mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 01:11:01 +00:00
cmd/k8s-operator,ipn/conf.go: fix --accept-routes for proxies (#11454)
Fix a bug where all proxies got configured with --accept-routes set to true. The bug was introduced in https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/pull/11238. Updates#cleanup Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <irbe@tailscale.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -73,38 +73,34 @@ func TestConnector(t *testing.T) {
hostname: "test-connector",
isExitNode: true,
subnetRoutes: "",
confFileHash: "9321660203effb80983eaecc7b5ac5a8c53934926f46e895b9fe295dcfc5a904",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, opts), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
// Add another route to be advertised.
mustUpdate[tsapi.Connector](t, fc, "", "test", func(conn *tsapi.Connector) {
conn.Spec.SubnetRouter.AdvertiseRoutes = []tsapi.Route{"", ""}
opts.subnetRoutes = ","
opts.confFileHash = "fb6c4daf67425f983985750cd8d6f2beae77e614fcb34176604571f5623d6862"
expectReconciled(t, cr, "", "test")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
// Remove a route.
mustUpdate[tsapi.Connector](t, fc, "", "test", func(conn *tsapi.Connector) {
conn.Spec.SubnetRouter.AdvertiseRoutes = []tsapi.Route{""}
opts.subnetRoutes = ""
opts.confFileHash = "bacba177bcfe3849065cf6fee53d658a9bb4144197ac5b861727d69ea99742bb"
expectReconciled(t, cr, "", "test")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
// Remove the subnet router.
mustUpdate[tsapi.Connector](t, fc, "", "test", func(conn *tsapi.Connector) {
conn.Spec.SubnetRouter = nil
opts.subnetRoutes = ""
opts.confFileHash = "7c421a99128eb80e79a285a82702f19f8f720615542a15bd794858a6275d8079"
expectReconciled(t, cr, "", "test")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
// Re-add the subnet router.
mustUpdate[tsapi.Connector](t, fc, "", "test", func(conn *tsapi.Connector) {
@ -113,9 +109,8 @@ func TestConnector(t *testing.T) {
opts.subnetRoutes = ""
opts.confFileHash = "bacba177bcfe3849065cf6fee53d658a9bb4144197ac5b861727d69ea99742bb"
expectReconciled(t, cr, "", "test")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
// Delete the Connector.
if err = fc.Delete(context.Background(), cn); err != nil {
@ -156,19 +151,17 @@ func TestConnector(t *testing.T) {
parentType: "connector",
subnetRoutes: "",
hostname: "test-connector",
confFileHash: "57d922331890c9b1c8c6ae664394cb254334c551d9cd9db14537b5d9da9fb17e",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, opts), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
// Add an exit node.
mustUpdate[tsapi.Connector](t, fc, "", "test", func(conn *tsapi.Connector) {
conn.Spec.ExitNode = true
opts.isExitNode = true
opts.confFileHash = "1499b591fd97a50f0330db6ec09979792c49890cf31f5da5bb6a3f50dba1e77a"
expectReconciled(t, cr, "", "test")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
// Delete the Connector.
if err = fc.Delete(context.Background(), cn); err != nil {
@ -243,10 +236,9 @@ func TestConnectorWithProxyClass(t *testing.T) {
hostname: "test-connector",
isExitNode: true,
subnetRoutes: "",
confFileHash: "9321660203effb80983eaecc7b5ac5a8c53934926f46e895b9fe295dcfc5a904",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, opts), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
// 2. Update Connector to specify a ProxyClass. ProxyClass is not yet
// ready, so its configuration is NOT applied to the Connector
@ -255,7 +247,7 @@ func TestConnectorWithProxyClass(t *testing.T) {
conn.Spec.ProxyClass = "custom-metadata"
expectReconciled(t, cr, "", "test")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
// 3. ProxyClass is set to Ready by proxy-class reconciler. Connector
// get reconciled and configuration from the ProxyClass is applied to
@ -269,12 +261,8 @@ func TestConnectorWithProxyClass(t *testing.T) {
opts.proxyClass = pc.Name
// We lose the auth key on second reconcile, because in code it's set to
// StringData, but is actually read from Data. This works with a real
// API server, but not with our test setup here.
opts.confFileHash = "1499b591fd97a50f0330db6ec09979792c49890cf31f5da5bb6a3f50dba1e77a"
expectReconciled(t, cr, "", "test")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
// 4. Connector.spec.proxyClass field is unset, Connector gets
// reconciled and configuration from the ProxyClass is removed from the
@ -284,5 +272,5 @@ func TestConnectorWithProxyClass(t *testing.T) {
opts.proxyClass = ""
expectReconciled(t, cr, "", "test")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
@ -88,12 +88,11 @@ func TestTailscaleIngress(t *testing.T) {
fullName, shortName := findGenName(t, fc, "default", "test", "ingress")
opts := configOpts{
stsName: shortName,
secretName: fullName,
namespace: "default",
parentType: "ingress",
hostname: "default-test",
confFileHash: "6cceb342cd3e1c56cd1bd94c29df63df3653c35fe98a7e7afcdee0dcaa2ad549",
stsName: shortName,
secretName: fullName,
namespace: "default",
parentType: "ingress",
hostname: "default-test",
serveConfig := &ipn.ServeConfig{
TCP: map[uint16]*ipn.TCPPortHandler{443: {HTTPS: true}},
@ -101,9 +100,9 @@ func TestTailscaleIngress(t *testing.T) {
opts.serveConfig = serveConfig
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "ingress"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTSUserspace(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, opts), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "ingress"), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTSUserspace(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
// 2. Ingress status gets updated with ingress proxy's MagicDNS name
// once that becomes available.
@ -118,7 +117,7 @@ func TestTailscaleIngress(t *testing.T) {
{Hostname: "foo.tailnetxyz.ts.net", Ports: []networkingv1.IngressPortStatus{{Port: 443, Protocol: "TCP"}}},
expectEqual(t, fc, ing)
expectEqual(t, fc, ing, nil)
// 3. Resources get created for Ingress that should allow forwarding
// cluster traffic
@ -126,11 +125,8 @@ func TestTailscaleIngress(t *testing.T) {
mak.Set(&ing.ObjectMeta.Annotations, AnnotationExperimentalForwardClusterTrafficViaL7IngresProxy, "true")
opts.shouldEnableForwardingClusterTrafficViaIngress = true
// configfile hash changed at this point in test env only because we
// lost auth key due to how changes are applied in test client.
opts.confFileHash = "fb9006e30ecda75e88c29dcd0ca2dd28a2ae964d001c66e1be3efe159cc3821d"
expectReconciled(t, ingR, "default", "test")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
// 4. Resources get cleaned up when Ingress class is unset
mustUpdate(t, fc, "default", "test", func(ing *networkingv1.Ingress) {
@ -223,12 +219,11 @@ func TestTailscaleIngressWithProxyClass(t *testing.T) {
fullName, shortName := findGenName(t, fc, "default", "test", "ingress")
opts := configOpts{
stsName: shortName,
secretName: fullName,
namespace: "default",
parentType: "ingress",
hostname: "default-test",
confFileHash: "6cceb342cd3e1c56cd1bd94c29df63df3653c35fe98a7e7afcdee0dcaa2ad549",
stsName: shortName,
secretName: fullName,
namespace: "default",
parentType: "ingress",
hostname: "default-test",
serveConfig := &ipn.ServeConfig{
TCP: map[uint16]*ipn.TCPPortHandler{443: {HTTPS: true}},
@ -236,9 +231,9 @@ func TestTailscaleIngressWithProxyClass(t *testing.T) {
opts.serveConfig = serveConfig
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "ingress"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTSUserspace(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, opts), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "ingress"), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTSUserspace(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
// 2. Ingress is updated to specify a ProxyClass, ProxyClass is not yet
// ready, so proxy resource configuration does not change.
@ -246,7 +241,7 @@ func TestTailscaleIngressWithProxyClass(t *testing.T) {
mak.Set(&ing.ObjectMeta.Labels, LabelProxyClass, "custom-metadata")
expectReconciled(t, ingR, "default", "test")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTSUserspace(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTSUserspace(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
// 3. ProxyClass is set to Ready by proxy-class reconciler. Ingress get
// reconciled and configuration from the ProxyClass is applied to the
@ -261,10 +256,7 @@ func TestTailscaleIngressWithProxyClass(t *testing.T) {
expectReconciled(t, ingR, "default", "test")
opts.proxyClass = pc.Name
// configfile hash changed at this point in test env only because we
// lost auth key due to how changes are applied in test client.
opts.confFileHash = "fb9006e30ecda75e88c29dcd0ca2dd28a2ae964d001c66e1be3efe159cc3821d"
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTSUserspace(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTSUserspace(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
// 4. tailscale.com/proxy-class label is removed from the Ingress, the
// Ingress gets reconciled and the custom ProxyClass configuration is
@ -274,5 +266,5 @@ func TestTailscaleIngressWithProxyClass(t *testing.T) {
expectReconciled(t, ingR, "default", "test")
opts.proxyClass = ""
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTSUserspace(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTSUserspace(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
@ -71,12 +71,11 @@ func TestLoadBalancerClass(t *testing.T) {
parentType: "svc",
hostname: "default-test",
clusterTargetIP: "",
confFileHash: "6cceb342cd3e1c56cd1bd94c29df63df3653c35fe98a7e7afcdee0dcaa2ad549",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, opts), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
// Normally the Tailscale proxy pod would come up here and write its info
// into the secret. Simulate that, then verify reconcile again and verify
@ -119,7 +118,7 @@ func TestLoadBalancerClass(t *testing.T) {
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
expectEqual(t, fc, want, nil)
// Turn the service back into a ClusterIP service, which should make the
// operator clean up.
@ -158,7 +157,7 @@ func TestLoadBalancerClass(t *testing.T) {
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
expectEqual(t, fc, want, nil)
func TestTailnetTargetFQDNAnnotation(t *testing.T) {
@ -213,12 +212,11 @@ func TestTailnetTargetFQDNAnnotation(t *testing.T) {
parentType: "svc",
tailnetTargetFQDN: tailnetTargetFQDN,
hostname: "default-test",
confFileHash: "6cceb342cd3e1c56cd1bd94c29df63df3653c35fe98a7e7afcdee0dcaa2ad549",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, o))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, o), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o), removeHashAnnotation)
want := &corev1.Service{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "Service",
@ -239,10 +237,10 @@ func TestTailnetTargetFQDNAnnotation(t *testing.T) {
Selector: nil,
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, o))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o))
expectEqual(t, fc, want, nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, o), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o), removeHashAnnotation)
// Change the tailscale-target-fqdn annotation which should update the
// StatefulSet
@ -324,12 +322,11 @@ func TestTailnetTargetIPAnnotation(t *testing.T) {
parentType: "svc",
tailnetTargetIP: tailnetTargetIP,
hostname: "default-test",
confFileHash: "6cceb342cd3e1c56cd1bd94c29df63df3653c35fe98a7e7afcdee0dcaa2ad549",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, o))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, o), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o), removeHashAnnotation)
want := &corev1.Service{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "Service",
@ -350,10 +347,10 @@ func TestTailnetTargetIPAnnotation(t *testing.T) {
Selector: nil,
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, o))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o))
expectEqual(t, fc, want, nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, o), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o), removeHashAnnotation)
// Change the tailscale-target-ip annotation which should update the
// StatefulSet
@ -432,12 +429,11 @@ func TestAnnotations(t *testing.T) {
parentType: "svc",
hostname: "default-test",
clusterTargetIP: "",
confFileHash: "6cceb342cd3e1c56cd1bd94c29df63df3653c35fe98a7e7afcdee0dcaa2ad549",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, o))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, o), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o), removeHashAnnotation)
want := &corev1.Service{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "Service",
@ -457,7 +453,7 @@ func TestAnnotations(t *testing.T) {
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
expectEqual(t, fc, want, nil)
// Turn the service back into a ClusterIP service, which should make the
// operator clean up.
@ -489,7 +485,7 @@ func TestAnnotations(t *testing.T) {
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
expectEqual(t, fc, want, nil)
func TestAnnotationIntoLB(t *testing.T) {
@ -541,12 +537,11 @@ func TestAnnotationIntoLB(t *testing.T) {
parentType: "svc",
hostname: "default-test",
clusterTargetIP: "",
confFileHash: "6cceb342cd3e1c56cd1bd94c29df63df3653c35fe98a7e7afcdee0dcaa2ad549",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, o))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, o), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o), removeHashAnnotation)
// Normally the Tailscale proxy pod would come up here and write its info
// into the secret. Simulate that, since it would have normally happened at
@ -579,7 +574,7 @@ func TestAnnotationIntoLB(t *testing.T) {
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
expectEqual(t, fc, want, nil)
// Remove Tailscale's annotation, and at the same time convert the service
// into a tailscale LoadBalancer.
@ -590,10 +585,8 @@ func TestAnnotationIntoLB(t *testing.T) {
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
// None of the proxy machinery should have changed...
// (although configfile hash will change in test env only because we lose auth key due to out test not syncing secret.StringData -> secret.Data)
o.confFileHash = "fb9006e30ecda75e88c29dcd0ca2dd28a2ae964d001c66e1be3efe159cc3821d"
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o), removeHashAnnotation)
// ... but the service should have a LoadBalancer status.
want = &corev1.Service{
@ -625,7 +618,7 @@ func TestAnnotationIntoLB(t *testing.T) {
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
expectEqual(t, fc, want, nil)
func TestLBIntoAnnotation(t *testing.T) {
@ -675,12 +668,11 @@ func TestLBIntoAnnotation(t *testing.T) {
parentType: "svc",
hostname: "default-test",
clusterTargetIP: "",
confFileHash: "6cceb342cd3e1c56cd1bd94c29df63df3653c35fe98a7e7afcdee0dcaa2ad549",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, o))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, o), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o), removeHashAnnotation)
// Normally the Tailscale proxy pod would come up here and write its info
// into the secret. Simulate that, then verify reconcile again and verify
@ -723,7 +715,7 @@ func TestLBIntoAnnotation(t *testing.T) {
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
expectEqual(t, fc, want, nil)
// Turn the service back into a ClusterIP service, but also add the
// tailscale annotation.
@ -742,12 +734,8 @@ func TestLBIntoAnnotation(t *testing.T) {
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
// configfile hash changes on a re-apply in this case in tests only as
// we lose the auth key due to the test apply not syncing
// secret.StringData -> Data.
o.confFileHash = "fb9006e30ecda75e88c29dcd0ca2dd28a2ae964d001c66e1be3efe159cc3821d"
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o), removeHashAnnotation)
want = &corev1.Service{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
@ -768,7 +756,7 @@ func TestLBIntoAnnotation(t *testing.T) {
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
expectEqual(t, fc, want, nil)
func TestCustomHostname(t *testing.T) {
@ -821,12 +809,11 @@ func TestCustomHostname(t *testing.T) {
parentType: "svc",
hostname: "reindeer-flotilla",
clusterTargetIP: "",
confFileHash: "42376226c7d76ed6d6318315dc6c402f7d993bc0b01a5b0e6c8a833106b7509e",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, o))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, o), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o), removeHashAnnotation)
want := &corev1.Service{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "Service",
@ -847,7 +834,7 @@ func TestCustomHostname(t *testing.T) {
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
expectEqual(t, fc, want, nil)
// Turn the service back into a ClusterIP service, which should make the
// operator clean up.
@ -882,7 +869,7 @@ func TestCustomHostname(t *testing.T) {
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
expectEqual(t, fc, want, nil)
func TestCustomPriorityClassName(t *testing.T) {
@ -937,10 +924,9 @@ func TestCustomPriorityClassName(t *testing.T) {
hostname: "tailscale-critical",
priorityClassName: "custom-priority-class-name",
clusterTargetIP: "",
confFileHash: "13cdef0d5f6f0f2406af028710ea1e0f99f65aba4021e4e70ac75a73cf141fd1",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o), removeHashAnnotation)
func TestProxyClassForService(t *testing.T) {
@ -1000,11 +986,10 @@ func TestProxyClassForService(t *testing.T) {
parentType: "svc",
hostname: "default-test",
clusterTargetIP: "",
confFileHash: "6cceb342cd3e1c56cd1bd94c29df63df3653c35fe98a7e7afcdee0dcaa2ad549",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(t, opts), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"), nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
// 2. The Service gets updated with tailscale.com/proxy-class label
// pointing at the 'custom-metadata' ProxyClass. The ProxyClass is not
@ -1013,7 +998,7 @@ func TestProxyClassForService(t *testing.T) {
mak.Set(&svc.Labels, LabelProxyClass, "custom-metadata")
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
// 3. ProxyClass is set to Ready, the Service gets reconciled by the
// services-reconciler and the customization from the ProxyClass is
@ -1027,12 +1012,8 @@ func TestProxyClassForService(t *testing.T) {
opts.proxyClass = pc.Name
// configfile hash changes on a second apply in test env only because we
// lose auth key due to out test not syncing secret.StringData ->
// secret.Data
opts.confFileHash = "fb9006e30ecda75e88c29dcd0ca2dd28a2ae964d001c66e1be3efe159cc3821d"
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
// 4. tailscale.com/proxy-class label is removed from the Service, the
// configuration from the ProxyClass is removed from the cluster
@ -1042,7 +1023,7 @@ func TestProxyClassForService(t *testing.T) {
opts.proxyClass = ""
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, opts), removeHashAnnotation)
func TestDefaultLoadBalancer(t *testing.T) {
@ -1086,7 +1067,7 @@ func TestDefaultLoadBalancer(t *testing.T) {
fullName, shortName := findGenName(t, fc, "default", "test", "svc")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName, "svc"), nil)
o := configOpts{
stsName: shortName,
secretName: fullName,
@ -1094,9 +1075,9 @@ func TestDefaultLoadBalancer(t *testing.T) {
parentType: "svc",
hostname: "default-test",
clusterTargetIP: "",
confFileHash: "6cceb342cd3e1c56cd1bd94c29df63df3653c35fe98a7e7afcdee0dcaa2ad549",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o), removeHashAnnotation)
func TestProxyFirewallMode(t *testing.T) {
@ -1148,10 +1129,70 @@ func TestProxyFirewallMode(t *testing.T) {
hostname: "default-test",
firewallMode: "nftables",
clusterTargetIP: "",
confFileHash: "6cceb342cd3e1c56cd1bd94c29df63df3653c35fe98a7e7afcdee0dcaa2ad549",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o), removeHashAnnotation)
func TestTailscaledConfigfileHash(t *testing.T) {
fc := fake.NewFakeClient()
ft := &fakeTSClient{}
zl, err := zap.NewDevelopment()
if err != nil {
sr := &ServiceReconciler{
Client: fc,
ssr: &tailscaleSTSReconciler{
Client: fc,
tsClient: ft,
defaultTags: []string{"tag:k8s"},
operatorNamespace: "operator-ns",
proxyImage: "tailscale/tailscale",
logger: zl.Sugar(),
isDefaultLoadBalancer: true,
// Create a service that we should manage, and check that the initial round
// of objects looks right.
mustCreate(t, fc, &corev1.Service{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
// The apiserver is supposed to set the UID, but the fake client
// doesn't. So, set it explicitly because other code later depends
// on it being set.
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ClusterIP: "",
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer,
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
fullName, shortName := findGenName(t, fc, "default", "test", "svc")
o := configOpts{
stsName: shortName,
secretName: fullName,
namespace: "default",
parentType: "svc",
hostname: "default-test",
clusterTargetIP: "",
confFileHash: "705e5ffd0bd5326237efdf542c850a65a54101284d5daa30775420fcc64d89c1",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o), nil)
// 2. Hostname gets changed, configfile is updated and a new hash value
// is produced.
mustUpdate(t, fc, "default", "test", func(svc *corev1.Service) {
mak.Set(&svc.Annotations, AnnotationHostname, "another-test")
o.hostname = "another-test"
o.confFileHash = "1a087f887825d2b75d3673c7c2b0131f8ec1f0b1cb761d33e236dd28350dfe23"
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(t, fc, o), nil)
func Test_isMagicDNSName(t *testing.T) {
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ func TestProxyClass(t *testing.T) {
LastTransitionTime: &metav1.Time{Time: cl.Now().Truncate(time.Second)},
expectEqual(t, fc, pc)
expectEqual(t, fc, pc, nil)
// 2. An invalid ProxyClass resource gets its status updated to Invalid.
pc.Spec.StatefulSet.Labels["foo"] = "?!someVal"
@ -79,5 +79,5 @@ func TestProxyClass(t *testing.T) {
expectReconciled(t, pcr, "", "test")
msg := `ProxyClass is not valid: .spec.statefulSet.labels: Invalid value: "?!someVal": a valid label must be an empty string or consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character (e.g. 'MyValue', or 'my_value', or '12345', regex used for validation is '(([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9_.]*)?[A-Za-z0-9])?')`
tsoperator.SetProxyClassCondition(pc, tsapi.ProxyClassready, metav1.ConditionFalse, reasonProxyClassInvalid, msg, 0, cl, zl.Sugar())
expectEqual(t, fc, pc)
expectEqual(t, fc, pc, nil)
@ -650,10 +650,11 @@ func applyProxyClassToStatefulSet(pc *tsapi.ProxyClass, ss *appsv1.StatefulSet)
// produces returns tailscaled configuration and a hash of that configuration.
func tailscaledConfig(stsC *tailscaleSTSConfig, newAuthkey string, oldSecret *corev1.Secret) ([]byte, string, error) {
conf := ipn.ConfigVAlpha{
Version: "alpha0",
AcceptDNS: "false",
Locked: "false",
Hostname: &stsC.Hostname,
Version: "alpha0",
AcceptDNS: "false",
AcceptRoutes: "false", // AcceptRoutes defaults to true
Locked: "false",
Hostname: &stsC.Hostname,
if stsC.Connector != nil {
routes, err := netutil.CalcAdvertiseRoutes(stsC.Connector.routes, stsC.Connector.isExitNode)
@ -97,7 +97,9 @@ func expectedSTS(t *testing.T, cl client.Client, opts configOpts) *appsv1.Statef
ReadOnly: true,
MountPath: "/etc/tsconfig",
annots["tailscale.com/operator-last-set-config-file-hash"] = opts.confFileHash
if opts.confFileHash != "" {
annots["tailscale.com/operator-last-set-config-file-hash"] = opts.confFileHash
if opts.firewallMode != "" {
tsContainer.Env = append(tsContainer.Env, corev1.EnvVar{
@ -269,7 +271,6 @@ func expectedSTSUserspace(t *testing.T, cl client.Client, opts configOpts) *apps
"tailscale.com/parent-resource-type": opts.parentType,
"app": "1234-UID",
Annotations: map[string]string{"tailscale.com/operator-last-set-config-file-hash": opts.confFileHash},
Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
ServiceAccountName: "proxies",
@ -280,6 +281,10 @@ func expectedSTSUserspace(t *testing.T, cl client.Client, opts configOpts) *apps
ss.Spec.Template.Annotations = map[string]string{}
if opts.confFileHash != "" {
ss.Spec.Template.Annotations["tailscale.com/operator-last-set-config-file-hash"] = opts.confFileHash
// If opts.proxyClass is set, retrieve the ProxyClass and apply
// configuration from that to the StatefulSet.
if opts.proxyClass != "" {
@ -339,11 +344,12 @@ func expectedSecret(t *testing.T, opts configOpts) *corev1.Secret {
mak.Set(&s.StringData, "serve-config", string(serveConfigBs))
conf := &ipn.ConfigVAlpha{
Version: "alpha0",
AcceptDNS: "false",
Hostname: &opts.hostname,
Locked: "false",
AuthKey: ptr.To("secret-authkey"),
Version: "alpha0",
AcceptDNS: "false",
Hostname: &opts.hostname,
Locked: "false",
AuthKey: ptr.To("secret-authkey"),
AcceptRoutes: "false",
var routes []netip.Prefix
if opts.subnetRoutes != "" || opts.isExitNode {
@ -433,7 +439,13 @@ func mustUpdateStatus[T any, O ptrObject[T]](t *testing.T, client client.Client,
func expectEqual[T any, O ptrObject[T]](t *testing.T, client client.Client, want O) {
// expectEqual accepts a Kubernetes object and a Kubernetes client. It tests
// whether an object with equivalent contents can be retrieved by the passed
// client. If you want to NOT test some object fields for equality, ensure that
// they are not present in the passed object and use the modify func to remove
// them from the cluster object. If no such modifications are needed, you can
// pass nil in place of the modify function.
func expectEqual[T any, O ptrObject[T]](t *testing.T, client client.Client, want O, modify func(O)) {
got := O(new(T))
if err := client.Get(context.Background(), types.NamespacedName{
@ -447,6 +459,9 @@ func expectEqual[T any, O ptrObject[T]](t *testing.T, client client.Client, want
// so just remove it from both got and want.
if modify != nil {
if diff := cmp.Diff(got, want); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected object (-got +want):\n%s", diff)
@ -543,3 +558,11 @@ func (c *fakeTSClient) Deleted() []string {
defer c.Unlock()
return c.deleted
// removeHashAnnotation can be used to remove declarative tailscaled config hash
// annotation from proxy StatefulSets to make the tests more maintainable (so
// that we don't have to change the annotation in each test case after any
// change to the configfile contents).
func removeHashAnnotation(sts *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
delete(sts.Spec.Template.Annotations, podAnnotationLastSetConfigFileHash)
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ type ConfigVAlpha struct {
OperatorUser *string `json:",omitempty"` // local user name who is allowed to operate tailscaled without being root or using sudo
Hostname *string `json:",omitempty"`
AcceptDNS opt.Bool `json:"acceptDNS,omitempty"` // --accept-dns
AcceptRoutes opt.Bool `json:"acceptRoutes,omitempty"`
AcceptDNS opt.Bool `json:"acceptDNS,omitempty"` // --accept-dns
AcceptRoutes opt.Bool `json:"acceptRoutes,omitempty"` // --accept-routes defaults to true
ExitNode *string `json:"exitNode,omitempty"` // IP, StableID, or MagicDNS base name
AllowLANWhileUsingExitNode opt.Bool `json:"allowLANWhileUsingExitNode,omitempty"`
Reference in New Issue
Block a user