Sync multi device fixes and link device implementation
Session Android
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Session integrates directly with Loki Service Nodes, which are a set of distributed, decentralized and Sybil resistant nodes. Service Nodes act as servers which store messages offline, and a set of nodes which allow for onion routing functionality obfuscating users' IP addresses. For a full understanding of how Session works, read the Session Whitepaper.
Want to contribute? Found a bug or have a feature request?
Please search for any existing issues that describe your bugs in order to avoid duplicate submissions. Submissions can be made by making a pull request to our development branch. If you don't know where to start contributing, try reading the Github issues page for ideas.
Build instructions
Build instructions can be found in BUILDING.md.
Copyright 2011 Whisper Systems
Copyright 2013-2017 Open Whisper Systems
Copyright 2019-2020 The Loki Project
Licensed under the GPLv3: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html