ARG BASE FROM ${BASE} RUN echo "Install openssh, needed for scp." RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y openssh-client RUN groupadd -g 10000 groupone RUN groupadd -g 10001 grouptwo # Note - we do not create the user's home directory, pam_mkhomedir will do that # for us, and we want to test that PAM gets triggered by Tailscale SSH. RUN useradd -g 10000 -G 10001 -u 10002 testuser RUN echo "Set up pam_mkhomedir." RUN sed -i -e 's/Default: no/Default: yes/g' /usr/share/pam-configs/mkhomedir || echo "might not be ubuntu" RUN cat /usr/share/pam-configs/mkhomedir RUN pam-auth-update --enable mkhomedir COPY tailscaled . COPY tailssh.test . RUN chmod 755 tailscaled RUN echo "First run tests normally." RUN rm -Rf /home/testuser RUN TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled ./tailssh.test -test.v TestIntegrationSFTP RUN rm -Rf /home/testuser RUN TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled ./tailssh.test -test.v TestIntegrationSCP RUN rm -Rf /home/testuser RUN TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled ./tailssh.test -test.v TestIntegrationSSH RUN echo "Then run tests as non-root user testuser and make sure tests still pass." RUN chown testuser:groupone /tmp/tailscalessh.log RUN TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled su -m testuser -c "./tailssh.test -test.v TestIntegration TestDoDropPrivileges" RUN echo "Then remove the login command and make sure tests still pass." RUN chown root:root /tmp/tailscalessh.log RUN rm `which login` RUN rm -Rf /home/testuser RUN TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled ./tailssh.test -test.v TestIntegrationSFTP RUN rm -Rf /home/testuser RUN TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled ./tailssh.test -test.v TestIntegrationSCP RUN rm -Rf /home/testuser RUN TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled ./tailssh.test -test.v TestIntegrationSSH RUN echo "Then remove the su command and make sure tests still pass." RUN chown root:root /tmp/tailscalessh.log RUN rm `which su` RUN TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled ./tailssh.test -test.v TestIntegration RUN echo "Test doDropPrivileges" RUN TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled ./tailssh.test -test.v TestDoDropPrivileges