// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

// This file contains the code related to the Poller type and its methods.
// The hot loop to keep efficient is Poller.Run.

package portlist

import (


var pollInterval = 5 * time.Second // default; changed by some OS-specific init funcs

var debugDisablePortlist = envknob.RegisterBool("TS_DEBUG_DISABLE_PORTLIST")

// Poller scans the systems for listening ports periodically and sends
// the results to C.
type Poller struct {
	c chan List // unbuffered

	// os, if non-nil, is an OS-specific implementation of the portlist getting
	// code. When non-nil, it's responsible for getting the complete list of
	// cached ports complete with the process name. That is, when set,
	// addProcesses is not used.
	// A nil values means we don't have code for getting the list on the current
	// operating system.
	os     osImpl
	osOnce sync.Once // guards init of os

	// closeCtx is the context that's canceled on Close.
	closeCtx       context.Context
	closeCtxCancel context.CancelFunc

	runDone chan struct{} // closed when Run completes

	// scatch is memory for Poller.getList to reuse between calls.
	scratch []Port

	prev List // most recent data, not aliasing scratch

// osImpl is the OS-specific implementation of getting the open listening ports.
type osImpl interface {
	Close() error

	// AppendListeningPorts appends to base (which must have length 0 but
	// optional capacity) the list of listening ports. The Port struct should be
	// populated as completely as possible. Another pass will not add anything
	// to it.
	// The appended ports should be in a sorted (or at least stable) order so
	// the caller can cheaply detect when there are no changes.
	AppendListeningPorts(base []Port) ([]Port, error)

// newOSImpl, if non-nil, constructs a new osImpl.
var newOSImpl func() osImpl

var errUnimplemented = errors.New("portlist poller not implemented on " + runtime.GOOS)

// NewPoller returns a new portlist Poller. It returns an error
// if the portlist couldn't be obtained.
func NewPoller() (*Poller, error) {
	if debugDisablePortlist() {
		return nil, errors.New("portlist disabled by envknob")
	p := &Poller{
		c:       make(chan List),
		runDone: make(chan struct{}),
	p.closeCtx, p.closeCtxCancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	if p.os == nil {
		return nil, errUnimplemented

	// Do one initial poll synchronously so we can return an error
	// early.
	if pl, err := p.getList(); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	} else {
	return p, nil

func (p *Poller) setPrev(pl List) {
	// Make a copy, as the pass in pl slice aliases pl.scratch and we don't want
	// that to except to the caller.
	p.prev = slices.Clone(pl)

func (p *Poller) initOSField() {
	if newOSImpl != nil {
		p.os = newOSImpl()

// Updates return the channel that receives port list updates.
// The channel is closed when the Poller is closed.
func (p *Poller) Updates() <-chan List { return p.c }

// Close closes the Poller.
// Run will return with a nil error.
func (p *Poller) Close() error {
	if p.os != nil {
	return nil

// send sends pl to p.c and returns whether it was successfully sent.
func (p *Poller) send(ctx context.Context, pl List) (sent bool, err error) {
	select {
	case p.c <- pl:
		return true, nil
	case <-ctx.Done():
		return false, ctx.Err()
	case <-p.closeCtx.Done():
		return false, nil

// Run runs the Poller periodically until either the context
// is done, or the Close is called.
// Run may only be called once.
func (p *Poller) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
	tick := time.NewTicker(pollInterval)
	defer tick.Stop()
	return p.runWithTickChan(ctx, tick.C)

func (p *Poller) runWithTickChan(ctx context.Context, tickChan <-chan time.Time) error {
	defer close(p.runDone)
	defer close(p.c)

	// Send out the pre-generated initial value.
	if sent, err := p.send(ctx, p.prev); !sent {
		return err

	for {
		select {
		case <-tickChan:
			pl, err := p.getList()
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if pl.equal(p.prev) {
			if sent, err := p.send(ctx, p.prev); !sent {
				return err
		case <-ctx.Done():
			return ctx.Err()
		case <-p.closeCtx.Done():
			return nil

func (p *Poller) getList() (List, error) {
	if debugDisablePortlist() {
		return nil, nil
	var err error
	p.scratch, err = p.os.AppendListeningPorts(p.scratch[:0])
	return p.scratch, err