// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

// testwrapper is a wrapper for retrying flaky tests. It is an alternative to
// `go test` and re-runs failed marked flaky tests (using the flakytest pkg). It
// takes different arguments than go test and requires the first positional
// argument to be the pattern to test.
package main

import (

	xmaps "golang.org/x/exp/maps"

const (
	maxAttempts = 3

type testAttempt struct {
	pkg           string // "tailscale.com/types/key"
	testName      string // "TestFoo"
	outcome       string // "pass", "fail", "skip"
	logs          bytes.Buffer
	isMarkedFlaky bool   // set if the test is marked as flaky
	issueURL      string // set if the test is marked as flaky

	pkgFinished bool

// packageTests describes what to run.
// It's also JSON-marshalled to output for analysys tools to parse
// so the fields are all exported.
// TODO(bradfitz): move this type to its own types package?
type packageTests struct {
	// Pattern is the package Pattern to run.
	// Must be a single Pattern, not a list of patterns.
	Pattern string // "./...", "./types/key"
	// Tests is a list of Tests to run. If empty, all Tests in the package are
	// run.
	Tests []string // ["TestFoo", "TestBar"]
	// IssueURLs maps from a test name to a URL tracking its flake.
	IssueURLs map[string]string // "TestFoo" => "https://github.com/foo/bar/issue/123"

type goTestOutput struct {
	Time    time.Time
	Action  string
	Package string
	Test    string
	Output  string

var debug = os.Getenv("TS_TESTWRAPPER_DEBUG") != ""

// runTests runs the tests in pt and sends the results on ch. It sends a
// testAttempt for each test and a final testAttempt per pkg with pkgFinished
// set to true. Package build errors will not emit a testAttempt (as no valid
// JSON is produced) but the [os/exec.ExitError] will be returned.
// It calls close(ch) when it's done.
func runTests(ctx context.Context, attempt int, pt *packageTests, goTestArgs, testArgs []string, ch chan<- *testAttempt) error {
	defer close(ch)
	args := []string{"test"}
	args = append(args, goTestArgs...)
	args = append(args, pt.Pattern)
	if len(pt.Tests) > 0 {
		runArg := strings.Join(pt.Tests, "|")
		args = append(args, "--run", runArg)
	args = append(args, testArgs...)
	args = append(args, "-json")
	if debug {
		fmt.Println("running", strings.Join(args, " "))
	cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "go", args...)
	if len(pt.Tests) > 0 {
		cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "TS_TEST_SHARD=") // clear test shard; run all tests we say to run
	r, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("error creating stdout pipe: %v", err)
	defer r.Close()
	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr

	cmd.Env = os.Environ()
	cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%d", flakytest.FlakeAttemptEnv, attempt))

	if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
		log.Printf("error starting test: %v", err)

	s := bufio.NewScanner(r)
	resultMap := make(map[string]map[string]*testAttempt) // pkg -> test -> testAttempt
	for s.Scan() {
		var goOutput goTestOutput
		if err := json.Unmarshal(s.Bytes(), &goOutput); err != nil {
			if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) || errors.Is(err, os.ErrClosed) {

			// `go test -json` outputs invalid JSON when a build fails.
			// In that case, discard the the output and start reading again.
			// The build error will be printed to stderr.
			// See: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/35169
			if _, ok := err.(*json.SyntaxError); ok {
		pkg := goOutput.Package
		pkgTests := resultMap[pkg]
		if goOutput.Test == "" {
			switch goOutput.Action {
			case "fail", "pass", "skip":
				for _, test := range pkgTests {
					if test.outcome == "" {
						test.outcome = "fail"
						ch <- test
				ch <- &testAttempt{
					pkg:         goOutput.Package,
					outcome:     goOutput.Action,
					pkgFinished: true,
		if pkgTests == nil {
			pkgTests = make(map[string]*testAttempt)
			resultMap[pkg] = pkgTests
		testName := goOutput.Test
		if test, _, isSubtest := strings.Cut(goOutput.Test, "/"); isSubtest {
			testName = test
			if goOutput.Action == "output" {
		switch goOutput.Action {
		case "start":
			// ignore
		case "run":
			pkgTests[testName] = &testAttempt{
				pkg:      pkg,
				testName: testName,
		case "skip", "pass", "fail":
			pkgTests[testName].outcome = goOutput.Action
			ch <- pkgTests[testName]
		case "output":
			if suffix, ok := strings.CutPrefix(strings.TrimSpace(goOutput.Output), flakytest.FlakyTestLogMessage); ok {
				pkgTests[testName].isMarkedFlaky = true
				pkgTests[testName].issueURL = strings.TrimPrefix(suffix, ": ")
			} else {
	if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := s.Err(); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("reading go test stdout: %w", err)
	return nil

func main() {
	goTestArgs, packages, testArgs, err := splitArgs(os.Args[1:])
	if err != nil {
	if len(packages) == 0 {
		fmt.Println("testwrapper: no packages specified")

	ctx := context.Background()
	type nextRun struct {
		tests   []*packageTests
		attempt int // starting at 1
	firstRun := &nextRun{
		attempt: 1,
	for _, pkg := range packages {
		firstRun.tests = append(firstRun.tests, &packageTests{Pattern: pkg})
	toRun := []*nextRun{firstRun}
	printPkgOutcome := func(pkg, outcome string, attempt int) {
		if outcome == "skip" {
			fmt.Printf("?\t%s [skipped/no tests] \n", pkg)
		if outcome == "pass" {
			outcome = "ok"
		if outcome == "fail" {
			outcome = "FAIL"
		if attempt > 1 {
			fmt.Printf("%s\t%s [attempt=%d]\n", outcome, pkg, attempt)
		fmt.Printf("%s\t%s\n", outcome, pkg)

	// Check for -coverprofile argument and filter it out
	combinedCoverageFilename := ""
	filteredGoTestArgs := make([]string, 0, len(goTestArgs))
	preceededByCoverProfile := false
	for _, arg := range goTestArgs {
		if arg == "-coverprofile" {
			preceededByCoverProfile = true
		} else if preceededByCoverProfile {
			combinedCoverageFilename = strings.TrimSpace(arg)
			preceededByCoverProfile = false
		} else {
			filteredGoTestArgs = append(filteredGoTestArgs, arg)
	goTestArgs = filteredGoTestArgs

	runningWithCoverage := combinedCoverageFilename != ""
	if runningWithCoverage {
		fmt.Printf("Will log coverage to %v\n", combinedCoverageFilename)

	// Keep track of all test coverage files. With each retry, we'll end up
	// with additional coverage files that will be combined when we finish.
	coverageFiles := make([]string, 0)
	for len(toRun) > 0 {
		var thisRun *nextRun
		thisRun, toRun = toRun[0], toRun[1:]

		if thisRun.attempt > maxAttempts {
			fmt.Println("max attempts reached")
		if thisRun.attempt > 1 {
			j, _ := json.Marshal(thisRun.tests)
			fmt.Printf("\n\nAttempt #%d: Retrying flaky tests:\n\nflakytest failures JSON: %s\n\n", thisRun.attempt, j)

		goTestArgsWithCoverage := testArgs
		if runningWithCoverage {
			coverageFile := fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/coverage_%d.out", thisRun.attempt)
			coverageFiles = append(coverageFiles, coverageFile)
			goTestArgsWithCoverage = make([]string, len(goTestArgs), len(goTestArgs)+2)
			copy(goTestArgsWithCoverage, goTestArgs)
			goTestArgsWithCoverage = append(
				fmt.Sprintf("-coverprofile=%v", coverageFile),

		toRetry := make(map[string][]*testAttempt) // pkg -> tests to retry
		for _, pt := range thisRun.tests {
			ch := make(chan *testAttempt)
			runErr := make(chan error, 1)
			go func() {
				defer close(runErr)
				runErr <- runTests(ctx, thisRun.attempt, pt, goTestArgsWithCoverage, testArgs, ch)

			var failed bool
			for tr := range ch {
				// Go assigns the package name "command-line-arguments" when you
				// `go test FILE` rather than `go test PKG`. It's more
				// convenient for us to to specify files in tests, so fix tr.pkg
				// so that subsequent testwrapper attempts run correctly.
				if tr.pkg == "command-line-arguments" {
					tr.pkg = packages[0]
				if tr.pkgFinished {
					if tr.outcome == "fail" && len(toRetry[tr.pkg]) == 0 {
						// If a package fails and we don't have any tests to
						// retry, then we should fail. This typically happens
						// when a package times out.
						failed = true
					printPkgOutcome(tr.pkg, tr.outcome, thisRun.attempt)
				if testingVerbose || tr.outcome == "fail" {
					io.Copy(os.Stdout, &tr.logs)
				if tr.outcome != "fail" {
				if tr.isMarkedFlaky {
					toRetry[tr.pkg] = append(toRetry[tr.pkg], tr)
				} else {
					failed = true
			if failed {
				fmt.Println("\n\nNot retrying flaky tests because non-flaky tests failed.")

			// If there's nothing to retry and no non-retryable tests have
			// failed then we've probably hit a build error.
			if err := <-runErr; len(toRetry) == 0 && err != nil {
				var exit *exec.ExitError
				if errors.As(err, &exit) {
					if code := exit.ExitCode(); code > -1 {
				log.Printf("testwrapper: %s", err)
		if len(toRetry) == 0 {
		pkgs := xmaps.Keys(toRetry)
		nextRun := &nextRun{
			attempt: thisRun.attempt + 1,
		for _, pkg := range pkgs {
			tests := toRetry[pkg]
			slices.SortFunc(tests, func(a, b *testAttempt) int { return strings.Compare(a.testName, b.testName) })
			issueURLs := map[string]string{} // test name => URL
			var testNames []string
			for _, ta := range tests {
				issueURLs[ta.testName] = ta.issueURL
				testNames = append(testNames, ta.testName)
			nextRun.tests = append(nextRun.tests, &packageTests{
				Pattern:   pkg,
				Tests:     testNames,
				IssueURLs: issueURLs,
		toRun = append(toRun, nextRun)

	if runningWithCoverage {
		intermediateCoverageFilename := "/tmp/coverage.out_intermediate"
		if err := combineCoverageFiles(intermediateCoverageFilename, coverageFiles); err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("error combining coverage files: %v\n", err)

		if err := processCoverageWithCourtney(intermediateCoverageFilename, combinedCoverageFilename, testArgs); err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("error processing coverage with courtney: %v\n", err)

		fmt.Printf("Wrote combined coverage to %v\n", combinedCoverageFilename)

func combineCoverageFiles(intermediateCoverageFilename string, coverageFiles []string) error {
	combinedCoverageFile, err := os.OpenFile(intermediateCoverageFilename, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0644)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("create /tmp/coverage.out: %w", err)
	defer combinedCoverageFile.Close()
	w := bufio.NewWriter(combinedCoverageFile)
	defer w.Flush()

	for fileNumber, coverageFile := range coverageFiles {
		f, err := os.Open(coverageFile)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("open %v: %w", coverageFile, err)
		defer f.Close()
		in := bufio.NewReader(f)
		line := 0
		for {
			r, _, err := in.ReadRune()
			if err != nil {
				if err != io.EOF {
					return fmt.Errorf("read %v: %w", coverageFile, err)

			// On all but the first coverage file, skip the coverage file header
			if fileNumber > 0 && line == 0 {
			if r == '\n' {

			// filter for only printable characters because coverage file sometimes includes junk on 2nd line
			if unicode.IsPrint(r) || r == '\n' {
				if _, err := w.WriteRune(r); err != nil {
					return fmt.Errorf("write %v: %w", combinedCoverageFile.Name(), err)

	return nil

// processCoverageWithCourtney post-processes code coverage to exclude less
// meaningful sections like 'if err != nil { return err}', as well as
// anything marked with a '// notest' comment.
// instead of running the courtney as a separate program, this embeds
// courtney for easier integration.
func processCoverageWithCourtney(intermediateCoverageFilename, combinedCoverageFilename string, testArgs []string) error {
	env := vos.Os()

	setup := &shared.Setup{
		Env:      vos.Os(),
		Paths:    patsy.NewCache(env),
		TestArgs: testArgs,
		Load:     intermediateCoverageFilename,
		Output:   combinedCoverageFilename,
	if err := setup.Parse(testArgs); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("parse args: %w", err)

	s := scanner.New(setup)
	if err := s.LoadProgram(); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("load program: %w", err)
	if err := s.ScanPackages(); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("scan packages: %w", err)

	t := tester.New(setup)
	if err := t.Load(); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("load: %w", err)
	if err := t.ProcessExcludes(s.Excludes); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("process excludes: %w", err)
	if err := t.Save(); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("save: %w", err)

	return nil