// Copyright (c) 2021 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// Package integration contains Tailscale integration tests.
// This package is considered internal and the public API is subject
// to change without notice.
package integration

import (


// Binaries are the paths to a tailscaled and tailscale binary.
// These can be shared by multiple nodes.
type Binaries struct {
	Dir    string // temp dir for tailscale & tailscaled
	Daemon string // tailscaled
	CLI    string // tailscale

// BuildTestBinaries builds tailscale and tailscaled, failing the test
// if they fail to compile.
func BuildTestBinaries(t testing.TB) *Binaries {
	td := t.TempDir()
	build(t, td, "tailscale.com/cmd/tailscaled", "tailscale.com/cmd/tailscale")
	return &Binaries{
		Dir:    td,
		Daemon: filepath.Join(td, "tailscaled"+exe()),
		CLI:    filepath.Join(td, "tailscale"+exe()),

// buildMu limits our use of "go build" to one at a time, so we don't
// fight Go's built-in caching trying to do the same build concurrently.
var buildMu sync.Mutex

func build(t testing.TB, outDir string, targets ...string) {
	defer buildMu.Unlock()

	t0 := time.Now()
	defer func() { t.Logf("built %s in %v", targets, time.Since(t0).Round(time.Millisecond)) }()

	goBin := findGo(t)
	cmd := exec.Command(goBin, "install")
	if version.IsRace() {
		cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "-race")
	cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, targets...)
	cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "GOARCH="+runtime.GOARCH, "GOBIN="+outDir)
	errOut, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
	if err == nil {
	if strings.Contains(string(errOut), "when GOBIN is set") {
		// Fallback slow path for cross-compiled binaries.
		for _, target := range targets {
			outFile := filepath.Join(outDir, path.Base(target)+exe())
			cmd := exec.Command(goBin, "build", "-o", outFile, target)
			cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "GOARCH="+runtime.GOARCH)
			if errOut, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("failed to build %v with %v: %v, %s", target, goBin, err, errOut)
	t.Fatalf("failed to build %v with %v: %v, %s", targets, goBin, err, errOut)

func findGo(t testing.TB) string {
	goBin := filepath.Join(runtime.GOROOT(), "bin", "go"+exe())
	if fi, err := os.Stat(goBin); err != nil {
		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
			t.Fatalf("failed to find go at %v", goBin)
		t.Fatalf("looking for go binary: %v", err)
	} else if !fi.Mode().IsRegular() {
		t.Fatalf("%v is unexpected %v", goBin, fi.Mode())
	return goBin

func exe() string {
	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
		return ".exe"
	return ""

// RunDERPAndSTUN runs a local DERP and STUN server for tests, returning the derpMap
// that clients should use. This creates resources that must be cleaned up with the
// returned cleanup function.
func RunDERPAndSTUN(t testing.TB, logf logger.Logf, ipAddress string) (derpMap *tailcfg.DERPMap) {

	var serverPrivateKey key.Private
	if _, err := rand.Read(serverPrivateKey[:]); err != nil {
	d := derp.NewServer(serverPrivateKey, logf)

	ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", net.JoinHostPort(ipAddress, "0"))
	if err != nil {

	httpsrv := httptest.NewUnstartedServer(derphttp.Handler(d))
	httpsrv.Listener = ln
	httpsrv.Config.ErrorLog = logger.StdLogger(logf)
	httpsrv.Config.TLSNextProto = make(map[string]func(*http.Server, *tls.Conn, http.Handler))

	stunAddr, stunCleanup := stuntest.ServeWithPacketListener(t, nettype.Std{})

	m := &tailcfg.DERPMap{
		Regions: map[int]*tailcfg.DERPRegion{
			1: {
				RegionID:   1,
				RegionCode: "test",
				Nodes: []*tailcfg.DERPNode{
						Name:             "t1",
						RegionID:         1,
						HostName:         ipAddress,
						IPv4:             ipAddress,
						IPv6:             "none",
						STUNPort:         stunAddr.Port,
						DERPPort:         httpsrv.Listener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port,
						InsecureForTests: true,
						STUNTestIP:       ipAddress,

	t.Logf("DERP httpsrv listener: %v", httpsrv.Listener.Addr())

	t.Cleanup(func() {

	return m

// LogCatcher is a minimal logcatcher for the logtail upload client.
type LogCatcher struct {
	mu     sync.Mutex
	logf   logger.Logf
	buf    bytes.Buffer
	gotErr error
	reqs   int

// UseLogf makes the logcatcher implementation use a given logf function
// to dump all logs to.
func (lc *LogCatcher) UseLogf(fn logger.Logf) {
	defer lc.mu.Unlock()
	lc.logf = fn

func (lc *LogCatcher) logsContains(sub mem.RO) bool {
	defer lc.mu.Unlock()
	return mem.Contains(mem.B(lc.buf.Bytes()), sub)

func (lc *LogCatcher) numRequests() int {
	defer lc.mu.Unlock()
	return lc.reqs

func (lc *LogCatcher) logsString() string {
	defer lc.mu.Unlock()
	return lc.buf.String()

// Reset clears the buffered logs from memory.
func (lc *LogCatcher) Reset() {
	defer lc.mu.Unlock()

func (lc *LogCatcher) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// POST /c/<collection-name>/<private-ID>
	if r.Method != "POST" {
		log.Printf("bad logcatcher method: %v", r.Method)
		http.Error(w, "only POST is supported", 400)
	pathParts := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/c/"), "/")
	if len(pathParts) != 2 {
		log.Printf("bad logcatcher path: %q", r.URL.Path)
		http.Error(w, "bad URL", 400)
	// collectionName := pathPaths[0]
	privID, err := logtail.ParsePrivateID(pathParts[1])
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("bad log ID: %q: %v", r.URL.Path, err)

	var body io.Reader = r.Body
	if r.Header.Get("Content-Encoding") == "zstd" {
		var err error
		body, err = smallzstd.NewDecoder(body)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("bad caught zstd: %v", err)
			http.Error(w, err.Error(), 400)
	bodyBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(body)

	type Entry struct {
		Logtail struct {
			ClientTime time.Time `json:"client_time"`
			ServerTime time.Time `json:"server_time"`
			Error      struct {
				BadData string `json:"bad_data"`
			} `json:"error"`
		} `json:"logtail"`
		Text string `json:"text"`
	var jreq []Entry
	if len(bodyBytes) > 0 && bodyBytes[0] == '[' {
		err = json.Unmarshal(bodyBytes, &jreq)
	} else {
		var ent Entry
		err = json.Unmarshal(bodyBytes, &ent)
		jreq = append(jreq, ent)

	defer lc.mu.Unlock()
	if lc.gotErr == nil && err != nil {
		lc.gotErr = err
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(&lc.buf, "error from %s of %#q: %v\n", r.Method, bodyBytes, err)
		if lc.logf != nil {
			lc.logf("error from %s of %#q: %v\n", r.Method, bodyBytes, err)
	} else {
		id := privID.Public().String()[:3] // good enough for integration tests
		for _, ent := range jreq {
			fmt.Fprintf(&lc.buf, "%s\n", strings.TrimSpace(ent.Text))
			if lc.logf != nil {
				lc.logf("logcatch:%s: %s", id, strings.TrimSpace(ent.Text))
	w.WriteHeader(200) // must have no content, but not a 204