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synced 2025-03-24 02:01:01 +00:00
cmd/containerboot,cmd/k8s-operator: enable IPv6 for fqdn egress proxies (#12577)
cmd/containerboot,cmd/k8s-operator: enable IPv6 for fqdn egress proxies Don't skip installing egress forwarding rules for IPv6 (as long as the host supports IPv6), and set headless services `ipFamilyPolicy` to `PreferDualStack` to optionally enable both IP families when possible. Note that even with `PreferDualStack` set, testing a dual-stack GKE cluster with the default DNS setup of kube-dns did not correctly set both A and AAAA records for the headless service, and instead only did so when switching the cluster DNS to Cloud DNS. For both IPv4 and IPv6 to work simultaneously in a dual-stack cluster, we require headless services to return both A and AAAA records. If the host doesn't support IPv6 but the FQDN specified only has IPv6 addresses available, containerboot will exit with error code 1 and an error message because there is no viable egress route. Fixes #12215 Signed-off-by: Tom Proctor <tomhjp@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -476,18 +476,20 @@ runLoop:
newCurentEgressIPs = deephash.Hash(&egressAddrs)
egressIPsHaveChanged = newCurentEgressIPs != currentEgressIPs
if egressIPsHaveChanged && len(egressAddrs) != 0 {
var rulesInstalled bool
for _, egressAddr := range egressAddrs {
ea := egressAddr.Addr()
// TODO (irbekrm): make it work for IPv6 too.
if ea.Is6() {
log.Println("Not installing egress forwarding rules for IPv6 as this is currently not supported")
log.Printf("Installing forwarding rules for destination %v", ea.String())
if err := installEgressForwardingRule(ctx, ea.String(), addrs, nfr); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("installing egress proxy rules for destination %s: %v", ea.String(), err)
if ea.Is4() || (ea.Is6() && nfr.HasIPV6NAT()) {
rulesInstalled = true
log.Printf("Installing forwarding rules for destination %v", ea.String())
if err := installEgressForwardingRule(ctx, ea.String(), addrs, nfr); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("installing egress proxy rules for destination %s: %v", ea.String(), err)
if !rulesInstalled {
log.Fatalf("no forwarding rules for egress addresses %v, host supports IPv6: %v", egressAddrs, nfr.HasIPV6NAT())
currentEgressIPs = newCurentEgressIPs
@ -941,7 +943,7 @@ func enableIPForwarding(v4Forwarding, v6Forwarding bool, root string) error {
return nil
func installEgressForwardingRule(ctx context.Context, dstStr string, tsIPs []netip.Prefix, nfr linuxfw.NetfilterRunner) error {
func installEgressForwardingRule(_ context.Context, dstStr string, tsIPs []netip.Prefix, nfr linuxfw.NetfilterRunner) error {
dst, err := netip.ParseAddr(dstStr)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ func TestContainerBoot(t *testing.T) {
defer kube.Close()
tailscaledConf := &ipn.ConfigVAlpha{AuthKey: func(s string) *string { return &s }("foo"), Version: "alpha0"}
tailscaledConf := &ipn.ConfigVAlpha{AuthKey: ptr.To("foo"), Version: "alpha0"}
tailscaledConfBytes, err := json.Marshal(tailscaledConf)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error unmarshaling tailscaled config: %v", err)
@ -116,6 +116,9 @@ func TestContainerBoot(t *testing.T) {
// WantFiles files that should exist in the container and their
// contents.
WantFiles map[string]string
// WantFatalLog is the fatal log message we expect from containerboot.
// If set for a phase, the test will finish on that phase.
WantFatalLog string
runningNotify := &ipn.Notify{
State: ptr.To(ipn.Running),
@ -349,12 +352,57 @@ func TestContainerBoot(t *testing.T) {
"/usr/bin/tailscaled --socket=/tmp/tailscaled.sock --state=mem: --statedir=/tmp",
"/usr/bin/tailscale --socket=/tmp/tailscaled.sock up --accept-dns=false --authkey=tskey-key",
WantFiles: map[string]string{
"proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward": "1",
"proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding": "0",
Notify: runningNotify,
Name: "egress_proxy_fqdn_ipv6_target_on_ipv4_host",
Env: map[string]string{
"TS_AUTHKEY": "tskey-key",
"TS_TAILNET_TARGET_FQDN": "ipv6-node.test.ts.net", // resolves to IPv6 address
"TS_USERSPACE": "false",
Phases: []phase{
WantCmds: []string{
"/usr/bin/tailscaled --socket=/tmp/tailscaled.sock --state=mem: --statedir=/tmp",
"/usr/bin/tailscale --socket=/tmp/tailscaled.sock up --accept-dns=false --authkey=tskey-key",
WantFiles: map[string]string{
"proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward": "1",
"proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding": "0",
Notify: &ipn.Notify{
State: ptr.To(ipn.Running),
NetMap: &netmap.NetworkMap{
SelfNode: (&tailcfg.Node{
StableID: tailcfg.StableNodeID("myID"),
Name: "test-node.test.ts.net",
Addresses: []netip.Prefix{netip.MustParsePrefix("")},
Peers: []tailcfg.NodeView{
StableID: tailcfg.StableNodeID("ipv6ID"),
Name: "ipv6-node.test.ts.net",
Addresses: []netip.Prefix{netip.MustParsePrefix("::1/128")},
WantFatalLog: "no forwarding rules for egress addresses [::1/128], host supports IPv6: false",
Name: "authkey_once",
Env: map[string]string{
@ -697,6 +745,25 @@ func TestContainerBoot(t *testing.T) {
var wantCmds []string
for i, p := range test.Phases {
if p.WantFatalLog != "" {
err := tstest.WaitFor(2*time.Second, func() error {
state, err := cmd.Process.Wait()
if err != nil {
return err
if state.ExitCode() != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("process exited with code %d but wanted %d", state.ExitCode(), 1)
waitLogLine(t, time.Second, cbOut, p.WantFatalLog)
return nil
if err != nil {
// Early test return, we don't expect the successful startup log message.
wantCmds = append(wantCmds, p.WantCmds...)
waitArgs(t, 2*time.Second, d, argFile, strings.Join(wantCmds, "\n"))
err := tstest.WaitFor(2*time.Second, func() error {
@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ func (a *tailscaleSTSReconciler) reconcileHeadlessService(ctx context.Context, l
Selector: map[string]string{
"app": sts.ParentResourceUID,
IPFamilyPolicy: ptr.To(corev1.IPFamilyPolicyPreferDualStack),
logger.Debugf("reconciling headless service for StatefulSet")
@ -319,7 +319,8 @@ func expectedHeadlessService(name string, parentType string) *corev1.Service {
Selector: map[string]string{
"app": "1234-UID",
ClusterIP: "None",
ClusterIP: "None",
IPFamilyPolicy: ptr.To(corev1.IPFamilyPolicyPreferDualStack),
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ package linuxfw
import (
@ -128,8 +130,13 @@ func (n *fakeIPTables) DeleteChain(table, chain string) error {
func NewFakeIPTablesRunner() *iptablesRunner {
ipt4 := newFakeIPTables()
ipt6 := newFakeIPTables()
v6Available := false
var ipt6 iptablesInterface
if use6, err := strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv("TS_TEST_FAKE_NETFILTER_6")); use6 || err != nil {
ipt6 = newFakeIPTables()
v6Available = true
iptr := &iptablesRunner{ipt4, ipt6, true, true, true}
iptr := &iptablesRunner{ipt4, ipt6, v6Available, v6Available, v6Available}
return iptr
Reference in New Issue
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