David Anderson e92adfe5e4 net/art: allow non-pointers as values
Values are still turned into pointers internally to maintain the
invariants of strideTable, but from the user's perspective it's
now possible to tbl.Insert(pfx, true) rather than
tbl.Insert(pfx, ptr.To(true)).


Signed-off-by: David Anderson <danderson@tailscale.com>
2023-08-17 10:43:18 -07:00

642 lines
23 KiB

// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
// Package art provides a routing table that implements the Allotment Routing
// Table (ART) algorithm by Donald Knuth, as described in the paper by Yoichi
// Hariguchi.
// ART outperforms the traditional radix tree implementations for route lookups,
// insertions, and deletions.
// For more information, see Yoichi Hariguchi's paper:
// https://cseweb.ucsd.edu//~varghese/TEACH/cs228/artlookup.pdf
package art
import (
const (
debugInsert = false
debugDelete = false
// Table is an IPv4 and IPv6 routing table.
type Table[T any] struct {
v4 strideTable[T]
v6 strideTable[T]
initOnce sync.Once
func (t *Table[T]) init() {
t.initOnce.Do(func() {
t.v4.prefix = netip.PrefixFrom(netip.IPv4Unspecified(), 0)
t.v6.prefix = netip.PrefixFrom(netip.IPv6Unspecified(), 0)
func (t *Table[T]) tableForAddr(addr netip.Addr) *strideTable[T] {
if addr.Is6() {
return &t.v6
return &t.v4
// Get does a route lookup for addr and returns the associated value, or nil if
// no route matched.
func (t *Table[T]) Get(addr netip.Addr) (ret T, ok bool) {
// Ideally we would use addr.AsSlice here, but AsSlice is just
// barely complex enough that it can't be inlined, and that in
// turn causes the slice to escape to the heap. Using As16 and
// manual slicing here helps the compiler keep Get alloc-free.
st := t.tableForAddr(addr)
rawAddr := addr.As16()
bs := rawAddr[:]
if addr.Is4() {
bs = bs[12:]
i := 0
// With path compression, we might skip over some address bits while walking
// to a strideTable leaf. This means the leaf answer we find might not be
// correct, because path compression took us down the wrong subtree. When
// that happens, we have to backtrack and figure out which most specific
// route further up the tree is relevant to addr, and return that.
// So, as we walk down the stride tables, each time we find a non-nil route
// result, we have to remember it and the associated strideTable prefix.
// We could also deal with this edge case of path compression by checking
// the strideTable prefix on each table as we descend, but that means we
// have to pay N prefix.Contains checks on every route lookup (where N is
// the number of strideTables in the path), rather than only paying M prefix
// comparisons in the edge case (where M is the number of strideTables in
// the path with a non-nil route of their own).
const maxDepth = 16
type prefixAndRoute struct {
prefix netip.Prefix
route T
strideMatch := make([]prefixAndRoute, 0, maxDepth)
for {
rt, rtOK, child := st.getValAndChild(bs[i])
if rtOK {
// This strideTable contains a route that may be relevant to our
// search, remember it.
strideMatch = append(strideMatch, prefixAndRoute{st.prefix, rt})
if child == nil {
// No sub-routes further down, the last thing we recorded
// in strideRoutes is tentatively the result, barring
// misdirection from path compression.
break findLeaf
st = child
// Path compression means we may be skipping over some intermediate
// tables. We have to skip forward to whatever depth st now references.
i = st.prefix.Bits() / 8
// Walk backwards through the hits we recorded in strideRoutes and
// stridePrefixes, returning the first one whose subtree matches addr.
// In the common case where path compression did not mislead us, we'll
// return on the first loop iteration because the last route we recorded was
// the correct most-specific route.
for i := len(strideMatch) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if m := strideMatch[i]; m.prefix.Contains(addr) {
return m.route, true
// We either found no route hits at all (both previous loops terminated
// immediately), or we went on a wild goose chase down a compressed path for
// the wrong prefix, and also found no usable routes on the way back up to
// the root. This is a miss.
return ret, false
// Insert adds pfx to the table, with value val.
// If pfx is already present in the table, its value is set to val.
func (t *Table[T]) Insert(pfx netip.Prefix, val T) {
// The standard library doesn't enforce normalized prefixes (where
// the non-prefix bits are all zero). These algorithms require
// normalized prefixes, so do it upfront.
pfx = pfx.Masked()
if debugInsert {
defer func() {
fmt.Printf("%s", t.debugSummary())
fmt.Printf("\ninsert: start pfx=%s\n", pfx)
st := t.tableForAddr(pfx.Addr())
// This algorithm is full of off-by-one headaches that boil down
// to the fact that pfx.Bits() has (2^n)+1 values, rather than
// just 2^n. For example, an IPv4 prefix length can be 0 through
// 32, which is 33 values.
// This extra possible value creates a lot of problems as we do
// bits and bytes math to traverse strideTables below. So, we
// treat the default route 0/0 specially here, that way the rest
// of the logic goes back to having 2^n values to reason about,
// which can be done in a nice and regular fashion with no edge
// cases.
if pfx.Bits() == 0 {
if debugInsert {
fmt.Printf("insert: default route\n")
st.insert(0, 0, val)
// No matter what we do as we traverse strideTables, our final
// action will be to insert the last 1-8 bits of pfx into a
// strideTable somewhere.
// We calculate upfront the byte position of the end of the
// prefix; the number of bits within that byte that contain prefix
// data; and the prefix of the strideTable into which we'll
// eventually insert.
// We need this in a couple different branches of the code below,
// and because the possible values are 1-indexed (1 through 32 for
// ipv4, 1 through 128 for ipv6), the math is very slightly
// unusual to account for the off-by-one indexing. Do it once up
// here, with this large comment, rather than reproduce the subtle
// math in multiple places further down.
finalByteIdx := (pfx.Bits() - 1) / 8
finalBits := pfx.Bits() - (finalByteIdx * 8)
finalStridePrefix, err := pfx.Addr().Prefix(finalByteIdx * 8)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid prefix requested: %s/%d", pfx.Addr(), finalByteIdx*8))
if debugInsert {
fmt.Printf("insert: finalByteIdx=%d finalBits=%d finalStridePrefix=%s\n", finalByteIdx, finalBits, finalStridePrefix)
// The strideTable we want to insert into is potentially at the
// end of a chain of strideTables, each one encoding 8 bits of the
// prefix.
// We're expecting to walk down a path of tables, although with
// prefix compression we may end up skipping some links in the
// chain, or taking wrong turns and having to course correct.
// As we walk down the tree, byteIdx is the byte of bs we're
// currently examining to choose our next step, and numBits is the
// number of bits that remain in pfx, starting with the byte at
// byteIdx inclusive.
bs := pfx.Addr().AsSlice()
byteIdx := 0
numBits := pfx.Bits()
for {
if debugInsert {
fmt.Printf("insert: loop byteIdx=%d numBits=%d st.prefix=%s\n", byteIdx, numBits, st.prefix)
if numBits <= 8 {
if debugInsert {
fmt.Printf("insert: existing leaf st.prefix=%s addr=%d/%d\n", st.prefix, bs[finalByteIdx], finalBits)
// We've reached the end of the prefix, whichever
// strideTable we're looking at now is the place where we
// need to insert.
st.insert(bs[finalByteIdx], finalBits, val)
// Otherwise, we need to go down at least one more level of
// strideTables. With prefix compression, each level of
// descent can have one of three outcomes: we find a place
// where prefix compression is possible; a place where prefix
// compression made us take a "wrong turn"; or a point along
// our intended path that we have to keep following.
child, created := st.getOrCreateChild(bs[byteIdx])
switch {
case created:
// The subtree we need for pfx doesn't exist yet. The rest
// of the path, if we were to create it, will consist of a
// bunch of strideTables with a single child each. We can
// use path compression to elide those intermediates, and
// jump straight to the final strideTable that hosts this
// prefix.
child.prefix = finalStridePrefix
child.insert(bs[finalByteIdx], finalBits, val)
if debugInsert {
fmt.Printf("insert: new leaf st.prefix=%s child.prefix=%s addr=%d/%d\n", st.prefix, child.prefix, bs[finalByteIdx], finalBits)
case !prefixStrictlyContains(child.prefix, pfx):
// child already exists, but its prefix does not contain
// our destination. This means that the path between st
// and child was compressed by a previous insertion, and
// somewhere in the (implicit) compressed path we took a
// wrong turn, into the wrong part of st's subtree.
// This is okay, because pfx and child.prefix must have a
// common ancestor node somewhere between st and child. We
// can figure out what node that is, and materialize it.
// Once we've done that, we can immediately complete the
// remainder of the insertion in one of two ways, without
// further traversal. See a little further down for what
// those are.
if debugInsert {
fmt.Printf("insert: wrong turn, pfx=%s child.prefix=%s\n", pfx, child.prefix)
intermediatePrefix, addrOfExisting, addrOfNew := computePrefixSplit(child.prefix, pfx)
intermediate := &strideTable[T]{prefix: intermediatePrefix} // TODO: make this whole thing be st.AddIntermediate or something?
st.setChild(bs[byteIdx], intermediate)
intermediate.setChild(addrOfExisting, child)
if debugInsert {
fmt.Printf("insert: new intermediate st.prefix=%s intermediate.prefix=%s child.prefix=%s\n", st.prefix, intermediate.prefix, child.prefix)
// Now, we have a chain of st -> intermediate -> child.
// pfx either lives in a different child of intermediate,
// or in intermediate itself. For example, if we created
// the intermediate, pfx= would have
// to go into a new child of intermediate, but
// pfx= would go into intermediate directly.
if remain := pfx.Bits() - intermediate.prefix.Bits(); remain <= 8 {
// pfx lives in intermediate.
if debugInsert {
fmt.Printf("insert: into intermediate intermediate.prefix=%s addr=%d/%d\n", intermediate.prefix, bs[finalByteIdx], finalBits)
intermediate.insert(bs[finalByteIdx], finalBits, val)
} else {
// pfx lives in a different child subtree of
// intermediate. By definition this subtree doesn't
// exist at all, otherwise we'd never have entered
// this entire "wrong turn" codepath in the first
// place.
// This means we can apply prefix compression as we
// create this new child, and we're done.
st, created = intermediate.getOrCreateChild(addrOfNew)
if !created {
panic("new child path unexpectedly exists during path decompression")
st.prefix = finalStridePrefix
st.insert(bs[finalByteIdx], finalBits, val)
if debugInsert {
fmt.Printf("insert: new child st.prefix=%s addr=%d/%d\n", st.prefix, bs[finalByteIdx], finalBits)
// An expected child table exists along pfx's
// path. Continue traversing downwards.
st = child
byteIdx = child.prefix.Bits() / 8
numBits = pfx.Bits() - child.prefix.Bits()
if debugInsert {
fmt.Printf("insert: descend st.prefix=%s\n", st.prefix)
// Delete removes pfx from the table, if it is present.
func (t *Table[T]) Delete(pfx netip.Prefix) {
// The standard library doesn't enforce normalized prefixes (where
// the non-prefix bits are all zero). These algorithms require
// normalized prefixes, so do it upfront.
pfx = pfx.Masked()
if debugDelete {
defer func() {
fmt.Printf("%s", t.debugSummary())
fmt.Printf("\ndelete: start pfx=%s table:\n%s", pfx, t.debugSummary())
st := t.tableForAddr(pfx.Addr())
// This algorithm is full of off-by-one headaches, just like
// Insert. See the comment in Insert for more details. Bottom
// line: we handle the default route as a special case, and that
// simplifies the rest of the code slightly.
if pfx.Bits() == 0 {
if debugDelete {
fmt.Printf("delete: default route\n")
st.delete(0, 0)
// Deletion may drive the refcount of some strideTables down to
// zero. We need to clean up these dangling tables, so we have to
// keep track of which tables we touch on the way down, and which
// strideEntry index each child is registered in.
// Note that the strideIndex and strideTables entries are off-by-one.
// The child table pointer is recorded at i+1, but it is referenced by a
// particular index in the parent table, at index i.
// In other words: entry number strideIndexes[0] in
// strideTables[0] is the same pointer as strideTables[1].
// This results in some slightly odd array accesses further down
// in this code, because in a single loop iteration we have to
// write to strideTables[N] and strideIndexes[N-1].
strideIdx := 0
strideTables := [16]*strideTable[T]{st}
strideIndexes := [15]uint8{}
// Similar to Insert, navigate down the tree of strideTables,
// looking for the one that houses this prefix. This part is
// easier than with insertion, since we can bail if the path ends
// early or takes an unexpected detour. However, unlike
// insertion, there's a whole post-deletion cleanup phase later
// on.
// As we walk down the tree, byteIdx is the byte of bs we're
// currently examining to choose our next step, and numBits is the
// number of bits that remain in pfx, starting with the byte at
// byteIdx inclusive.
bs := pfx.Addr().AsSlice()
byteIdx := 0
numBits := pfx.Bits()
for numBits > 8 {
if debugDelete {
fmt.Printf("delete: loop byteIdx=%d numBits=%d st.prefix=%s\n", byteIdx, numBits, st.prefix)
child := st.getChild(bs[byteIdx])
if child == nil {
// Prefix can't exist in the table, because one of the
// necessary strideTables doesn't exist.
if debugDelete {
fmt.Printf("delete: missing necessary child pfx=%s\n", pfx)
strideIndexes[strideIdx] = bs[byteIdx]
strideTables[strideIdx+1] = child
// Path compression means byteIdx can jump forwards
// unpredictably. Recompute the next byte to look at from the
// child we just found.
byteIdx = child.prefix.Bits() / 8
numBits = pfx.Bits() - child.prefix.Bits()
st = child
if debugDelete {
fmt.Printf("delete: descend st.prefix=%s\n", st.prefix)
// We reached a leaf stride table that seems to be in the right
// spot. But path compression might have led us to the wrong
// table.
if !prefixStrictlyContains(st.prefix, pfx) {
// Wrong table, the requested prefix can't exist since its
// path led us to the wrong place.
if debugDelete {
fmt.Printf("delete: wrong leaf table pfx=%s\n", pfx)
if debugDelete {
fmt.Printf("delete: delete from st.prefix=%s addr=%d/%d\n", st.prefix, bs[byteIdx], numBits)
if routeExisted := st.delete(bs[byteIdx], numBits); !routeExisted {
// We're in the right strideTable, but pfx wasn't in
// it. Refcounts haven't changed, so we can skip cleanup.
if debugDelete {
fmt.Printf("delete: prefix not present pfx=%s\n", pfx)
// st.delete reduced st's refcount by one. This table may now be
// reclaimable, and depending on how we can reclaim it, the parent
// tables may also need to be reclaimed. This loop ends as soon as
// an iteration takes no action, or takes an action that doesn't
// alter the parent table's refcounts.
// We start our walk back at strideTables[strideIdx], which
// contains st.
for strideIdx > 0 {
cur := strideTables[strideIdx]
if debugDelete {
fmt.Printf("delete: GC? strideIdx=%d st.prefix=%s\n", strideIdx, cur.prefix)
if cur.routeRefs > 0 {
// the strideTable has other route entries, it cannot be
// deleted or compacted.
if debugDelete {
fmt.Printf("delete: has other routes st.prefix=%s\n", cur.prefix)
switch cur.childRefs {
case 0:
// no routeRefs and no childRefs, this table can be
// deleted. This will alter the parent table's refcount,
// so we'll have to look at it as well (in the next loop
// iteration).
if debugDelete {
fmt.Printf("delete: remove st.prefix=%s\n", cur.prefix)
case 1:
// This table has no routes, and a single child. Compact
// this table out of existence by making the parent point
// directly at the one child. This does not affect the
// parent's refcounts, so the parent can't be eligible for
// deletion or compaction, and we can stop.
child := strideTables[strideIdx].findFirstChild() // only 1 child exists, by definition
parent := strideTables[strideIdx-1]
if debugDelete {
fmt.Printf("delete: compact parent.prefix=%s st.prefix=%s child.prefix=%s\n", parent.prefix, cur.prefix, child.prefix)
strideTables[strideIdx-1].setChild(strideIndexes[strideIdx-1], child)
// This table has two or more children, so it's acting as a "fork in
// the road" between two prefix subtrees. It cannot be deleted, and
// thus no further cleanups are possible.
if debugDelete {
fmt.Printf("delete: fork table st.prefix=%s\n", cur.prefix)
// debugSummary prints the tree of allocated strideTables in t, with each
// strideTable's refcount.
func (t *Table[T]) debugSummary() string {
var ret bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&ret, "v4: ")
strideSummary(&ret, &t.v4, 4)
fmt.Fprintf(&ret, "v6: ")
strideSummary(&ret, &t.v6, 4)
return ret.String()
func strideSummary[T any](w io.Writer, st *strideTable[T], indent int) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s: %d routes, %d children\n", st.prefix, st.routeRefs, st.childRefs)
indent += 4
st.treeDebugStringRec(w, 1, indent)
for addr, child := range st.children {
if child == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s%d/8 (%02x/8): ", strings.Repeat(" ", indent), addr, addr)
strideSummary(w, child, indent)
// prefixStrictlyContains reports whether child is a prefix within
// parent, but not parent itself.
func prefixStrictlyContains(parent, child netip.Prefix) bool {
return parent.Overlaps(child) && parent.Bits() < child.Bits()
// computePrefixSplit returns the smallest common prefix that contains
// both a and b. lastCommon is 8-bit aligned, with aStride and bStride
// indicating the value of the 8-bit stride immediately following
// lastCommon.
// computePrefixSplit is used in constructing an intermediate
// strideTable when a new prefix needs to be inserted in a compressed
// table. It can be read as: given that a is already in the table, and
// b is being inserted, what is the prefix of the new intermediate
// strideTable that needs to be created, and at what addresses in that
// new strideTable should a and b's subsequent strideTables be
// attached?
// Note as a special case, this can be called with a==b. An example of
// when this happens:
// - We want to insert the prefix
// - A strideTable exists for, because another child
// prefix already exists (e.g.
// - The strideTable does not exist, because path
// compression removed it.
// In this scenario, the caller of computePrefixSplit ends up making a
// "wrong turn" while traversing strideTables: it was looking for the
// table, but ended up at the table. When this
// happens, it will invoke computePrefixSplit(,,
// and we return as the missing intermediate.
func computePrefixSplit(a, b netip.Prefix) (lastCommon netip.Prefix, aStride, bStride uint8) {
a = a.Masked()
b = b.Masked()
if a.Bits() == 0 || b.Bits() == 0 {
panic("computePrefixSplit called with a default route")
if a.Addr().Is4() != b.Addr().Is4() {
panic("computePrefixSplit called with mismatched address families")
minPrefixLen := a.Bits()
if b.Bits() < minPrefixLen {
minPrefixLen = b.Bits()
commonBits := commonBits(a.Addr(), b.Addr(), minPrefixLen)
// We want to know how many 8-bit strides are shared between a and
// b. Naively, this would be commonBits/8, but this introduces an
// off-by-one error. This is due to the way our ART stores
// prefixes whose length falls exactly on a stride boundary.
// Consider and commonBits
// correctly reports that these prefixes have their first 16 bits
// in common. However, in the ART they only share 1 common stride:
// they both use the strideTable, but
// is stored as 168/8 within that table, and not as 0/0 in the
// table.
// So, when commonBits matches the length of one of the inputs and
// falls on a boundary between strides, the strideTable one
// further up from commonBits/8 is the one we need to create,
// which means we have to adjust the stride count down by one.
if commonBits == minPrefixLen {
commonStrides := commonBits / 8
lastCommon, err := a.Addr().Prefix(commonStrides * 8)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("computePrefixSplit constructing common prefix: %v", err))
if a.Addr().Is4() {
aStride = a.Addr().As4()[commonStrides]
bStride = b.Addr().As4()[commonStrides]
} else {
aStride = a.Addr().As16()[commonStrides]
bStride = b.Addr().As16()[commonStrides]
return lastCommon, aStride, bStride
// commonBits returns the number of common leading bits of a and b.
// If the number of common bits exceeds maxBits, it returns maxBits
// instead.
func commonBits(a, b netip.Addr, maxBits int) int {
if a.Is4() != b.Is4() {
panic("commonStrides called with mismatched address families")
var common int
// The following implements an old bit-twiddling trick to compute
// the number of common leading bits: if you XOR two numbers
// together, equal bits become 0 and unequal bits become 1. You
// can then count the number of leading zeros (which is a single
// instruction on modern CPUs) to get the answer.
// This code is a little more complex than just XOR + count
// leading zeros, because IPv4 and IPv6 are different sizes, and
// for IPv6 we have to do the math in two 64-bit chunks because Go
// lacks a uint128 type.
if a.Is4() {
aNum, bNum := ipv4AsUint(a), ipv4AsUint(b)
common = bits.LeadingZeros32(aNum ^ bNum)
} else {
aNumHi, aNumLo := ipv6AsUint(a)
bNumHi, bNumLo := ipv6AsUint(b)
common = bits.LeadingZeros64(aNumHi ^ bNumHi)
if common == 64 {
common += bits.LeadingZeros64(aNumLo ^ bNumLo)
if common > maxBits {
common = maxBits
return common
// ipv4AsUint returns ip as a uint32.
func ipv4AsUint(ip netip.Addr) uint32 {
bs := ip.As4()
return binary.BigEndian.Uint32(bs[:])
// ipv6AsUint returns ip as a pair of uint64s.
func ipv6AsUint(ip netip.Addr) (uint64, uint64) {
bs := ip.As16()
return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(bs[:8]), binary.BigEndian.Uint64(bs[8:])