diff --git a/api.md b/api.md
index 9a5cdae74..d4cf248e0 100644
--- a/api.md
+++ b/api.md
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ The Tailscale API does not currently support pagination. All results are returne
- Update tags: [`POST /api/v2/device/{deviceID}/tags`](#update-device-tags)
- **Key**
- Update device key: [`POST /api/v2/device/{deviceID}/key`](#update-device-key)
+- **IP Address**
+ - Set device IPv4 address: [`POST /api/v2/device/{deviceID}/ip`](#set-device-ipv4-address)
- [**Policy File**](#policy-file)
@@ -600,7 +602,7 @@ If the tags supplied in the `POST` call do not exist in the tailnet policy file,
## Update device key
@@ -654,6 +656,51 @@ curl "https://api.tailscale.com/api/v2/device/11055/key" \
The response is 2xx on success. The response body is currently an empty JSON object.
+## Set device IPv4 address
+``` http
+POST /api/v2/device/{deviceID}/ip
+Set the Tailscale IPv4 address of the device.
+### Parameters
+#### `deviceid` (required in URL path)
+The ID of the device.
+#### `ipv4` (optional in `POST` body)
+Provide a new IPv4 address for the device.
+When a device is added to a tailnet, its Tailscale IPv4 address is set at random either from the CGNAT range, or a subset of the CGNAT range specified by an [ip pool](https://tailscale.com/kb/1304/ip-pool).
+This endpoint can be used to replace the existing IPv4 address with a specific value.
+``` jsonc
+ "ipv4": ""
+This action will break any existing connections to this machine.
+You will need to reconnect to this machine using the new IP address.
+You may also need to flush your DNS cache.
+This returns a 2xx code on success, with an empty JSON object in the response body.
+### Request example
+``` sh
+curl "https://api.tailscale.com/api/v2/device/11055/ip" \
+-u "tskey-api-xxxxx:" \
+--data-binary '{"ipv4": ""}'
+### Response
+The response is 2xx on success. The response body is currently an empty JSON object.
# Tailnet
A tailnet is your private network, composed of all the devices on it and their configuration.