diff --git a/net/portmapper/portmapper.go b/net/portmapper/portmapper.go
index 3bee9e5f9..1105c947d 100644
--- a/net/portmapper/portmapper.go
+++ b/net/portmapper/portmapper.go
@@ -1015,6 +1015,30 @@ var (
// received a UPnP response from a port other than the UPnP port.
metricUPnPResponseAlternatePort = clientmetric.NewCounter("portmap_upnp_response_alternate_port")
+ // metricUPnPSelectSingle counts the number of times that only a single
+ // UPnP device was available in selectBestService.
+ metricUPnPSelectSingle = clientmetric.NewCounter("portmap_upnp_select_single")
+ // metricUPnPSelectMultiple counts the number of times that we need to
+ // select from among multiple UPnP devices in selectBestService.
+ metricUPnPSelectMultiple = clientmetric.NewCounter("portmap_upnp_select_multiple")
+ // metricUPnPSelectExternalPublic counts the number of times that
+ // selectBestService picked a UPnP device with an external public IP.
+ metricUPnPSelectExternalPublic = clientmetric.NewCounter("portmap_upnp_select_external_public")
+ // metricUPnPSelectExternalPrivate counts the number of times that
+ // selectBestService picked a UPnP device with an external private IP.
+ metricUPnPSelectExternalPrivate = clientmetric.NewCounter("portmap_upnp_select_external_private")
+ // metricUPnPSelectUp counts the number of times that selectBestService
+ // picked a UPnP device that was up but with no external IP.
+ metricUPnPSelectUp = clientmetric.NewCounter("portmap_upnp_select_up")
+ // metricUPnPSelectNone counts the number of times that selectBestService
+ // picked a UPnP device that is not up.
+ metricUPnPSelectNone = clientmetric.NewCounter("portmap_upnp_select_none")
// metricUPnPParseErr counts the number of times we failed to parse a UPnP response.
metricUPnPParseErr = clientmetric.NewCounter("portmap_upnp_parse_err")
diff --git a/net/portmapper/select_test.go b/net/portmapper/select_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e99c9a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/portmapper/select_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+package portmapper
+import (
+ "context"
+ "encoding/xml"
+ "net/http"
+ "net/url"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+ "github.com/tailscale/goupnp"
+ "github.com/tailscale/goupnp/dcps/internetgateway2"
+// NOTE: this is in a distinct file because the various string constants are
+// pretty verbose.
+func TestSelectBestService(t *testing.T) {
+ mustParseURL := func(ss string) *url.URL {
+ u, err := url.Parse(ss)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("error parsing URL %q: %v", ss, err)
+ }
+ return u
+ }
+ // Run a fake IGD server to respond to UPnP requests.
+ igd, err := NewTestIGD(t.Logf, TestIGDOptions{UPnP: true})
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ defer igd.Close()
+ testCases := []struct {
+ name string
+ rootDesc string
+ control map[string]map[string]any
+ want string // controlURL field
+ }{
+ {
+ name: "single_device",
+ rootDesc: testRootDesc,
+ control: map[string]map[string]any{
+ // Service that's up and should be selected.
+ "/ctl/IPConn": {
+ "GetExternalIPAddress": testGetExternalIPAddressResponse,
+ "GetStatusInfo": testGetStatusInfoResponse,
+ },
+ },
+ want: "/ctl/IPConn",
+ },
+ {
+ name: "first_device_disconnected",
+ rootDesc: testSelectRootDesc,
+ control: map[string]map[string]any{
+ // Service that's down; it's important that this is the
+ // one that's down since it's ordered first in the XML
+ // and we want to verify that our code properly queries
+ // and then skips it.
+ "/upnp/control/yomkmsnooi/wanipconn-1": {
+ "GetStatusInfo": testGetStatusInfoResponseDisconnected,
+ // NOTE: nothing else should be called
+ // if GetStatusInfo returns a
+ // disconnected result
+ },
+ // Service that's up and should be selected.
+ "/upnp/control/xstnsgeuyh/wanipconn-7": {
+ "GetExternalIPAddress": testGetExternalIPAddressResponse,
+ "GetStatusInfo": testGetStatusInfoResponse,
+ },
+ },
+ want: "/upnp/control/xstnsgeuyh/wanipconn-7",
+ },
+ {
+ name: "prefer_public_external_IP",
+ rootDesc: testSelectRootDesc,
+ control: map[string]map[string]any{
+ // Service with a private external IP; order matters as above.
+ "/upnp/control/yomkmsnooi/wanipconn-1": {
+ "GetStatusInfo": testGetStatusInfoResponse,
+ "GetExternalIPAddress": testGetExternalIPAddressResponsePrivate,
+ },
+ // Service that's up and should be selected.
+ "/upnp/control/xstnsgeuyh/wanipconn-7": {
+ "GetExternalIPAddress": testGetExternalIPAddressResponse,
+ "GetStatusInfo": testGetStatusInfoResponse,
+ },
+ },
+ want: "/upnp/control/xstnsgeuyh/wanipconn-7",
+ },
+ {
+ name: "all_private_external_IPs",
+ rootDesc: testSelectRootDesc,
+ control: map[string]map[string]any{
+ "/upnp/control/yomkmsnooi/wanipconn-1": {
+ "GetStatusInfo": testGetStatusInfoResponse,
+ "GetExternalIPAddress": testGetExternalIPAddressResponsePrivate,
+ },
+ "/upnp/control/xstnsgeuyh/wanipconn-7": {
+ "GetStatusInfo": testGetStatusInfoResponse,
+ "GetExternalIPAddress": testGetExternalIPAddressResponsePrivate,
+ },
+ },
+ want: "/upnp/control/yomkmsnooi/wanipconn-1", // since this is first in the XML
+ },
+ {
+ name: "nothing_connected",
+ rootDesc: testSelectRootDesc,
+ control: map[string]map[string]any{
+ "/upnp/control/yomkmsnooi/wanipconn-1": {
+ "GetStatusInfo": testGetStatusInfoResponseDisconnected,
+ },
+ "/upnp/control/xstnsgeuyh/wanipconn-7": {
+ "GetStatusInfo": testGetStatusInfoResponseDisconnected,
+ },
+ },
+ want: "/upnp/control/yomkmsnooi/wanipconn-1", // since this is first in the XML
+ },
+ {
+ name: "GetStatusInfo_errors",
+ rootDesc: testSelectRootDesc,
+ control: map[string]map[string]any{
+ "/upnp/control/yomkmsnooi/wanipconn-1": {
+ "GetStatusInfo": func(_ string) (int, string) {
+ return http.StatusInternalServerError, "internal error"
+ },
+ },
+ "/upnp/control/xstnsgeuyh/wanipconn-7": {
+ "GetStatusInfo": func(_ string) (int, string) {
+ return http.StatusNotFound, "not found"
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ want: "/upnp/control/yomkmsnooi/wanipconn-1", // since this is first in the XML
+ },
+ {
+ name: "GetExternalIPAddress_bad_ip",
+ rootDesc: testSelectRootDesc,
+ control: map[string]map[string]any{
+ "/upnp/control/yomkmsnooi/wanipconn-1": {
+ "GetStatusInfo": testGetStatusInfoResponse,
+ "GetExternalIPAddress": testGetExternalIPAddressResponseInvalid,
+ },
+ "/upnp/control/xstnsgeuyh/wanipconn-7": {
+ "GetStatusInfo": testGetStatusInfoResponse,
+ "GetExternalIPAddress": testGetExternalIPAddressResponse,
+ },
+ },
+ want: "/upnp/control/xstnsgeuyh/wanipconn-7",
+ },
+ }
+ for _, tt := range testCases {
+ t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ // Ensure that we're using our test IGD server for all requests.
+ rootDesc := strings.ReplaceAll(tt.rootDesc, "@SERVERURL@", igd.ts.URL)
+ igd.SetUPnPHandler(&upnpServer{
+ t: t,
+ Desc: rootDesc,
+ Control: tt.control,
+ })
+ c := newTestClient(t, igd)
+ t.Logf("Listening on upnp=%v", c.testUPnPPort)
+ defer c.Close()
+ // Ensure that we're using the HTTP client that talks to our test IGD server
+ ctx := context.Background()
+ ctx = goupnp.WithHTTPClient(ctx, c.upnpHTTPClientLocked())
+ loc := mustParseURL(igd.ts.URL)
+ rootDev := mustParseRootDev(t, rootDesc, loc)
+ svc, err := selectBestService(ctx, t.Logf, rootDev, loc)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ var controlURL string
+ switch v := svc.(type) {
+ case *internetgateway2.WANIPConnection2:
+ controlURL = v.ServiceClient.Service.ControlURL.Str
+ case *internetgateway2.WANIPConnection1:
+ controlURL = v.ServiceClient.Service.ControlURL.Str
+ case *internetgateway2.WANPPPConnection1:
+ controlURL = v.ServiceClient.Service.ControlURL.Str
+ default:
+ t.Fatalf("unknown client type: %T", v)
+ }
+ if controlURL != tt.want {
+ t.Errorf("mismatched controlURL: got=%q want=%q", controlURL, tt.want)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+func mustParseRootDev(t *testing.T, devXML string, loc *url.URL) *goupnp.RootDevice {
+ decoder := xml.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(devXML))
+ decoder.DefaultSpace = goupnp.DeviceXMLNamespace
+ decoder.CharsetReader = goupnp.CharsetReaderDefault
+ root := new(goupnp.RootDevice)
+ if err := decoder.Decode(root); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("error decoding device XML: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Ensure the URLBase is set properly; this is how DeviceByURL does it.
+ var urlBaseStr string
+ if root.URLBaseStr != "" {
+ urlBaseStr = root.URLBaseStr
+ } else {
+ urlBaseStr = loc.String()
+ }
+ urlBase, err := url.Parse(urlBaseStr)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("error parsing URL %q: %v", urlBaseStr, err)
+ }
+ root.SetURLBase(urlBase)
+ return root
+// Note: adapted from mikrotikRootDescXML with addresses replaced with
+// localhost, and unnecessary fields removed.
+const testSelectRootDesc = `
+ 1
+ 0
+ urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1
+ MikroTik Router
+ MikroTik
+ https://www.mikrotik.com/
+ Router OS
+ urn:schemas-microsoft-com:service:OSInfo:1
+ urn:microsoft-com:serviceId:OSInfo1
+ /osinfo.xml
+ /upnp/control/oqjsxqshhz/osinfo
+ /upnp/event/cwzcyndrjf/osinfo
+ urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANDevice:1
+ WAN Device
+ MikroTik
+ https://www.mikrotik.com/
+ Router OS
+ urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1
+ urn:upnp-org:serviceId:WANCommonIFC1
+ /wancommonifc-1.xml
+ /upnp/control/ivvmxhunyq/wancommonifc-1
+ /upnp/event/mkjzdqvryf/wancommonifc-1
+ urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANConnectionDevice:1
+ WAN Connection Device
+ MikroTik
+ https://www.mikrotik.com/
+ Router OS
+ urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1
+ urn:upnp-org:serviceId:WANIPConn1
+ /wanipconn-1.xml
+ /upnp/control/yomkmsnooi/wanipconn-1
+ /upnp/event/veeabhzzva/wanipconn-1
+ urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANDevice:1
+ WAN Device
+ MikroTik
+ https://www.mikrotik.com/
+ Router OS
+ urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1
+ urn:upnp-org:serviceId:WANCommonIFC1
+ /wancommonifc-7.xml
+ /upnp/control/vzcyyzzttz/wancommonifc-7
+ /upnp/event/womwbqtbkq/wancommonifc-7
+ urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANConnectionDevice:1
+ WAN Connection Device
+ MikroTik
+ https://www.mikrotik.com/
+ Router OS
+ urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1
+ urn:upnp-org:serviceId:WANIPConn1
+ /wanipconn-7.xml
+ /upnp/control/xstnsgeuyh/wanipconn-7
+ /upnp/event/rscixkusbs/wanipconn-7
+const testGetStatusInfoResponseDisconnected = `
+ Disconnected
+ 0
+const testGetExternalIPAddressResponsePrivate = `
+const testGetExternalIPAddressResponseInvalid = `
+ not-an-ip-addr
diff --git a/net/portmapper/upnp.go b/net/portmapper/upnp.go
index 31650a516..bc705dc20 100644
--- a/net/portmapper/upnp.go
+++ b/net/portmapper/upnp.go
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import (
+ "tailscale.com/util/mak"
// References:
@@ -44,7 +45,14 @@ type upnpMapping struct {
goodUntil time.Time
renewAfter time.Time
- // client is a connection to a upnp device, and may be reused across different UPnP mappings.
+ // rootDev is the UPnP root device, and may be reused across different
+ // UPnP mappings.
+ rootDev *goupnp.RootDevice
+ // loc is the location used to fetch the rootDev
+ loc *url.URL
+ // client is the most recent UPnP client used, and should only be used
+ // to release an existing mapping; new mappings should be selected from
+ // the rootDev on each attempt.
client upnpClient
@@ -104,6 +112,7 @@ type upnpClient interface {
DeletePortMapping(ctx context.Context, remoteHost string, externalPort uint16, protocol string) error
GetExternalIPAddress(ctx context.Context) (externalIPAddress string, err error)
+ GetStatusInfo(ctx context.Context) (status string, lastConnError string, uptime uint32, err error)
// tsPortMappingDesc gets sent to UPnP clients as a human-readable label for the portmapping.
@@ -182,24 +191,21 @@ func addAnyPortMapping(
return externalPort, err
-// getUPnPClient gets a client for interfacing with UPnP, ignoring the underlying protocol for
-// now.
+// getUPnPRootDevice fetches the UPnP root device given the discovery response,
+// ignoring the underlying protocol for now.
// Adapted from https://github.com/huin/goupnp/blob/master/GUIDE.md.
// The gw is the detected gateway.
// The meta is the most recently parsed UDP discovery packet response
// from the Internet Gateway Device.
-// The provided ctx is not retained in the returned upnpClient, but
-// its associated HTTP client is (if set via goupnp.WithHTTPClient).
-func getUPnPClient(ctx context.Context, logf logger.Logf, debug DebugKnobs, gw netip.Addr, meta uPnPDiscoResponse) (client upnpClient, err error) {
+func getUPnPRootDevice(ctx context.Context, logf logger.Logf, debug DebugKnobs, gw netip.Addr, meta uPnPDiscoResponse) (rootDev *goupnp.RootDevice, loc *url.URL, err error) {
if debug.DisableUPnP {
- return nil, nil
+ return nil, nil, nil
if meta.Location == "" {
- return nil, nil
+ return nil, nil, nil
if debug.VerboseLogs {
@@ -207,12 +213,12 @@ func getUPnPClient(ctx context.Context, logf logger.Logf, debug DebugKnobs, gw n
u, err := url.Parse(meta.Location)
if err != nil {
- return nil, err
+ return nil, nil, err
ipp, err := netip.ParseAddrPort(u.Host)
if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected host %q in %q", u.Host, meta.Location)
+ return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected host %q in %q", u.Host, meta.Location)
if ipp.Addr() != gw {
// https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/issues/5502
@@ -231,30 +237,150 @@ func getUPnPClient(ctx context.Context, logf logger.Logf, debug DebugKnobs, gw n
// This part does a network fetch.
root, err := goupnp.DeviceByURL(ctx, u)
if err != nil {
- return nil, err
+ return nil, nil, err
+ return root, u, nil
+// selectBestService picks the "best" service from the given UPnP root device
+// to use to create a port mapping.
+// loc is the parsed location that was used to fetch the given RootDevice.
+// The provided ctx is not retained in the returned upnpClient, but
+// its associated HTTP client is (if set via goupnp.WithHTTPClient).
+func selectBestService(ctx context.Context, logf logger.Logf, root *goupnp.RootDevice, loc *url.URL) (client upnpClient, err error) {
+ method := "none"
defer func() {
if client == nil {
- logf("saw UPnP type %v at %v; %v (%v)",
+ logf("saw UPnP type %v at %v; %v (%v), method=%s",
strings.TrimPrefix(fmt.Sprintf("%T", client), "*internetgateway2."),
- meta.Location, root.Device.FriendlyName, root.Device.Manufacturer)
+ loc, root.Device.FriendlyName, root.Device.Manufacturer,
+ method)
- // These parts don't do a network fetch.
- // Pick the best service type available.
- if cc, _ := internetgateway2.NewWANIPConnection2ClientsFromRootDevice(ctx, root, u); len(cc) > 0 {
- return cc[0], nil
+ // First, get all available clients from the device, and append to our
+ // list of possible clients. Order matters here; we want to prefer
+ // WANIPConnection2 over WANIPConnection1 or WANPPPConnection.
+ wanIP2, _ := internetgateway2.NewWANIPConnection2ClientsFromRootDevice(ctx, root, loc)
+ wanIP1, _ := internetgateway2.NewWANIPConnection1ClientsFromRootDevice(ctx, root, loc)
+ wanPPP, _ := internetgateway2.NewWANPPPConnection1ClientsFromRootDevice(ctx, root, loc)
+ var clients []upnpClient
+ for _, v := range wanIP2 {
+ clients = append(clients, v)
- if cc, _ := internetgateway2.NewWANIPConnection1ClientsFromRootDevice(ctx, root, u); len(cc) > 0 {
- return cc[0], nil
+ for _, v := range wanIP1 {
+ clients = append(clients, v)
- if cc, _ := internetgateway2.NewWANPPPConnection1ClientsFromRootDevice(ctx, root, u); len(cc) > 0 {
- return cc[0], nil
+ for _, v := range wanPPP {
+ clients = append(clients, v)
- return nil, nil
+ // If we have no clients, then return right now; if we only have one,
+ // just select and return it.
+ if len(clients) == 0 {
+ return nil, nil
+ }
+ if len(clients) == 1 {
+ method = "single"
+ metricUPnPSelectSingle.Add(1)
+ return clients[0], nil
+ }
+ metricUPnPSelectMultiple.Add(1)
+ // In order to maximize the chances that we find a valid UPnP device
+ // that can give us a port mapping, we check a few properties:
+ // 1. Whether the device is "online", as defined by GetStatusInfo
+ // 2. Whether the device has an external IP address, as defined by
+ // GetExternalIPAddress
+ // 3. Whether the device's external IP address is a public address
+ // or a private one.
+ //
+ // We prefer a device where all of the above is true, and fall back if
+ // none are found.
+ //
+ // In order to save on network requests, iterate through all devices
+ // and determine how many "points" they have based on the above
+ // criteria, but return immediately if we find one that meets all
+ // three.
+ var (
+ connected = make(map[upnpClient]bool)
+ externalIPs map[upnpClient]netip.Addr
+ )
+ for _, svc := range clients {
+ isConnected := serviceIsConnected(ctx, logf, svc)
+ connected[svc] = isConnected
+ // Don't bother checking for an external IP if the device isn't
+ // connected; technically this could happen with a misbehaving
+ // device, but that seems unlikely.
+ if !isConnected {
+ continue
+ }
+ // Check if the device has an external IP address.
+ extIP, err := svc.GetExternalIPAddress(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ continue
+ }
+ externalIP, err := netip.ParseAddr(extIP)
+ if err != nil {
+ continue
+ }
+ mak.Set(&externalIPs, svc, externalIP)
+ // If we get here, this device has a non-private external IP
+ // and is up, so we can just return it.
+ if !externalIP.IsPrivate() {
+ method = "ext-public"
+ metricUPnPSelectExternalPublic.Add(1)
+ return svc, nil
+ }
+ }
+ // Okay, we have no devices that meet all the available options. Fall
+ // back to first checking for devices that are up and have a private
+ // external IP (order matters), and then devices that are up, and then
+ // just anything at all.
+ //
+ // try=0 Up + private external IP
+ // try=1 Up
+ for try := 0; try <= 1; try++ {
+ for _, svc := range clients {
+ if !connected[svc] {
+ continue
+ }
+ _, hasExtIP := externalIPs[svc]
+ if hasExtIP {
+ method = "ext-private"
+ metricUPnPSelectExternalPrivate.Add(1)
+ return svc, nil
+ } else if try == 1 {
+ method = "up"
+ metricUPnPSelectUp.Add(1)
+ return svc, nil
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Nothing is up, but we have something (length of clients checked
+ // above); just return the first one.
+ metricUPnPSelectNone.Add(1)
+ return clients[0], nil
+// serviceIsConnected returns whether a given UPnP service is connected, based
+// on the NewConnectionStatus field returned from GetStatusInfo.
+func serviceIsConnected(ctx context.Context, logf logger.Logf, svc upnpClient) bool {
+ status, _ /* NewLastConnectionError */, _ /* NewUptime */, err := svc.GetStatusInfo(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ return status == "Connected" || status == "Up"
func (c *Client) upnpHTTPClientLocked() *http.Client {
@@ -295,26 +421,37 @@ func (c *Client) getUPnPPortMapping(
internal: internal,
- var client upnpClient
- var err error
+ var (
+ rootDev *goupnp.RootDevice
+ loc *url.URL
+ err error
+ )
oldMapping, ok := c.mapping.(*upnpMapping)
meta := c.uPnPMeta
- httpClient := c.upnpHTTPClientLocked()
+ ctx = goupnp.WithHTTPClient(ctx, c.upnpHTTPClientLocked())
if ok && oldMapping != nil {
- client = oldMapping.client
+ rootDev = oldMapping.rootDev
+ loc = oldMapping.loc
} else {
- ctx := goupnp.WithHTTPClient(ctx, httpClient)
- client, err = getUPnPClient(ctx, c.logf, c.debug, gw, meta)
+ rootDev, loc, err = getUPnPRootDevice(ctx, c.logf, c.debug, gw, meta)
if c.debug.VerboseLogs {
- c.logf("getUPnPClient: %T, %v", client, err)
+ c.logf("getUPnPRootDevice: loc=%q err=%v", loc, err)
if err != nil {
return netip.AddrPort{}, false
- if client == nil {
+ if rootDev == nil {
+ return netip.AddrPort{}, false
+ }
+ // Now that we have a root device, select the best mapping service from
+ // it. This makes network requests, and can vary from mapping to
+ // mapping if the upstream device's connection status changes.
+ client, err := selectBestService(ctx, c.logf, rootDev, loc)
+ if err != nil {
return netip.AddrPort{}, false
@@ -384,6 +521,8 @@ func (c *Client) getUPnPPortMapping(
d := time.Duration(pmpMapLifetimeSec) * time.Second
upnp.goodUntil = now.Add(d)
upnp.renewAfter = now.Add(d / 2)
+ upnp.rootDev = rootDev
+ upnp.loc = loc
upnp.client = client
defer c.mu.Unlock()
@@ -471,7 +610,7 @@ func requestLogger(logf logger.Logf, client *http.Client) *http.Client {
resp, err := oldTransport.RoundTrip(req)
if err != nil {
- logf("response[%d]: err=%v", err)
+ logf("response[%d]: err=%v", ctr, err)
return nil, err
@@ -480,7 +619,7 @@ func requestLogger(logf logger.Logf, client *http.Client) *http.Client {
body, err = io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
- logf("response[%d]: %d bodyErr=%v", resp.StatusCode, err)
+ logf("response[%d]: %d bodyErr=%v", ctr, resp.StatusCode, err)
return nil, err
resp.Body = io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(body))
diff --git a/net/portmapper/upnp_test.go b/net/portmapper/upnp_test.go
index d10f6fdb6..ec1446e91 100644
--- a/net/portmapper/upnp_test.go
+++ b/net/portmapper/upnp_test.go
@@ -218,19 +218,19 @@ func TestGetUPnPClient(t *testing.T) {
- "saw UPnP type WANIPConnection2 at; OnHub (Google)\n",
+ "saw UPnP type WANIPConnection2 at; OnHub (Google), method=single\n",
- "saw UPnP type WANIPConnection1 at; FreeBSD router (FreeBSD)\n",
+ "saw UPnP type WANIPConnection1 at; FreeBSD router (FreeBSD), method=single\n",
- "saw UPnP type WANIPConnection1 at; MikroTik Router (MikroTik)\n",
+ "saw UPnP type WANIPConnection1 at; MikroTik Router (MikroTik), method=none\n",
// TODO(bradfitz): find a PPP one in the wild
@@ -246,13 +246,20 @@ func TestGetUPnPClient(t *testing.T) {
defer ts.Close()
gw, _ := netip.AddrFromSlice(ts.Listener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).IP)
gw = gw.Unmap()
+ ctx := context.Background()
var logBuf tstest.MemLogger
- c, err := getUPnPClient(context.Background(), logBuf.Logf, DebugKnobs{}, gw, uPnPDiscoResponse{
+ dev, loc, err := getUPnPRootDevice(ctx, logBuf.Logf, DebugKnobs{}, gw, uPnPDiscoResponse{
Location: ts.URL + "/rootDesc.xml",
if err != nil {
+ c, err := selectBestService(ctx, logBuf.Logf, dev, loc)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
got := fmt.Sprintf("%T", c)
if got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, tt.want)
@@ -272,90 +279,53 @@ func TestGetUPnPPortMapping(t *testing.T) {
defer igd.Close()
- rootDesc := ""
// This is a very basic fake UPnP server handler.
var sawRequestWithLease atomic.Bool
- igd.SetUPnPHandler(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
- t.Logf("got UPnP request %s %s", r.Method, r.URL.Path)
- switch r.URL.Path {
- case "/rootDesc.xml":
- io.WriteString(w, rootDesc)
- case "/ctl/IPConn", "/upnp/control/yomkmsnooi/wanipconn-1":
- body, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("error reading request body: %v", err)
- http.Error(w, "bad request", http.StatusBadRequest)
- return
+ handlers := map[string]any{
+ "AddPortMapping": func(body []byte) (int, string) {
+ // Decode a minimal body to determine whether we skip the request or not.
+ var req struct {
+ Protocol string `xml:"NewProtocol"`
+ InternalPort string `xml:"NewInternalPort"`
+ ExternalPort string `xml:"NewExternalPort"`
+ InternalClient string `xml:"NewInternalClient"`
+ LeaseDuration string `xml:"NewLeaseDuration"`
- // Decode the request type.
- var outerRequest struct {
- Body struct {
- Request struct {
- XMLName xml.Name
- } `xml:",any"`
- Inner string `xml:",innerxml"`
- } `xml:"Body"`
- }
- if err := xml.Unmarshal(body, &outerRequest); err != nil {
+ if err := xml.Unmarshal(body, &req); err != nil {
t.Errorf("bad request: %v", err)
- http.Error(w, "bad request", http.StatusBadRequest)
- return
+ return http.StatusBadRequest, "bad request"
- requestType := outerRequest.Body.Request.XMLName.Local
- upnpRequest := outerRequest.Body.Inner
- t.Logf("UPnP request: %s", requestType)
- switch requestType {
- case "AddPortMapping":
- // Decode a minimal body to determine whether we skip the request or not.
- var req struct {
- Protocol string `xml:"NewProtocol"`
- InternalPort string `xml:"NewInternalPort"`
- ExternalPort string `xml:"NewExternalPort"`
- InternalClient string `xml:"NewInternalClient"`
- LeaseDuration string `xml:"NewLeaseDuration"`
- }
- if err := xml.Unmarshal([]byte(upnpRequest), &req); err != nil {
- t.Errorf("bad request: %v", err)
- http.Error(w, "bad request", http.StatusBadRequest)
- return
- }
- if req.Protocol != "UDP" {
- t.Errorf(`got Protocol=%q, want "UDP"`, req.Protocol)
- }
- if req.LeaseDuration != "0" {
- // Return a fake error to ensure that we fall back to a permanent lease.
- io.WriteString(w, testAddPortMappingPermanentLease)
- sawRequestWithLease.Store(true)
- } else {
- // Success!
- io.WriteString(w, testAddPortMappingResponse)
- }
- case "GetExternalIPAddress":
- io.WriteString(w, testGetExternalIPAddressResponse)
- case "DeletePortMapping":
- // Do nothing for test
- default:
- t.Errorf("unhandled UPnP request type %q", requestType)
- http.Error(w, "bad request", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ if req.Protocol != "UDP" {
+ t.Errorf(`got Protocol=%q, want "UDP"`, req.Protocol)
- default:
- t.Logf("ignoring request")
- http.NotFound(w, r)
- }
- }))
+ if req.LeaseDuration != "0" {
+ // Return a fake error to ensure that we fall back to a permanent lease.
+ sawRequestWithLease.Store(true)
+ return http.StatusOK, testAddPortMappingPermanentLease
+ }
+ // Success!
+ return http.StatusOK, testAddPortMappingResponse
+ },
+ "GetExternalIPAddress": testGetExternalIPAddressResponse,
+ "GetStatusInfo": testGetStatusInfoResponse,
+ "DeletePortMapping": "", // Do nothing for test
+ }
ctx := context.Background()
rootDescsToTest := []string{testRootDesc, mikrotikRootDescXML}
+ for _, rootDesc := range rootDescsToTest {
+ igd.SetUPnPHandler(&upnpServer{
+ t: t,
+ Desc: rootDesc,
+ Control: map[string]map[string]any{
+ "/ctl/IPConn": handlers,
+ "/upnp/control/yomkmsnooi/wanipconn-1": handlers,
+ },
+ })
- for _, rootDesc = range rootDescsToTest {
c := newTestClient(t, igd)
t.Logf("Listening on upnp=%v", c.testUPnPPort)
defer c.Close()
@@ -391,6 +361,89 @@ func TestGetUPnPPortMapping(t *testing.T) {
+type upnpServer struct {
+ t *testing.T
+ Desc string // root device XML
+ Control map[string]map[string]any // map["/url"]map["UPnPService"]response
+func (u *upnpServer) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ u.t.Logf("got UPnP request %s %s", r.Method, r.URL.Path)
+ if r.URL.Path == "/rootDesc.xml" {
+ io.WriteString(w, u.Desc)
+ return
+ }
+ if control, ok := u.Control[r.URL.Path]; ok {
+ u.handleControl(w, r, control)
+ return
+ }
+ u.t.Logf("ignoring request")
+ http.NotFound(w, r)
+func (u *upnpServer) handleControl(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, handlers map[string]any) {
+ body, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
+ if err != nil {
+ u.t.Errorf("error reading request body: %v", err)
+ http.Error(w, "bad request", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ // Decode the request type.
+ var outerRequest struct {
+ Body struct {
+ Request struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name
+ } `xml:",any"`
+ Inner string `xml:",innerxml"`
+ } `xml:"Body"`
+ }
+ if err := xml.Unmarshal(body, &outerRequest); err != nil {
+ u.t.Errorf("bad request: %v", err)
+ http.Error(w, "bad request", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ requestType := outerRequest.Body.Request.XMLName.Local
+ upnpRequest := outerRequest.Body.Inner
+ u.t.Logf("UPnP request: %s", requestType)
+ handler, ok := handlers[requestType]
+ if !ok {
+ u.t.Errorf("unhandled UPnP request type %q", requestType)
+ http.Error(w, "bad request", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ switch v := handler.(type) {
+ case string:
+ io.WriteString(w, v)
+ case []byte:
+ w.Write(v)
+ // Function handlers
+ case func(string) string:
+ io.WriteString(w, v(upnpRequest))
+ case func([]byte) string:
+ io.WriteString(w, v([]byte(upnpRequest)))
+ case func(string) (int, string):
+ code, body := v(upnpRequest)
+ w.WriteHeader(code)
+ io.WriteString(w, body)
+ case func([]byte) (int, string):
+ code, body := v([]byte(upnpRequest))
+ w.WriteHeader(code)
+ io.WriteString(w, body)
+ default:
+ u.t.Fatalf("invalid handler type: %T", v)
+ http.Error(w, "invalid handler type", http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
const testRootDesc = `
@@ -486,3 +539,15 @@ const testGetExternalIPAddressResponse = `
+const testGetStatusInfoResponse = `
+ Connected
+ 9999