// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

// Package tsdial provides a Dialer type that can dial out of tailscaled.
package tsdial

import (


// NewDialer returns a new Dialer that can dial out of tailscaled.
// Its exported fields should be set before use, if any.
func NewDialer(netMon *netmon.Monitor) *Dialer {
	if netMon == nil {
		panic("NewDialer: netMon is nil")
	d := &Dialer{}
	return d

// Dialer dials out of tailscaled, while taking care of details while
// handling the dozens of edge cases depending on the server mode
// (TUN, netstack), the OS network sandboxing style (macOS/iOS
// Extension, none), user-selected route acceptance prefs, etc.
// Before use, SetNetMon should be called with a netmon.Monitor.
type Dialer struct {
	Logf logger.Logf
	// UseNetstackForIP if non-nil is whether NetstackDialTCP (if
	// it's non-nil) should be used to dial the provided IP.
	UseNetstackForIP func(netip.Addr) bool

	// NetstackDialTCP dials the provided IPPort using netstack.
	// If nil, it's not used.
	NetstackDialTCP func(context.Context, netip.AddrPort) (net.Conn, error)

	// NetstackDialUDP dials the provided IPPort using netstack.
	// If nil, it's not used.
	NetstackDialUDP func(context.Context, netip.AddrPort) (net.Conn, error)

	peerClientOnce sync.Once
	peerClient     *http.Client

	peerDialerOnce sync.Once
	peerDialer     *net.Dialer

	netnsDialerOnce sync.Once
	netnsDialer     netns.Dialer

	routes atomic.Pointer[bart.Table[bool]] // or nil if UserDial should not use routes. `true` indicates routes that point into the Tailscale interface

	mu               sync.Mutex
	closed           bool
	dns              dnsMap
	tunName          string // tun device name
	netMon           *netmon.Monitor
	netMonUnregister func()
	exitDNSDoHBase   string                 // non-empty if DoH-proxying exit node in use; base URL+path (without '?')
	dnsCache         *dnscache.MessageCache // nil until first non-empty SetExitDNSDoH
	nextSysConnID    int
	activeSysConns   map[int]net.Conn // active connections not yet closed

// sysConn wraps a net.Conn that was created using d.SystemDial.
// It exists to track which connections are still open, and should be
// closed on major link changes.
type sysConn struct {
	id int
	d  *Dialer

func (c sysConn) Close() error {
	return nil

// SetTUNName sets the name of the tun device in use ("tailscale0", "utun6",
// etc). This is needed on some platforms to set sockopts to bind
// to the same interface index.
func (d *Dialer) SetTUNName(name string) {
	defer d.mu.Unlock()
	d.tunName = name

// TUNName returns the name of the tun device in use, if any.
// Example format ("tailscale0", "utun6").
func (d *Dialer) TUNName() string {
	defer d.mu.Unlock()
	return d.tunName

// SetExitDNSDoH sets (or clears) the exit node DNS DoH server base URL to use.
// The doh URL should contain the scheme, authority, and path, but without
// a '?' and/or query parameters.
// For example, "".
func (d *Dialer) SetExitDNSDoH(doh string) {
	defer d.mu.Unlock()
	if d.exitDNSDoHBase == doh {
	d.exitDNSDoHBase = doh
	if doh != "" && d.dnsCache == nil {
		d.dnsCache = new(dnscache.MessageCache)
	if d.dnsCache != nil {

// SetRoutes configures the dialer to dial the specified routes via Tailscale,
// and the specified localRoutes using the default interface.
func (d *Dialer) SetRoutes(routes, localRoutes []netip.Prefix) {
	var rt *bart.Table[bool]
	if len(routes) > 0 || len(localRoutes) > 0 {
		rt = &bart.Table[bool]{}
		for _, r := range routes {
			rt.Insert(r, true)
		for _, r := range localRoutes {
			rt.Insert(r, false)


func (d *Dialer) Close() error {
	defer d.mu.Unlock()
	d.closed = true
	if d.netMonUnregister != nil {
		d.netMonUnregister = nil
	for _, c := range d.activeSysConns {
	d.activeSysConns = nil
	return nil

// SetNetMon sets d's network monitor to netMon.
// It is a no-op to call SetNetMon with the same netMon as the current one.
func (d *Dialer) SetNetMon(netMon *netmon.Monitor) {
	defer d.mu.Unlock()
	if d.netMon == netMon {
	if d.netMonUnregister != nil {
		go d.netMonUnregister()
		d.netMonUnregister = nil
	d.netMon = netMon
	d.netMonUnregister = d.netMon.RegisterChangeCallback(d.linkChanged)

// NetMon returns the Dialer's network monitor.
// It returns nil if SetNetMon has not been called.
func (d *Dialer) NetMon() *netmon.Monitor {
	defer d.mu.Unlock()
	return d.netMon

var (
	metricLinkChangeConnClosed      = clientmetric.NewCounter("tsdial_linkchange_closes")
	metricChangeDeltaNoDefaultRoute = clientmetric.NewCounter("tsdial_changedelta_no_default_route")

func (d *Dialer) linkChanged(delta *netmon.ChangeDelta) {
	// Track how often we see ChangeDeltas with no DefaultRouteInterface.
	if delta.New.DefaultRouteInterface == "" {

	defer d.mu.Unlock()
	var anyClosed bool
	for id, c := range d.activeSysConns {
		if changeAffectsConn(delta, c) {
			anyClosed = true
			d.logf("tsdial: closing system connection %v->%v due to link change", c.LocalAddr(), c.RemoteAddr())
			go c.Close()
			delete(d.activeSysConns, id)
	if anyClosed {

// changeAffectsConn reports whether the network change delta affects
// the provided connection.
func changeAffectsConn(delta *netmon.ChangeDelta, conn net.Conn) bool {
	la, _ := conn.LocalAddr().(*net.TCPAddr)
	ra, _ := conn.RemoteAddr().(*net.TCPAddr)
	if la == nil || ra == nil {
		return false // not TCP
	lip, rip := la.AddrPort().Addr(), ra.AddrPort().Addr()

	if delta.Old == nil {
		return false
	if delta.Old.DefaultRouteInterface != delta.New.DefaultRouteInterface ||
		delta.Old.HTTPProxy != delta.New.HTTPProxy {
		return true

	// In a few cases, we don't have a new DefaultRouteInterface (e.g. on
	// Android; see tailscale/corp#19124); if so, pessimistically assume
	// that all connections are affected.
	if delta.New.DefaultRouteInterface == "" {
		return true

	if !delta.New.HasIP(lip) && delta.Old.HasIP(lip) {
		// Our interface with this source IP went away.
		return true
	_ = rip // TODO(bradfitz): use the remote IP?
	return false

func (d *Dialer) closeSysConn(id int) {
	defer d.mu.Unlock()
	c, ok := d.activeSysConns[id]
	if !ok {
	delete(d.activeSysConns, id)
	go c.Close() // ignore the error

// peerDialControlFunc is non-nil on platforms that require a way to
// bind to dial out to other peers.
var peerDialControlFunc func(*Dialer) func(network, address string, c syscall.RawConn) error

// PeerDialControlFunc returns a function
// that can assigned to net.Dialer.Control to set sockopts or whatnot
// to make a dial escape the current platform's network sandbox.
// On many platforms the returned func will be nil.
// Notably, this is non-nil on iOS and macOS when run as a Network or
// System Extension (the GUI variants).
func (d *Dialer) PeerDialControlFunc() func(network, address string, c syscall.RawConn) error {
	if peerDialControlFunc == nil {
		return nil
	return peerDialControlFunc(d)

// SetNetMap sets the current network map and notably, the DNS names
// in its DNS configuration.
func (d *Dialer) SetNetMap(nm *netmap.NetworkMap) {
	m := dnsMapFromNetworkMap(nm)

	defer d.mu.Unlock()
	d.dns = m

// userDialResolve resolves addr as if a user initiating the dial. (e.g. from a
// SOCKS or HTTP outbound proxy)
func (d *Dialer) userDialResolve(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (netip.AddrPort, error) {
	dns := d.dns
	exitDNSDoH := d.exitDNSDoHBase

	// MagicDNS or otherwise baked into the NetworkMap? Try that first.
	ipp, err := dns.resolveMemory(ctx, network, addr)
	if err != errUnresolved {
		return ipp, err

	// Otherwise, hit the network.

	// TODO(bradfitz): wire up net/dnscache too.

	host, port, err := splitHostPort(addr)
	if err != nil {
		// addr is malformed.
		return netip.AddrPort{}, err

	var r net.Resolver
	if exitDNSDoH != "" && runtime.GOOS != "windows" { // Windows: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/33097
		r.PreferGo = true
		r.Dial = func(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (net.Conn, error) {
			return &dohConn{
				ctx:      ctx,
				baseURL:  exitDNSDoH,
				hc:       d.PeerAPIHTTPClient(),
				dnsCache: d.dnsCache,
			}, nil

	ips, err := r.LookupIP(ctx, ipNetOfNetwork(network), host)
	if err != nil {
		return netip.AddrPort{}, err
	if len(ips) == 0 {
		return netip.AddrPort{}, fmt.Errorf("DNS lookup returned no results for %q", host)
	ip, _ := netip.AddrFromSlice(ips[0])
	return netip.AddrPortFrom(ip.Unmap(), port), nil

// ipNetOfNetwork returns "ip", "ip4", or "ip6" corresponding
// to the input value of "tcp", "tcp4", "udp6" etc network
// names.
func ipNetOfNetwork(n string) string {
	if strings.HasSuffix(n, "4") {
		return "ip4"
	if strings.HasSuffix(n, "6") {
		return "ip6"
	return "ip"

func (d *Dialer) logf(format string, args ...any) {
	if d.Logf != nil {
		d.Logf(format, args...)

// SystemDial connects to the provided network address without going over
// Tailscale. It prefers going over the default interface and closes existing
// connections if the default interface changes. It is used to connect to
// Control and (in the future, as of 2022-04-27) DERPs..
func (d *Dialer) SystemDial(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
	if d.netMon == nil {
		if testenv.InTest() {
			panic("SystemDial requires a netmon.Monitor; call SetNetMon first")
		return nil, errors.New("SystemDial requires a netmon.Monitor; call SetNetMon first")
	closed := d.closed
	if closed {
		return nil, net.ErrClosed

	d.netnsDialerOnce.Do(func() {
		d.netnsDialer = netns.NewDialer(d.logf, d.netMon)
	c, err := d.netnsDialer.DialContext(ctx, network, addr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer d.mu.Unlock()
	id := d.nextSysConnID
	mak.Set(&d.activeSysConns, id, c)

	return sysConn{
		id:   id,
		d:    d,
		Conn: c,
	}, nil

// UserDial connects to the provided network address as if a user were
// initiating the dial. (e.g. from a SOCKS or HTTP outbound proxy)
func (d *Dialer) UserDial(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
	ipp, err := d.userDialResolve(ctx, network, addr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if d.UseNetstackForIP != nil && d.UseNetstackForIP(ipp.Addr()) {
		if d.NetstackDialTCP == nil || d.NetstackDialUDP == nil {
			return nil, errors.New("Dialer not initialized correctly")
		if strings.HasPrefix(network, "udp") {
			return d.NetstackDialUDP(ctx, ipp)
		return d.NetstackDialTCP(ctx, ipp)

	if routes := d.routes.Load(); routes != nil {
		if isTailscaleRoute, _ := routes.Lookup(ipp.Addr()); isTailscaleRoute {
			return d.getPeerDialer().DialContext(ctx, network, ipp.String())

		return d.SystemDial(ctx, network, ipp.String())

	// Workaround for macOS for now: dial Tailscale IPs with peer dialer.
	// TODO(bradfitz): fix dialing subnet routers, public IPs via exit nodes,
	// etc. This is a temporary partial for macOS. We need to plumb ART tables &
	// prefs & host routing table updates around in more places. We just don't
	// know from the limited context here how to dial properly.
	if version.IsMacGUIVariant() && tsaddr.IsTailscaleIP(ipp.Addr()) {
		return d.getPeerDialer().DialContext(ctx, network, ipp.String())
	// TODO(bradfitz): netns, etc
	var stdDialer net.Dialer
	return stdDialer.DialContext(ctx, network, ipp.String())

// dialPeerAPI connects to a Tailscale peer's peerapi over TCP.
// network must a "tcp" type, and addr must be an ip:port. Name resolution
// is not supported.
func (d *Dialer) dialPeerAPI(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
	switch network {
	case "tcp", "tcp6", "tcp4":
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("peerAPI dial requires tcp; %q not supported", network)
	ipp, err := netip.ParseAddrPort(addr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("peerAPI dial requires ip:port, not name resolution: %w", err)
	if d.UseNetstackForIP != nil && d.UseNetstackForIP(ipp.Addr()) {
		if d.NetstackDialTCP == nil {
			return nil, errors.New("Dialer not initialized correctly")
		return d.NetstackDialTCP(ctx, ipp)
	return d.getPeerDialer().DialContext(ctx, network, addr)

// getPeerDialer returns the *net.Dialer to use to dial peers (e.g. for peerapi,
// "tailscale nc", or querying internal DNS servers over Tailscale)
// This is not used in netstack mode.
// The primary function of this is to work on macOS & iOS's in the
// Network/System Extension so it can mark the dialer as staying within the
// network namespace/sandbox.
func (d *Dialer) getPeerDialer() *net.Dialer {
	d.peerDialerOnce.Do(func() {
		d.peerDialer = &net.Dialer{
			Timeout:   30 * time.Second,
			KeepAlive: netknob.PlatformTCPKeepAlive(),
			Control:   d.PeerDialControlFunc(),
	return d.peerDialer

// PeerAPIHTTPClient returns an HTTP Client to call peers' peerapi
// endpoints.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      //
// The returned Client must not be mutated; it's owned by the Dialer
// and shared by callers.
func (d *Dialer) PeerAPIHTTPClient() *http.Client {
	d.peerClientOnce.Do(func() {
		t := http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport).Clone()
		t.Dial = nil
		t.DialContext = d.dialPeerAPI
		// Do not use the environment proxy for PeerAPI.
		t.Proxy = nil
		d.peerClient = &http.Client{Transport: t}
	return d.peerClient

// PeerAPITransport returns a Transport to call peers' peerapi
// endpoints.
// The returned value must not be mutated; it's owned by the Dialer
// and shared by callers.
func (d *Dialer) PeerAPITransport() *http.Transport {
	return d.PeerAPIHTTPClient().Transport.(*http.Transport)