// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

package version

import (


// IsMobile reports whether this is a mobile client build.
func IsMobile() bool {
	return runtime.GOOS == "android" || runtime.GOOS == "ios"

// OS returns runtime.GOOS, except instead of returning "darwin" it returns
// "iOS" or "macOS".
func OS() string {
	// If you're wondering why we have this function that just returns
	// runtime.GOOS written differently: in the old days, Go reported
	// GOOS=darwin for both iOS and macOS, so we needed this function to
	// differentiate them. Then a later Go release added GOOS=ios as a separate
	// platform, but by then the "iOS" and "macOS" values we'd picked, with that
	// exact capitalization, were already baked into databases.
	if IsAppleTV() {
		return "tvOS"
	if runtime.GOOS == "ios" {
		return "iOS"
	if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
		return "macOS"
	return runtime.GOOS

var isSandboxedMacOS lazy.SyncValue[bool]

// IsSandboxedMacOS reports whether this process is a sandboxed macOS
// process (either the app or the extension). It is true for the Mac App Store
// and macsys (System Extension) version on macOS, and false for
// tailscaled-on-macOS.
func IsSandboxedMacOS() bool {
	return IsMacAppStore() || IsMacSysExt()

var isMacSysExt lazy.SyncValue[bool]

// IsMacSysExt whether this binary is from the standalone "System
// Extension" (a.k.a. "macsys") version of Tailscale for macOS.
func IsMacSysExt() bool {
	if runtime.GOOS != "darwin" {
		return false
	return isMacSysExt.Get(func() bool {
		if strings.Contains(os.Getenv("HOME"), "/Containers/io.tailscale.ipn.macsys/") {
			return true
		exe, err := os.Executable()
		if err != nil {
			return false
		return filepath.Base(exe) == "io.tailscale.ipn.macsys.network-extension"

var isMacAppStore lazy.SyncValue[bool]

// IsMacAppStore whether this binary is from the App Store version of Tailscale
// for macOS.
func IsMacAppStore() bool {
	if runtime.GOOS != "darwin" {
		return false
	return isMacAppStore.Get(func() bool {
		// Both macsys and app store versions can run CLI executable with
		// suffix /Contents/MacOS/Tailscale. Check $HOME to filter out running
		// as macsys.
		if strings.Contains(os.Getenv("HOME"), "/Containers/io.tailscale.ipn.macsys/") {
			return false
		exe, err := os.Executable()
		if err != nil {
			return false
		return strings.HasSuffix(exe, "/Contents/MacOS/Tailscale") || strings.HasSuffix(exe, "/Contents/MacOS/IPNExtension")

var isAppleTV lazy.SyncValue[bool]

// IsAppleTV reports whether this binary is part of the Tailscale network extension for tvOS.
// Needed because runtime.GOOS returns "ios" otherwise.
func IsAppleTV() bool {
	if runtime.GOOS != "ios" {
		return false
	return isAppleTV.Get(func() bool {
		return strings.EqualFold(os.Getenv("XPC_SERVICE_NAME"), "io.tailscale.ipn.ios.network-extension-tvos")

var isWindowsGUI lazy.SyncValue[bool]

// IsWindowsGUI reports whether the current process is the Windows GUI.
func IsWindowsGUI() bool {
	if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
		return false
	return isWindowsGUI.Get(func() bool {
		exe, err := os.Executable()
		if err != nil {
			return false
		return strings.EqualFold(exe, "tailscale-ipn.exe") || strings.EqualFold(exe, "tailscale-ipn")

var isUnstableBuild lazy.SyncValue[bool]

// IsUnstableBuild reports whether this is an unstable build.
// That is, whether its minor version number is odd.
func IsUnstableBuild() bool {
	return isUnstableBuild.Get(func() bool {
		_, rest, ok := strings.Cut(Short(), ".")
		if !ok {
			return false
		minorStr, _, ok := strings.Cut(rest, ".")
		if !ok {
			return false
		minor, err := strconv.Atoi(minorStr)
		if err != nil {
			return false
		return minor%2 == 1

var isDev = lazy.SyncFunc(func() bool {
	return strings.Contains(Short(), "-dev")

// Meta is a JSON-serializable type that contains all the version
// information.
type Meta struct {
	// MajorMinorPatch is the "major.minor.patch" version string, without
	// any hyphenated suffix.
	MajorMinorPatch string `json:"majorMinorPatch"`

	// IsDev is whether Short contains a -dev suffix. This is whether the build
	// is a development build (as opposed to an official stable or unstable
	// build stamped in the usual ways). If you just run "go install" or "go
	// build" on a dev branch, this will be true.
	IsDev bool `json:"isDev,omitempty"`

	// Short is MajorMinorPatch but optionally adding "-dev" or "-devYYYYMMDD"
	// for dev builds, depending on how it was build.
	Short string `json:"short"`

	// Long is the full version string, including git commit hash(es) as the
	// suffix.
	Long string `json:"long"`

	// UnstableBranch is whether the build is from an unstable (development)
	// branch. That is, it reports whether the minor version is odd.
	UnstableBranch bool `json:"unstableBranch,omitempty"`

	// GitCommit, if non-empty, is the git commit of the
	// github.com/tailscale/tailscale repository at which Tailscale was
	// built. Its format is the one returned by `git describe --always
	// --exclude "*" --dirty --abbrev=200`.
	GitCommit string `json:"gitCommit,omitempty"`

	// GitDirty is whether Go stamped the binary as having dirty version
	// control changes in the working directory (debug.ReadBuildInfo
	// setting "vcs.modified" was true).
	GitDirty bool `json:"gitDirty,omitempty"`

	// ExtraGitCommit, if non-empty, is the git commit of a "supplemental"
	// repository at which Tailscale was built. Its format is the same as
	// gitCommit.
	// ExtraGitCommit is used to track the source revision when the main
	// Tailscale repository is integrated into and built from another
	// repository (for example, Tailscale's proprietary code, or the
	// Android OSS repository). Together, GitCommit and ExtraGitCommit
	// exactly describe what repositories and commits were used in a
	// build.
	ExtraGitCommit string `json:"extraGitCommit,omitempty"`

	// DaemonLong is the version number from the tailscaled
	// daemon, if requested.
	DaemonLong string `json:"daemonLong,omitempty"`

	// Cap is the current Tailscale capability version. It's a monotonically
	// incrementing integer that's incremented whenever a new capability is
	// added.
	Cap int `json:"cap"`

var getMeta lazy.SyncValue[Meta]

// GetMeta returns version metadata about the current build.
func GetMeta() Meta {
	return Meta{
		MajorMinorPatch: majorMinorPatch(),
		Short:           Short(),
		Long:            Long(),
		GitCommit:       gitCommit(),
		GitDirty:        gitDirty(),
		ExtraGitCommit:  extraGitCommitStamp,
		IsDev:           isDev(),
		UnstableBranch:  IsUnstableBuild(),
		Cap:             int(tailcfg.CurrentCapabilityVersion),