mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 10:41:14 +00:00
ssh/tailssh: add a new sshSession type to clean up existing+future code
Updates #3802 Change-Id: I7054dca387f5e5aee1185937ecf41b77a5a07f1a Signed-off-by: Brad Fitzpatrick <bradfitz@tailscale.com> Co-authored-by: Maisem Ali <maisem@tailscale.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ package tailssh
import (
@ -54,11 +55,15 @@ var maybeStartLoginSession = func(logf logger.Logf, uid uint32, localUser, remot
// newIncubatorCommand returns a new exec.Cmd configured with
// `tailscaled be-child ssh` as the entrypoint.
// If tailscaled is empty, the desired cmd is executed directly.
func newIncubatorCommand(ctx context.Context, ci *sshConnInfo, lu *user.User, tailscaled, name string, args []string) *exec.Cmd {
if tailscaled == "" {
// If ss.srv.tailscaledPath is empty, this method is equivalent to
// exec.CommandContext.
func (ss *sshSession) newIncubatorCommand(ctx context.Context, name string, args []string) *exec.Cmd {
if ss.srv.tailscaledPath == "" {
return exec.CommandContext(ctx, name, args...)
lu := ss.localUser
ci := ss.connInfo
remoteUser := ci.uprof.LoginName
if len(ci.node.Tags) > 0 {
remoteUser = strings.Join(ci.node.Tags, ",")
@ -80,7 +85,7 @@ func newIncubatorCommand(ctx context.Context, ci *sshConnInfo, lu *user.User, ta
incubatorArgs = append(incubatorArgs, args...)
return exec.CommandContext(ctx, tailscaled, incubatorArgs...)
return exec.CommandContext(ctx, ss.srv.tailscaledPath, incubatorArgs...)
const debugIncubator = false
@ -158,37 +163,44 @@ func beIncubator(args []string) error {
// launchProcess launches an incubator process for the provided session.
// It is responsible for configuring the process execution environment.
// The caller can wait for the process to exit by calling cmd.Wait().
func (srv *server) launchProcess(ctx context.Context, s ssh.Session, ci *sshConnInfo, lu *user.User) (cmd *exec.Cmd, stdin io.WriteCloser, stdout, stderr io.Reader, err error) {
shell := loginShell(lu.Uid)
// It sets ss.cmd, stdin, stdout, and stderr.
func (ss *sshSession) launchProcess(ctx context.Context) error {
shell := loginShell(ss.localUser.Uid)
var args []string
if rawCmd := s.RawCommand(); rawCmd != "" {
if rawCmd := ss.RawCommand(); rawCmd != "" {
args = append(args, "-c", rawCmd)
} else {
args = append(args, "-l") // login shell
ptyReq, winCh, isPty := s.Pty()
cmd = newIncubatorCommand(ctx, ci, lu, srv.tailscaledPath, shell, args)
cmd.Dir = lu.HomeDir
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, envForUser(lu)...)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, s.Environ()...)
ci := ss.connInfo
cmd := ss.newIncubatorCommand(ctx, shell, args)
cmd.Dir = ss.localUser.HomeDir
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, envForUser(ss.localUser)...)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, ss.Environ()...)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env,
fmt.Sprintf("SSH_CLIENT=%s %d %d", ci.src.IP(), ci.src.Port(), ci.dst.Port()),
fmt.Sprintf("SSH_CONNECTION=%s %d %s %d", ci.src.IP(), ci.src.Port(), ci.dst.IP(), ci.dst.Port()),
srv.logf("ssh: starting: %+v", cmd.Args)
ss.cmd = cmd
ptyReq, winCh, isPty := ss.Pty()
if !isPty {
stdin, stdout, stderr, err = startWithStdPipes(cmd)
ss.logf("starting non-pty command: %+v", cmd.Args)
return ss.startWithStdPipes()
pty, err := srv.startWithPTY(cmd, ptyReq)
ss.ptyReq = &ptyReq
ss.logf("starting pty command: %+v", cmd.Args)
pty, err := ss.startWithPTY()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
return err
go resizeWindow(pty, winCh)
// When using a pty we don't get a separate reader for stderr.
return cmd, pty, pty, nil, nil
ss.stdout = pty // no stderr for a pty
ss.stdin = pty
return nil
func resizeWindow(f *os.File, winCh <-chan ssh.Window) {
@ -263,7 +275,16 @@ var opcodeShortName = map[uint8]string{
// startWithPTY starts cmd with a psuedo-terminal attached to Stdin, Stdout and Stderr.
func (srv *server) startWithPTY(cmd *exec.Cmd, ptyReq ssh.Pty) (ptyFile *os.File, err error) {
func (ss *sshSession) startWithPTY() (ptyFile *os.File, err error) {
ptyReq := ss.ptyReq
cmd := ss.cmd
if cmd == nil {
return nil, errors.New("nil ss.cmd")
if ptyReq == nil {
return nil, errors.New("nil ss.ptyReq")
var tty *os.File
ptyFile, tty, err = pty.Open()
if err != nil {
@ -305,7 +326,7 @@ func (srv *server) startWithPTY(cmd *exec.Cmd, ptyReq ssh.Pty) (ptyFile *os.File
k, ok := opcodeShortName[c]
if !ok {
srv.logf("unknown opcode: %d", c)
ss.logf("unknown opcode: %d", c)
if _, ok := tios.CC[k]; ok {
@ -316,7 +337,7 @@ func (srv *server) startWithPTY(cmd *exec.Cmd, ptyReq ssh.Pty) (ptyFile *os.File
tios.Opts[k] = v > 0
srv.logf("unsupported opcode: %v(%d)=%v", k, c, v)
ss.logf("unsupported opcode: %v(%d)=%v", k, c, v)
// Save PTY settings.
@ -355,7 +376,9 @@ func (srv *server) startWithPTY(cmd *exec.Cmd, ptyReq ssh.Pty) (ptyFile *os.File
// startWithStdPipes starts cmd with os.Pipe for Stdin, Stdout and Stderr.
func startWithStdPipes(cmd *exec.Cmd) (stdin io.WriteCloser, stdout, stderr io.ReadCloser, err error) {
func (ss *sshSession) startWithStdPipes() (err error) {
var stdin io.WriteCloser
var stdout, stderr io.ReadCloser
defer func() {
if err != nil {
for _, c := range []io.Closer{stdin, stdout, stderr} {
@ -365,20 +388,29 @@ func startWithStdPipes(cmd *exec.Cmd) (stdin io.WriteCloser, stdout, stderr io.R
cmd := ss.cmd
if cmd == nil {
return errors.New("nil cmd")
stdin, err = cmd.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
return err
stdout, err = cmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
return err
stderr, err = cmd.StderrPipe()
if err != nil {
return err
err = cmd.Start()
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return err
ss.stdin = stdin
ss.stdout = stdout
ss.stderr = stderr
return nil
func loginShell(uid string) string {
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ package tailssh
import (
@ -95,8 +96,9 @@ type server struct {
tailscaledPath string
// mu protects activeSessions.
mu sync.Mutex
activeSessions map[string]bool
mu sync.Mutex
activeSessionByH map[string]*sshSession // ssh.SessionID (DH H) => that session
activeSessionBySharedID map[string]*sshSession // yyymmddThhmmss-XXXXX => session
var debugPolicyFile = envknob.String("TS_DEBUG_SSH_POLICY_FILE")
@ -244,19 +246,48 @@ ProcessAction:
var ctx context.Context = context.Background()
if action.SesssionDuration != 0 {
sctx := newSSHContext()
ctx = sctx
t := time.AfterFunc(action.SesssionDuration, func() {
fmt.Sprintf("Session timeout of %v elapsed.", action.SesssionDuration),
defer t.Stop()
ss := srv.newSSHSession(s, ci, lu, action)
// sshSession is an accepted Tailscale SSH session.
type sshSession struct {
idH string // the RFC4253 sec8 hash H; don't share outside process
sharedID string // ID that's shared with control
logf logger.Logf
ctx *sshContext // implements context.Context
srv *server
connInfo *sshConnInfo
action *tailcfg.SSHAction
localUser *user.User
// initialized by launchProcess:
cmd *exec.Cmd
stdin io.WriteCloser
stdout io.Reader
stderr io.Reader // nil for pty sessions
ptyReq *ssh.Pty // non-nil for pty sessions
// We use this sync.Once to ensure that we only terminate the process once,
// either it exits itself or is terminated
exitOnce sync.Once
func (srv *server) newSSHSession(s ssh.Session, ci *sshConnInfo, lu *user.User, action *tailcfg.SSHAction) *sshSession {
sharedID := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%02x", ci.now.UTC().Format("20060102T150405"), randBytes(5))
return &sshSession{
Session: s,
idH: s.Context().(ssh.Context).SessionID(),
sharedID: sharedID,
ctx: newSSHContext(),
srv: srv,
action: action,
localUser: lu,
connInfo: ci,
logf: logger.WithPrefix(srv.logf, "ssh-session("+sharedID+"): "),
srv.handleAcceptedSSH(ctx, s, ci, lu)
func (srv *server) fetchSSHAction(ctx context.Context, url string) (*tailcfg.SSHAction, error) {
@ -290,20 +321,22 @@ func (srv *server) fetchSSHAction(ctx context.Context, url string) (*tailcfg.SSH
func (srv *server) handleSessionTermination(ctx context.Context, s ssh.Session, ci *sshConnInfo, cmd *exec.Cmd, exitOnce *sync.Once) {
// killProcessOnContextDone waits for ss.ctx to be done and kills the process,
// unless the process has already exited.
func (ss *sshSession) killProcessOnContextDone() {
// Either the process has already existed, in which case this does nothing.
// Or, the process is still running in which case this will kill it.
exitOnce.Do(func() {
err := ctx.Err()
ss.exitOnce.Do(func() {
err := ss.ctx.Err()
if serr, ok := err.(SSHTerminationError); ok {
msg := serr.SSHTerminationMessage()
if msg != "" {
io.WriteString(s.Stderr(), "\r\n\r\n"+msg+"\r\n\r\n")
io.WriteString(ss.Stderr(), "\r\n\r\n"+msg+"\r\n\r\n")
srv.logf("terminating SSH session from %v: %v", ci.src.IP(), err)
ss.logf("terminating SSH session from %v: %v", ss.connInfo.src.IP(), err)
@ -312,110 +345,138 @@ func (srv *server) handleSessionTermination(ctx context.Context, s ssh.Session,
func (srv *server) isActiveSession(sctx ssh.Context) bool {
defer srv.mu.Unlock()
return srv.activeSessions[sctx.SessionID()]
_, ok := srv.activeSessionByH[sctx.SessionID()]
return ok
// startSession registers s as an active session.
func (srv *server) startSession(s ssh.Session) {
// startSession registers ss as an active session.
func (srv *server) startSession(ss *sshSession) {
defer srv.mu.Unlock()
if srv.activeSessions == nil {
srv.activeSessions = make(map[string]bool)
if srv.activeSessionByH == nil {
srv.activeSessionByH = make(map[string]*sshSession)
srv.activeSessions[s.Context().(ssh.Context).SessionID()] = true
if srv.activeSessionBySharedID == nil {
srv.activeSessionBySharedID = make(map[string]*sshSession)
if ss.idH == "" {
panic("empty idH")
if _, dup := srv.activeSessionByH[ss.idH]; dup {
panic("dup idH")
if ss.sharedID == "" {
panic("empty sharedID")
if _, dup := srv.activeSessionBySharedID[ss.sharedID]; dup {
panic("dup sharedID")
srv.activeSessionByH[ss.idH] = ss
srv.activeSessionBySharedID[ss.sharedID] = ss
// endSession unregisters s from the list of active sessions.
func (srv *server) endSession(s ssh.Session) {
func (srv *server) endSession(ss *sshSession) {
defer srv.mu.Unlock()
delete(srv.activeSessions, s.Context().(ssh.Context).SessionID())
delete(srv.activeSessionByH, ss.idH)
delete(srv.activeSessionBySharedID, ss.sharedID)
// handleAcceptedSSH handles s once it's been accepted and determined
// that it should run as local system user lu.
var errSessionDone = errors.New("session is done")
// run is the entrypoint for a newly accepted SSH session.
// When ctx is done, the session is forcefully terminated. If its Err
// is an SSHTerminationError, its SSHTerminationMessage is sent to the
// user.
func (srv *server) handleAcceptedSSH(ctx context.Context, s ssh.Session, ci *sshConnInfo, lu *user.User) {
defer srv.endSession(s)
func (ss *sshSession) run() {
srv := ss.srv
defer srv.endSession(ss)
defer ss.ctx.CloseWithError(errSessionDone)
if ss.action.SesssionDuration != 0 {
t := time.AfterFunc(ss.action.SesssionDuration, func() {
fmt.Sprintf("Session timeout of %v elapsed.", ss.action.SesssionDuration),
defer t.Stop()
logf := srv.logf
lu := ss.localUser
localUser := lu.Username
if euid := os.Geteuid(); euid != 0 {
if lu.Uid != fmt.Sprint(euid) {
logf("ssh: can't switch to user %q from process euid %v", localUser, euid)
fmt.Fprintf(s, "can't switch user\n")
fmt.Fprintf(ss, "can't switch user\n")
// Take control of the PTY so that we can configure it below.
// See https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/issues/4146
cmd, stdin, stdout, stderr, err := srv.launchProcess(ctx, s, ci, lu)
err := ss.launchProcess(ss.ctx)
if err != nil {
logf("start failed: %v", err.Error())
// We use this sync.Once to ensure that we only terminate the process once,
// either it exits itself or is terminated
var exitOnce sync.Once
if ctx.Done() != nil {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
go srv.handleSessionTermination(ctx, s, ci, cmd, &exitOnce)
go ss.killProcessOnContextDone()
go func() {
_, err := io.Copy(stdin, s)
_, err := io.Copy(ss.stdin, ss)
if err != nil {
// TODO: don't log in the success case.
logf("ssh: stdin copy: %v", err)
go func() {
_, err := io.Copy(s, stdout)
_, err := io.Copy(ss, ss.stdout)
if err != nil {
// TODO: don't log in the success case.
logf("ssh: stdout copy: %v", err)
// stderr is nil for ptys.
if stderr != nil {
if ss.stderr != nil {
go func() {
_, err := io.Copy(s.Stderr(), stderr)
_, err := io.Copy(ss.Stderr(), ss.stderr)
if err != nil {
// TODO: don't log in the success case.
logf("ssh: stderr copy: %v", err)
err = cmd.Wait()
err = ss.cmd.Wait()
// This will either make the SSH Termination goroutine be a no-op,
// or itself will be a no-op because the process was killed by the
// aforementioned goroutine.
exitOnce.Do(func() {})
ss.exitOnce.Do(func() {})
if err == nil {
logf("ssh: Wait: ok")
if ee, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
code := ee.ProcessState.ExitCode()
logf("ssh: Wait: code=%v", code)
logf("ssh: Wait: %v", err)
@ -509,3 +570,11 @@ func matchesPrincipal(ps []*tailcfg.SSHPrincipal, ci *sshConnInfo) bool {
return false
func randBytes(n int) []byte {
b := make([]byte, n)
if _, err := rand.Read(b); err != nil {
return b
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ package tailssh
import (
@ -211,10 +210,9 @@ func TestSSH(t *testing.T) {
uprof: &tailcfg.UserProfile{},
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
ss.Handler = func(s ssh.Session) {
srv.handleAcceptedSSH(ctx, s, ci, u)
ss := srv.newSSHSession(s, ci, u, &tailcfg.SSHAction{Accept: true})
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp4", "")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user