// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause package tka import ( "bytes" "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "sync" "testing" "time" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/cmpopts" "golang.org/x/crypto/blake2s" ) // randHash derives a fake blake2s hash from the test name // and the given seed. func randHash(t *testing.T, seed int64) [blake2s.Size]byte { var out [blake2s.Size]byte testingRand(t, seed).Read(out[:]) return out } func TestImplementsChonk(t *testing.T) { impls := []Chonk{&Mem{}, &FS{}} t.Logf("chonks: %v", impls) } func TestTailchonk_ChildAUMs(t *testing.T) { for _, chonk := range []Chonk{&Mem{}, &FS{base: t.TempDir()}} { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%T", chonk), func(t *testing.T) { parentHash := randHash(t, 1) data := []AUM{ { MessageKind: AUMRemoveKey, KeyID: []byte{1, 2}, PrevAUMHash: parentHash[:], }, { MessageKind: AUMRemoveKey, KeyID: []byte{3, 4}, PrevAUMHash: parentHash[:], }, } if err := chonk.CommitVerifiedAUMs(data); err != nil { t.Fatalf("CommitVerifiedAUMs failed: %v", err) } stored, err := chonk.ChildAUMs(parentHash) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("ChildAUMs failed: %v", err) } if diff := cmp.Diff(data, stored); diff != "" { t.Errorf("stored AUM differs (-want, +got):\n%s", diff) } }) } } func TestTailchonk_AUMMissing(t *testing.T) { for _, chonk := range []Chonk{&Mem{}, &FS{base: t.TempDir()}} { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%T", chonk), func(t *testing.T) { var notExists AUMHash notExists[:][0] = 42 if _, err := chonk.AUM(notExists); err != os.ErrNotExist { t.Errorf("chonk.AUM(notExists).err = %v, want %v", err, os.ErrNotExist) } }) } } func TestTailchonkMem_Orphans(t *testing.T) { chonk := Mem{} parentHash := randHash(t, 1) orphan := AUM{MessageKind: AUMNoOp} aums := []AUM{ orphan, // A parent is specified, so we shouldnt see it in GetOrphans() { MessageKind: AUMRemoveKey, KeyID: []byte{3, 4}, PrevAUMHash: parentHash[:], }, } if err := chonk.CommitVerifiedAUMs(aums); err != nil { t.Fatalf("CommitVerifiedAUMs failed: %v", err) } stored, err := chonk.Orphans() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Orphans failed: %v", err) } if diff := cmp.Diff([]AUM{orphan}, stored); diff != "" { t.Errorf("stored AUM differs (-want, +got):\n%s", diff) } } func TestTailchonk_ReadChainFromHead(t *testing.T) { for _, chonk := range []Chonk{&Mem{}, &FS{base: t.TempDir()}} { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%T", chonk), func(t *testing.T) { genesis := AUM{MessageKind: AUMRemoveKey, KeyID: []byte{1, 2}} gHash := genesis.Hash() intermediate := AUM{PrevAUMHash: gHash[:]} iHash := intermediate.Hash() leaf := AUM{PrevAUMHash: iHash[:]} commitSet := []AUM{ genesis, intermediate, leaf, } if err := chonk.CommitVerifiedAUMs(commitSet); err != nil { t.Fatalf("CommitVerifiedAUMs failed: %v", err) } // t.Logf("genesis hash = %X", genesis.Hash()) // t.Logf("intermediate hash = %X", intermediate.Hash()) // t.Logf("leaf hash = %X", leaf.Hash()) // Read the chain from the leaf backwards. gotLeafs, err := chonk.Heads() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Heads failed: %v", err) } if diff := cmp.Diff([]AUM{leaf}, gotLeafs); diff != "" { t.Fatalf("leaf AUM differs (-want, +got):\n%s", diff) } parent, _ := gotLeafs[0].Parent() gotIntermediate, err := chonk.AUM(parent) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("AUM(<intermediate>) failed: %v", err) } if diff := cmp.Diff(intermediate, gotIntermediate); diff != "" { t.Errorf("intermediate AUM differs (-want, +got):\n%s", diff) } parent, _ = gotIntermediate.Parent() gotGenesis, err := chonk.AUM(parent) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("AUM(<genesis>) failed: %v", err) } if diff := cmp.Diff(genesis, gotGenesis); diff != "" { t.Errorf("genesis AUM differs (-want, +got):\n%s", diff) } }) } } func TestTailchonkFS_Commit(t *testing.T) { chonk := &FS{base: t.TempDir()} parentHash := randHash(t, 1) aum := AUM{MessageKind: AUMNoOp, PrevAUMHash: parentHash[:]} if err := chonk.CommitVerifiedAUMs([]AUM{aum}); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } dir, base := chonk.aumDir(aum.Hash()) if got, want := dir, filepath.Join(chonk.base, "PD"); got != want { t.Errorf("aum dir=%s, want %s", got, want) } if want := "PD57DVP6GKC76OOZMXFFZUSOEFQXOLAVT7N2ZM5KB3HDIMCANF4A"; base != want { t.Errorf("aum base=%s, want %s", base, want) } if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(dir, base)); err != nil { t.Errorf("stat of AUM file failed: %v", err) } if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(chonk.base, "M7", "M7LL2NDB4NKCZIUPVS6RDM2GUOIMW6EEAFVBWMVCPUANQJPHT3SQ")); err != nil { t.Errorf("stat of AUM parent failed: %v", err) } info, err := chonk.get(aum.Hash()) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if info.PurgedUnix > 0 { t.Errorf("recently-created AUM PurgedUnix = %d, want 0", info.PurgedUnix) } } func TestTailchonkFS_CommitTime(t *testing.T) { chonk := &FS{base: t.TempDir()} parentHash := randHash(t, 1) aum := AUM{MessageKind: AUMNoOp, PrevAUMHash: parentHash[:]} if err := chonk.CommitVerifiedAUMs([]AUM{aum}); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } ct, err := chonk.CommitTime(aum.Hash()) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("CommitTime() failed: %v", err) } if ct.Before(time.Now().Add(-time.Minute)) || ct.After(time.Now().Add(time.Minute)) { t.Errorf("commit time was wrong: %v more than a minute off from now (%v)", ct, time.Now()) } } func TestTailchonkFS_PurgeAUMs(t *testing.T) { chonk := &FS{base: t.TempDir()} parentHash := randHash(t, 1) aum := AUM{MessageKind: AUMNoOp, PrevAUMHash: parentHash[:]} if err := chonk.CommitVerifiedAUMs([]AUM{aum}); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if err := chonk.PurgeAUMs([]AUMHash{aum.Hash()}); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if _, err := chonk.AUM(aum.Hash()); err != os.ErrNotExist { t.Errorf("AUM() on purged AUM returned err = %v, want ErrNotExist", err) } info, err := chonk.get(aum.Hash()) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if info.PurgedUnix == 0 { t.Errorf("recently-created AUM PurgedUnix = %d, want non-zero", info.PurgedUnix) } } func TestTailchonkFS_AllAUMs(t *testing.T) { chonk := &FS{base: t.TempDir()} genesis := AUM{MessageKind: AUMRemoveKey, KeyID: []byte{1, 2}} gHash := genesis.Hash() intermediate := AUM{PrevAUMHash: gHash[:]} iHash := intermediate.Hash() leaf := AUM{PrevAUMHash: iHash[:]} commitSet := []AUM{ genesis, intermediate, leaf, } if err := chonk.CommitVerifiedAUMs(commitSet); err != nil { t.Fatalf("CommitVerifiedAUMs failed: %v", err) } hashes, err := chonk.AllAUMs() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } hashesLess := func(a, b AUMHash) bool { return bytes.Compare(a[:], b[:]) < 0 } if diff := cmp.Diff([]AUMHash{genesis.Hash(), intermediate.Hash(), leaf.Hash()}, hashes, cmpopts.SortSlices(hashesLess)); diff != "" { t.Fatalf("AllAUMs() output differs (-want, +got):\n%s", diff) } } func TestMarkActiveChain(t *testing.T) { type aumTemplate struct { AUM AUM } tcs := []struct { name string minChain int chain []aumTemplate expectLastActiveIdx int // expected lastActiveAncestor, corresponds to an index on chain. }{ { name: "genesis", minChain: 2, chain: []aumTemplate{ {AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}}, }, expectLastActiveIdx: 0, }, { name: "simple truncate", minChain: 2, chain: []aumTemplate{ {AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}}, {AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}}, {AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}}, {AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}}, }, expectLastActiveIdx: 1, }, { name: "long truncate", minChain: 5, chain: []aumTemplate{ {AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}}, {AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}}, {AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}}, {AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}}, {AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}}, {AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}}, {AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}}, {AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}}, }, expectLastActiveIdx: 2, }, { name: "truncate finding checkpoint", minChain: 2, chain: []aumTemplate{ {AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}}, {AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}}, {AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMAddKey, Key: &Key{}}}, // Should keep searching upwards for a checkpoint {AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}}, {AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}}, }, expectLastActiveIdx: 1, }, } for _, tc := range tcs { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { verdict := make(map[AUMHash]retainState, len(tc.chain)) // Build the state of the tailchonk for tests. storage := &Mem{} var prev AUMHash for i := range tc.chain { if !prev.IsZero() { tc.chain[i].AUM.PrevAUMHash = make([]byte, len(prev[:])) copy(tc.chain[i].AUM.PrevAUMHash, prev[:]) } if err := storage.CommitVerifiedAUMs([]AUM{tc.chain[i].AUM}); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } h := tc.chain[i].AUM.Hash() prev = h verdict[h] = 0 } got, err := markActiveChain(storage, verdict, tc.minChain, prev) if err != nil { t.Logf("state = %+v", verdict) t.Fatalf("markActiveChain() failed: %v", err) } want := tc.chain[tc.expectLastActiveIdx].AUM.Hash() if got != want { t.Logf("state = %+v", verdict) t.Errorf("lastActiveAncestor = %v, want %v", got, want) } // Make sure the verdict array was marked correctly. for i := range tc.chain { h := tc.chain[i].AUM.Hash() if i >= tc.expectLastActiveIdx { if (verdict[h] & retainStateActive) == 0 { t.Errorf("verdict[%v] = %v, want %v set", h, verdict[h], retainStateActive) } } else { if (verdict[h] & retainStateCandidate) == 0 { t.Errorf("verdict[%v] = %v, want %v set", h, verdict[h], retainStateCandidate) } } } }) } } func TestMarkDescendantAUMs(t *testing.T) { c := newTestchain(t, ` genesis -> B -> C -> C2 | -> D | -> E -> F -> G -> H | -> E2 // tweak seeds so hashes arent identical C.hashSeed = 1 D.hashSeed = 2 E.hashSeed = 3 E2.hashSeed = 4 `) verdict := make(map[AUMHash]retainState, len(c.AUMs)) for _, a := range c.AUMs { verdict[a.Hash()] = 0 } // Mark E & C. verdict[c.AUMHashes["C"]] = retainStateActive verdict[c.AUMHashes["E"]] = retainStateActive if err := markDescendantAUMs(c.Chonk(), verdict); err != nil { t.Errorf("markDescendantAUMs() failed: %v", err) } // Make sure the descendants got marked. hs := c.AUMHashes for _, h := range []AUMHash{hs["C2"], hs["F"], hs["G"], hs["H"], hs["E2"]} { if (verdict[h] & retainStateLeaf) == 0 { t.Errorf("%v was not marked as a descendant", h) } } for _, h := range []AUMHash{hs["genesis"], hs["B"], hs["D"]} { if (verdict[h] & retainStateLeaf) != 0 { t.Errorf("%v was marked as a descendant and shouldnt be", h) } } } func TestMarkAncestorIntersectionAUMs(t *testing.T) { fakeState := &State{ Keys: []Key{{Kind: Key25519, Votes: 1}}, DisablementSecrets: [][]byte{bytes.Repeat([]byte{1}, 32)}, } tcs := []struct { name string chain *testChain verdicts map[string]retainState initialAncestor string wantAncestor string wantRetained []string wantDeleted []string }{ { name: "genesis", chain: newTestchain(t, ` A A.template = checkpoint`, optTemplate("checkpoint", AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: fakeState})), initialAncestor: "A", wantAncestor: "A", verdicts: map[string]retainState{ "A": retainStateActive, }, wantRetained: []string{"A"}, }, { name: "no adjustment", chain: newTestchain(t, ` DEAD -> A -> B -> C A.template = checkpoint B.template = checkpoint`, optTemplate("checkpoint", AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: fakeState})), initialAncestor: "A", wantAncestor: "A", verdicts: map[string]retainState{ "A": retainStateActive, "B": retainStateActive, "C": retainStateActive, "DEAD": retainStateCandidate, }, wantRetained: []string{"A", "B", "C"}, wantDeleted: []string{"DEAD"}, }, { name: "fork", chain: newTestchain(t, ` A -> B -> C -> D | -> FORK A.template = checkpoint C.template = checkpoint D.template = checkpoint FORK.hashSeed = 2`, optTemplate("checkpoint", AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: fakeState})), initialAncestor: "D", wantAncestor: "C", verdicts: map[string]retainState{ "A": retainStateCandidate, "B": retainStateCandidate, "C": retainStateCandidate, "D": retainStateActive, "FORK": retainStateYoung, }, wantRetained: []string{"C", "D", "FORK"}, wantDeleted: []string{"A", "B"}, }, { name: "fork finding earlier checkpoint", chain: newTestchain(t, ` A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F | -> FORK A.template = checkpoint B.template = checkpoint E.template = checkpoint FORK.hashSeed = 2`, optTemplate("checkpoint", AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: fakeState})), initialAncestor: "E", wantAncestor: "B", verdicts: map[string]retainState{ "A": retainStateCandidate, "B": retainStateCandidate, "C": retainStateCandidate, "D": retainStateCandidate, "E": retainStateActive, "F": retainStateActive, "FORK": retainStateYoung, }, wantRetained: []string{"B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "FORK"}, wantDeleted: []string{"A"}, }, { name: "fork multi", chain: newTestchain(t, ` A -> B -> C -> D -> E | -> DEADFORK C -> FORK A.template = checkpoint C.template = checkpoint D.template = checkpoint E.template = checkpoint FORK.hashSeed = 2 DEADFORK.hashSeed = 3`, optTemplate("checkpoint", AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: fakeState})), initialAncestor: "D", wantAncestor: "C", verdicts: map[string]retainState{ "A": retainStateCandidate, "B": retainStateCandidate, "C": retainStateCandidate, "D": retainStateActive, "E": retainStateActive, "FORK": retainStateYoung, "DEADFORK": 0, }, wantRetained: []string{"C", "D", "E", "FORK"}, wantDeleted: []string{"A", "B", "DEADFORK"}, }, { name: "fork multi 2", chain: newTestchain(t, ` A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F -> G F -> F1 D -> F2 B -> F3 A.template = checkpoint B.template = checkpoint D.template = checkpoint F.template = checkpoint F1.hashSeed = 2 F2.hashSeed = 3 F3.hashSeed = 4`, optTemplate("checkpoint", AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: fakeState})), initialAncestor: "F", wantAncestor: "B", verdicts: map[string]retainState{ "A": retainStateCandidate, "B": retainStateCandidate, "C": retainStateCandidate, "D": retainStateCandidate, "E": retainStateCandidate, "F": retainStateActive, "G": retainStateActive, "F1": retainStateYoung, "F2": retainStateYoung, "F3": retainStateYoung, }, wantRetained: []string{"B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "F1", "F2", "F3"}, }, } for _, tc := range tcs { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { verdict := make(map[AUMHash]retainState, len(tc.verdicts)) for name, v := range tc.verdicts { verdict[tc.chain.AUMHashes[name]] = v } got, err := markAncestorIntersectionAUMs(tc.chain.Chonk(), verdict, tc.chain.AUMHashes[tc.initialAncestor]) if err != nil { t.Logf("state = %+v", verdict) t.Fatalf("markAncestorIntersectionAUMs() failed: %v", err) } if want := tc.chain.AUMHashes[tc.wantAncestor]; got != want { t.Logf("state = %+v", verdict) t.Errorf("lastActiveAncestor = %v, want %v", got, want) } for _, name := range tc.wantRetained { h := tc.chain.AUMHashes[name] if v := verdict[h]; v&retainAUMMask == 0 { t.Errorf("AUM %q was not retained: verdict = %v", name, v) } } for _, name := range tc.wantDeleted { h := tc.chain.AUMHashes[name] if v := verdict[h]; v&retainAUMMask != 0 { t.Errorf("AUM %q was retained: verdict = %v", name, v) } } if t.Failed() { for name, hash := range tc.chain.AUMHashes { t.Logf("AUM[%q] = %v", name, hash) } } }) } } type compactingChonkFake struct { Mem aumAge map[AUMHash]time.Time t *testing.T wantDelete []AUMHash } func (c *compactingChonkFake) AllAUMs() ([]AUMHash, error) { out := make([]AUMHash, 0, len(c.Mem.aums)) for h := range c.Mem.aums { out = append(out, h) } return out, nil } func (c *compactingChonkFake) CommitTime(hash AUMHash) (time.Time, error) { return c.aumAge[hash], nil } func (c *compactingChonkFake) PurgeAUMs(hashes []AUMHash) error { lessHashes := func(a, b AUMHash) bool { return bytes.Compare(a[:], b[:]) < 0 } if diff := cmp.Diff(c.wantDelete, hashes, cmpopts.SortSlices(lessHashes)); diff != "" { c.t.Errorf("deletion set differs (-want, +got):\n%s", diff) } return nil } // Avoid go vet complaining about copying a lock value func cloneMem(src, dst *Mem) { dst.l = sync.RWMutex{} dst.aums = src.aums dst.parentIndex = src.parentIndex dst.lastActiveAncestor = src.lastActiveAncestor } func TestCompact(t *testing.T) { fakeState := &State{ Keys: []Key{{Kind: Key25519, Votes: 1}}, DisablementSecrets: [][]byte{bytes.Repeat([]byte{1}, 32)}, } // A & B are deleted because the new lastActiveAncestor advances beyond them. // OLD is deleted because it does not match retention criteria, and // though it is a descendant of the new lastActiveAncestor (C), it is not a // descendant of a retained AUM. // G, & H are retained as recent (MinChain=2) ancestors of HEAD. // E & F are retained because they are between retained AUMs (G+) and // their newest checkpoint ancestor. // D is retained because it is the newest checkpoint ancestor from // MinChain-retained AUMs. // G2 is retained because it is a descendant of a retained AUM (G). // F1 is retained because it is new enough by wall-clock time. // F2 is retained because it is a descendant of a retained AUM (F1). // C2 is retained because it is between an ancestor checkpoint and // a retained AUM (F1). // C is retained because it is the new lastActiveAncestor. It is the // new lastActiveAncestor because it is the newest common checkpoint // of all retained AUMs. c := newTestchain(t, ` A -> B -> C -> C2 -> D -> E -> F -> G -> H | -> F1 -> F2 | -> G2 | -> OLD // make {A,B,C,D} compaction candidates A.template = checkpoint B.template = checkpoint C.template = checkpoint D.template = checkpoint // tweak seeds of forks so hashes arent identical F1.hashSeed = 1 OLD.hashSeed = 2 G2.hashSeed = 3 `, optTemplate("checkpoint", AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: fakeState})) storage := &compactingChonkFake{ aumAge: map[AUMHash]time.Time{(c.AUMHashes["F1"]): time.Now()}, t: t, wantDelete: []AUMHash{c.AUMHashes["A"], c.AUMHashes["B"], c.AUMHashes["OLD"]}, } cloneMem(c.Chonk().(*Mem), &storage.Mem) lastActiveAncestor, err := Compact(storage, c.AUMHashes["H"], CompactionOptions{MinChain: 2, MinAge: time.Hour}) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Compact() failed: %v", err) } if lastActiveAncestor != c.AUMHashes["C"] { t.Errorf("last active ancestor = %v, want %v", lastActiveAncestor, c.AUMHashes["C"]) } if t.Failed() { for name, hash := range c.AUMHashes { t.Logf("AUM[%q] = %v", name, hash) } } }