# This is a shell.nix file used to describe the environment that tailscale needs
# for development. This includes a lot of the basic tools that you need in order
# to get started. We hope this file will be useful for users of Nix on macOS or
# Linux.
# For more information about this and why this file is useful, see here:
# https://nixos.org/guides/nix-pills/developing-with-nix-shell.html
# Also look into direnv: https://direnv.net/, this can make it so that you can
# automatically get your environment set up when you change folders into the
# project.

	pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {},
	tailscale-go-rev ? "fabd769a3703c88780c5a7fb543577992d5074d1",
	tailscale-go-sha ? "sha256-BvwZ/90izw0Ip3lh8eNkJvU46LKnOOhEXF0axkBi/Es=",
	tailscale-go = pkgs.lib.overrideDerivation pkgs.go_1_18 (attrs: rec {
		name = "tailscale-go-${version}";
		version = tailscale-go-rev;
		src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
		  owner = "tailscale";
		  repo = "go";
		  rev = tailscale-go-rev;
		  sha256 = tailscale-go-sha;
		nativeBuildInputs = attrs.nativeBuildInputs ++ [ pkgs.git ];
		# Remove dependency on xcbuild as that causes iOS/macOS builds to fail.
		propagatedBuildInputs = [];
		# Remove custom nix patches, which are all related to fixing up
		# tests. Some don't apply cleanly in 1.19.
		# TODO: revert this once nix upstream has formal 1.19 support.
		patches = [];
		checkPhase = "";
		# Our forked tailscale reads this env var to embed the git hash
		# into the Go build version.
		TAILSCALE_TOOLCHAIN_REV = tailscale-go-rev;
	pkgs.mkShell {
	  # This specifies the tools that are needed for people to get started with
	  # development. These tools include:
	  #  - The Go compiler toolchain (and all additional tooling with it)
	  #  - gotools for goimports, a robust formatting tool for Go source code
	  #  - gopls, the language server for Go to increase editor integration
	  #  - git, the version control program (used in some scripts)
	  #  - graphviz, for 'go tool pprof'
	  buildInputs = [
	    pkgs.gotools pkgs.gopls