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234 lines
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#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <array>
#include <iterator>
#include <cassert>
#include "byte_type.h"
namespace oxenc {
namespace detail {
/// Compile-time generated lookup tables hex conversion
struct hex_table {
char from_hex_lut[256];
char to_hex_lut[16];
constexpr hex_table() noexcept : from_hex_lut{}, to_hex_lut{} {
for (unsigned char c = 0; c < 10; c++) {
from_hex_lut[(unsigned char)('0' + c)] = 0 + c;
to_hex_lut[ (unsigned char)( 0 + c)] = '0' + c;
for (unsigned char c = 0; c < 6; c++) {
from_hex_lut[(unsigned char)('a' + c)] = 10 + c;
from_hex_lut[(unsigned char)('A' + c)] = 10 + c;
to_hex_lut[ (unsigned char)(10 + c)] = 'a' + c;
constexpr char from_hex(unsigned char c) const noexcept { return from_hex_lut[c]; }
constexpr char to_hex(unsigned char b) const noexcept { return to_hex_lut[b]; }
} constexpr hex_lut;
// This main point of this static assert is to force the compiler to compile-time build the constexpr tables.
static_assert(hex_lut.from_hex('a') == 10 && hex_lut.from_hex('F') == 15 && hex_lut.to_hex(13) == 'd', "");
} // namespace detail
/// Returns the number of characters required to encode a hex string from the given number of bytes.
inline constexpr size_t to_hex_size(size_t byte_size) { return byte_size * 2; }
/// Returns the number of bytes required to decode a hex string of the given size.
inline constexpr size_t from_hex_size(size_t hex_size) { return hex_size / 2; }
/// Iterable object for on-the-fly hex encoding. Used internally, but also particularly useful when
/// converting from one encoding to another.
template <typename InputIt>
struct hex_encoder final {
InputIt _it, _end;
static_assert(sizeof(decltype(*_it)) == 1, "hex_encoder requires chars/bytes input iterator");
uint8_t c = 0;
bool second_half = false;
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = char;
using reference = value_type;
using pointer = void;
hex_encoder(InputIt begin, InputIt end) : _it{std::move(begin)}, _end{std::move(end)} {}
hex_encoder end() { return {_end, _end}; }
bool operator==(const hex_encoder& i) { return _it == i._it && second_half == i.second_half; }
bool operator!=(const hex_encoder& i) { return !(*this == i); }
hex_encoder& operator++() {
second_half = !second_half;
if (!second_half)
return *this;
hex_encoder operator++(int) { hex_encoder copy{*this}; ++*this; return copy; }
char operator*() {
return detail::hex_lut.to_hex(second_half
? c & 0x0f
: (c = static_cast<uint8_t>(*_it)) >> 4);
/// Creates hex digits from a character sequence given by iterators, writes them starting at `out`.
/// Returns the final value of out (i.e. the iterator positioned just after the last written
/// hex character).
template <typename InputIt, typename OutputIt>
OutputIt to_hex(InputIt begin, InputIt end, OutputIt out) {
static_assert(sizeof(decltype(*begin)) == 1, "to_hex requires chars/bytes");
auto it = hex_encoder{begin, end};
return std::copy(it, it.end(), out);
/// Creates a string of hex digits from a character sequence iterator pair
template <typename It>
std::string to_hex(It begin, It end) {
std::string hex;
if constexpr (std::is_base_of_v<std::random_access_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits<It>::iterator_category>) {
using std::distance;
hex.reserve(to_hex_size(distance(begin, end)));
to_hex(begin, end, std::back_inserter(hex));
return hex;
/// Creates a hex string from an iterable, std::string-like object
template <typename CharT>
std::string to_hex(std::basic_string_view<CharT> s) { return to_hex(s.begin(), s.end()); }
inline std::string to_hex(std::string_view s) { return to_hex<>(s); }
/// Returns true if the given value is a valid hex digit.
template <typename CharT>
constexpr bool is_hex_digit(CharT c) {
static_assert(sizeof(CharT) == 1, "is_hex requires chars/bytes");
return detail::hex_lut.from_hex(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)) != 0 || static_cast<unsigned char>(c) == '0';
/// Returns true if all elements in the range are hex characters *and* the string length is a
/// multiple of 2, and thus suitable to pass to from_hex().
template <typename It>
constexpr bool is_hex(It begin, It end) {
static_assert(sizeof(decltype(*begin)) == 1, "is_hex requires chars/bytes");
constexpr bool ra = std::is_base_of_v<std::random_access_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits<It>::iterator_category>;
if constexpr (ra) {
using std::distance;
if (distance(begin, end) % 2 != 0)
return false;
size_t count = 0;
for (; begin != end; ++begin) {
if constexpr (!ra) ++count;
if (!is_hex_digit(*begin))
return false;
if constexpr (!ra)
return count % 2 == 0;
return true;
/// Returns true if all elements in the string-like value are hex characters
template <typename CharT>
constexpr bool is_hex(std::basic_string_view<CharT> s) { return is_hex(s.begin(), s.end()); }
constexpr bool is_hex(std::string_view s) { return is_hex(s.begin(), s.end()); }
/// Convert a hex digit into its numeric (0-15) value
constexpr char from_hex_digit(unsigned char x) noexcept {
return detail::hex_lut.from_hex(x);
/// Constructs a byte value from a pair of hex digits
constexpr char from_hex_pair(unsigned char a, unsigned char b) noexcept { return (from_hex_digit(a) << 4) | from_hex_digit(b); }
/// Iterable object for on-the-fly hex decoding. Used internally but also particularly useful when
/// converting from one encoding to another. Undefined behaviour if the given iterator range is not
/// a valid hex string with even length (i.e. is_hex() should return true).
template <typename InputIt>
struct hex_decoder final {
InputIt _it, _end;
static_assert(sizeof(decltype(*_it)) == 1, "hex_encoder requires chars/bytes input iterator");
char byte;
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = char;
using reference = value_type;
using pointer = void;
hex_decoder(InputIt begin, InputIt end) : _it{std::move(begin)}, _end{std::move(end)} {
if (_it != _end)
hex_decoder end() { return {_end, _end}; }
bool operator==(const hex_decoder& i) { return _it == i._it; }
bool operator!=(const hex_decoder& i) { return _it != i._it; }
hex_decoder& operator++() {
if (++_it != _end)
return *this;
hex_decoder operator++(int) { hex_decoder copy{*this}; ++*this; return copy; }
char operator*() const { return byte; }
void load_byte() {
auto a = *_it;
auto b = *++_it;
byte = from_hex_pair(static_cast<unsigned char>(a), static_cast<unsigned char>(b));
/// Converts a sequence of hex digits to bytes. Undefined behaviour if any characters are not in
/// [0-9a-fA-F] or if the input sequence length is not even: call `is_hex` first if you need to
/// check. It is permitted for the input and output ranges to overlap as long as out is no later
/// than begin. Returns the final value of out (that is, the iterator positioned just after the
/// last written character).
template <typename InputIt, typename OutputIt>
OutputIt from_hex(InputIt begin, InputIt end, OutputIt out) {
assert(is_hex(begin, end));
auto it = hex_decoder(begin, end);
const auto hend = it.end();
while (it != hend)
*out++ = static_cast<detail::byte_type_t<OutputIt>>(*it++);
return out;
/// Converts a sequence of hex digits to a string of bytes and returns it. Undefined behaviour if
/// the input sequence is not an even-length sequence of [0-9a-fA-F] characters.
template <typename It>
std::string from_hex(It begin, It end) {
std::string bytes;
if constexpr (std::is_base_of_v<std::random_access_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits<It>::iterator_category>) {
using std::distance;
bytes.reserve(from_hex_size(distance(begin, end)));
from_hex(begin, end, std::back_inserter(bytes));
return bytes;
/// Converts hex digits from a std::string-like object into a std::string of bytes. Undefined
/// behaviour if any characters are not in [0-9a-fA-F] or if the input sequence length is not even.
template <typename CharT>
std::string from_hex(std::basic_string_view<CharT> s) { return from_hex(s.begin(), s.end()); }
inline std::string from_hex(std::string_view s) { return from_hex<>(s); }
inline namespace literals {
inline std::string operator""_hex(const char* x, size_t n) {
std::string_view in{x, n};
if (!is_hex(in))
throw std::invalid_argument{"hex literal is not hex"};
return from_hex(in);