channel_a2b_(new Channel), test_cntr_(0), encoding_sample_rate_hz_(8000) {} ~DelayTest() { if (channel_a2b_ != NULL) { delete channel_a2b_; channel_a2b_ = NULL; } in_file_a_.Close(); } void Initialize() { test_cntr_ = 0; std::string file_name = webrtc::test::ResourcePath( "audio_coding/testfile32kHz", "pcm"); if (FLAGS_input_file.size() > 0) file_name = FLAGS_input_file; in_file_a_.Open(file_name, 32000, "rb"); ASSERT_EQ(0, acm_a_->InitializeReceiver()) << "Couldn't initialize receiver.\n"; ASSERT_EQ(0, acm_b_->InitializeReceiver()) << "Couldn't initialize receiver.\n"; if (FLAGS_init_delay > 0) { ASSERT_EQ(0, acm_b_->SetInitialPlayoutDelay(FLAGS_init_delay)) << "Failed to set initial delay.\n"; } if (FLAGS_delay > 0) { ASSERT_EQ(0, acm_b_->SetMinimumPlayoutDelay(FLAGS_delay)) << "Failed to set minimum delay.\n"; } int num_encoders = acm_a_->NumberOfCodecs(); CodecInst my_codec_param; for (int n = 0; n < num_encoders; n++) { EXPECT_EQ(0, acm_b_->Codec(n, &my_codec_param)) << "Failed to get codec."; if (STR_CASE_CMP(my_codec_param.plname, "opus") == 0) my_codec_param.channels = 1; else if (my_codec_param.channels > 1) continue; if (STR_CASE_CMP(my_codec_param.plname, "CN") == 0 && my_codec_param.plfreq == 48000) continue; if (STR_CASE_CMP(my_codec_param.plname, "telephone-event") == 0) continue; ASSERT_EQ(0, acm_b_->RegisterReceiveCodec(my_codec_param)) << "Couldn't register receive codec.\n"; } // Create and connect the channel ASSERT_EQ(0, acm_a_->RegisterTransportCallback(channel_a2b_)) << "Couldn't register Transport callback.\n"; channel_a2b_->RegisterReceiverACM(acm_b_.get()); } void Perform(const TestSettings* config, size_t num_tests, int duration_sec, const char* output_prefix) { for (size_t n = 0; n < num_tests; ++n) { ApplyConfig(config[n]); Run(duration_sec, output_prefix); } } private: void ApplyConfig(const TestSettings& config) { printf("====================================\n"); printf("Test %d \n" "Codec: %s, %d kHz, %d channel(s)\n" "ACM: DTX %s, FEC %s\n" "Channel: %s\n", ++test_cntr_, config.codec.name, config.codec.sample_rate_hz, config.codec.num_channels, config.acm.dtx ? "on" : "off", config.acm.fec ? "on" : "off", config.packet_loss ? "with packet-loss" : "no packet-loss"); SendCodec(config.codec); ConfigAcm(config.acm); ConfigChannel(config.packet_loss); } void SendCodec(const CodecSettings& config) { CodecInst my_codec_param; ASSERT_EQ(0, AudioCodingModule::Codec( config.name, &my_codec_param, config.sample_rate_hz, config.num_channels)) << "Specified codec is not supported.\n"; encoding_sample_rate_hz_ = my_codec_param.plfreq; ASSERT_EQ(0, acm_a_->RegisterSendCodec(my_codec_param)) << "Failed to register send-codec.\n"; } void ConfigAcm(const AcmSettings& config) { ASSERT_EQ(0, acm_a_->SetVAD(config.dtx, config.dtx, VADAggr)) << "Failed to set VAD.\n"; ASSERT_EQ(0, acm_a_->SetREDStatus(config.fec)) << "Failed to set RED.\n"; } void ConfigChannel(bool packet_loss) { channel_a2b_->SetFECTestWithPacketLoss(packet_loss); } void OpenOutFile(const char* output_id) { std::stringstream file_stream; file_stream << "delay_test_" << FLAGS_codec << "_" << FLAGS_sample_rate_hz << "Hz" << "_" << FLAGS_init_delay << "ms_" << FLAGS_delay << "ms.pcm"; std::cout << "Output file: " << file_stream.str() << std::endl << std::endl; std::string file_name = webrtc::test::OutputPath() + file_stream.str(); out_file_b_.Open(file_name.c_str(), 32000, "wb"); } void Run(int duration_sec, const char* output_prefix) { OpenOutFile(output_prefix); AudioFrame audio_frame; uint32_t out_freq_hz_b = out_file_b_.SamplingFrequency(); int num_frames = 0; int in_file_frames = 0; uint32_t playout_ts; uint32_t received_ts; double average_delay = 0; double inst_delay_sec = 0; while (num_frames < (duration_sec * 100)) { if (in_file_a_.EndOfFile()) { in_file_a_.Rewind(); } // Print delay information every 16 frame if ((num_frames & 0x3F) == 0x3F) { ACMNetworkStatistics statistics; acm_b_->NetworkStatistics(&statistics); fprintf(stdout, "delay: min=%3d max=%3d mean=%3d median=%3d" " ts-based average = %6.3f, " "curr buff-lev = %4u opt buff-lev = %4u \n", statistics.minWaitingTimeMs, statistics.maxWaitingTimeMs, statistics.meanWaitingTimeMs, statistics.medianWaitingTimeMs, average_delay, statistics.currentBufferSize, statistics.preferredBufferSize); fflush (stdout); } in_file_a_.Read10MsData(audio_frame); ASSERT_EQ(0, acm_a_->Add10MsData(audio_frame)); ASSERT_LE(0, acm_a_->Process()); ASSERT_EQ(0, acm_b_->PlayoutData10Ms(out_freq_hz_b, &audio_frame)); out_file_b_.Write10MsData( audio_frame.data_, audio_frame.samples_per_channel_ * audio_frame.num_channels_); acm_b_->PlayoutTimestamp(&playout_ts); received_ts = channel_a2b_->LastInTimestamp(); inst_delay_sec = static_cast(received_ts - playout_ts) / static_cast(encoding_sample_rate_hz_); if (num_frames > 10) average_delay = 0.95 * average_delay + 0.05 * inst_delay_sec; ++num_frames; ++in_file_frames; } out_file_b_.Close(); } scoped_ptr acm_a_; scoped_ptr acm_b_; Channel* channel_a2b_; PCMFile in_file_a_; PCMFile out_file_b_; int test_cntr_; int encoding_sample_rate_hz_; }; } // namespace webrtc int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); webrtc::TestSettings test_setting; strcpy(test_setting.codec.name, FLAGS_codec.c_str()); if (FLAGS_sample_rate_hz != 8000 && FLAGS_sample_rate_hz != 16000 && FLAGS_sample_rate_hz != 32000 && FLAGS_sample_rate_hz != 48000) { std::cout << "Invalid sampling rate.\n"; return 1; } test_setting.codec.sample_rate_hz = FLAGS_sample_rate_hz; if (FLAGS_num_channels < 1 || FLAGS_num_channels > 2) { std::cout << "Only mono and stereo are supported.\n"; return 1; } test_setting.codec.num_channels = FLAGS_num_channels; test_setting.acm.dtx = FLAGS_dtx; test_setting.acm.fec = FLAGS_fec; test_setting.packet_loss = FLAGS_packet_loss; webrtc::DelayTest delay_test; delay_test.Initialize(); delay_test.Perform(&test_setting, 1, 240, "delay_test"); return 0; }