// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause //go:build !plan9 package main import ( "context" "crypto/sha256" "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/http" "slices" "strings" "sync" "github.com/pkg/errors" "go.uber.org/zap" xslices "golang.org/x/exp/slices" appsv1 "k8s.io/api/apps/v1" corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1" rbacv1 "k8s.io/api/rbac/v1" apiequality "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/equality" apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types" "k8s.io/client-go/tools/record" "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/client" "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/reconcile" "tailscale.com/client/tailscale" "tailscale.com/ipn" tsoperator "tailscale.com/k8s-operator" tsapi "tailscale.com/k8s-operator/apis/v1alpha1" "tailscale.com/kube/egressservices" "tailscale.com/kube/kubetypes" "tailscale.com/tailcfg" "tailscale.com/tstime" "tailscale.com/types/ptr" "tailscale.com/util/clientmetric" "tailscale.com/util/mak" "tailscale.com/util/set" ) const ( reasonProxyGroupCreationFailed = "ProxyGroupCreationFailed" reasonProxyGroupReady = "ProxyGroupReady" reasonProxyGroupCreating = "ProxyGroupCreating" reasonProxyGroupInvalid = "ProxyGroupInvalid" // Copied from k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/registry/generic/registry/store.go@cccad306d649184bf2a0e319ba830c53f65c445c optimisticLockErrorMsg = "the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again" ) var ( gaugeEgressProxyGroupResources = clientmetric.NewGauge(kubetypes.MetricProxyGroupEgressCount) gaugeIngressProxyGroupResources = clientmetric.NewGauge(kubetypes.MetricProxyGroupIngressCount) ) // ProxyGroupReconciler ensures cluster resources for a ProxyGroup definition. type ProxyGroupReconciler struct { client.Client l *zap.SugaredLogger recorder record.EventRecorder clock tstime.Clock tsClient tsClient // User-specified defaults from the helm installation. tsNamespace string proxyImage string defaultTags []string tsFirewallMode string defaultProxyClass string mu sync.Mutex // protects following egressProxyGroups set.Slice[types.UID] // for egress proxygroups gauge ingressProxyGroups set.Slice[types.UID] // for ingress proxygroups gauge } func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) logger(name string) *zap.SugaredLogger { return r.l.With("ProxyGroup", name) } func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req reconcile.Request) (_ reconcile.Result, err error) { logger := r.logger(req.Name) logger.Debugf("starting reconcile") defer logger.Debugf("reconcile finished") pg := new(tsapi.ProxyGroup) err = r.Get(ctx, req.NamespacedName, pg) if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) { logger.Debugf("ProxyGroup not found, assuming it was deleted") return reconcile.Result{}, nil } else if err != nil { return reconcile.Result{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to get tailscale.com ProxyGroup: %w", err) } if markedForDeletion(pg) { logger.Debugf("ProxyGroup is being deleted, cleaning up resources") ix := xslices.Index(pg.Finalizers, FinalizerName) if ix < 0 { logger.Debugf("no finalizer, nothing to do") return reconcile.Result{}, nil } if done, err := r.maybeCleanup(ctx, pg); err != nil { return reconcile.Result{}, err } else if !done { logger.Debugf("ProxyGroup resource cleanup not yet finished, will retry...") return reconcile.Result{RequeueAfter: shortRequeue}, nil } pg.Finalizers = slices.Delete(pg.Finalizers, ix, ix+1) if err := r.Update(ctx, pg); err != nil { return reconcile.Result{}, err } return reconcile.Result{}, nil } oldPGStatus := pg.Status.DeepCopy() setStatusReady := func(pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup, status metav1.ConditionStatus, reason, message string) (reconcile.Result, error) { tsoperator.SetProxyGroupCondition(pg, tsapi.ProxyGroupReady, status, reason, message, pg.Generation, r.clock, logger) if !apiequality.Semantic.DeepEqual(oldPGStatus, &pg.Status) { // An error encountered here should get returned by the Reconcile function. if updateErr := r.Client.Status().Update(ctx, pg); updateErr != nil { err = errors.Wrap(err, updateErr.Error()) } } return reconcile.Result{}, err } if !slices.Contains(pg.Finalizers, FinalizerName) { // This log line is printed exactly once during initial provisioning, // because once the finalizer is in place this block gets skipped. So, // this is a nice place to log that the high level, multi-reconcile // operation is underway. logger.Infof("ensuring ProxyGroup is set up") pg.Finalizers = append(pg.Finalizers, FinalizerName) if err = r.Update(ctx, pg); err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("error adding finalizer: %w", err) return setStatusReady(pg, metav1.ConditionFalse, reasonProxyGroupCreationFailed, reasonProxyGroupCreationFailed) } } if err = r.validate(pg); err != nil { message := fmt.Sprintf("ProxyGroup is invalid: %s", err) r.recorder.Eventf(pg, corev1.EventTypeWarning, reasonProxyGroupInvalid, message) return setStatusReady(pg, metav1.ConditionFalse, reasonProxyGroupInvalid, message) } proxyClassName := r.defaultProxyClass if pg.Spec.ProxyClass != "" { proxyClassName = pg.Spec.ProxyClass } var proxyClass *tsapi.ProxyClass if proxyClassName != "" { proxyClass = new(tsapi.ProxyClass) err := r.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: proxyClassName}, proxyClass) if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) { err = nil message := fmt.Sprintf("the ProxyGroup's ProxyClass %s does not (yet) exist", proxyClassName) logger.Info(message) return setStatusReady(pg, metav1.ConditionFalse, reasonProxyGroupCreating, message) } if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("error getting ProxyGroup's ProxyClass %s: %s", proxyClassName, err) r.recorder.Eventf(pg, corev1.EventTypeWarning, reasonProxyGroupCreationFailed, err.Error()) return setStatusReady(pg, metav1.ConditionFalse, reasonProxyGroupCreationFailed, err.Error()) } validateProxyClassForPG(logger, pg, proxyClass) if !tsoperator.ProxyClassIsReady(proxyClass) { message := fmt.Sprintf("the ProxyGroup's ProxyClass %s is not yet in a ready state, waiting...", proxyClassName) logger.Info(message) return setStatusReady(pg, metav1.ConditionFalse, reasonProxyGroupCreating, message) } } if err = r.maybeProvision(ctx, pg, proxyClass); err != nil { reason := reasonProxyGroupCreationFailed msg := fmt.Sprintf("error provisioning ProxyGroup resources: %s", err) if strings.Contains(err.Error(), optimisticLockErrorMsg) { reason = reasonProxyGroupCreating msg = fmt.Sprintf("optimistic lock error, retrying: %s", err) err = nil logger.Info(msg) } else { r.recorder.Eventf(pg, corev1.EventTypeWarning, reason, msg) } return setStatusReady(pg, metav1.ConditionFalse, reason, msg) } desiredReplicas := int(pgReplicas(pg)) if len(pg.Status.Devices) < desiredReplicas { message := fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d ProxyGroup pods running", len(pg.Status.Devices), desiredReplicas) logger.Debug(message) return setStatusReady(pg, metav1.ConditionFalse, reasonProxyGroupCreating, message) } if len(pg.Status.Devices) > desiredReplicas { message := fmt.Sprintf("waiting for %d ProxyGroup pods to shut down", len(pg.Status.Devices)-desiredReplicas) logger.Debug(message) return setStatusReady(pg, metav1.ConditionFalse, reasonProxyGroupCreating, message) } logger.Info("ProxyGroup resources synced") return setStatusReady(pg, metav1.ConditionTrue, reasonProxyGroupReady, reasonProxyGroupReady) } // validateProxyClassForPG applies custom validation logic for ProxyClass applied to ProxyGroup. func validateProxyClassForPG(logger *zap.SugaredLogger, pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup, pc *tsapi.ProxyClass) { if pg.Spec.Type == tsapi.ProxyGroupTypeIngress { return } // Our custom logic for ensuring minimum downtime ProxyGroup update rollouts relies on the local health check // beig accessible on the replica Pod IP:9002. This address can also be modified by users, via // TS_LOCAL_ADDR_PORT env var. // // Currently TS_LOCAL_ADDR_PORT controls Pod's health check and metrics address. _Probably_ there is no need for // users to set this to a custom value. Users who want to consume metrics, should integrate with the metrics // Service and/or ServiceMonitor, rather than Pods directly. The health check is likely not useful to integrate // directly with for operator proxies (and we should aim for unified lifecycle logic in the operator, users // shouldn't need to set their own). // // TODO(irbekrm): maybe disallow configuring this env var in future (in Tailscale 1.84 or later). if hasLocalAddrPortSet(pc) { msg := fmt.Sprintf("ProxyClass %s applied to an egress ProxyGroup has TS_LOCAL_ADDR_PORT env var set to a custom value."+ "This will disable the ProxyGroup graceful failover mechanism, so you might experience downtime when ProxyGroup pods are restarted."+ "In future we will remove the ability to set custom TS_LOCAL_ADDR_PORT for egress ProxyGroups."+ "Please raise an issue if you expect that this will cause issues for your workflow.", pc.Name) logger.Warn(msg) } } func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) maybeProvision(ctx context.Context, pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup, proxyClass *tsapi.ProxyClass) error { logger := r.logger(pg.Name) r.mu.Lock() r.ensureAddedToGaugeForProxyGroup(pg) r.mu.Unlock() cfgHash, err := r.ensureConfigSecretsCreated(ctx, pg, proxyClass) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error provisioning config Secrets: %w", err) } // State secrets are precreated so we can use the ProxyGroup CR as their owner ref. stateSecrets := pgStateSecrets(pg, r.tsNamespace) for _, sec := range stateSecrets { if _, err := createOrUpdate(ctx, r.Client, r.tsNamespace, sec, func(s *corev1.Secret) { s.ObjectMeta.Labels = sec.ObjectMeta.Labels s.ObjectMeta.Annotations = sec.ObjectMeta.Annotations s.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences = sec.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences }); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error provisioning state Secrets: %w", err) } } sa := pgServiceAccount(pg, r.tsNamespace) if _, err := createOrUpdate(ctx, r.Client, r.tsNamespace, sa, func(s *corev1.ServiceAccount) { s.ObjectMeta.Labels = sa.ObjectMeta.Labels s.ObjectMeta.Annotations = sa.ObjectMeta.Annotations s.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences = sa.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences }); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error provisioning ServiceAccount: %w", err) } role := pgRole(pg, r.tsNamespace) if _, err := createOrUpdate(ctx, r.Client, r.tsNamespace, role, func(r *rbacv1.Role) { r.ObjectMeta.Labels = role.ObjectMeta.Labels r.ObjectMeta.Annotations = role.ObjectMeta.Annotations r.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences = role.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences r.Rules = role.Rules }); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error provisioning Role: %w", err) } roleBinding := pgRoleBinding(pg, r.tsNamespace) if _, err := createOrUpdate(ctx, r.Client, r.tsNamespace, roleBinding, func(r *rbacv1.RoleBinding) { r.ObjectMeta.Labels = roleBinding.ObjectMeta.Labels r.ObjectMeta.Annotations = roleBinding.ObjectMeta.Annotations r.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences = roleBinding.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences r.RoleRef = roleBinding.RoleRef r.Subjects = roleBinding.Subjects }); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error provisioning RoleBinding: %w", err) } if pg.Spec.Type == tsapi.ProxyGroupTypeEgress { cm, hp := pgEgressCM(pg, r.tsNamespace) if _, err := createOrUpdate(ctx, r.Client, r.tsNamespace, cm, func(existing *corev1.ConfigMap) { existing.ObjectMeta.Labels = cm.ObjectMeta.Labels existing.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences = cm.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences mak.Set(&existing.BinaryData, egressservices.KeyHEPPings, hp) }); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error provisioning egress ConfigMap %q: %w", cm.Name, err) } } if pg.Spec.Type == tsapi.ProxyGroupTypeIngress { cm := pgIngressCM(pg, r.tsNamespace) if _, err := createOrUpdate(ctx, r.Client, r.tsNamespace, cm, func(existing *corev1.ConfigMap) { existing.ObjectMeta.Labels = cm.ObjectMeta.Labels existing.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences = cm.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences }); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error provisioning ingress ConfigMap %q: %w", cm.Name, err) } } ss, err := pgStatefulSet(pg, r.tsNamespace, r.proxyImage, r.tsFirewallMode, proxyClass) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error generating StatefulSet spec: %w", err) } ss = applyProxyClassToStatefulSet(proxyClass, ss, nil, logger) capver, err := r.capVerForPG(ctx, pg, logger) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error getting device info: %w", err) } updateSS := func(s *appsv1.StatefulSet) { // This is a temporary workaround to ensure that egress ProxyGroup proxies with capver older than 110 // are restarted when tailscaled configfile contents have changed. // This workaround ensures that: // 1. The hash mechanism is used to trigger pod restarts for proxies below capver 110. // 2. Proxies above capver are not unnecessarily restarted when the configfile contents change. // 3. If the hash has alreay been set, but the capver is above 110, the old hash is preserved to avoid // unnecessary pod restarts that could result in an update loop where capver cannot be determined for a // restarting Pod and the hash is re-added again. // Note that this workaround is only applied to egress ProxyGroups, because ingress ProxyGroup was added after capver 110. // Note also that the hash annotation is only set on updates, not creation, because if the StatefulSet is // being created, there is no need for a restart. // TODO(irbekrm): remove this in 1.84. hash := cfgHash if capver >= 110 { hash = s.Spec.Template.GetAnnotations()[podAnnotationLastSetConfigFileHash] } s.Spec = ss.Spec if hash != "" && pg.Spec.Type == tsapi.ProxyGroupTypeEgress { mak.Set(&s.Spec.Template.Annotations, podAnnotationLastSetConfigFileHash, hash) } s.ObjectMeta.Labels = ss.ObjectMeta.Labels s.ObjectMeta.Annotations = ss.ObjectMeta.Annotations s.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences = ss.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences } if _, err := createOrUpdate(ctx, r.Client, r.tsNamespace, ss, updateSS); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error provisioning StatefulSet: %w", err) } mo := &metricsOpts{ tsNamespace: r.tsNamespace, proxyStsName: pg.Name, proxyLabels: pgLabels(pg.Name, nil), proxyType: "proxygroup", } if err := reconcileMetricsResources(ctx, logger, mo, proxyClass, r.Client); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error reconciling metrics resources: %w", err) } if err := r.cleanupDanglingResources(ctx, pg); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error cleaning up dangling resources: %w", err) } devices, err := r.getDeviceInfo(ctx, pg) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to get device info: %w", err) } pg.Status.Devices = devices return nil } // cleanupDanglingResources ensures we don't leak config secrets, state secrets, and // tailnet devices when the number of replicas specified is reduced. func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) cleanupDanglingResources(ctx context.Context, pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup) error { logger := r.logger(pg.Name) metadata, err := r.getNodeMetadata(ctx, pg) if err != nil { return err } for _, m := range metadata { if m.ordinal+1 <= int(pgReplicas(pg)) { continue } // Dangling resource, delete the config + state Secrets, as well as // deleting the device from the tailnet. if err := r.deleteTailnetDevice(ctx, m.tsID, logger); err != nil { return err } if err := r.Delete(ctx, m.stateSecret); err != nil { if !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) { return fmt.Errorf("error deleting state Secret %s: %w", m.stateSecret.Name, err) } } configSecret := m.stateSecret.DeepCopy() configSecret.Name += "-config" if err := r.Delete(ctx, configSecret); err != nil { if !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) { return fmt.Errorf("error deleting config Secret %s: %w", configSecret.Name, err) } } } return nil } // maybeCleanup just deletes the device from the tailnet. All the kubernetes // resources linked to a ProxyGroup will get cleaned up via owner references // (which we can use because they are all in the same namespace). func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) maybeCleanup(ctx context.Context, pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup) (bool, error) { logger := r.logger(pg.Name) metadata, err := r.getNodeMetadata(ctx, pg) if err != nil { return false, err } for _, m := range metadata { if err := r.deleteTailnetDevice(ctx, m.tsID, logger); err != nil { return false, err } } mo := &metricsOpts{ proxyLabels: pgLabels(pg.Name, nil), tsNamespace: r.tsNamespace, proxyType: "proxygroup"} if err := maybeCleanupMetricsResources(ctx, mo, r.Client); err != nil { return false, fmt.Errorf("error cleaning up metrics resources: %w", err) } logger.Infof("cleaned up ProxyGroup resources") r.mu.Lock() r.ensureRemovedFromGaugeForProxyGroup(pg) r.mu.Unlock() return true, nil } func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) deleteTailnetDevice(ctx context.Context, id tailcfg.StableNodeID, logger *zap.SugaredLogger) error { logger.Debugf("deleting device %s from control", string(id)) if err := r.tsClient.DeleteDevice(ctx, string(id)); err != nil { errResp := &tailscale.ErrResponse{} if ok := errors.As(err, errResp); ok && errResp.Status == http.StatusNotFound { logger.Debugf("device %s not found, likely because it has already been deleted from control", string(id)) } else { return fmt.Errorf("error deleting device: %w", err) } } else { logger.Debugf("device %s deleted from control", string(id)) } return nil } func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) ensureConfigSecretsCreated(ctx context.Context, pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup, proxyClass *tsapi.ProxyClass) (hash string, err error) { logger := r.logger(pg.Name) var configSHA256Sum string for i := range pgReplicas(pg) { cfgSecret := &corev1.Secret{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: pgConfigSecretName(pg.Name, i), Namespace: r.tsNamespace, Labels: pgSecretLabels(pg.Name, "config"), OwnerReferences: pgOwnerReference(pg), }, } var existingCfgSecret *corev1.Secret // unmodified copy of secret if err := r.Get(ctx, client.ObjectKeyFromObject(cfgSecret), cfgSecret); err == nil { logger.Debugf("secret %s/%s already exists", cfgSecret.GetNamespace(), cfgSecret.GetName()) existingCfgSecret = cfgSecret.DeepCopy() } else if !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) { return "", err } var authKey string if existingCfgSecret == nil { logger.Debugf("creating authkey for new ProxyGroup proxy") tags := pg.Spec.Tags.Stringify() if len(tags) == 0 { tags = r.defaultTags } authKey, err = newAuthKey(ctx, r.tsClient, tags) if err != nil { return "", err } } configs, err := pgTailscaledConfig(pg, proxyClass, i, authKey, existingCfgSecret) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("error creating tailscaled config: %w", err) } for cap, cfg := range configs { cfgJSON, err := json.Marshal(cfg) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("error marshalling tailscaled config: %w", err) } mak.Set(&cfgSecret.StringData, tsoperator.TailscaledConfigFileName(cap), string(cfgJSON)) } // The config sha256 sum is a value for a hash annotation used to trigger // pod restarts when tailscaled config changes. Any config changes apply // to all replicas, so it is sufficient to only hash the config for the // first replica. // // In future, we're aiming to eliminate restarts altogether and have // pods dynamically reload their config when it changes. if i == 0 { sum := sha256.New() for _, cfg := range configs { // Zero out the auth key so it doesn't affect the sha256 hash when we // remove it from the config after the pods have all authed. Otherwise // all the pods will need to restart immediately after authing. cfg.AuthKey = nil b, err := json.Marshal(cfg) if err != nil { return "", err } if _, err := sum.Write(b); err != nil { return "", err } } configSHA256Sum = fmt.Sprintf("%x", sum.Sum(nil)) } if existingCfgSecret != nil { logger.Debugf("patching the existing ProxyGroup config Secret %s", cfgSecret.Name) if err := r.Patch(ctx, cfgSecret, client.MergeFrom(existingCfgSecret)); err != nil { return "", err } } else { logger.Debugf("creating a new config Secret %s for the ProxyGroup", cfgSecret.Name) if err := r.Create(ctx, cfgSecret); err != nil { return "", err } } } return configSHA256Sum, nil } // ensureAddedToGaugeForProxyGroup ensures the gauge metric for the ProxyGroup resource is updated when the ProxyGroup // is created. r.mu must be held. func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) ensureAddedToGaugeForProxyGroup(pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup) { switch pg.Spec.Type { case tsapi.ProxyGroupTypeEgress: r.egressProxyGroups.Add(pg.UID) case tsapi.ProxyGroupTypeIngress: r.ingressProxyGroups.Add(pg.UID) } gaugeEgressProxyGroupResources.Set(int64(r.egressProxyGroups.Len())) gaugeIngressProxyGroupResources.Set(int64(r.ingressProxyGroups.Len())) } // ensureRemovedFromGaugeForProxyGroup ensures the gauge metric for the ProxyGroup resource type is updated when the // ProxyGroup is deleted. r.mu must be held. func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) ensureRemovedFromGaugeForProxyGroup(pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup) { switch pg.Spec.Type { case tsapi.ProxyGroupTypeEgress: r.egressProxyGroups.Remove(pg.UID) case tsapi.ProxyGroupTypeIngress: r.ingressProxyGroups.Remove(pg.UID) } gaugeEgressProxyGroupResources.Set(int64(r.egressProxyGroups.Len())) gaugeIngressProxyGroupResources.Set(int64(r.ingressProxyGroups.Len())) } func pgTailscaledConfig(pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup, class *tsapi.ProxyClass, idx int32, authKey string, oldSecret *corev1.Secret) (tailscaledConfigs, error) { conf := &ipn.ConfigVAlpha{ Version: "alpha0", AcceptDNS: "false", AcceptRoutes: "false", // AcceptRoutes defaults to true Locked: "false", Hostname: ptr.To(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", pg.Name, idx)), } if pg.Spec.HostnamePrefix != "" { conf.Hostname = ptr.To(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", pg.Spec.HostnamePrefix, idx)) } if shouldAcceptRoutes(class) { conf.AcceptRoutes = "true" } deviceAuthed := false for _, d := range pg.Status.Devices { if d.Hostname == *conf.Hostname { deviceAuthed = true break } } if authKey != "" { conf.AuthKey = &authKey } else if !deviceAuthed { key, err := authKeyFromSecret(oldSecret) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving auth key from Secret: %w", err) } conf.AuthKey = key } capVerConfigs := make(map[tailcfg.CapabilityVersion]ipn.ConfigVAlpha) // AdvertiseServices config is set by ingress-pg-reconciler, so make sure we // don't overwrite it here. if err := copyAdvertiseServicesConfig(conf, oldSecret, 106); err != nil { return nil, err } capVerConfigs[106] = *conf return capVerConfigs, nil } func copyAdvertiseServicesConfig(conf *ipn.ConfigVAlpha, oldSecret *corev1.Secret, capVer tailcfg.CapabilityVersion) error { if oldSecret == nil { return nil } oldConfB := oldSecret.Data[tsoperator.TailscaledConfigFileName(capVer)] if len(oldConfB) == 0 { return nil } var oldConf ipn.ConfigVAlpha if err := json.Unmarshal(oldConfB, &oldConf); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling existing config: %w", err) } conf.AdvertiseServices = oldConf.AdvertiseServices return nil } func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) validate(_ *tsapi.ProxyGroup) error { return nil } // getNodeMetadata gets metadata for all the pods owned by this ProxyGroup by // querying their state Secrets. It may not return the same number of items as // specified in the ProxyGroup spec if e.g. it is getting scaled up or down, or // some pods have failed to write state. func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) getNodeMetadata(ctx context.Context, pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup) (metadata []nodeMetadata, _ error) { // List all state secrets owned by this ProxyGroup. secrets := &corev1.SecretList{} if err := r.List(ctx, secrets, client.InNamespace(r.tsNamespace), client.MatchingLabels(pgSecretLabels(pg.Name, "state"))); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to list state Secrets: %w", err) } for _, secret := range secrets.Items { var ordinal int if _, err := fmt.Sscanf(secret.Name, pg.Name+"-%d", &ordinal); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected secret %s was labelled as owned by the ProxyGroup %s: %w", secret.Name, pg.Name, err) } id, dnsName, ok, err := getNodeMetadata(ctx, &secret) if err != nil { return nil, err } if !ok { continue } nm := nodeMetadata{ ordinal: ordinal, stateSecret: &secret, tsID: id, dnsName: dnsName, } pod := &corev1.Pod{} if err := r.Get(ctx, client.ObjectKey{Namespace: r.tsNamespace, Name: secret.Name}, pod); err != nil && !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) { return nil, err } else if err == nil { nm.podUID = string(pod.UID) } metadata = append(metadata, nm) } return metadata, nil } func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) getDeviceInfo(ctx context.Context, pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup) (devices []tsapi.TailnetDevice, _ error) { metadata, err := r.getNodeMetadata(ctx, pg) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, m := range metadata { device, ok, err := getDeviceInfo(ctx, r.tsClient, m.stateSecret) if err != nil { return nil, err } if !ok { continue } devices = append(devices, tsapi.TailnetDevice{ Hostname: device.Hostname, TailnetIPs: device.TailnetIPs, }) } return devices, nil } type nodeMetadata struct { ordinal int stateSecret *corev1.Secret // podUID is the UID of the current Pod or empty if the Pod does not exist. podUID string tsID tailcfg.StableNodeID dnsName string } // capVerForPG returns best effort capability version for the given ProxyGroup. It attempts to find it by looking at the // Secret + Pod for the replica with ordinal 0. Returns -1 if it is not possible to determine the capability version // (i.e there is no Pod yet). func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) capVerForPG(ctx context.Context, pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup, logger *zap.SugaredLogger) (tailcfg.CapabilityVersion, error) { metas, err := r.getNodeMetadata(ctx, pg) if err != nil { return -1, fmt.Errorf("error getting node metadata: %w", err) } if len(metas) == 0 { return -1, nil } dev, err := deviceInfo(metas[0].stateSecret, metas[0].podUID, logger) if err != nil { return -1, fmt.Errorf("error getting device info: %w", err) } if dev == nil { return -1, nil } return dev.capver, nil }