go.mod, cmd/tailscaled, ipn/localapi, util/osdiag, util/winutil, util/winutil/authenticode: add Windows module list to OS-specific logs that are written upon bugreport
* We update wingoes to pick up new version information functionality
(See pe/version.go in the https://github.com/dblohm7/wingoes repo);
* We move the existing LogSupportInfo code (including necessary syscall
stubs) out of util/winutil into a new package, util/osdiag, and implement
the public LogSupportInfo function may be implemented for other platforms
as needed;
* We add a new reason argument to LogSupportInfo and wire that into
localapi's bugreport implementation;
* We add module information to the Windows implementation of LogSupportInfo
when reason indicates a bugreport. We enumerate all loaded modules in our
process, and for each one we gather debug, authenticode signature, and
version information.
Fixes #7802
Signed-off-by: Aaron Klotz <aaron@tailscale.com>
2023-06-26 11:50:45 -06:00
// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package osdiag
//go:generate go run golang.org/x/sys/windows/mkwinsyscall -output zsyscall_windows.go mksyscall.go
//go:generate go run golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports -w zsyscall_windows.go
//sys regEnumValue(key registry.Key, index uint32, valueName *uint16, valueNameLen *uint32, reserved *uint32, valueType *uint32, pData *byte, cbData *uint32) (ret error) [failretval!=0] = advapi32.RegEnumValueW
2023-08-10 12:20:31 -06:00
//sys wscEnumProtocols(iProtocols *int32, protocolBuffer *wsaProtocolInfo, bufLen *uint32, errno *int32) (ret int32) = ws2_32.WSCEnumProtocols
//sys wscGetProviderInfo(providerId *windows.GUID, infoType _WSC_PROVIDER_INFO_TYPE, info unsafe.Pointer, infoSize *uintptr, flags uint32, errno *int32) (ret int32) = ws2_32.WSCGetProviderInfo
//sys wscGetProviderPath(providerId *windows.GUID, providerDllPath *uint16, providerDllPathLen *int32, errno *int32) (ret int32) = ws2_32.WSCGetProviderPath