cmd/k8s-operator: configure HA Ingress replicas to share certs
Creates TLS certs Secret and RBAC that allows HA Ingress replicas
to read/write to the Secret.
Configures HA Ingress replicas to run in read-only mode.
Updates tailscale/corp#24795
Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <>
Now that packets flow for VIPServices, the last piece needed to start
serving them from a ProxyGroup is config to tell the proxy Pods which
services they should advertise.
Updates tailscale/corp#24795
Change-Id: Ic7bbeac8e93c9503558107bc5f6123be02a84c77
Signed-off-by: Tom Proctor <>
cmd/{containerboot,k8s-operator},kube: add preshutdown hook for egress PG proxies
This change is part of work towards minimizing downtime during update
rollouts of egress ProxyGroup replicas.
This change:
- updates the containerboot health check logic to return Pod IP in headers,
if set
- always runs the health check for egress PG proxies
- updates ClusterIP Services created for PG egress endpoints to include
the health check endpoint
- implements preshutdown endpoint in proxies. The preshutdown endpoint
logic waits till, for all currently configured egress services, the ClusterIP
Service health check endpoint is no longer returned by the shutting-down Pod
(by looking at the new Pod IP header).
- ensures that kubelet is configured to call the preshutdown endpoint
This reduces the possibility that, as replicas are terminated during an update,
a replica gets terminated to which cluster traffic is still being routed via
the ClusterIP Service because kube proxy has not yet updated routig rules.
This is not a perfect check as in practice, it only checks that the kube
proxy on the node on which the proxy runs has updated rules. However, overall
this might be good enough.
The preshutdown logic is disabled if users have configured a custom health check
port via TS_LOCAL_ADDR_PORT env var. This change throws a warnign if so and in
future setting of that env var for operator proxies might be disallowed (as users
shouldn't need to configure this for a Pod directly).
This is backwards compatible with earlier proxy versions.
Updates tailscale/tailscale#14326
Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <>
Currently this does not yet do anything apart from creating
the ProxyGroup resources like StatefulSet.
Updates tailscale/corp#24795
Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <>
Every so often, the ProxyGroup and other controllers lose an optimistic locking race
with other controllers that update the objects they create. Stop treating
this as an error event, and instead just log an info level log line for it.
Signed-off-by: Tom Proctor <>
When the operator enables metrics on a proxy, it uses the port 9001,
and in the near future it will start using 9002 for the debug endpoint
as well. Make sure we don't choose ports from a range that includes
9001 so that we never clash. Setting TS_SOCKS5_SERVER, TS_HEALTHCHECK_ADDR_PORT,
TS_OUTBOUND_HTTP_PROXY_LISTEN, and PORT could also open arbitrary ports,
so we will need to document that users should not choose ports from the
10000-11000 range for those settings.
Updates #13406
Signed-off-by: Tom Proctor <>
Ensure that the ExternalName Service port names are always synced to the
ClusterIP Service, to fix a bug where if users created a Service with
a single unnamed port and later changed to 1+ named ports, the operator
attempted to apply an invalid multi-port Service with an unnamed port.
Also, fixes a small internal issue where not-yet Service status conditons
were lost on a spec update.
Updates tailscale/tailscale#10102
Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <>
cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator/apis: set a readiness condition on egress Services
Set a readiness condition on ExternalName Services that define a tailnet target
to route cluster traffic to via a ProxyGroup's proxies. The condition
is set to true if at least one proxy is currently set up to route.
Updates tailscale/tailscale#13406
Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <>
Adds a new reconciler that reconciles ExternalName Services that define a
tailnet target that should be exposed to cluster workloads on a ProxyGroup's
The reconciler ensures that for each such service, the config mounted to
the proxies is updated with the tailnet target definition and that
and EndpointSlice and ClusterIP Service are created for the service.
Adds a new reconciler that ensures that as proxy Pods become ready to route
traffic to a tailnet target, the EndpointSlice for the target is updated
with the Pods' endpoints.
Updates tailscale/tailscale#13406
Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <>