// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

// Package controlknobs contains client options configurable from control which can be turned on
// or off. The ability to turn options on and off is for incrementally adding features in.
package controlknobs

import (


// Knobs is the set of knobs that the control plane's coordination server can
// adjust at runtime.
type Knobs struct {
	// DisableUPnP indicates whether to attempt UPnP mapping.
	DisableUPnP atomic.Bool

	// DisableDRPO is whether control says to disable the
	// DERP route optimization (Issue 150).
	DisableDRPO atomic.Bool

	// KeepFullWGConfig is whether we should disable the lazy wireguard
	// programming and instead give WireGuard the full netmap always, even for
	// idle peers.
	KeepFullWGConfig atomic.Bool

	// RandomizeClientPort is whether control says we should randomize
	// the client port.
	RandomizeClientPort atomic.Bool

	// OneCGNAT is whether the the node should make one big CGNAT route
	// in the OS rather than one /32 per peer.
	OneCGNAT syncs.AtomicValue[opt.Bool]

	// ForceBackgroundSTUN forces netcheck STUN queries to keep
	// running in magicsock, even when idle.
	ForceBackgroundSTUN atomic.Bool

	// DisableDeltaUpdates is whether the node should not process
	// incremental (delta) netmap updates and should treat all netmap
	// changes as "full" ones as tailscaled did in 1.48.x and earlier.
	DisableDeltaUpdates atomic.Bool

	// PeerMTUEnable is whether the node should do peer path MTU discovery.
	PeerMTUEnable atomic.Bool

	// DisableDNSForwarderTCPRetries is whether the DNS forwarder should
	// skip retrying truncated queries over TCP.
	DisableDNSForwarderTCPRetries atomic.Bool

	// SilentDisco is whether the node should suppress disco heartbeats to its
	// peers.
	SilentDisco atomic.Bool

	// LinuxForceIPTables is whether the node should use iptables for Linux
	// netfiltering, unless overridden by the user.
	LinuxForceIPTables atomic.Bool

	// LinuxForceNfTables is whether the node should use nftables for Linux
	// netfiltering, unless overridden by the user.
	LinuxForceNfTables atomic.Bool

	// SeamlessKeyRenewal is whether to enable the alpha functionality of
	// renewing node keys without breaking connections.
	// http://go/seamless-key-renewal
	SeamlessKeyRenewal atomic.Bool

	// ProbeUDPLifetime is whether the node should probe UDP path lifetime on
	// the tail end of an active direct connection in magicsock.
	ProbeUDPLifetime atomic.Bool

// UpdateFromNodeAttributes updates k (if non-nil) based on the provided self
// node attributes (Node.Capabilities).
func (k *Knobs) UpdateFromNodeAttributes(capMap tailcfg.NodeCapMap) {
	if k == nil {
	has := capMap.Contains
	var (
		keepFullWG                    = has(tailcfg.NodeAttrDebugDisableWGTrim)
		disableDRPO                   = has(tailcfg.NodeAttrDebugDisableDRPO)
		disableUPnP                   = has(tailcfg.NodeAttrDisableUPnP)
		randomizeClientPort           = has(tailcfg.NodeAttrRandomizeClientPort)
		disableDeltaUpdates           = has(tailcfg.NodeAttrDisableDeltaUpdates)
		oneCGNAT                      opt.Bool
		forceBackgroundSTUN           = has(tailcfg.NodeAttrDebugForceBackgroundSTUN)
		peerMTUEnable                 = has(tailcfg.NodeAttrPeerMTUEnable)
		dnsForwarderDisableTCPRetries = has(tailcfg.NodeAttrDNSForwarderDisableTCPRetries)
		silentDisco                   = has(tailcfg.NodeAttrSilentDisco)
		forceIPTables                 = has(tailcfg.NodeAttrLinuxMustUseIPTables)
		forceNfTables                 = has(tailcfg.NodeAttrLinuxMustUseNfTables)
		seamlessKeyRenewal            = has(tailcfg.NodeAttrSeamlessKeyRenewal)
		probeUDPLifetime              = has(tailcfg.NodeAttrProbeUDPLifetime)

	if has(tailcfg.NodeAttrOneCGNATEnable) {
	} else if has(tailcfg.NodeAttrOneCGNATDisable) {


// AsDebugJSON returns k as something that can be marshalled with json.Marshal
// for debug.
func (k *Knobs) AsDebugJSON() map[string]any {
	if k == nil {
		return nil
	return map[string]any{
		"DisableUPnP":                   k.DisableUPnP.Load(),
		"DisableDRPO":                   k.DisableDRPO.Load(),
		"KeepFullWGConfig":              k.KeepFullWGConfig.Load(),
		"RandomizeClientPort":           k.RandomizeClientPort.Load(),
		"OneCGNAT":                      k.OneCGNAT.Load(),
		"ForceBackgroundSTUN":           k.ForceBackgroundSTUN.Load(),
		"DisableDeltaUpdates":           k.DisableDeltaUpdates.Load(),
		"PeerMTUEnable":                 k.PeerMTUEnable.Load(),
		"DisableDNSForwarderTCPRetries": k.DisableDNSForwarderTCPRetries.Load(),
		"SilentDisco":                   k.SilentDisco.Load(),
		"LinuxForceIPTables":            k.LinuxForceIPTables.Load(),
		"LinuxForceNfTables":            k.LinuxForceNfTables.Load(),
		"SeamlessKeyRenewal":            k.SeamlessKeyRenewal.Load(),
		"ProbeUDPLifetime":              k.ProbeUDPLifetime.Load(),