* Made a number of changes to try and improve background ANRs Added some more logs to the BatchMessageReceiveJob (to make it easier to track a specific job) Shifted the ConversationActivity adapter initialisation to run on a background thread to reduce the hang when opening a conversation Updated the ConversationViewModel to cache the recipient and openGroup values to avoid accessing the database unnecessarily Updated the code to just stop all current closed group pollers instead of fetching a list to stop Updated the PN registration to be triggered in an AsyncTask Updated the call code to unregister a couple of additional receivers Updated the background poller so it waits for 15 mins before running and doesn't replace the existing scheduler (allows for PNs to trigger explicit background polling) Fixed an issue where we were sending push notifications which were too large and likely to fail as a result (non-pre-offer call messages) Fixed an issue where a failing Open Group poller could prevent the background poller from receiving and processing DMs * Updated to a more coroutine-y convention
Session Android
Download on the Google Play Store
Add the F-Droid repo
Session integrates directly with Oxen Service Nodes, which are a set of distributed, decentralized and Sybil resistant nodes. Service Nodes act as servers which store messages offline, and a set of nodes which allow for onion routing functionality obfuscating users' IP addresses. For a full understanding of how Session works, read the Session Whitepaper.

Want to contribute? Found a bug or have a feature request?
Please search for any existing issues that describe your bugs in order to avoid duplicate submissions. Submissions can be made by making a pull request to our dev
branch. If you don't know where to start contributing, try reading the Github issues page for ideas.
Build instructions
Build instructions can be found in BUILDING.md.
Want to help us translate Session into your language? You can do so at https://crowdin.com/project/session-android!
Verifying signatures
Step 1:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oxen-io/oxen-core/master/utils/gpg_keys/KeeJef.asc
gpg --import KeeJef.asc
Step 2:
Get the signed hash for this release. SESSION_VERSION
needs to be updated for the release you want to verify.
export SESSION_VERSION=1.10.4
wget https://github.com/oxen-io/session-android/releases/download/$SESSION_VERSION/signatures.asc
Step 3:
Verify the signature of the hashes of the files.
gpg --verify signatures.asc 2>&1 |grep "Good signature from"
The command above should print "Good signature from "Kee Jefferys...
". If it does, the hashes are valid but we still have to make the sure the signed hashes matches the downloaded files.
Step 4:
Make sure the two commands below returns the same hash. If they do, files are valid.
sha256sum session-$SESSION_VERSION-universal.apk
grep universal.apk signatures.asc
Copyright 2011 Whisper Systems
Copyright 2013-2017 Open Whisper Systems
Copyright 2019-2021 The Oxen Project
Licensed under the GPLv3: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html