// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause package tka import ( "bytes" "crypto/ed25519" "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "testing" "text/scanner" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/cmpopts" "tailscale.com/types/tkatype" ) // chaintest_test.go implements test helpers for concisely describing // chains of possibly signed AUMs, to assist in making tests shorter and // easier to read. // parsed representation of a named AUM in a test chain. type testchainNode struct { Name string Parent string Uses []scanner.Position HashSeed int Template string SignedWith string // When set, uses this hash as the parent hash when // Parent is not set. // // Set when a testChain is based on a different one // (in scenario_test.go). ParentHash *AUMHash } // testChain represents a constructed web of AUMs for testing purposes. type testChain struct { FirstIdent string Nodes map[string]*testchainNode AUMs map[string]AUM AUMHashes map[string]AUMHash // Configured by options to NewTestchain() Template map[string]AUM Key map[string]*Key KeyPrivs map[string]ed25519.PrivateKey SignAllKeys []string } // newTestchain constructs a web of AUMs based on the provided input and // options. // // Input is expected to be a graph & tweaks, looking like this: // // G1 -> A -> B // | -> C // // which defines AUMs G1, A, B, and C; with G1 having no parent, A having // G1 as a parent, and both B & C having A as a parent. // // Tweaks are specified like this: // // <AUM>.<tweak> = <value> // // for example: G1.hashSeed = 2 // // There are 3 available tweaks: // - hashSeed: Set to an integer to tweak the AUM hash of that AUM. // - template: Set to the name of a template provided via optTemplate(). // The template is copied and use as the content for that AUM. // - signedWith: Set to the name of a key provided via optKey(). This // key is used to sign that AUM. func newTestchain(t *testing.T, input string, options ...testchainOpt) *testChain { t.Helper() var ( s scanner.Scanner out = testChain{ Nodes: map[string]*testchainNode{}, Template: map[string]AUM{}, Key: map[string]*Key{}, KeyPrivs: map[string]ed25519.PrivateKey{}, } ) // Process any options for _, o := range options { if o.Template != nil { out.Template[o.Name] = *o.Template } if o.Key != nil { out.Key[o.Name] = o.Key out.KeyPrivs[o.Name] = o.Private } if o.SignAllWith { out.SignAllKeys = append(out.SignAllKeys, o.Name) } } s.Init(strings.NewReader(input)) s.Mode = scanner.ScanIdents | scanner.SkipComments | scanner.ScanComments | scanner.ScanChars | scanner.ScanInts s.Whitespace ^= 1 << '\t' // clear tabs var ( lastIdent string lastWasChain bool // if the last token was '->' ) for tok := s.Scan(); tok != scanner.EOF; tok = s.Scan() { switch tok { case '\t': t.Fatalf("tabs disallowed, use spaces (seen at %v)", s.Pos()) case '.': // tweaks, like <ident>.hashSeed = <val> s.Scan() tweak := s.TokenText() if tok := s.Scan(); tok == '=' { s.Scan() switch tweak { case "hashSeed": out.Nodes[lastIdent].HashSeed, _ = strconv.Atoi(s.TokenText()) case "template": out.Nodes[lastIdent].Template = s.TokenText() case "signedWith": out.Nodes[lastIdent].SignedWith = s.TokenText() } } case scanner.Ident: out.recordPos(s.TokenText(), s.Pos()) // If the last token was '->', that means // that the next identifier has a child relationship // with the identifier preceding '->'. if lastWasChain { out.recordParent(t, s.TokenText(), lastIdent) } lastIdent = s.TokenText() if out.FirstIdent == "" { out.FirstIdent = s.TokenText() } case '-': // handle '->' switch s.Peek() { case '>': s.Scan() lastWasChain = true continue } case '|': // handle '|' line, col := s.Pos().Line, s.Pos().Column nodeLoop: for _, n := range out.Nodes { for _, p := range n.Uses { // Find the identifier used right here on the line above. if p.Line == line-1 && col <= p.Column && col > p.Column-len(n.Name) { lastIdent = n.Name out.recordPos(n.Name, s.Pos()) break nodeLoop } } } } lastWasChain = false // t.Logf("tok = %v, %q", tok, s.TokenText()) } out.buildChain() return &out } // called from the parser to record the location of an // identifier (a named AUM). func (c *testChain) recordPos(ident string, pos scanner.Position) { n := c.Nodes[ident] if n == nil { n = &testchainNode{Name: ident} } n.Uses = append(n.Uses, pos) c.Nodes[ident] = n } // called from the parser to record a parent relationship between // two AUMs. func (c *testChain) recordParent(t *testing.T, child, parent string) { if p := c.Nodes[child].Parent; p != "" && p != parent { t.Fatalf("differing parent specified for %s: %q != %q", child, p, parent) } c.Nodes[child].Parent = parent } // called after parsing to build the web of AUM structures. // This method populates c.AUMs and c.AUMHashes. func (c *testChain) buildChain() { pending := make(map[string]*testchainNode, len(c.Nodes)) for k, v := range c.Nodes { pending[k] = v } // AUMs with a parent need to know their hash, so we // only compute AUMs who's parents have been computed // each iteration. Since at least the genesis AUM // had no parent, theres always a path to completion // in O(n+1) where n is the number of AUMs. c.AUMs = make(map[string]AUM, len(c.Nodes)) c.AUMHashes = make(map[string]AUMHash, len(c.Nodes)) for range len(c.Nodes) + 1 { if len(pending) == 0 { return } next := make([]*testchainNode, 0, 10) for _, v := range pending { if _, parentPending := pending[v.Parent]; !parentPending { next = append(next, v) } } for _, v := range next { aum := c.makeAUM(v) h := aum.Hash() c.AUMHashes[v.Name] = h c.AUMs[v.Name] = aum delete(pending, v.Name) } } panic("unexpected: incomplete despite len(Nodes)+1 iterations") } func (c *testChain) makeAUM(v *testchainNode) AUM { // By default, the AUM used is just a no-op AUM // with a parent hash set (if any). // // If <AUM>.template is set to the same name as in // a provided optTemplate(), the AUM is built // from a copy of that instead. // // If <AUM>.hashSeed = <int> is set, the KeyID is // tweaked to effect tweaking the hash. This is useful // if you want one AUM to have a lower hash than another. aum := AUM{MessageKind: AUMNoOp} if template := v.Template; template != "" { aum = c.Template[template] } if v.Parent != "" { parentHash := c.AUMHashes[v.Parent] aum.PrevAUMHash = parentHash[:] } else if v.ParentHash != nil { aum.PrevAUMHash = (*v.ParentHash)[:] } if seed := v.HashSeed; seed != 0 { aum.KeyID = []byte{byte(seed)} } if err := aum.StaticValidate(); err != nil { // Usually caused by a test writer specifying a template // AUM which is ultimately invalid. panic(fmt.Sprintf("aum %+v failed static validation: %v", aum, err)) } sigHash := aum.SigHash() for _, key := range c.SignAllKeys { aum.Signatures = append(aum.Signatures, tkatype.Signature{ KeyID: c.Key[key].MustID(), Signature: ed25519.Sign(c.KeyPrivs[key], sigHash[:]), }) } // If the aum was specified as being signed by some key, then // sign it using that key. if key := v.SignedWith; key != "" { aum.Signatures = append(aum.Signatures, tkatype.Signature{ KeyID: c.Key[key].MustID(), Signature: ed25519.Sign(c.KeyPrivs[key], sigHash[:]), }) } return aum } // Chonk returns a tailchonk containing all AUMs. func (c *testChain) Chonk() Chonk { var out Mem for _, update := range c.AUMs { if err := out.CommitVerifiedAUMs([]AUM{update}); err != nil { panic(err) } } return &out } // ChonkWith returns a tailchonk containing the named AUMs. func (c *testChain) ChonkWith(names ...string) Chonk { var out Mem for _, name := range names { update := c.AUMs[name] if err := out.CommitVerifiedAUMs([]AUM{update}); err != nil { panic(err) } } return &out } type testchainOpt struct { Name string Template *AUM Key *Key Private ed25519.PrivateKey SignAllWith bool } func optTemplate(name string, template AUM) testchainOpt { return testchainOpt{ Name: name, Template: &template, } } func optKey(name string, key Key, priv ed25519.PrivateKey) testchainOpt { return testchainOpt{ Name: name, Key: &key, Private: priv, } } func optSignAllUsing(keyName string) testchainOpt { return testchainOpt{ Name: keyName, SignAllWith: true, } } func TestNewTestchain(t *testing.T) { c := newTestchain(t, ` genesis -> B -> C | -> D | -> E -> F E.hashSeed = 12 // tweak E to have the lowest hash so its chosen F.template = test `, optTemplate("test", AUM{MessageKind: AUMNoOp, KeyID: []byte{10}})) want := map[string]*testchainNode{ "genesis": {Name: "genesis", Uses: []scanner.Position{{Line: 2, Column: 16}}}, "B": { Name: "B", Parent: "genesis", Uses: []scanner.Position{{Line: 2, Column: 21}, {Line: 3, Column: 21}, {Line: 4, Column: 21}}, }, "C": {Name: "C", Parent: "B", Uses: []scanner.Position{{Line: 2, Column: 26}}}, "D": {Name: "D", Parent: "B", Uses: []scanner.Position{{Line: 3, Column: 26}}}, "E": {Name: "E", Parent: "B", HashSeed: 12, Uses: []scanner.Position{{Line: 4, Column: 26}, {Line: 6, Column: 10}}}, "F": {Name: "F", Parent: "E", Template: "test", Uses: []scanner.Position{{Line: 4, Column: 31}, {Line: 7, Column: 10}}}, } if diff := cmp.Diff(want, c.Nodes, cmpopts.IgnoreFields(scanner.Position{}, "Offset")); diff != "" { t.Errorf("decoded state differs (-want, +got):\n%s", diff) } if !bytes.Equal(c.AUMs["F"].KeyID, []byte{10}) { t.Errorf("AUM 'F' missing KeyID from template: %v", c.AUMs["F"]) } // chonk := c.Chonk() // authority, err := Open(chonk) // if err != nil { // t.Errorf("failed to initialize from chonk: %v", err) // } // if authority.Head() != c.AUMHashes["F"] { // t.Errorf("head = %X, want %X", authority.Head(), c.AUMHashes["F"]) // } }