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// Copyright (c) 2021 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package vss provides a minimal set of wrappers for the COM interfaces used for
// accessing Windows's Volume Shadow Copy Service.
package vss
import (
// Type representing a C pointer to a null-terminated UTF-16 string that was allocated
// by the COM runtime.
type COMAllocatedString uintptr
type VSS_TIMESTAMP int64
// SnapshotProperties is the Go representation of the VSS_SNAPSHOT_PROP structure from the Windows SDK
type SnapshotProperties struct {
SnapshotId windows.GUID
SnapshotSetId windows.GUID
SnapshotsCount int32
SnapshotDeviceObject COMAllocatedString
OriginalVolumeName COMAllocatedString
OriginatingMachine COMAllocatedString
ServiceMachine COMAllocatedString
ExposedName COMAllocatedString
ExposedPath COMAllocatedString
ProviderId windows.GUID
SnapshotAttributes int32
CreationTimestamp VSS_TIMESTAMP
Status int32
// Because of the constraints that this package applies to queries, the objType
// field may be ignored when reading its data.
type ObjectProperties struct {
objType int32
Obj SnapshotProperties
type SnapshotList []ObjectProperties
// SnapshotEnumerator is the interface that enables execution of a VSS query.
// QuerySnapshots returns a SnapshotList of all available snapshots.
// The elements of the SnapshotList should be returned in reverse chronological order.
type SnapshotEnumerator interface {
QuerySnapshots() (SnapshotList, error)
var (
vssApi = windows.NewLazySystemDLL("VssApi.dll")
procCreateVssBackupComponentsInternal = vssApi.NewProc("CreateVssBackupComponentsInternal")
const vssCtxClientAccessibleWriters = 0x0000000d
// NewSnapshotEnumerator instantiates the necessary OS facilities for accessing
// the Volume Shadow Copy service, and then returns a SnapshotEnumerator that
// may then be used for executing a query against the service.
func NewSnapshotEnumerator() (SnapshotEnumerator, error) {
var result vssBackupComponentsWrap
hresult, _, _ := procCreateVssBackupComponentsInternal.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&result.iface)))
err := errorFromHRESULT(hresult)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
if err != nil {
err = result.iface.InitializeForBackup()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// vssCtxClientAccessibleWriters is the context that we need to be able to access
// system restore points.
err = result.iface.SetContext(vssCtxClientAccessibleWriters)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &result, nil
func (s *COMAllocatedString) Close() error {
if s != nil {
*s = 0
return nil
func (s *COMAllocatedString) String() string {
if s == nil {
return "<nil>"
return windows.UTF16PtrToString((*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(*s)))
func (ts VSS_TIMESTAMP) ToFiletime() windows.Filetime {
return *((*windows.Filetime)(unsafe.Pointer(&ts)))
// Converts a windows.Filetime to a VSS_TIMESTAMP
func VSSTimestampFromFiletime(ft windows.Filetime) VSS_TIMESTAMP {
return *((*VSS_TIMESTAMP)(unsafe.Pointer(&ft)))
func (p *SnapshotProperties) Close() error {
if p == nil {
return nil
return nil
func (props *ObjectProperties) Close() error {
if props == nil {
return nil
return props.Obj.Close()
func (snapList *SnapshotList) Close() error {
if snapList == nil {
return nil
for _, snap := range *snapList {
return nil
func errorFromHRESULT(value uintptr) error {
// In C, HRESULTS are typedef'd as LONG, which on Windows is always int32
hr := int32(value)
if hr < 0 {
return windows.Errno(hr)
return nil
type unknownVtbl struct {
QueryInterface uintptr
AddRef uintptr
Release uintptr
// The complete vtable for IVssEnumObject.
// We only call Release and Next, so most of these fields, while populated by
// Windows, are unused by us.
type vssEnumObjectVtbl struct {
Next uintptr
Skip uintptr
Reset uintptr
Clone uintptr
type vssEnumObjectABI struct {
vtbl *vssEnumObjectVtbl
func (iface *vssEnumObjectABI) Release() int32 {
result, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(iface.vtbl.Release, 1, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(iface)), 0, 0)
return int32(result)
func (iface *vssEnumObjectABI) Next() ([]ObjectProperties, error) {
var props [16]ObjectProperties
var numFetched uint32
hresult, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(iface.vtbl.Next, 4, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(iface)),
uintptr(len(props)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&props[0])), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&numFetched)), 0, 0)
err := errorFromHRESULT(hresult)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// For some reason x/sys/windows gives HRESULT error codes a type of
// windows.Handle, which is wrong, so we're being explicit here.
if int32(hresult) == int32(windows.S_FALSE) {
err = io.EOF
return props[:numFetched], err
// The complete vtable for IVssBackupComponents.
// We only call Release, InitializeForBackup, SetContext, and Query,
// so most of these fields, while populated by Windows, are unused by us.
type vssBackupComponentsVtbl struct {
GetWriterComponentsCount uintptr
GetWriterComponents uintptr
InitializeForBackup uintptr
SetBackupState uintptr
InitializeForRestore uintptr
SetRestoreState uintptr
GatherWriterMetadata uintptr
GetWriterMetadataCount uintptr
GetWriterMetadata uintptr
FreeWriterMetadata uintptr
AddComponent uintptr
PrepareForBackup uintptr
AbortBackup uintptr
GatherWriterStatus uintptr
GetWriterStatusCount uintptr
FreeWriterStatus uintptr
GetWriterStatus uintptr
SetBackupSucceeded uintptr
SetBackupOptions uintptr
SetSelectedForRestore uintptr
SetRestoreOptions uintptr
SetAdditionalRestores uintptr
SetPreviousBackupStamp uintptr
SaveAsXML uintptr
BackupComplete uintptr
AddAlternativeLocationMapping uintptr
AddRestoreSubcomponent uintptr
SetFileRestoreStatus uintptr
AddNewTarget uintptr
SetRangesFilePath uintptr
PreRestore uintptr
PostRestore uintptr
SetContext uintptr
StartSnapshotSet uintptr
AddToSnapshotSet uintptr
DoSnapshotSet uintptr
DeleteSnapshots uintptr
ImportSnapshots uintptr
BreakSnapshotSet uintptr
GetSnapshotProperties uintptr
Query uintptr
IsVolumeSupported uintptr
DisableWriterClasses uintptr
EnableWriterClasses uintptr
DisableWriterInstances uintptr
ExposeSnapshot uintptr
RevertToSnapshot uintptr
QueryRevertStatus uintptr
type vssBackupComponentsABI struct {
vtbl *vssBackupComponentsVtbl
func (iface *vssBackupComponentsABI) Release() int32 {
result, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(iface.vtbl.Release, 1, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(iface)), 0, 0)
return int32(result)
func (iface *vssBackupComponentsABI) InitializeForBackup() error {
// Note that we pass a second argument that is a null C pointer, i.e. 0
hresult, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(iface.vtbl.InitializeForBackup, 2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(iface)), 0, 0)
return errorFromHRESULT(hresult)
func (iface *vssBackupComponentsABI) SetContext(context int32) error {
hresult, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(iface.vtbl.SetContext, 2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(iface)), uintptr(context), 0)
return errorFromHRESULT(hresult)
const (
vssObjectUnknown = 0
vssObjectNone = 1
vssObjectSnapshotSet = 2
vssObjectSnapshot = 3
vssObjectProvider = 4
// QuerySnapshots returns the list of applicable snapshots as a SnapshotList
// (as opposed to a channel-based implementation) because we need to be able to
// access the snapshot information in reverse-chronological order.
func (iface *vssBackupComponentsABI) QuerySnapshots() (SnapshotList, error) {
// Perform the Query. If successful, the query will produce an enumeration object.
var GUID_NULL windows.GUID
var enumObj *vssEnumObjectABI
hresult, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(iface.vtbl.Query, 5, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(iface)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&GUID_NULL)),
vssObjectNone, vssObjectSnapshot, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&enumObj)), 0)
err := errorFromHRESULT(hresult)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer enumObj.Release()
// Build up the complete list of snapshots from the enumerator object.
var result SnapshotList
chunk, err := enumObj.Next()
for ok := err == nil || errors.Is(err, io.EOF); ok; ok = err == nil {
if result == nil {
result = chunk
} else {
for _, item := range chunk {
result = append(result, item)
chunk, err = enumObj.Next()
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
return nil, err
// Sort in reverse chronological order so we may easily iterate from newest to oldest
sort.Slice(result, func(i, j int) bool {
return result[i].Obj.CreationTimestamp > result[j].Obj.CreationTimestamp
return result, nil
type vssBackupComponentsWrap struct {
iface *vssBackupComponentsABI
func (vss *vssBackupComponentsWrap) Close() error {
if vss == nil || vss.iface == nil {
return nil
vss.iface = nil
return nil
func (vss *vssBackupComponentsWrap) QuerySnapshots() (SnapshotList, error) {
if vss == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Called QuerySnapshots on a nil vssBackupComponentsWrap")
return vss.iface.QuerySnapshots()