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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
//go:build !plan9
// tailscale-operator provides a way to expose services running in a Kubernetes
// cluster to your Tailnet.
package main
import (
appsv1 "k8s.io/api/apps/v1"
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
discoveryv1 "k8s.io/api/discovery/v1"
networkingv1 "k8s.io/api/networking/v1"
logf "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/log"
kzap "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/log/zap"
tsapi "tailscale.com/k8s-operator/apis/v1alpha1"
// Generate static manifests for deploying Tailscale operator on Kubernetes from the operator's Helm chart.
//go:generate go run tailscale.com/cmd/k8s-operator/generate staticmanifests
// Generate Connector and ProxyClass CustomResourceDefinition yamls from their Go types.
//go:generate go run sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools/cmd/controller-gen crd schemapatch:manifests=./deploy/crds output:dir=./deploy/crds paths=../../k8s-operator/apis/...
// Generate CRD docs from the yamls
//go:generate go run fybrik.io/crdoc --resources=./deploy/crds --output=../../k8s-operator/api.md
func main() {
// Required to use our client API. We're fine with the instability since the
// client lives in the same repo as this code.
tailscale.I_Acknowledge_This_API_Is_Unstable = true
var (
tsNamespace = defaultEnv("OPERATOR_NAMESPACE", "")
tslogging = defaultEnv("OPERATOR_LOGGING", "info")
image = defaultEnv("PROXY_IMAGE", "tailscale/tailscale:latest")
priorityClassName = defaultEnv("PROXY_PRIORITY_CLASS_NAME", "")
tags = defaultEnv("PROXY_TAGS", "tag:k8s")
tsFirewallMode = defaultEnv("PROXY_FIREWALL_MODE", "")
var opts []kzap.Opts
switch tslogging {
case "info":
opts = append(opts, kzap.Level(zapcore.InfoLevel))
case "debug":
opts = append(opts, kzap.Level(zapcore.DebugLevel))
case "dev":
opts = append(opts, kzap.UseDevMode(true), kzap.Level(zapcore.DebugLevel))
zlog := kzap.NewRaw(opts...).Sugar()
// The operator can run either as a plain operator or it can
// additionally act as api-server proxy
// https://tailscale.com/kb/1236/kubernetes-operator/?q=kubernetes#accessing-the-kubernetes-control-plane-using-an-api-server-proxy.
mode := parseAPIProxyMode()
if mode == apiserverProxyModeDisabled {
} else {
s, tsClient := initTSNet(zlog)
defer s.Close()
restConfig := config.GetConfigOrDie()
maybeLaunchAPIServerProxy(zlog, restConfig, s, mode)
// TODO (irbekrm): gather the reconciler options into an opts struct
// rather than passing a million of them in one by one.
runReconcilers(zlog, s, tsNamespace, restConfig, tsClient, image, priorityClassName, tags, tsFirewallMode)
// initTSNet initializes the tsnet.Server and logs in to Tailscale. It uses the
// CLIENT_ID_FILE and CLIENT_SECRET_FILE environment variables to authenticate
// with Tailscale.
func initTSNet(zlog *zap.SugaredLogger) (*tsnet.Server, *tailscale.Client) {
var (
clientIDPath = defaultEnv("CLIENT_ID_FILE", "")
clientSecretPath = defaultEnv("CLIENT_SECRET_FILE", "")
hostname = defaultEnv("OPERATOR_HOSTNAME", "tailscale-operator")
kubeSecret = defaultEnv("OPERATOR_SECRET", "")
operatorTags = defaultEnv("OPERATOR_INITIAL_TAGS", "tag:k8s-operator")
startlog := zlog.Named("startup")
if clientIDPath == "" || clientSecretPath == "" {
startlog.Fatalf("CLIENT_ID_FILE and CLIENT_SECRET_FILE must be set")
clientID, err := os.ReadFile(clientIDPath)
if err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("reading client ID %q: %v", clientIDPath, err)
clientSecret, err := os.ReadFile(clientSecretPath)
if err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("reading client secret %q: %v", clientSecretPath, err)
credentials := clientcredentials.Config{
ClientID: string(clientID),
ClientSecret: string(clientSecret),
TokenURL: "https://login.tailscale.com/api/v2/oauth/token",
tsClient := tailscale.NewClient("-", nil)
tsClient.HTTPClient = credentials.Client(context.Background())
s := &tsnet.Server{
Hostname: hostname,
Logf: zlog.Named("tailscaled").Debugf,
if kubeSecret != "" {
st, err := kubestore.New(logger.Discard, kubeSecret)
if err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("creating kube store: %v", err)
s.Store = st
if err := s.Start(); err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("starting tailscale server: %v", err)
lc, err := s.LocalClient()
if err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("getting local client: %v", err)
ctx := context.Background()
loginDone := false
machineAuthShown := false
for {
startlog.Debugf("querying tailscaled status")
st, err := lc.StatusWithoutPeers(ctx)
if err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("getting status: %v", err)
switch st.BackendState {
case "Running":
break waitOnline
case "NeedsLogin":
if loginDone {
caps := tailscale.KeyCapabilities{
Devices: tailscale.KeyDeviceCapabilities{
Create: tailscale.KeyDeviceCreateCapabilities{
Reusable: false,
Preauthorized: true,
Tags: strings.Split(operatorTags, ","),
authkey, _, err := tsClient.CreateKey(ctx, caps)
if err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("creating operator authkey: %v", err)
if err := lc.Start(ctx, ipn.Options{
AuthKey: authkey,
}); err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("starting tailscale: %v", err)
if err := lc.StartLoginInteractive(ctx); err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("starting login: %v", err)
startlog.Debugf("requested login by authkey")
loginDone = true
case "NeedsMachineAuth":
if !machineAuthShown {
startlog.Infof("Machine approval required, please visit the admin panel to approve")
machineAuthShown = true
startlog.Debugf("waiting for tailscale to start: %v", st.BackendState)
return s, tsClient
// runReconcilers starts the controller-runtime manager and registers the
// ServiceReconciler. It blocks forever.
func runReconcilers(zlog *zap.SugaredLogger, s *tsnet.Server, tsNamespace string, restConfig *rest.Config, tsClient *tailscale.Client, image, priorityClassName, tags, tsFirewallMode string) {
var (
isDefaultLoadBalancer = defaultBool("OPERATOR_DEFAULT_LOAD_BALANCER", false)
startlog := zlog.Named("startReconcilers")
// For secrets and statefulsets, we only get permission to touch the objects
// in the controller's own namespace. This cannot be expressed by
// .Watches(...) below, instead you have to add a per-type field selector to
// the cache that sits a few layers below the builder stuff, which will
// implicitly filter what parts of the world the builder code gets to see at
// all.
nsFilter := cache.ByObject{
Field: client.InNamespace(tsNamespace).AsSelector(),
mgrOpts := manager.Options{
// TODO (irbekrm): stricter filtering what we watch/cache/call
// reconcilers on. c/r by default starts a watch on any
// resources that we GET via the controller manager's client.
Cache: cache.Options{
ByObject: map[client.Object]cache.ByObject{
&corev1.Secret{}: nsFilter,
&corev1.ServiceAccount{}: nsFilter,
&corev1.ConfigMap{}: nsFilter,
&appsv1.StatefulSet{}: nsFilter,
&appsv1.Deployment{}: nsFilter,
&discoveryv1.EndpointSlice{}: nsFilter,
Scheme: tsapi.GlobalScheme,
mgr, err := manager.New(restConfig, mgrOpts)
if err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("could not create manager: %v", err)
svcFilter := handler.EnqueueRequestsFromMapFunc(serviceHandler)
svcChildFilter := handler.EnqueueRequestsFromMapFunc(managedResourceHandlerForType("svc"))
// If a ProxyClass changes, enqueue all Services labeled with that
cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: proxy configuration mechanism via a new ProxyClass custom resource (#11074) * cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: introduce proxy configuration mechanism via ProxyClass custom resource. ProxyClass custom resource can be used to specify customizations for the proxy resources created by the operator. Add a reconciler that validates ProxyClass resources and sets a Ready condition to True or False with a corresponding reason and message. This is required because some fields (labels and annotations) require complex validations that cannot be performed at custom resource apply time. Reconcilers that use the ProxyClass to configure proxy resources are expected to verify that the ProxyClass is Ready and not proceed with resource creation if configuration from a ProxyClass that is not yet Ready is required. If a tailscale ingress/egress Service is annotated with a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation, look up the corresponding ProxyClass and, if it is Ready, apply the configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy's StatefulSet. If a tailscale Ingress has a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation and the referenced ProxyClass custom resource is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources that will be created for the Ingress. Add a new .proxyClass field to the Connector spec. If connector.spec.proxyClass is set to a ProxyClass that is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources created for the Connector. Ensure that when Helm chart is packaged, the ProxyClass yaml is added to chart templates. Ensure that static manifest generator adds ProxyClass yaml to operator.yaml. Regenerate operator.yaml Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <irbe@tailscale.com>
2024-02-13 05:27:54 +00:00
// ProxyClass's name.
proxyClassFilterForSvc := handler.EnqueueRequestsFromMapFunc(proxyClassHandlerForSvc(mgr.GetClient(), startlog))
eventRecorder := mgr.GetEventRecorderFor("tailscale-operator")
ssr := &tailscaleSTSReconciler{
Client: mgr.GetClient(),
tsnetServer: s,
tsClient: tsClient,
defaultTags: strings.Split(tags, ","),
operatorNamespace: tsNamespace,
proxyImage: image,
proxyPriorityClassName: priorityClassName,
tsFirewallMode: tsFirewallMode,
err = builder.
Watches(&corev1.Service{}, svcFilter).
Watches(&appsv1.StatefulSet{}, svcChildFilter).
Watches(&corev1.Secret{}, svcChildFilter).
cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: proxy configuration mechanism via a new ProxyClass custom resource (#11074) * cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: introduce proxy configuration mechanism via ProxyClass custom resource. ProxyClass custom resource can be used to specify customizations for the proxy resources created by the operator. Add a reconciler that validates ProxyClass resources and sets a Ready condition to True or False with a corresponding reason and message. This is required because some fields (labels and annotations) require complex validations that cannot be performed at custom resource apply time. Reconcilers that use the ProxyClass to configure proxy resources are expected to verify that the ProxyClass is Ready and not proceed with resource creation if configuration from a ProxyClass that is not yet Ready is required. If a tailscale ingress/egress Service is annotated with a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation, look up the corresponding ProxyClass and, if it is Ready, apply the configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy's StatefulSet. If a tailscale Ingress has a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation and the referenced ProxyClass custom resource is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources that will be created for the Ingress. Add a new .proxyClass field to the Connector spec. If connector.spec.proxyClass is set to a ProxyClass that is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources created for the Connector. Ensure that when Helm chart is packaged, the ProxyClass yaml is added to chart templates. Ensure that static manifest generator adds ProxyClass yaml to operator.yaml. Regenerate operator.yaml Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <irbe@tailscale.com>
2024-02-13 05:27:54 +00:00
Watches(&tsapi.ProxyClass{}, proxyClassFilterForSvc).
ssr: ssr,
Client: mgr.GetClient(),
logger: zlog.Named("service-reconciler"),
isDefaultLoadBalancer: isDefaultLoadBalancer,
recorder: eventRecorder,
tsNamespace: tsNamespace,
if err != nil {
cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: proxy configuration mechanism via a new ProxyClass custom resource (#11074) * cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: introduce proxy configuration mechanism via ProxyClass custom resource. ProxyClass custom resource can be used to specify customizations for the proxy resources created by the operator. Add a reconciler that validates ProxyClass resources and sets a Ready condition to True or False with a corresponding reason and message. This is required because some fields (labels and annotations) require complex validations that cannot be performed at custom resource apply time. Reconcilers that use the ProxyClass to configure proxy resources are expected to verify that the ProxyClass is Ready and not proceed with resource creation if configuration from a ProxyClass that is not yet Ready is required. If a tailscale ingress/egress Service is annotated with a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation, look up the corresponding ProxyClass and, if it is Ready, apply the configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy's StatefulSet. If a tailscale Ingress has a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation and the referenced ProxyClass custom resource is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources that will be created for the Ingress. Add a new .proxyClass field to the Connector spec. If connector.spec.proxyClass is set to a ProxyClass that is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources created for the Connector. Ensure that when Helm chart is packaged, the ProxyClass yaml is added to chart templates. Ensure that static manifest generator adds ProxyClass yaml to operator.yaml. Regenerate operator.yaml Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <irbe@tailscale.com>
2024-02-13 05:27:54 +00:00
startlog.Fatalf("could not create service reconciler: %v", err)
ingressChildFilter := handler.EnqueueRequestsFromMapFunc(managedResourceHandlerForType("ingress"))
cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: proxy configuration mechanism via a new ProxyClass custom resource (#11074) * cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: introduce proxy configuration mechanism via ProxyClass custom resource. ProxyClass custom resource can be used to specify customizations for the proxy resources created by the operator. Add a reconciler that validates ProxyClass resources and sets a Ready condition to True or False with a corresponding reason and message. This is required because some fields (labels and annotations) require complex validations that cannot be performed at custom resource apply time. Reconcilers that use the ProxyClass to configure proxy resources are expected to verify that the ProxyClass is Ready and not proceed with resource creation if configuration from a ProxyClass that is not yet Ready is required. If a tailscale ingress/egress Service is annotated with a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation, look up the corresponding ProxyClass and, if it is Ready, apply the configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy's StatefulSet. If a tailscale Ingress has a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation and the referenced ProxyClass custom resource is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources that will be created for the Ingress. Add a new .proxyClass field to the Connector spec. If connector.spec.proxyClass is set to a ProxyClass that is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources created for the Connector. Ensure that when Helm chart is packaged, the ProxyClass yaml is added to chart templates. Ensure that static manifest generator adds ProxyClass yaml to operator.yaml. Regenerate operator.yaml Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <irbe@tailscale.com>
2024-02-13 05:27:54 +00:00
// If a ProxyClassChanges, enqueue all Ingresses labeled with that
// ProxyClass's name.
proxyClassFilterForIngress := handler.EnqueueRequestsFromMapFunc(proxyClassHandlerForIngress(mgr.GetClient(), startlog))
// Enque Ingress if a managed Service or backend Service associated with a tailscale Ingress changes.
svcHandlerForIngress := handler.EnqueueRequestsFromMapFunc(serviceHandlerForIngress(mgr.GetClient(), startlog))
err = builder.
Watches(&appsv1.StatefulSet{}, ingressChildFilter).
Watches(&corev1.Secret{}, ingressChildFilter).
Watches(&corev1.Service{}, svcHandlerForIngress).
cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: proxy configuration mechanism via a new ProxyClass custom resource (#11074) * cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: introduce proxy configuration mechanism via ProxyClass custom resource. ProxyClass custom resource can be used to specify customizations for the proxy resources created by the operator. Add a reconciler that validates ProxyClass resources and sets a Ready condition to True or False with a corresponding reason and message. This is required because some fields (labels and annotations) require complex validations that cannot be performed at custom resource apply time. Reconcilers that use the ProxyClass to configure proxy resources are expected to verify that the ProxyClass is Ready and not proceed with resource creation if configuration from a ProxyClass that is not yet Ready is required. If a tailscale ingress/egress Service is annotated with a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation, look up the corresponding ProxyClass and, if it is Ready, apply the configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy's StatefulSet. If a tailscale Ingress has a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation and the referenced ProxyClass custom resource is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources that will be created for the Ingress. Add a new .proxyClass field to the Connector spec. If connector.spec.proxyClass is set to a ProxyClass that is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources created for the Connector. Ensure that when Helm chart is packaged, the ProxyClass yaml is added to chart templates. Ensure that static manifest generator adds ProxyClass yaml to operator.yaml. Regenerate operator.yaml Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <irbe@tailscale.com>
2024-02-13 05:27:54 +00:00
Watches(&tsapi.ProxyClass{}, proxyClassFilterForIngress).
ssr: ssr,
recorder: eventRecorder,
Client: mgr.GetClient(),
logger: zlog.Named("ingress-reconciler"),
if err != nil {
cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: proxy configuration mechanism via a new ProxyClass custom resource (#11074) * cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: introduce proxy configuration mechanism via ProxyClass custom resource. ProxyClass custom resource can be used to specify customizations for the proxy resources created by the operator. Add a reconciler that validates ProxyClass resources and sets a Ready condition to True or False with a corresponding reason and message. This is required because some fields (labels and annotations) require complex validations that cannot be performed at custom resource apply time. Reconcilers that use the ProxyClass to configure proxy resources are expected to verify that the ProxyClass is Ready and not proceed with resource creation if configuration from a ProxyClass that is not yet Ready is required. If a tailscale ingress/egress Service is annotated with a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation, look up the corresponding ProxyClass and, if it is Ready, apply the configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy's StatefulSet. If a tailscale Ingress has a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation and the referenced ProxyClass custom resource is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources that will be created for the Ingress. Add a new .proxyClass field to the Connector spec. If connector.spec.proxyClass is set to a ProxyClass that is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources created for the Connector. Ensure that when Helm chart is packaged, the ProxyClass yaml is added to chart templates. Ensure that static manifest generator adds ProxyClass yaml to operator.yaml. Regenerate operator.yaml Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <irbe@tailscale.com>
2024-02-13 05:27:54 +00:00
startlog.Fatalf("could not create ingress reconciler: %v", err)
connectorFilter := handler.EnqueueRequestsFromMapFunc(managedResourceHandlerForType("connector"))
cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: proxy configuration mechanism via a new ProxyClass custom resource (#11074) * cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: introduce proxy configuration mechanism via ProxyClass custom resource. ProxyClass custom resource can be used to specify customizations for the proxy resources created by the operator. Add a reconciler that validates ProxyClass resources and sets a Ready condition to True or False with a corresponding reason and message. This is required because some fields (labels and annotations) require complex validations that cannot be performed at custom resource apply time. Reconcilers that use the ProxyClass to configure proxy resources are expected to verify that the ProxyClass is Ready and not proceed with resource creation if configuration from a ProxyClass that is not yet Ready is required. If a tailscale ingress/egress Service is annotated with a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation, look up the corresponding ProxyClass and, if it is Ready, apply the configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy's StatefulSet. If a tailscale Ingress has a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation and the referenced ProxyClass custom resource is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources that will be created for the Ingress. Add a new .proxyClass field to the Connector spec. If connector.spec.proxyClass is set to a ProxyClass that is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources created for the Connector. Ensure that when Helm chart is packaged, the ProxyClass yaml is added to chart templates. Ensure that static manifest generator adds ProxyClass yaml to operator.yaml. Regenerate operator.yaml Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <irbe@tailscale.com>
2024-02-13 05:27:54 +00:00
// If a ProxyClassChanges, enqueue all Connectors that have
// .spec.proxyClass set to the name of this ProxyClass.
proxyClassFilterForConnector := handler.EnqueueRequestsFromMapFunc(proxyClassHandlerForConnector(mgr.GetClient(), startlog))
err = builder.ControllerManagedBy(mgr).
Watches(&appsv1.StatefulSet{}, connectorFilter).
Watches(&corev1.Secret{}, connectorFilter).
cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: proxy configuration mechanism via a new ProxyClass custom resource (#11074) * cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: introduce proxy configuration mechanism via ProxyClass custom resource. ProxyClass custom resource can be used to specify customizations for the proxy resources created by the operator. Add a reconciler that validates ProxyClass resources and sets a Ready condition to True or False with a corresponding reason and message. This is required because some fields (labels and annotations) require complex validations that cannot be performed at custom resource apply time. Reconcilers that use the ProxyClass to configure proxy resources are expected to verify that the ProxyClass is Ready and not proceed with resource creation if configuration from a ProxyClass that is not yet Ready is required. If a tailscale ingress/egress Service is annotated with a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation, look up the corresponding ProxyClass and, if it is Ready, apply the configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy's StatefulSet. If a tailscale Ingress has a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation and the referenced ProxyClass custom resource is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources that will be created for the Ingress. Add a new .proxyClass field to the Connector spec. If connector.spec.proxyClass is set to a ProxyClass that is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources created for the Connector. Ensure that when Helm chart is packaged, the ProxyClass yaml is added to chart templates. Ensure that static manifest generator adds ProxyClass yaml to operator.yaml. Regenerate operator.yaml Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <irbe@tailscale.com>
2024-02-13 05:27:54 +00:00
Watches(&tsapi.ProxyClass{}, proxyClassFilterForConnector).
ssr: ssr,
recorder: eventRecorder,
Client: mgr.GetClient(),
logger: zlog.Named("connector-reconciler"),
clock: tstime.DefaultClock{},
if err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("could not create connector reconciler: %v", err)
// TODO (irbekrm): switch to metadata-only watches for resources whose
// spec we don't need to inspect to reduce memory consumption
// https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/controller-runtime/issues/1159
nameserverFilter := handler.EnqueueRequestsFromMapFunc(managedResourceHandlerForType("nameserver"))
err = builder.ControllerManagedBy(mgr).
Watches(&appsv1.Deployment{}, nameserverFilter).
Watches(&corev1.ConfigMap{}, nameserverFilter).
Watches(&corev1.Service{}, nameserverFilter).
Watches(&corev1.ServiceAccount{}, nameserverFilter).
recorder: eventRecorder,
tsNamespace: tsNamespace,
Client: mgr.GetClient(),
logger: zlog.Named("nameserver-reconciler"),
clock: tstime.DefaultClock{},
if err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("could not create nameserver reconciler: %v", err)
cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: proxy configuration mechanism via a new ProxyClass custom resource (#11074) * cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: introduce proxy configuration mechanism via ProxyClass custom resource. ProxyClass custom resource can be used to specify customizations for the proxy resources created by the operator. Add a reconciler that validates ProxyClass resources and sets a Ready condition to True or False with a corresponding reason and message. This is required because some fields (labels and annotations) require complex validations that cannot be performed at custom resource apply time. Reconcilers that use the ProxyClass to configure proxy resources are expected to verify that the ProxyClass is Ready and not proceed with resource creation if configuration from a ProxyClass that is not yet Ready is required. If a tailscale ingress/egress Service is annotated with a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation, look up the corresponding ProxyClass and, if it is Ready, apply the configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy's StatefulSet. If a tailscale Ingress has a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation and the referenced ProxyClass custom resource is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources that will be created for the Ingress. Add a new .proxyClass field to the Connector spec. If connector.spec.proxyClass is set to a ProxyClass that is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources created for the Connector. Ensure that when Helm chart is packaged, the ProxyClass yaml is added to chart templates. Ensure that static manifest generator adds ProxyClass yaml to operator.yaml. Regenerate operator.yaml Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <irbe@tailscale.com>
2024-02-13 05:27:54 +00:00
err = builder.ControllerManagedBy(mgr).
Client: mgr.GetClient(),
recorder: eventRecorder,
logger: zlog.Named("proxyclass-reconciler"),
clock: tstime.DefaultClock{},
if err != nil {
startlog.Fatal("could not create proxyclass reconciler: %v", err)
logger := startlog.Named("dns-records-reconciler-event-handlers")
// On EndpointSlice events, if it is an EndpointSlice for an
// ingress/egress proxy headless Service, reconcile the headless
// Service.
dnsRREpsOpts := handler.EnqueueRequestsFromMapFunc(dnsRecordsReconcilerEndpointSliceHandler)
// On DNSConfig changes, reconcile all headless Services for
// ingress/egress proxies in operator namespace.
dnsRRDNSConfigOpts := handler.EnqueueRequestsFromMapFunc(enqueueAllIngressEgressProxySvcsInNS(tsNamespace, mgr.GetClient(), logger))
// On Service events, if it is an ingress/egress proxy headless Service, reconcile it.
dnsRRServiceOpts := handler.EnqueueRequestsFromMapFunc(dnsRecordsReconcilerServiceHandler)
// On Ingress events, if it is a tailscale Ingress or if tailscale is the default ingress controller, reconcile the proxy
// headless Service.
dnsRRIngressOpts := handler.EnqueueRequestsFromMapFunc(dnsRecordsReconcilerIngressHandler(tsNamespace, isDefaultLoadBalancer, mgr.GetClient(), logger))
err = builder.ControllerManagedBy(mgr).
Watches(&corev1.Service{}, dnsRRServiceOpts).
Watches(&networkingv1.Ingress{}, dnsRRIngressOpts).
Watches(&discoveryv1.EndpointSlice{}, dnsRREpsOpts).
Watches(&tsapi.DNSConfig{}, dnsRRDNSConfigOpts).
Client: mgr.GetClient(),
tsNamespace: tsNamespace,
logger: zlog.Named("dns-records-reconciler"),
isDefaultLoadBalancer: isDefaultLoadBalancer,
if err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("could not create DNS records reconciler: %v", err)
startlog.Infof("Startup complete, operator running, version: %s", version.Long())
if err := mgr.Start(signals.SetupSignalHandler()); err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("could not start manager: %v", err)
// enqueueAllIngressEgressProxySvcsinNS returns a reconcile request for each
// ingress/egress proxy headless Service found in the provided namespace.
func enqueueAllIngressEgressProxySvcsInNS(ns string, cl client.Client, logger *zap.SugaredLogger) handler.MapFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, _ client.Object) []reconcile.Request {
reqs := make([]reconcile.Request, 0)
// Get all headless Services for proxies configured using Service.
svcProxyLabels := map[string]string{
LabelManaged: "true",
LabelParentType: "svc",
svcHeadlessSvcList := &corev1.ServiceList{}
if err := cl.List(ctx, svcHeadlessSvcList, client.InNamespace(ns), client.MatchingLabels(svcProxyLabels)); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("error listing headless Services for tailscale ingress/egress Services in operator namespace: %v", err)
return nil
for _, svc := range svcHeadlessSvcList.Items {
reqs = append(reqs, reconcile.Request{NamespacedName: types.NamespacedName{Namespace: svc.Namespace, Name: svc.Name}})
// Get all headless Services for proxies configured using Ingress.
ingProxyLabels := map[string]string{
LabelManaged: "true",
LabelParentType: "ingress",
ingHeadlessSvcList := &corev1.ServiceList{}
if err := cl.List(ctx, ingHeadlessSvcList, client.InNamespace(ns), client.MatchingLabels(ingProxyLabels)); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("error listing headless Services for tailscale Ingresses in operator namespace: %v", err)
return nil
for _, svc := range ingHeadlessSvcList.Items {
reqs = append(reqs, reconcile.Request{NamespacedName: types.NamespacedName{Namespace: svc.Namespace, Name: svc.Name}})
return reqs
// dnsRecordsReconciler filters EndpointSlice events for which
// dns-records-reconciler should reconcile a headless Service. The only events
// it should reconcile are those for EndpointSlices associated with proxy
// headless Services.
func dnsRecordsReconcilerEndpointSliceHandler(ctx context.Context, o client.Object) []reconcile.Request {
if !isManagedByType(o, "svc") && !isManagedByType(o, "ingress") {
return nil
headlessSvcName, ok := o.GetLabels()[discoveryv1.LabelServiceName] // https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/endpoint-slices/#ownership
if !ok {
return nil
return []reconcile.Request{{NamespacedName: types.NamespacedName{Namespace: o.GetNamespace(), Name: headlessSvcName}}}
// dnsRecordsReconcilerServiceHandler filters Service events for which
// dns-records-reconciler should reconcile. If the event is for a cluster
// ingress/cluster egress proxy's headless Service, returns the Service for
// reconcile.
func dnsRecordsReconcilerServiceHandler(ctx context.Context, o client.Object) []reconcile.Request {
if isManagedByType(o, "svc") || isManagedByType(o, "ingress") {
return []reconcile.Request{{NamespacedName: types.NamespacedName{Namespace: o.GetNamespace(), Name: o.GetName()}}}
return nil
// dnsRecordsReconcilerIngressHandler filters Ingress events to ensure that
// dns-records-reconciler only reconciles on tailscale Ingress events. When an
// event is observed on a tailscale Ingress, reconcile the proxy headless Service.
func dnsRecordsReconcilerIngressHandler(ns string, isDefaultLoadBalancer bool, cl client.Client, logger *zap.SugaredLogger) handler.MapFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, o client.Object) []reconcile.Request {
ing, ok := o.(*networkingv1.Ingress)
if !ok {
return nil
if !isDefaultLoadBalancer && (ing.Spec.IngressClassName == nil || *ing.Spec.IngressClassName != "tailscale") {
return nil
proxyResourceLabels := childResourceLabels(ing.Name, ing.Namespace, "ingress")
headlessSvc, err := getSingleObject[corev1.Service](ctx, cl, ns, proxyResourceLabels)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("error getting headless Service from parent labels: %v", err)
return nil
if headlessSvc == nil {
return nil
return []reconcile.Request{{NamespacedName: types.NamespacedName{Namespace: headlessSvc.Namespace, Name: headlessSvc.Name}}}
type tsClient interface {
CreateKey(ctx context.Context, caps tailscale.KeyCapabilities) (string, *tailscale.Key, error)
DeleteDevice(ctx context.Context, nodeStableID string) error
func isManagedResource(o client.Object) bool {
ls := o.GetLabels()
return ls[LabelManaged] == "true"
func isManagedByType(o client.Object, typ string) bool {
ls := o.GetLabels()
return isManagedResource(o) && ls[LabelParentType] == typ
func parentFromObjectLabels(o client.Object) types.NamespacedName {
ls := o.GetLabels()
return types.NamespacedName{
Namespace: ls[LabelParentNamespace],
Name: ls[LabelParentName],
cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: proxy configuration mechanism via a new ProxyClass custom resource (#11074) * cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: introduce proxy configuration mechanism via ProxyClass custom resource. ProxyClass custom resource can be used to specify customizations for the proxy resources created by the operator. Add a reconciler that validates ProxyClass resources and sets a Ready condition to True or False with a corresponding reason and message. This is required because some fields (labels and annotations) require complex validations that cannot be performed at custom resource apply time. Reconcilers that use the ProxyClass to configure proxy resources are expected to verify that the ProxyClass is Ready and not proceed with resource creation if configuration from a ProxyClass that is not yet Ready is required. If a tailscale ingress/egress Service is annotated with a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation, look up the corresponding ProxyClass and, if it is Ready, apply the configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy's StatefulSet. If a tailscale Ingress has a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation and the referenced ProxyClass custom resource is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources that will be created for the Ingress. Add a new .proxyClass field to the Connector spec. If connector.spec.proxyClass is set to a ProxyClass that is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources created for the Connector. Ensure that when Helm chart is packaged, the ProxyClass yaml is added to chart templates. Ensure that static manifest generator adds ProxyClass yaml to operator.yaml. Regenerate operator.yaml Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <irbe@tailscale.com>
2024-02-13 05:27:54 +00:00
func managedResourceHandlerForType(typ string) handler.MapFunc {
return func(_ context.Context, o client.Object) []reconcile.Request {
if !isManagedByType(o, typ) {
return nil
return []reconcile.Request{
{NamespacedName: parentFromObjectLabels(o)},
cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: proxy configuration mechanism via a new ProxyClass custom resource (#11074) * cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: introduce proxy configuration mechanism via ProxyClass custom resource. ProxyClass custom resource can be used to specify customizations for the proxy resources created by the operator. Add a reconciler that validates ProxyClass resources and sets a Ready condition to True or False with a corresponding reason and message. This is required because some fields (labels and annotations) require complex validations that cannot be performed at custom resource apply time. Reconcilers that use the ProxyClass to configure proxy resources are expected to verify that the ProxyClass is Ready and not proceed with resource creation if configuration from a ProxyClass that is not yet Ready is required. If a tailscale ingress/egress Service is annotated with a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation, look up the corresponding ProxyClass and, if it is Ready, apply the configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy's StatefulSet. If a tailscale Ingress has a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation and the referenced ProxyClass custom resource is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources that will be created for the Ingress. Add a new .proxyClass field to the Connector spec. If connector.spec.proxyClass is set to a ProxyClass that is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources created for the Connector. Ensure that when Helm chart is packaged, the ProxyClass yaml is added to chart templates. Ensure that static manifest generator adds ProxyClass yaml to operator.yaml. Regenerate operator.yaml Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <irbe@tailscale.com>
2024-02-13 05:27:54 +00:00
cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: proxy configuration mechanism via a new ProxyClass custom resource (#11074) * cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: introduce proxy configuration mechanism via ProxyClass custom resource. ProxyClass custom resource can be used to specify customizations for the proxy resources created by the operator. Add a reconciler that validates ProxyClass resources and sets a Ready condition to True or False with a corresponding reason and message. This is required because some fields (labels and annotations) require complex validations that cannot be performed at custom resource apply time. Reconcilers that use the ProxyClass to configure proxy resources are expected to verify that the ProxyClass is Ready and not proceed with resource creation if configuration from a ProxyClass that is not yet Ready is required. If a tailscale ingress/egress Service is annotated with a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation, look up the corresponding ProxyClass and, if it is Ready, apply the configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy's StatefulSet. If a tailscale Ingress has a tailscale.com/proxy-class annotation and the referenced ProxyClass custom resource is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources that will be created for the Ingress. Add a new .proxyClass field to the Connector spec. If connector.spec.proxyClass is set to a ProxyClass that is available and Ready, apply configuration from the ProxyClass to the proxy resources created for the Connector. Ensure that when Helm chart is packaged, the ProxyClass yaml is added to chart templates. Ensure that static manifest generator adds ProxyClass yaml to operator.yaml. Regenerate operator.yaml Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <irbe@tailscale.com>
2024-02-13 05:27:54 +00:00
// proxyClassHandlerForSvc returns a handler that, for a given ProxyClass,
// returns a list of reconcile requests for all Services labeled with
// tailscale.com/proxy-class: <proxy class name>.
func proxyClassHandlerForSvc(cl client.Client, logger *zap.SugaredLogger) handler.MapFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, o client.Object) []reconcile.Request {
svcList := new(corev1.ServiceList)
labels := map[string]string{
LabelProxyClass: o.GetName(),
if err := cl.List(ctx, svcList, client.MatchingLabels(labels)); err != nil {
logger.Debugf("error listing Services for ProxyClass: %v", err)
return nil
reqs := make([]reconcile.Request, 0)
for _, svc := range svcList.Items {
reqs = append(reqs, reconcile.Request{NamespacedName: client.ObjectKeyFromObject(&svc)})
return reqs
// proxyClassHandlerForIngress returns a handler that, for a given ProxyClass,
// returns a list of reconcile requests for all Ingresses labeled with
// tailscale.com/proxy-class: <proxy class name>.
func proxyClassHandlerForIngress(cl client.Client, logger *zap.SugaredLogger) handler.MapFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, o client.Object) []reconcile.Request {
ingList := new(networkingv1.IngressList)
labels := map[string]string{
LabelProxyClass: o.GetName(),
if err := cl.List(ctx, ingList, client.MatchingLabels(labels)); err != nil {
logger.Debugf("error listing Ingresses for ProxyClass: %v", err)
return nil
reqs := make([]reconcile.Request, 0)
for _, ing := range ingList.Items {
reqs = append(reqs, reconcile.Request{NamespacedName: client.ObjectKeyFromObject(&ing)})
return reqs
// proxyClassHandlerForConnector returns a handler that, for a given ProxyClass,
// returns a list of reconcile requests for all Connectors that have
// .spec.proxyClass set.
func proxyClassHandlerForConnector(cl client.Client, logger *zap.SugaredLogger) handler.MapFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, o client.Object) []reconcile.Request {
connList := new(tsapi.ConnectorList)
if err := cl.List(ctx, connList); err != nil {
logger.Debugf("error listing Connectors for ProxyClass: %v", err)
return nil
reqs := make([]reconcile.Request, 0)
proxyClassName := o.GetName()
for _, conn := range connList.Items {
if conn.Spec.ProxyClass == proxyClassName {
reqs = append(reqs, reconcile.Request{NamespacedName: client.ObjectKeyFromObject(&conn)})
return reqs
// serviceHandlerForIngress returns a handler for Service events for ingress
// reconciler that ensures that if the Service associated with an event is of
// interest to the reconciler, the associated Ingress(es) gets be reconciled.
// The Services of interest are backend Services for tailscale Ingress and
// managed Services for an StatefulSet for a proxy configured for tailscale
// Ingress
func serviceHandlerForIngress(cl client.Client, logger *zap.SugaredLogger) handler.MapFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, o client.Object) []reconcile.Request {
if isManagedByType(o, "ingress") {
ingName := parentFromObjectLabels(o)
return []reconcile.Request{{NamespacedName: ingName}}
ingList := networkingv1.IngressList{}
if err := cl.List(ctx, &ingList, client.InNamespace(o.GetNamespace())); err != nil {
logger.Debugf("error listing Ingresses: %v", err)
return nil
reqs := make([]reconcile.Request, 0)
for _, ing := range ingList.Items {
if ing.Spec.IngressClassName == nil || *ing.Spec.IngressClassName != tailscaleIngressClassName {
return nil
if ing.Spec.DefaultBackend != nil && ing.Spec.DefaultBackend.Service != nil && ing.Spec.DefaultBackend.Service.Name == o.GetName() {
reqs = append(reqs, reconcile.Request{NamespacedName: client.ObjectKeyFromObject(&ing)})
for _, rule := range ing.Spec.Rules {
if rule.HTTP == nil {
for _, path := range rule.HTTP.Paths {
if path.Backend.Service != nil && path.Backend.Service.Name == o.GetName() {
reqs = append(reqs, reconcile.Request{NamespacedName: client.ObjectKeyFromObject(&ing)})
return reqs
func serviceHandler(_ context.Context, o client.Object) []reconcile.Request {
if isManagedByType(o, "svc") {
// If this is a Service managed by a Service we want to enqueue its parent
return []reconcile.Request{{NamespacedName: parentFromObjectLabels(o)}}
if isManagedResource(o) {
// If this is a Servce managed by a resource that is not a Service, we leave it alone
return nil
// If this is not a managed Service we want to enqueue it
return []reconcile.Request{
NamespacedName: types.NamespacedName{
Namespace: o.GetNamespace(),
Name: o.GetName(),
// isMagicDNSName reports whether name is a full tailnet node FQDN (with or
// without final dot).
func isMagicDNSName(name string) bool {
validMagicDNSName := regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.ts\.net\.?$`)
return validMagicDNSName.MatchString(name)