// Copyright (c) 2021 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package controlclient

import (


// mapSession holds the state over a long-polled "map" request to the
// control plane.
// It accepts incremental tailcfg.MapResponse values to
// netMapForResponse and returns fully inflated NetworkMaps, filling
// in the omitted data implicit from prior MapResponse values from
// within the same session (the same long-poll HTTP response to the
// one MapRequest).
type mapSession struct {
	// Immutable fields.
	privateNodeKey         key.NodePrivate
	logf                   logger.Logf
	vlogf                  logger.Logf
	machinePubKey          key.MachinePublic
	keepSharerAndUserSplit bool // see Options.KeepSharerAndUserSplit

	// Fields storing state over the course of multiple MapResponses.
	lastNode               *tailcfg.Node
	lastDNSConfig          *tailcfg.DNSConfig
	lastDERPMap            *tailcfg.DERPMap
	lastUserProfile        map[tailcfg.UserID]tailcfg.UserProfile
	lastParsedPacketFilter []filter.Match
	lastSSHPolicy          *tailcfg.SSHPolicy
	collectServices        bool
	previousPeers          []*tailcfg.Node // for delta-purposes
	lastDomain             string
	lastDomainAuditLogID   string
	lastHealth             []string
	lastPopBrowserURL      string
	stickyDebug            tailcfg.Debug // accumulated opt.Bool values
	lastTKAInfo            *tailcfg.TKAInfo

	// netMapBuilding is non-nil during a netmapForResponse call,
	// containing the value to be returned, once fully populated.
	netMapBuilding *netmap.NetworkMap

func newMapSession(privateNodeKey key.NodePrivate) *mapSession {
	ms := &mapSession{
		privateNodeKey:  privateNodeKey,
		logf:            logger.Discard,
		vlogf:           logger.Discard,
		lastDNSConfig:   new(tailcfg.DNSConfig),
		lastUserProfile: map[tailcfg.UserID]tailcfg.UserProfile{},
	return ms

func (ms *mapSession) addUserProfile(userID tailcfg.UserID) {
	nm := ms.netMapBuilding
	if _, dup := nm.UserProfiles[userID]; dup {
		// Already populated it from a previous peer.
	if up, ok := ms.lastUserProfile[userID]; ok {
		nm.UserProfiles[userID] = up

// netmapForResponse returns a fully populated NetworkMap from a full
// or incremental MapResponse within the session, filling in omitted
// information from prior MapResponse values.
func (ms *mapSession) netmapForResponse(resp *tailcfg.MapResponse) *netmap.NetworkMap {
	undeltaPeers(resp, ms.previousPeers)

	ms.previousPeers = cloneNodes(resp.Peers) // defensive/lazy clone, since this escapes to who knows where
	for _, up := range resp.UserProfiles {
		ms.lastUserProfile[up.ID] = up

	if resp.DERPMap != nil {
		ms.vlogf("netmap: new map contains DERP map")
		ms.lastDERPMap = resp.DERPMap

	if pf := resp.PacketFilter; pf != nil {
		var err error
		ms.lastParsedPacketFilter, err = filter.MatchesFromFilterRules(pf)
		if err != nil {
			ms.logf("parsePacketFilter: %v", err)
	if c := resp.DNSConfig; c != nil {
		ms.lastDNSConfig = c
	if p := resp.SSHPolicy; p != nil {
		ms.lastSSHPolicy = p

	if v, ok := resp.CollectServices.Get(); ok {
		ms.collectServices = v
	if resp.Domain != "" {
		ms.lastDomain = resp.Domain
	if resp.DomainDataPlaneAuditLogID != "" {
		ms.lastDomainAuditLogID = resp.DomainDataPlaneAuditLogID
	if resp.Health != nil {
		ms.lastHealth = resp.Health
	if resp.TKAInfo != nil {
		ms.lastTKAInfo = resp.TKAInfo

	debug := resp.Debug
	if debug != nil {
		if debug.RandomizeClientPort {
		if debug.ForceBackgroundSTUN {
		copyDebugOptBools(&ms.stickyDebug, debug)
	} else if ms.stickyDebug != (tailcfg.Debug{}) {
		debug = new(tailcfg.Debug)
	if debug != nil {
		copyDebugOptBools(debug, &ms.stickyDebug)
		if !debug.ForceBackgroundSTUN {
			debug.ForceBackgroundSTUN, _ = ms.stickyDebug.SetForceBackgroundSTUN.Get()
		if !debug.RandomizeClientPort {
			debug.RandomizeClientPort, _ = ms.stickyDebug.SetRandomizeClientPort.Get()

	nm := &netmap.NetworkMap{
		NodeKey:          ms.privateNodeKey.Public(),
		PrivateKey:       ms.privateNodeKey,
		MachineKey:       ms.machinePubKey,
		Peers:            resp.Peers,
		UserProfiles:     make(map[tailcfg.UserID]tailcfg.UserProfile),
		Domain:           ms.lastDomain,
		DomainAuditLogID: ms.lastDomainAuditLogID,
		DNS:              *ms.lastDNSConfig,
		PacketFilter:     ms.lastParsedPacketFilter,
		SSHPolicy:        ms.lastSSHPolicy,
		CollectServices:  ms.collectServices,
		DERPMap:          ms.lastDERPMap,
		Debug:            debug,
		ControlHealth:    ms.lastHealth,
		TKAEnabled:       ms.lastTKAInfo != nil && !ms.lastTKAInfo.Disabled,
	ms.netMapBuilding = nm

	if ms.lastTKAInfo != nil && ms.lastTKAInfo.Head != "" {
		if err := nm.TKAHead.UnmarshalText([]byte(ms.lastTKAInfo.Head)); err != nil {
			ms.logf("error unmarshalling TKAHead: %v", err)
			nm.TKAEnabled = false

	if resp.Node != nil {
		ms.lastNode = resp.Node
	if node := ms.lastNode.Clone(); node != nil {
		nm.SelfNode = node
		nm.Expiry = node.KeyExpiry
		nm.Name = node.Name
		nm.Addresses = filterSelfAddresses(node.Addresses)
		nm.User = node.User
		if node.Hostinfo.Valid() {
			nm.Hostinfo = *node.Hostinfo.AsStruct()
		if node.MachineAuthorized {
			nm.MachineStatus = tailcfg.MachineAuthorized
		} else {
			nm.MachineStatus = tailcfg.MachineUnauthorized

	magicDNSSuffix := nm.MagicDNSSuffix()
	if nm.SelfNode != nil {
	for _, peer := range resp.Peers {
		if !peer.Sharer.IsZero() {
			if ms.keepSharerAndUserSplit {
			} else {
				peer.User = peer.Sharer
	if DevKnob.ForceProxyDNS() {
		nm.DNS.Proxied = true
	ms.netMapBuilding = nil
	return nm

// undeltaPeers updates mapRes.Peers to be complete based on the
// provided previous peer list and the PeersRemoved and PeersChanged
// fields in mapRes, as well as the PeerSeenChange and OnlineChange
// maps.
// It then also nils out the delta fields.
func undeltaPeers(mapRes *tailcfg.MapResponse, prev []*tailcfg.Node) {
	if len(mapRes.Peers) > 0 {
		// Not delta encoded.
		if !nodesSorted(mapRes.Peers) {
			log.Printf("netmap: undeltaPeers: MapResponse.Peers not sorted; sorting")

	var removed map[tailcfg.NodeID]bool
	if pr := mapRes.PeersRemoved; len(pr) > 0 {
		removed = make(map[tailcfg.NodeID]bool, len(pr))
		for _, id := range pr {
			removed[id] = true
	changed := mapRes.PeersChanged

	if !nodesSorted(changed) {
		log.Printf("netmap: undeltaPeers: MapResponse.PeersChanged not sorted; sorting")
	if !nodesSorted(prev) {
		// Internal error (unrelated to the network) if we get here.
		log.Printf("netmap: undeltaPeers: [unexpected] prev not sorted; sorting")

	newFull := prev
	if len(removed) > 0 || len(changed) > 0 {
		newFull = make([]*tailcfg.Node, 0, len(prev)-len(removed))
		for len(prev) > 0 && len(changed) > 0 {
			pID := prev[0].ID
			cID := changed[0].ID
			if removed[pID] {
				prev = prev[1:]
			switch {
			case pID < cID:
				newFull = append(newFull, prev[0])
				prev = prev[1:]
			case pID == cID:
				newFull = append(newFull, changed[0])
				prev, changed = prev[1:], changed[1:]
			case cID < pID:
				newFull = append(newFull, changed[0])
				changed = changed[1:]
		newFull = append(newFull, changed...)
		for _, n := range prev {
			if !removed[n.ID] {
				newFull = append(newFull, n)

	if len(mapRes.PeerSeenChange) != 0 || len(mapRes.OnlineChange) != 0 || len(mapRes.PeersChangedPatch) != 0 {
		peerByID := make(map[tailcfg.NodeID]*tailcfg.Node, len(newFull))
		for _, n := range newFull {
			peerByID[n.ID] = n
		now := clockNow()
		for nodeID, seen := range mapRes.PeerSeenChange {
			if n, ok := peerByID[nodeID]; ok {
				if seen {
					n.LastSeen = &now
				} else {
					n.LastSeen = nil
		for nodeID, online := range mapRes.OnlineChange {
			if n, ok := peerByID[nodeID]; ok {
				online := online
				n.Online = &online
		for _, ec := range mapRes.PeersChangedPatch {
			if n, ok := peerByID[ec.NodeID]; ok {
				if ec.DERPRegion != 0 {
					n.DERP = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%v", tailcfg.DerpMagicIP, ec.DERPRegion)
				if ec.Endpoints != nil {
					n.Endpoints = ec.Endpoints
				if ec.Key != nil {
					n.Key = *ec.Key
				if ec.DiscoKey != nil {
					n.DiscoKey = *ec.DiscoKey
				if v := ec.Online; v != nil {
					n.Online = ptrCopy(v)
				if v := ec.LastSeen; v != nil {
					n.LastSeen = ptrCopy(v)
				if v := ec.KeyExpiry; v != nil {
					n.KeyExpiry = *v
				if v := ec.Capabilities; v != nil {
					n.Capabilities = *v
				if v := ec.KeySignature; v != nil {
					n.KeySignature = v

	mapRes.Peers = newFull
	mapRes.PeersChanged = nil
	mapRes.PeersRemoved = nil

// ptrCopy returns a pointer to a newly allocated shallow copy of *v.
func ptrCopy[T any](v *T) *T {
	if v == nil {
		return nil
	ret := new(T)
	*ret = *v
	return ret

func nodesSorted(v []*tailcfg.Node) bool {
	for i, n := range v {
		if i > 0 && n.ID <= v[i-1].ID {
			return false
	return true

func sortNodes(v []*tailcfg.Node) {
	sort.Slice(v, func(i, j int) bool { return v[i].ID < v[j].ID })

func cloneNodes(v1 []*tailcfg.Node) []*tailcfg.Node {
	if v1 == nil {
		return nil
	v2 := make([]*tailcfg.Node, len(v1))
	for i, n := range v1 {
		v2[i] = n.Clone()
	return v2

var debugSelfIPv6Only = envknob.RegisterBool("TS_DEBUG_SELF_V6_ONLY")

func filterSelfAddresses(in []netip.Prefix) (ret []netip.Prefix) {
	switch {
		return in
	case debugSelfIPv6Only():
		for _, a := range in {
			if a.Addr().Is6() {
				ret = append(ret, a)
		return ret

func copyDebugOptBools(dst, src *tailcfg.Debug) {
	copy := func(v *opt.Bool, s opt.Bool) {
		if s != "" {
			*v = s
	copy(&dst.DERPRoute, src.DERPRoute)
	copy(&dst.DisableSubnetsIfPAC, src.DisableSubnetsIfPAC)
	copy(&dst.DisableUPnP, src.DisableUPnP)
	copy(&dst.OneCGNATRoute, src.OneCGNATRoute)
	copy(&dst.SetForceBackgroundSTUN, src.SetForceBackgroundSTUN)
	copy(&dst.SetRandomizeClientPort, src.SetRandomizeClientPort)
	copy(&dst.TrimWGConfig, src.TrimWGConfig)