mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 17:03:52 +00:00

BPF links require that the owning FD remains open, this FD is embedded into the RawLink returned by the attach function and must live for the duration of the server. Updates ENG-4274 Signed-off-by: James Tucker <james@tailscale.com>
320 lines
9.3 KiB
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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package xdp
import (
//go:generate go run github.com/cilium/ebpf/cmd/bpf2go -type config -type counters_key -type counter_key_af -type counter_key_packets_bytes_action -type counter_key_prog_end bpf xdp.c -- -I headers
// STUNServer manages loading and unloading of an eBPF XDP program that serves
// the STUN protocol. It exports statistics for the XDP program via its
// implementation of the prometheus.Collector interface.
type STUNServer struct {
mu sync.Mutex
objs *bpfObjects
metrics *stunServerMetrics
dstPort int
dropSTUN bool
link link.Link
//lint:ignore U1000 used in xdp_linux_test.go, which has a build tag
type noAttachOption struct{}
//lint:ignore u1000 Used in xdp_linux_test.go, which has a build tag
func (n noAttachOption) apply(opts *stunServerOptions) {
opts.noAttach = true
func (s *STUNServerConfig) validate() error {
if len(s.DeviceName) < 1 {
return errors.New("DeviceName is unspecified")
if s.DstPort < 0 || s.DstPort > math.MaxUint16 {
return errors.New("DstPort is outside of uint16 bounds")
return nil
// NewSTUNServer returns an instance of a STUNServer that has attached the STUN
// XDP program to the netdev and destination port specified by config.
func NewSTUNServer(config *STUNServerConfig, opts ...STUNServerOption) (*STUNServer, error) {
o := &stunServerOptions{}
for _, opt := range opts {
err := config.validate()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid config: %v", err)
objs := new(bpfObjects)
err = loadBpfObjects(objs, nil)
if err != nil {
var ve *ebpf.VerifierError
if config.FullVerifierErr && errors.As(err, &ve) {
err = fmt.Errorf("verifier error: %+v", ve)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading XDP program: %w", err)
server := &STUNServer{
objs: objs,
metrics: newSTUNServerMetrics(),
dstPort: config.DstPort,
var key uint32
xdpConfig := &bpfConfig{
DstPort: uint16(config.DstPort),
err = objs.ConfigMap.Put(key, xdpConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading config in eBPF map: %w", err)
if o.noAttach {
return server, nil
iface, err := net.InterfaceByName(config.DeviceName)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error finding device: %w", err)
link, err := link.AttachXDP(link.XDPOptions{
Program: objs.XdpProgFunc,
Interface: iface.Index,
Flags: link.XDPAttachFlags(config.AttachFlags),
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error attaching XDP program to dev: %w", err)
server.link = link
return server, nil
// Close unloads the XDP program and associated maps.
func (s *STUNServer) Close() error {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
var errs []error
if s.link != nil {
errs = append(errs, s.link.Close())
errs = append(errs, s.objs.Close())
return multierr.New(errs...)
type stunServerMetrics struct {
last map[bpfCountersKey]uint64
registry *prometheus.Registry
packets *prometheus.CounterVec
bytes *prometheus.CounterVec
func newSTUNServerMetrics() *stunServerMetrics {
last := make(map[bpfCountersKey]uint64)
registry := prometheus.NewRegistry()
packets := prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: "xdp",
Subsystem: "stun_server",
Name: "packets_total",
}, []string{addressFamilyKey, xdpOutcomeKey, progEndKey})
bytes := prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: "xdp",
Subsystem: "stun_server",
Name: "bytes_total",
}, []string{addressFamilyKey, xdpOutcomeKey, progEndKey})
registry.MustRegister(packets, bytes)
return &stunServerMetrics{
last: last,
registry: registry,
packets: packets,
bytes: bytes,
const (
xdpOutcomeKey = "xdp_outcome"
progEndKey = "prog_end"
const (
xdpOutcomePass = "pass"
xdpOutcomeAborted = "aborted"
xdpOutcomeDrop = "drop"
xdpOutcomeTX = "tx"
func sum(vals []uint64) uint64 {
var s uint64
for _, v := range vals {
s += v
return s
const (
addressFamilyKey = "address_family"
const (
addressFamilyUnknown = "unknown"
addressFamilyIPv4 = "ipv4"
addressFamilyIPv6 = "ipv6"
var (
// TODO(jwhited): go generate these maps or equivalent switch logic behind bpf2go
pbaToOutcomeLV = map[bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesAction]string{
bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesActionCOUNTER_KEY_PACKETS_PASS_TOTAL: xdpOutcomePass,
bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesActionCOUNTER_KEY_BYTES_PASS_TOTAL: xdpOutcomePass,
bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesActionCOUNTER_KEY_PACKETS_ABORTED_TOTAL: xdpOutcomeAborted,
bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesActionCOUNTER_KEY_BYTES_ABORTED_TOTAL: xdpOutcomeAborted,
bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesActionCOUNTER_KEY_PACKETS_TX_TOTAL: xdpOutcomeTX,
bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesActionCOUNTER_KEY_BYTES_TX_TOTAL: xdpOutcomeTX,
bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesActionCOUNTER_KEY_PACKETS_DROP_TOTAL: xdpOutcomeDrop,
bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesActionCOUNTER_KEY_BYTES_DROP_TOTAL: xdpOutcomeDrop,
progEndLV = map[bpfCounterKeyProgEnd]string{
bpfCounterKeyProgEndCOUNTER_KEY_END_UNSPECIFIED: "unspecified",
bpfCounterKeyProgEndCOUNTER_KEY_END_UNEXPECTED_FIRST_STUN_ATTR: "unexpected_first_stun_attr",
bpfCounterKeyProgEndCOUNTER_KEY_END_INVALID_UDP_CSUM: "invalid_udp_csum",
bpfCounterKeyProgEndCOUNTER_KEY_END_INVALID_IP_CSUM: "invalid_ip_csum",
bpfCounterKeyProgEndCOUNTER_KEY_END_NOT_STUN_PORT: "not_stun_port",
bpfCounterKeyProgEndCOUNTER_KEY_END_INVALID_SW_ATTR_VAL: "invalid_sw_attr_val",
bpfCounterKeyProgEndCOUNTER_KEY_END_DROP_STUN: "drop_stun",
packetCounterKeys = map[bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesAction]bool{
bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesActionCOUNTER_KEY_PACKETS_PASS_TOTAL: true,
bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesActionCOUNTER_KEY_PACKETS_ABORTED_TOTAL: true,
bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesActionCOUNTER_KEY_PACKETS_TX_TOTAL: true,
bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesActionCOUNTER_KEY_PACKETS_DROP_TOTAL: true,
//lint:ignore U1000 used in xdp_linux_test.go, which has a build tag
bytesCounterKeys = map[bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesAction]bool{
bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesActionCOUNTER_KEY_BYTES_PASS_TOTAL: true,
bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesActionCOUNTER_KEY_BYTES_ABORTED_TOTAL: true,
bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesActionCOUNTER_KEY_BYTES_TX_TOTAL: true,
bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesActionCOUNTER_KEY_BYTES_DROP_TOTAL: true,
// increase returns the difference between "from" and "to" assuming they
// originated from the same counter gathered at different times, i.e. "from"
// was incremented by a non-negative value into "to". In the case of wraps
// increase returns the difference between "to" and zero.
func increase(from, to uint64) uint64 {
if to >= from {
return to - from
return to
func (s *stunServerMetrics) updateFromMapKV(key bpfCountersKey, vals []uint64) error {
if key.Unused != 0 ||
key.Af >= uint8(bpfCounterKeyAfCOUNTER_KEY_AF_LEN) ||
key.Pba >= uint8(bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesActionCOUNTER_KEY_PACKETS_BYTES_ACTION_LEN) ||
key.ProgEnd >= uint8(bpfCounterKeyProgEndCOUNTER_KEY_END_LEN) {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected counter key: %+v", key)
previousAllCPUs := s.last[key]
allCPUs := sum(vals)
s.last[key] = allCPUs
inc := increase(previousAllCPUs, allCPUs)
if inc == 0 {
return nil
var af string
switch key.Af {
case uint8(bpfCounterKeyAfCOUNTER_KEY_AF_UNKNOWN):
af = addressFamilyUnknown
case uint8(bpfCounterKeyAfCOUNTER_KEY_AF_IPV4):
af = addressFamilyIPv4
case uint8(bpfCounterKeyAfCOUNTER_KEY_AF_IPV6):
af = addressFamilyIPv6
labels := prometheus.Labels{
addressFamilyKey: af,
xdpOutcomeKey: pbaToOutcomeLV[bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesAction(key.Pba)],
progEndKey: progEndLV[bpfCounterKeyProgEnd(key.ProgEnd)],
var metric *prometheus.CounterVec
if packetCounterKeys[bpfCounterKeyPacketsBytesAction(key.Pba)] {
metric = s.packets
} else {
metric = s.bytes
return nil
// Describe is part of the implementation of prometheus.Collector.
func (s *STUNServer) Describe(descCh chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
// Collect is part of the implementation of prometheus.Collector.
func (s *STUNServer) Collect(metricCh chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
err := s.updateMetrics()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("xdp: error collecting metrics: %v", err)
func (s *STUNServer) SetDropSTUN(v bool) error {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
dropSTUN := 0
if v {
dropSTUN = 1
xdpConfig := &bpfConfig{
DstPort: uint16(s.dstPort),
DropStun: uint16(dropSTUN),
var key uint32
err := s.objs.ConfigMap.Put(key, xdpConfig)
if err == nil {
s.dropSTUN = v
return err
func (s *STUNServer) GetDropSTUN() bool {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
return s.dropSTUN
func (s *STUNServer) updateMetrics() error {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
iter := s.objs.CountersMap.Iterate()
var key bpfCountersKey
numCPU, err := ebpf.PossibleCPU()
if err != nil {
return err
vals := make([]uint64, numCPU)
for iter.Next(&key, &vals) {
err := s.metrics.updateFromMapKV(key, vals)
if err != nil {
return err
return iter.Err()